Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 29

शुकेन तु समादिष्टान्दृष्ट्वा स हरियूथपान्। लक्ष्मणं च महावीर्यं भुजं रामस्य दक्षिणम्॥ समीपस्थं च रामस्य भ्रातरं च विभीषणम्। सर्ववानरराजं च सुग्रीवं भीमविक्रमम्॥ अङ्गदं चापि बलिनं वज्रहस्तात्मजात्मजम्। हनूमन्तं च विक्रान्तं जाम्बवन्तं च दुर्जयम्॥ सुषेणं कुमुदं नीलं नलं च प्लवगर्षभम्। गजं गवाक्षं शरभं मैन्दं च द्विविदं तथा॥ किंचिदाविग्रहृदयो जातक्रोधश्च रावणः। भर्त्सयामास तौ वीरौ कथान्ते शुकसारणौ॥
Seeing the leaders of monkeys as pointed out by Suka, the exceedingly puissant Lakşmaņa-Rāma's right arm, and his brother Vibhīşaņa staying near Rāma, and Sugrīva of dreadful prowess—sovereign of all the monkeys, and the strong Angada, grandson to the thunder-hand one, and the powerful Hamunān; and the unconquerable Jāmbavān; and Sușeņa; and Nila and Nala-best of monkeys, and Gays; and Gavākṣa; and Sarabha; and Maind; and Diwivida,Ravana, with his heart agitated a little, and his wrath aroused, when their talk had ended, rebuked those heroes, Suka and Sāraṇa.

अधोमुखौ तौ प्रणतावब्रीच्छुकसारणौ। रोषगद्गदया वाचा संरब्धं परुषं तथा॥
And he wrathfully spoke to them, standing in humble guise with their heads hung down, harsh words faltering with passion.

न तावत्सदृशं नाम सचिवैरुपजीविभिः। विप्रियं नृपतेर्वक्तुं निग्रहे प्रग्रहे प्रभोः।७।।
That counsellors subsisting (on the wealth of their master and sovereign), should say aught disagreeable to him, whether they meet with his favour or disfavour-is not meet.

रिपूणां प्रतिकूलानां युद्धार्थमभिवर्तताम्। उभाभ्यां सदृशं नाम वक्तुमप्रस्तवे स्तवम्॥ आचार्यो गुरवो वृद्धा वृथा वां पर्युपासिताः। सारं यद्राजशास्त्राणानुजीव्यं न गृह्यते॥
Without being questioned, it is (proper) for you both to hymn the praises of a foes that is opposed and that has advanced for encounter! You have in vain worshipped your preceptors, aged people, and spiritual guides, for you have failed to appropriate the cream of Political Science, which should be availed of.

गृहीतो वा न विज्ञातो भारोऽज्ञानस्य वाह्यते। ईदृशैः सचिवैर्युक्तो मूखैर्दिष्ट्या धराम्यहम्॥
Or if you had appropriated the same, you have forgotten it afterwards;;and you bear the burden of ignorance. And it is owing to my good fortune that, having such stupid counsellors, I have as yet held my kingdom.

किं नु मृत्योर्भयं नास्ति मां वक्तुं परुषं वचः। यस्य मे शासतो जिह्वा प्रयच्छति शुभाशुभम्॥
Have you no fear of death that you use harsh speech towards me, who am the ruler and whose tongue dispense good and evil?

अप्येव दहनं स्पृष्ट्वा वने तिष्ठन्ति पादपाः। राजदण्डपरामृष्टास्तिष्ठन्ते नापराधिनः॥
Even trees may exist in the forest, coming in contact with burning fire; but transgressors cannot exist, visited with the chastisement of the monarch.

हन्यामहं त्विमौ पापौ शत्रुपक्षप्रशंसिनौ। यदि पूर्वोपकारैर्मे क्रोधो न मृदुतां व्रजेत्॥
I shall slay these wicked wights, who praise the side of the enemy, if my anger be not moderated, remembering their former good offices.

अपध्वंसत नश्यध्वं संनिकर्षादितो मम। नहि वां हन्तुमिच्छामि स्मराम्युपकृतानि वाम्। हतावेव कृतघ्नौ द्वौ मयि स्नेहपराङ्मुखौ॥
Avaunt! Go hence from near me! I do not wish to slay you, remembering your good acts. Slain you (already) are, who are ingrate and cherish no affection for me.

एवमुक्त्वा तु सव्रीडौ तौ दृष्ट्वा शुकसारणौ। रावणं जयशब्देन प्रतिनन्द्याभिनिःसृतौ॥
Thus accosted, Suka and Sarana, seeing (how things stood), covered with bashfulness, went out, saluting Ravana by uttering 'Victory!'

अब्रवीच्च दशग्रीवः समीपस्थं महोदरम्। उपस्थापय मे शीघ्रं चारानिति निशाचरः।। महोदरस्तथोक्तस्तु शीघ्रमात्रापयच्चरान्॥
Then that ranger of night, the Ten-necked one, said to Mahodara, who was present, to summon some spies. Thus accosted, Mahodara speedily ordered some spies (to present themselves).

ततश्चाराः संत्वरिताः प्राप्ताः पार्थिवशासनात्। उपस्थिताः प्राञ्जलयो वर्धयित्वा जयाशिषः॥
Thereat, the spies, hurriedly arriving there at the mandate of the monarch, and, presenting themselves, stood with joined hands, uttering blessing of victory.

तानब्रवीत्ततो वाक्यं रावणो राक्षसाधिपः। चरान्प्रत्यायिकाशूरान्धीरान्विगतसाध्वसान्॥ इतो गच्छत रामस्य व्यवसायं परीक्षितुम्। मन्त्रेष्वभ्यन्तरायेऽस्य प्रीत्या तेन समागताः॥
Then the lord of Rākşasas, Rāvana, addressed the spies, who were heroic, faithful, calm, and courageous, Go hence, and acquaint yourselves with the exertions of Rama; as well as with those who, being the custodians of Rāma's close counsels, have gladly joined him (here).

कथं स्वपिति नागर्ति किमद्य च करिष्यति। विज्ञाय निपुणं सर्वमागन्तव्यमशेषतः॥
How he sleep and how he wake, and what he engage himself in, having deftly acquainted yourselves with all this thoroughly, do you come (back here).

चारेण विदितः शत्रुः पण्डितैर्वसुधाधिपैः। युद्धे स्वल्पेन यत्नेन समासाद्य निरस्यते।२१।।
The wise king that gathers (a knowledge of) his enemy through spies, can, putting forth a modicum of effort in conflict, neutralise (his exertions).

चारास्तु ते तथेत्युक्त्वा प्रहृष्टा राक्षसेश्वरम्। शार्दूलमग्रतः कृत्वा ततश्चकुः प्रदक्षिणम्॥
Thereat the spies, saying, So it is, taking Sardula to the fore, with delighted hearts went round the sovereign of the Raksasas.

ततस्तं तु महात्मानं चारा राक्षससत्तमम्। कृत्वा प्रदक्षिणं जग्मुर्यत्र रामः सलक्ष्मणः॥
And, having gone round the high-souled Raks asa-chief, the spies set out for where Räma with Laksmana was.

ते सुवेलस्य शैलस्य समीपे रामलक्ष्मणौ। प्रच्छन्ना ददृशुर्गत्वा ससुग्रीवविभीषणौ॥
And repairing secretly to the vicinity of the mountain bordering on the fair shore,* they saw Rāma and Lakşmaņa with Sugrīva and Vibhís ana. *Suvelasya Säilasya may also mean, of the mount Suvela.

प्रेक्षमाणाश्चमूं तां च बभूवुर्भयविह्वलाः। ते तु धर्मात्मना दृष्टा राक्षसेन्द्रेण राक्षसाः॥
Seeing that host, they were overwhelmed with fear. And, while staying there, they, discovered by the righteous lord of Raksasas, Vibhisana, were sore harassed (by the monkeys).

विभीषणेन तत्रस्था निगृहीता यदृच्छया। शार्दूलो ग्राहितस्त्वेकः पापोऽयमिति राक्षसः।।२६
That wicked Rākşasa, Sārdula, alone was taken (before Rāma).

मोक्षितः सोऽपि रामेण वध्यमानः प्लवंगमैः। अनृशंसेन रामेण मोक्षिता राक्षसाः परे॥
But Rāma liberated him, who was assailed by the monkeys. And Rāma also, entertaining no enmity against them, also liberated the others, (who accompanied Sārdula).

वानरैरर्दितास्ते तु विक्रान्तैर्लघुविक्रमैः। पुनर्लङ्कामनुप्राप्ताः श्वसन्तो नष्टचेतसः॥
And, on having been put to straits by the powerful monkeys of fleet vigour, they, breathing hard, and with their consciousness lost, again, arrived at Lankā. *The spies, that is.

ततो दशग्रीवमुपस्थितास्ते चारा बहिनित्यचरा निशाचराः। गिरेः सुवेलस्य समीपवासिनं न्यवेदयनरामबलं महाबलाः॥
Then those exceedingly strong spies, always ranging outside, presenting themselves before the Ten-necked one, informed him of the forces of Rāma, stationed near mount Suvela.