Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 23

निमित्तानि निमित्तज्ञो दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः। सौमित्रिं संपरिष्वज्य इदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Having seen omens, that one, Laksmina's elder brother, conversant with them, embracing the son of Sumitrā, said these words.

परिगृह्योदकं शीतं वनानि फलवन्ति च। बलौघं संविभज्येमं व्यूह्य तिष्ठेम लक्ष्मण॥
O Laksmana, occupying (this tract) of cool waters and woods affluent with fruits, will we, dividing and arranging our forces, stay here.

लोकक्षयकर भीमं भयं पश्याम्युपस्थितम्। प्रबर्हणं प्रवीराणामृक्षवानररक्षसाम्॥
Mighty is the fear that I see at hand, boding destruction to people and the slaughter of the foremost heroes of bears, monkeys and Rākşasas.

वाताश्च कलुषा वान्ति कम्पते च वसुंधरा। पर्वताग्राणि वेपन्ते पतन्ति च महीरुहाः॥
The wind blow darkly, and the Earth shake. The tops of the mountains tremble, and trees topple down.

मेघाः क्रव्यादसंकाशाः परुषाः परुषस्वनाः। क्रूराः क्रूरं प्रवर्षन्ति मिश्रं शोणितबिन्दुभिः॥
The clouds are ashen and roistering, and roar roughly. And lowering, they shower portentous drops of blood.

रक्तचन्दनसंकाशा संध्या परमदारुणा। ज्वलतः प्रपतत्येतदादित्यादग्निमण्डलम्॥
The twilight is terrible and look like the red sandal. And a fiery circle dropped from the flaming sun.

दीना दीनस्वराः क्रूराः सर्वतो मृगपक्षिणः। प्रत्यादित्यं विनर्दन्ति जनयन्तो महद्भयम्॥
And on all sides birds and beasts, distressed, uttering woe-begone notes, and grim-visaged, set up cries against the sun, arousing great fear.

रजन्यामप्रकाशस्तु संतापयति चन्द्रमाः। कृष्णरक्तांशुपर्यन्तो लोकक्षय इवोदितः॥
The Moon, although not appearing* in the night, burns, and with dark and red rays rises, as if it intended to exterminate people. *The moon, it seems appear, but does not look out clearly.

ह्रस्वो रूक्षोऽप्रशस्तश्च परिवेषस्तु लोहितः। आदित्ये विमले नीलं लक्ष्म लक्ष्मण दृश्यते।।।।
The aspect (of the sun) is slight, rough, and good;* and, O Lakşmaņa, a blue mark is visible on the unclouded Sun. *Prasasta-I do not see the propriety of this epithet in this connection. This may be a mistake.

रजसा महता चापि नक्षत्राणि हतानि च। युगान्तमिव लोकानां पश्य शंसन्ति लक्ष्मण।।१०
The stars seem crased by a mighty volume of dust. O Lakşmaņa, behold this sight disastrous to people like to the universal dissolution.

काकाः श्येनास्तथा नीचा गृध्राः परिपतन्ति च। शिवाश्चाप्यशुभानादानदन्ति सुमहाभयान्॥
Crows, and hawks, and the inferior vultures, wheel all round. And jackals are sending inauspicious yells, exciting great fear.

शैलैः शूलैश्च खङ्गैश्च विमुक्तैः कपिराक्षसैः। भविष्यत्यावृता भूमिमा॑सशोणितकर्दमा॥
The earth shall be covered with darts and javelins, and swords discharged by monkeys and Räkşasas, and be turned into mire with flesh and gore.

क्षिप्रमद्यैव दुर्धर्षां पुरीं रावणपालिताम्। अभियाम जवेनैव सर्वैर्हरिभिरावृताः॥
Surrounded by all the monkeys, will we, using speed, this very day rapidly enter into the city ruled by Ravana, incapable of being subdued.

इत्येवमुक्त्वा धन्वी स रामः संग्रामधर्षणः। प्रतस्थे पुरतो रामो लङ्कामभिमुखो विभुः॥
Having said this, that subduer in conflict, that lord, that enchanter of men, Rāma,* equipped with his bow, proceeded in the direction of Lankā. *The word Räma occurs twice, one being the cognomen of the solar hero. The other means, the enchanter of men.

सबिभीषणसुग्रीवाः सर्वे ते वानरर्षभाः। प्रतस्थिरे विनर्दन्तो धृतानां द्विषतां वधे॥
And all the principal monkeys-Sugrīva with Vibhisana-went on, setting up roars, for the destruction of foes, who were determined to battle with them.

राघवस्य प्रियार्थं तु सुतरां वीर्यशालिनाम्। हरीणां कर्मचेष्टाभिस्तुतोष रघुनन्दनः॥
And consequently Raghu's son was well pleased with the fortitude and exertions of the powerful monkeys, for bringing about what dear to Ravhava.