Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 31

ततस्तमक्षोभ्यबलं लङ्कायां नृपतेश्चराः। सुवेले राघवं शैले निविष्टं प्रत्यवेदयन्॥ चाराणां रावणः श्रुत्वा प्राप्तं रामं महाबलम्। जातोद्वेगोऽभवत्किचित्सचिवानिदमब्रवीत्॥
Then the spies of the king informed him of the forces of Rāghava, incapable of being agitated, which had stationed themselves on Suvela. Hearing the arrival of Rāma's mighty army from the spies, Ravana was a little agitated, and he spoke to the ministers.

मन्त्रिणः शीघ्रमायान्तु सर्वे वै सुसमाहिताः। अयं नो मन्त्रकालो हि संप्राप्त इति राक्षसाः॥
Let the ministers speedily present themselves, having their wits about them, the time forsooth has come for counsel.

तस्य तच्छासनं श्रुत्वा मन्त्रिणोऽभ्यागमन् द्रुतम्। ततः स मन्त्रयामास राक्षसैः सचिवैः सह ॥
Hearing his mandate, those Raksasas, his counsellors, swiftly presented themselves. And then he consulted with his Rākşasa counsellors.

मन्त्रयित्वा तु दुर्धर्षः क्षमं यत्तदनन्तरम्। विसर्जयित्वा सचिवान्प्रविवेश स्वमालयम्॥
Having deliberated duly, that resistless one, dismissing his ministers, entered his own abode.

ततो राक्षसमादाय विद्युज्जिद्वं महाबलम्। मायाविनं महामायं प्राविशद्यत्र मैथिली॥
Then, taking with him the highly strong Vidyujjihva, huge bodied and gifted with the powers of illusion, he entered where Mithila's daughter was.

विद्युज्जिडं च मायाज्ञमब्रवीद्राक्षसाधिपः। मोहयिष्यावहे सीतां मायया जनकात्मजाम्॥
The lord of Rākşasas said to Vidyujjihva, skilled in illusion, Do you bring Janaka's daughter under the sway of illusion.

शिरो मायामयं गृह्य राघवस्य निशाचर। मां त्वं समुपतिष्ठस्व महच्च सशरं धनुः॥
O ranger of the night, do you, taking an illusory head of Rāghava, as well as a mighty bow with the shaft (set), present yourself before me.

एवमुक्तस्तथेत्याह विद्युज्जिह्वो निशाचरः। दर्शयामास तां मायां सुप्रयुक्तां स रावणे॥
Thus accosted, the night-ranger, Vidyujjibha, saying, So be it, displayed that desired illusion to Ravana.

तस्य तुष्टोऽभवद्राजा प्रददौ च विभूषणम्। अशोकवनिकायां च सीतादर्शनलालसः॥
Thereat, the king, eager to meet with Sītā in the Asoka woods, well-pleased, conferred an excellent ornament on him.

नैऋतानामधिपतिः संविवेश महाबलः। ततो दीनामदीनाहाँ ददर्श धनदानुजः॥ अधोमुखी शोकपरामुपविष्टां महीतले। भर्तारं समनुध्यान्तीमशोकवनिकां गताम्॥ उपास्यमानां घोराभी राक्षसीभिरदूरतः। उपसृत्य ततः सीतां प्रहर्ष नाम कीर्तयन्॥ इदं च वचनं धृष्टमुवाच जनकात्मजाम्।
Then the exceedingly powerful lord of the Naiſtas, the younger brother of the Dispenser of riches, entered (into that place) and saw (there Sitā) distressed, albeit unworthy of distress, with her head hung down, overwhelmed with woe, sitting on the ground, staying at the aśoka woods, engaged in the contemplation of her lord, conciliated by dreadful Räkşasis remaining near. then, drawing near Sita, Ravana, proclaiming his exultation, said these haughty words to the daughter of Janaka.

सान्त्वयमाना मया भद्रे यमाश्रित्य विमन्यसे॥ खरहन्ता स ते भर्ता राघवः समरे हतः।
O gentle one, he depending on whom you, being soothed by (me), slight me-that slayer of Khara, your husband, Rāghava, has fallen in battle.

छिन्नं ते सर्वथा मूलं दर्पश्च निहतो मया॥ व्यसनेनात्मनः सीते मम भार्या भविष्यसि। विसृजैतां मतिं मूढे किं मृतेन करिष्यसि॥
Your roots have been completely severed, and your pride has been destroyed by me. In consequence of this calamity, O Sītā, you shall become my wife. O foolish (girl), renounce this idea. What will you do with that is dead?

भवस्व भद्रे भार्याणां सर्वासामीश्वरी प्रम। अल्पपुण्ये निवृत्तार्थे मूढे पण्डितमानिनि। शृणु भर्तृवधं सीते घोरं वृत्रवधं यथा॥
O meek (wench), be you the mistress of all my wives. O you of slender religious merit! O you whose object has been defeated! O you that presumes to be wise! Hearken to the destruction of your lord, like the dreadful destruction of Vrtra!

समायातः समुद्रान्तं हन्तुं मां किल राघवः। वानरेन्द्रप्रणीतेन बलेन महता वृतः॥
Surrounded by a vast army gathered by the sovereign of the monkeys, Raghava had presented himself on the shore of the sea, for compassing my destruction.

संनिविष्टः समुद्रस्य पीड्य तीरमथोत्तरम्। बलेन महता रामो व्रजत्यस्तं दिवाकरे॥
And on the sun have set, Rama stationed himself with his mighty army, oppressing the northern shore (of the sea).

अथाध्वनि परिश्रान्तमर्धरात्रे स्थितं बलम्। सुखसुप्तं समासाद्य चरितं प्रथमं चरैः॥
Then at midnight (my) spies coming to that host, thus stationed, fatigued from travel, and sleeping soundly (in consequence), first ranged it.

तत्प्रहस्तप्रणीतेन बलेन महता मम। बलमस्य हतं रात्रौ यत्र रामः सलक्ष्मणः॥
Then my mighty forces led by Prahasta slew his host overnight, where was present Răma along with Lakşmaņa.

पट्टिशान्परिघांश्चक्रानृष्टीन्दण्डान्महायुधान्। बाणजालानि शूलानि भास्वरान्कूटमुद्गरान्॥ यष्टीश्च तोमरान्प्रासांश्चक्राणि मुसलानि च। उद्यम्योद्यम्य रक्षोभिर्वानरेषु निपातिताः॥
And repeatedly upraising pattiśas and bludgeons, swords, rods and other mighty weapons; and (discharging) showers of arrows, and darts, and daggers and maces and sticks and crows and bearded darts and discuses and clubs; the Rākşasas discharged these among the monkeys.

अथ सुप्तस्य रामस्य प्रहस्तेन प्रमाथिना। असक्तं कृतहस्तेन शिरश्छिन्नं महासिना॥
While Räma was sleeping, the furious Prahasta by means of a mighty falchion, with speed cut off his head clean.

विभीषणः समुत्पत्य निगृहीतो यदृच्छया। दिशं प्रवाजितः सैन्यैर्लक्ष्मण: प्लवगैः सह ॥
Vibhīşaņa, who was flying at his will, was taken captive. And Lakşmaņa along with the monkeys army has departed somewhere.

सुग्रीवो ग्रीवया सीते भग्नया प्लवगाधिपः। निरस्तहनुकः सीते हनूमानराक्षसैर्हतः॥
O Sītā, Sugriva lord of monkeys-has his neck broken; and, O Sītā, with his jaw fractured, Hanuman has been slaughtered by the Rākşasas.

जाम्बवानथ जानुभ्यामुत्पतन्निहतो युधि। पट्टिशैर्बहुभिश्छिन्नो निकृत्तः पादपो यथा ॥
And Jāmbavān, endeavouring to spring up bearded darts, even as a tree cut off.

मैन्दश्च द्विविदश्चोभौ तौ वानरवरर्षभौ। निःश्वसन्तौ रुदन्तौ च रुधिरेण परीप्लुतौ ॥ असिना व्यायतौ छिनौ मध्ये हरिनिषूदनौ।
The stalwart Mainda and Dvivida-those foremost of monkeyssighing and lamenting, bathed in blood, destroyers of foes-were cut off with a sword.

अनुष्वनति मेदिन्यां पनसः पनसो यथा॥ नाराचैर्बहुभिश्छिन्नः शेते दयाँ दरीमुखः। कुमुदस्तु महातेजा निष्कूलन्सायकैर्हतः॥
Panasa is rolling on the earth like a (veritable) Panasa. And mangled by many iron arrows, Darīmukha lies in a cave. And the exceedingly energetic Kumuda, dumb, is slain by shafts.

अङ्गदो बहुभिश्छिन्नः शरैरासाद्य राक्षसैः। परितो रुधिरोद्गारी क्षितौ निपतितोऽङ्गदः॥
And torn by innumerable (arrows) discharged on all sides by Raksasas. Angada, vomiting blood, Leith on the ground.

हरयो मथिता नागै रथजालैस्तथापरे। शयाना मृदितास्तत्र वायुवेगैरिवाम्बुदाः॥
The monkeys, hard pressed by elephants, and others by networks of cars, lie low in the field, having been agitated like clouds by winds.

प्रसृताश्च परे त्रस्ता हन्यमाना जघन्यतः। अनुद्रुतास्तु रक्षोभिः सिंहैरिव महाद्विपाः॥
And others afflicted with affright, flee, attacked (by the enemy) in the rear, and followed by the Rākṣasas, like mighty elephants pursued by lions.

सागरे पतिताः केचित्केचिद्गगनमाश्रिताः। ऋक्षा वृक्षानुपारूढा वानरैयमितिश्रिताः॥
Some have fallen into the sea, and some have taken refuge in the sky; and the bears have mounted up trees along with the monkeys.

सागरस्य च तीरेषु शैलेषु च वनेषु च। पिङ्गलास्ते विरूपाक्ष राक्षसैर्बहवो हताः॥
And on the shore of the sea, and in mountains and woods many are the tawny-hued monkeys that have been slain by Rākşasas of frightful forms.

एवं तव हतो भर्ता ससैन्यो मम सेनया। क्षतजा, रजोध्वस्तमिदं चास्याहृतं शिरः॥
Thus has your lord been slain by my forces, along with his army; and I have his head, washed in blood and besmeared with dust.

ततः परमदुर्धर्षो रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः। सीतायामुपशृण्वत्यां राक्षसीमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Thereat, the exceedingly irrepressible lord of Raksasas, Ravana, spoke to a Raksasi, in the hearing of Sītā.

राक्षसं क्रूरकर्माणं विद्युज्जिद्धं समानय। येन तद्राघवशिरः संग्रामात्स्वयमाहृतम्॥
Bring (hither) the Raksasa, Vidyujjibha of cruel deeds, who has personally brought Rāghava's head from the field.

विद्युज्जिह्वस्तदागृह्य शिरस्तत्सशरासनम्। प्रणाम शिरसा कृत्वा रावणस्याग्रतः स्थितः॥ तमब्रवीत्ततो राजा रावणो राक्षसं स्थितम्। विद्युज्जिह्व महाजिद समीपपरिवर्तिनम्॥
Thereat, Vidyujjibha, taking the head along with the bow, bowing down the head (to Ravana), stood before him. Then spoke king Rävaņa to the Rākşasa, Vidyujjibha of the long tongue, who was staying by.

अग्रतः कुरु शीघ्रं दाशरथे: शिरः। अवस्था पश्चिमां भर्तुः कृपणां साधु पश्यतु ॥
Do you at once hold before Sītā the head of Dasaratha's son. Let her clearly behold the ultimate sad plight of her lord.

एवमुक्तं तु तद्रक्षः शिरस्तत्प्रियदर्शनम्। उपनिक्षिप्य सीतायाः क्षिप्रमन्तरधीयत॥
Thus addressed, that Raksasa, throwing that graceful head before Sītā, swiftly vanished,

सीतायाः रावणश्चापि चिक्षेप भास्वरं कार्मुकं महत्। त्रिषु लोकेषु विख्यातं रामस्यैतदिति ब्रुवन्॥
Rāvana cast down the mighty blazing bow, famed through the three worlds, saying.

इदं तत्तव रामस्य कार्मुकं ज्यासमावृतम्। इह प्रहस्तेनानीतं तं हत्वा निशि मानुषम्॥
This is Rāma's. This is the bow of your Rāma with the string fixed. Slaying that man over night, Prahasta brought it hither.

स विद्युजिह्वेन सहैव तच्छिरो धनुश्च भूमौ विनिकीर्यमाणः। विदेहराजस्य सुतां यशस्विनी ततोऽब्रवीत्तां भव मे वशानुगा॥
When Vidyujjibha placed the head of that man, Ravana poured the bow on earth. Then he spoke to illustrious Sītā, the daughter of king Videha to submit to his desire.