Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 40

ततो रामः सुवेलाग्रं योजनद्वयमण्डलम्। उपारोहत्ससुग्रीवो हरियूथैः समन्वितः॥
Then Rāma, accompanied by the monkeyleaders, along with Sugrīva, ascended the top of Suvela, measuring a circumference of two Yojanas.

स्थित्वा मुहूर्तं तत्रैव दिशो दश विलोकयन्। त्रिकूटशिखरे रम्ये निर्मितां विश्वकर्मणा॥ ददर्श लङ्कां सुन्यस्तां रम्यकाननशोभिताम्। तस्य गोपुरशृङ्गस्थं राक्षसेन्द्रं दुरासदम्॥ श्वेतचामरपर्यन्तं विजयच्छत्रशोभितम्। रक्तचन्दनसंलिप्तं रक्ताभरणभूषितम्॥ नीलजीमूतसंकाशं हेमसंछादिताम्बरम्। ऐरावतविषाणा।रुत्कृष्टकिणवक्षसम्॥ शशलोहितरागेण संवीतं रक्तवाससा। संध्यातपेन संछन्नं मेघराशिमिवाम्बरे।६॥
And staying there for a while and looking at the ten cardinal points, he saw Lankā finely placed on the charming summit of Trikūța, graced with elegant groves; and (he also saw) the unconquerable lord of Räksasas, stationed at the top of the gateway, fanned with white chāmaras; graced with the umbrella betokening victory; smeared with red sandal; adorned in red ornaments; resembling masses of sable clouds; and apparelled in golden attire, his breast bearing scars from the tusk-ends of Airavata; covered with a sheet hued like the blood of hares; and appearing like clouds lighted up by the evening sun.

पश्यतां वानरेन्द्राणां राघवस्यापि पश्यतः। दर्शनाद्राक्षसेन्द्रस्य सुग्रीवः सहसोत्थितः॥
On seeing the Raksasa-chief, Sugriva suddenly rose up in the sight of the lords of monkeys as well as Rāghava.

क्रोधवेगेन संयुक्तः सत्त्वेन च बलेन च। अचलाग्रादथोत्थाय पुप्लुवे गोपुरस्थले॥
And influenced by wrath, he, mustering strength and vigour, rising from the brow of the mountain, bounded to the gateway.

स्थित्वा मुहूर्त संप्रेक्ष्य निर्भयेनान्तरात्मना। तृणीकृत्य च तद्रक्षः सोऽब्रवीत् परुषं वचः॥
And pausing for a while and eyeing the Rāks asa intrepidly, he, slighting the Raksasa, addressed him in harsh speech, saying.

लोकनाथस्य रामस्य सखा दासोऽस्मि राक्षस। न मया मोक्ष्यसेऽद्य त्वं पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य तेजसा ॥
O Rākşasa, I am the friend as well as the slave of Rāma-lord of men. Me, backed by the energy of that king of the Earth, shall you not escape today.

इत्युक्त्वा सहसोत्पत्य पुप्लुवे तस्य चोपरि। आकृष्य मुकुटं चित्र पातयामास तद्भुवि॥
Saying this, he, suddenly springing up, descended on him; and snatching away his variegated crown, let it fa}l on the earth.

समीक्ष्य तूर्णमायान्तं बभाषे तं निशाचरः। सुग्रीवस्त्वं परोक्षं मे हीनग्रीवो भविष्यसि ॥
Seeing his come abruptly, the night-ranger spoke to him thus, Thus that were Sugrīva beyond my ken, shall be neckless near me.

इत्युक्त्वोत्थाय तं क्षिप्रं बाहुभ्यामाक्षिपत्तले। कन्दुवत्स समुत्थाय बाहुभ्यामाक्षिपद्धरिः॥
Having said this, be rose up swiftly and dragged him down to the earth. Thereat springing like pith, the monkey pushed down his antagonist with his arms.

परस्परं स्वेदविदिग्धगात्रौ परस्परं शोणितरक्तदेहौ। परस्परं श्लिष्टनिरुद्धचेष्टौ परस्परं शाल्मलिकिंशुकाविव।। मुष्टिप्रहारैश्च तलप्रहारैररनिघातैश्च कराग्रघातैः। तौ चक्रतुयुद्धमसह्यरूपं महाबलौ राक्षसवानरेन्द्रौ॥
Each having his body bathed in sweat and his person covered with blood each choking and annulling the efforts of the other, and resembling a Sālmali or a Kinsuka, and dealing blows and slaps, and hitting with his arms and hands, those exceedingly strong ones, the lord of the Rākşasas and that of the monkeys, fought wonderfully.

कृत्वा नियुद्धं भृशमुग्रवेगौ कालं चिरं गोपुरवेदिमध्ये। उत्क्षिप्य चोत्क्षिप्य विनम्य देहौ पादक्रमानोपुरवेदिलग्नौ॥
And having for a long time encountered each other in combat on the dais belonging to the gate, they, now lifting up their persons and now lowering them, went down, each felling the other with his legs.

अन्योन्यमापीड्य विलग्नदेहौ तौ पेततुः सालनिखातमध्ये। उत्पेततुर्भूमितलं स्पृशन्तौ स्थित्वा मुहूर्तं त्वभिनिःश्वसन्तौ ॥
Smiting each other, they, their bodies fastened together, went down between the wall and the moat, and again stood upon the ground.

आलिङ्ग्य चालिङ्गय च बाहुयोक्त्रैः संयोजयामासतुराहवे तौ। संरम्भशिक्षाबलसंप्रयुक्तौ सुचेरतुः संप्रति युद्धमार्गे॥ शार्दूलसिंहाविव जातदंष्ट्री गजेन्द्रपोताविव संप्रयुक्तौ। संहत्य संवेद्य च तौ कराभ्यां तौ पेततुर्वै युगपद्धरायाम्॥ उद्यम्य चान्योन्यमधिक्षिपन्तौ संचक्रमाते बहु युद्धमार्गे। व्यायामशिक्षाबलसंप्रयुक्तौ क्लमं न तौ जग्मतुराशु वीरौ ॥
Having breath, they, resting for a space, grappled with each other; and they fast bound each other with their arms serving for ropes. And each fired with wrath, and each having both strength and skill, they now bore themselves in the lists like a tiger and a lion, furnished with teeth; or like the young of the foremost elephants engaged in encounter, and restraining and pushing each other with their arms, they simultaneously both came down to the ground, Then starting again to their feet, they, vituperating each other, ranged the lists, displaying feats expressive of skill and strength. Nor did those heroes speedily come by fatigue.

बाहूत्तमैवरिणवारणाभैर्निवारयन्तौ परवारणाभौ। चिरेण कालेन भृशं प्रयुद्धौ संरतुर्मण्डलमार्गमाशु ॥
And resembling mighty elephants, they, resisting each other by means of their powerful arms like to the trunks of elephants, fought for a long while, swiftly wheeling about the arena.

तौ परस्परमासाद्य यत्तावन्योन्यसूदने। मार्जाराविव भक्षार्थेऽवतस्थाते मुहुर्महुः॥
Approaching each other, they strove to slay each other, like to two cats seated, momentarily encountering each other over some food.

मण्डलानि विचित्राणि स्थानानि विविधानि च। गोमूत्रकाणि चित्राणि गतप्रत्यागतानि च॥ तिरश्चीनगतान्येव तथा वक्रगतानि च। परिमोक्षं प्रहाराणां वर्जनं परिधावनम्॥ अभिद्रवणमाप्लावमवस्थानं सविग्रहम्। परावृत्तमपावृत्तमपद्रुतमवप्लुतम्॥ उपन्यस्तमपन्यस्तं युद्धमार्गविशारदौ। तौ विचेरतुरन्योन्यं वानरेन्द्रश्च रावणः॥
The lord of monkeys and Ravana, accomplished in fight, coursed the arena, displaying wonderful Mandalas, various sthānas, (a) curious gomutrakas, (b) gatapratyagatas, tirascinagatas, Vakragatas, parimoksas, varjanas, paridhāvanas, abhidravaņas, (c) aplavanas (d) savigrahāvasthānas, (e) paravrttas, (1) apavrttas, (g) apadrutas, (h) avaplutas, (i) apanyastas, (j) and upanyastas (k).

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे रक्षो मायाबलमथात्मनः। आरब्धुमुपसंपेदे ज्ञात्वा तं वानराधिपः॥ उत्पपात तदाकाशं जिकाशी जितक्लमः। रावणं स्थित एवात्र हरिराजेन वञ्चितः॥
In the meanwhile the Rākşasa attempted to put forth his power of illusion. Knowing this, the king of monkeys shot into the sky. And Rāvana, overpowered by fatigue and out of breath, thus baffled by the monkey-king, stood where he was.

अथ हरिवरनाथः प्राप्तसंग्रामकीर्थिर्निशिचरपतिमाजौ योजयित्वा श्रमेण। गगनमतिविशालं लङ्घयित्वार्र्कसॊनुर्हरिगणबलमध्ये रामपार्वं जगाम ॥
Thus the master of the foremost monkeys, securing fame in fight, beat the night-ranger, causing him to experience fatigue. And bounding beyond the spacious sky, the offspring of the Sun came to the side of Rāma in the midst of the monkey-forces.

स इति सवितृसूनुस्तत्र तत्कर्म कृत्वा पवनगतिरनीकं प्राविशत्संप्रहृष्टः। रघुवरनृपसूनोर्वर्धयन्युद्धहर्ष तरुमृगगणमुख्यैः पूज्यमानो हरीन्द्रः॥
Having done that deed, the son of the Sun, lord of monkeys-with his heart surcharged with rejoicing, entered that host having the speed of the wind; enhancing the martial ardour of the son of the foremost of the Raghus, and honoured by the monkeys.