Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 19

राघवेणाभये दत्ते संनतो रावणानुजः। विभीषणो महाप्राज्ञो भूमि समवलोकयत्॥ खात्पपातावनि हृष्टो भक्तैरनुचरैः सह। स तु रामस्य धर्मात्मा निपपात विभीषणः॥
Rāghava thus declaring to him 'no fear' Ravana's younger brother, the greatly wise Vibhișana, bending low his head, cast his looks on the earth.

पादयोनिपपाताथ चतुर्भिः सह राक्षसैः। अब्रवीच्च तदा वाक्यं रामं प्रति विभीषणः॥ धर्मयुक्तं च युक्तं च सांप्रतं संप्रहर्षणम्।
Descending from the welkin with his devoted attendants the virtuous-souled Vibhisana, delighted, bowed to Rāma. And thereupon touching his feet along with four Rākşasas, Vibhisana addressed Rama, with words, fraught with piety, befitting the occasion and conducing to pleasure.

अनुजो रावणस्याहं तेन चास्म्यवमानितः॥ भवन्तं सर्वभूतानां शरण्यं शरणं गतः। परित्यक्ता मया लङ्का मित्राणि च धनानि च॥ भवद्गतं हि मे राज्यं जीवितं च सुखानि च।
I am Rāvana's younger brother and have been greatly insulted by him. I have therefore come to seek your shelter, the refuge of all creatures, abandoning Lanka and renouncing my friends and riches. My kingdom, life and happiness are all at your disposal.

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा रामो वचनमब्रवीत्॥ वचसा सान्त्वयित्वैनं लोचनाभ्यां पिबनिव।
Hearing his words Räma replied, comforting him with words and favouring him as if with looks.

आख्याहि मम तत्त्वेन राक्षसानां बलाबलम्॥ एवमुक्तं तदा रक्षो रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा। रावणस्य बलं सर्वमाख्यातुमुपचक्रमे।४।।
Do you relate to me truly the strength and weakness of the enemies. Being thus accosted by Råma unwearied actions, the Raksasa, began to describe the strength of Rāvana.

अवध्यः सर्वभूतानां गन्धर्वोरंगपक्षिणाम्। राजपुत्र दशग्रीवो वरदानात्स्वयंभुवः॥
O prince, by virtue of the bocn acquired from the Self-Create, the Ten-necked one is incapable of being slain by all creatures-Gandharvas, serpents, or birds.

रावणानन्तरो भ्राता मम ज्येष्ठश्च वीर्यवान्। कुम्भकर्णो महातेजाः शक्रप्रतिबलो युधि॥
My elder brother, the one next to Rāvana, is the heroic and highly effulgent Kumbhakarņa, Śakra's equal in battle.

राम सेनापतिस्तस्य प्रहस्तो यदि ते श्रुतः। कैलासे येन समरे मणिभद्रः पराजितः॥
You may have heard, O Rama, his commander is Prahasta, by whom was defeated Manibhadra on the mount Kailāsa.

बद्धगोधाङ्गुलित्रश्च अवध्वकवचो युधि। धनुरादाय यस्तिष्ठन्नदृश्यो भवतीन्द्रजित्॥
(His son) Indrajit, equipped with invincible armour, bow and finger-protector made of the skin of iguana, becomes invisible in fight.

संग्रामे सुमहद्व्यूहे तर्पयित्वा हुताशनम्। अन्तर्धानगतः श्रीमानिन्द्रजिद्धन्ति राघव॥
And, worshipping Fire and becoming invisible, Indrajit, that graceful hero, O Raghava, slays the enemies in conflict, having the contending parties vast and well arranged.

महोदरमहापाचौं राक्षसश्चाप्यकम्पनः। अनीकपास्तु तस्यैते लोकपालसमा युधि ॥
Mahodara, Mahāpārsva and the Rākşasa, Akampana, are his lieutenants, who equal the Lokapālas* in battle. *Divinities who protect regions, or the Sun, Moon, Fire, Wind, Indra, Yama, Varuna and Kabera.

दशकोटिसहस्राणि रक्षसां कामरूपिणाम्। मांसशोणितभक्ष्याणां लङ्कापुरनिवासिनाम्॥ स तैस्तु सहितो राजा लोकपालानयोधयत्। सह देवैस्तु ते भग्ना रावणेन दुरात्मना॥
His army consists of ten thousand kotis of Rākşasas, wearing shapes at will, inhabiting the city of Lankā, and living on flesh and gore. And with the Lokpalas and the celestials, they were all defeated by the vicious-souled Ravana.

विभीषणस्य तु वचस्तच्छुत्वा रघुसत्तमः। अन्वीक्ष्य मनसा सर्वमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the words of Vibhīşana and weighing them in his mind, that foremost of Raghu's race said.

यानि कर्मापदानानि रावणस्य विभीषण। आख्यातानि च तत्त्वेन ह्यवगच्छामि तान्यहम्॥
I understand well the strength and prowess of Ravana, which you have depicted truly, O Vibhisana.

अहं हत्वा दशग्रीवं सप्रहस्तं सहात्मजम्। राजानं त्वां करिष्यामि सत्यमेतच्छृणोतु मे॥
Do you hear truly that I shall slay the Tennecked one together with Prahasta and his sons, and I shall make you king.

रसातलं वा प्रविशेत्पातालं वापि रावणः। पितामहसकाशं वा न मे जीवन्विमोक्ष्यते॥
Whether he entered the Rasåtala or the regions under the earth, or seek shelter of the Grand-father of the celestials, he shall not be able to save his life from me.

अहत्वा रावणं संख्ये सपुत्रजनबान्धवम्। अयोध्यां न प्रवेक्ष्यामि त्रिभिस्तैर्धातृभिः शपे॥
I do swear by my three brethren that I shall enter the city of Ayodhyā, after slaying in battle Ravana with his sons, kinsmen and friends.

श्रुत्वा तु वचनं तस्य रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः। शिरसावन्द्य धर्मात्मा वक्तुमेव प्रचक्रमे॥
Hearing these words of Rāma of unwearied action, the virtuous-souled (Vibhisana), bowing his head to him, began.

राक्षसानां वधे साह्यं लङ्कायाश्च प्रधर्षणे। करिष्यामि यथाप्राणं प्रवेक्ष्यामि च वाहिनीम्॥
I shall lend you my might in slaying the Raksasas and devastating the city of Larkā, and shall be in the midst of Rāvana's army.

इति ब्रुवाणं रामस्तु परिष्वज्य विभीषणम्। अब्रवील्लक्ष्मणं प्रीतः समुद्राज्जलमानय॥ तेन चेमं महाप्राज्ञमभिषिञ्च विभीषणम्। राजानं रक्षसां क्षिप्रं प्रसन्ने मयि मानद॥
There upon, embracing Vibhīşaņa, who spoke thus, Rama, delighted, said to Laksmana, Omy brother, do you bring water from the ocean. Sprinkling the greatly wise Vibhișana, I shall make him at once the king of the Rākşasas, o confrere of honour; for I am greatly pleased with him.

एवमुक्तस्तु सौमित्रिरभ्यषिञ्चद्विभीषणम्। मध्ये वानरमुख्यानां राजानं राजशासनात्॥
Being thus addressed, Saumitri, at the command of the king, anointed Vibhișana and made him the king of the Räkşasas in the presence of the monkey host.

तं प्रसादं तु रामस्य दृष्ट्वा सद्यः प्लवङ्गमाः। प्रचुक्रुशुर्महात्मानं साधुसाध्विति चाब्रुवन्॥
Beholding Rāma's kindness (towards Vibhīş ana), the monkeys eulogized the high-souled one, exclaiming “Excellent! Excellent!”

अब्रवीच्च हनूमांश्च सुग्रीवश्च विभीषणम्। कथं सागरमक्षोभ्यं तराम वरुणालयम्। सैन्यैः परिवृताः सर्वे वानराणां महौजसाम्॥
Thereupon, Hanumān and Sugrīva addressed Vibhisana, saying, Do you tell us how we shall cross over the main-the abode of Varuņa, along with the host of the highly powerful monkeys.

उपायैरभिगच्छाम यथा नदनदीपतिम्। तराम तरसा सर्वे ससैन्या वरुणालयम्॥
Do you inform us of the means by which we may cross over, along with our army, the lord of rivers and streams-the abode of Varuna."

एवमुक्तस्तु धर्मात्मा प्रत्युवाच विभीषणः। समुद्रं राघवो राजा शरणं गन्तुमर्हसि॥
Being thus addressed, the virtuous-souled Vibhisana replied, "It behovth the king, Rāghava, to seek refuge from the Ocean.

खानितः सगरेणायमप्रमेयो महोदधिः। कर्तुमर्हसि रामस्य ज्ञातेः कार्य महोदधिः॥
This measureless deep was dug out by (the king) Sagara.* And the great ocean shall surely help Rāma belonging to Sagara's race. *Sagara was a sovereign of Ayodhyā, belonging to the same family with Rāma.

एवं विभीषणेनोक्तं राक्षसेन विपश्चिता। आजगामाथ सुग्रीवो यत्र रामः सलक्ष्मणः॥
Being thus accosted by the wise Rākşasa, Vibhīşaņa. Sugrīva reached where Rāma with Laksmana was.

ततश्चाख्यातुमारेभे विभीषणवचः शुभम्। सुग्रीवो विपुलग्रीवः सागरस्योपवेशनम् ॥
Thereupon, the broad-necked Sugrīva began to explain the well-meaning words of Vibhīşaņa, requesting Ráma to seek the shelter of the Ocean.

प्रकृत्या धर्मशीलस्य रामस्यास्याप्यरोचत। सलक्ष्मणं महातेजाः सुग्रीवं च हरीश्वरम्॥ सत्क्रियाएं क्रियादक्षं स्मितपूर्वमभाषत।
And those words pleased Răma, pious by nature. And the highly effulgent (hero) requested, smiling, the active Lakşmaņa and the monkey-chief Sugrīva to collect necessaries for his adoration.

विभीषणस्य मन्त्रोऽयं मम लक्ष्मण रोचते॥ सुग्रीवः पण्डितो नित्यं भवान्मन्त्रविचक्षणः। उभाभ्यां संप्रधार्थिं रोचते यत्तदुच्यताम्॥
O Lakşmaņa, this counsel of Vibhīşaņa appear to me as most sound. Sugrīva is a ways greatly wise, and you are greatly proficient in counsel. Do you, holding a conference, intimate to me what you think becoming."

एवमुक्तौ ततो वीरावुभौ सुग्रीवलक्ष्मणौ। समुदाचारसंयुक्तमिदं वचनमूचतुः॥
Thus addressed, those two heroes-Lakşmaņa and Sugriva, spoke respectfully the following words fraught with propriety.

किमर्थं नौ नरव्याघ्र न रोचिष्यति राघव। विभीषणेन यत्तूक्तमस्मिन्काले सुखावहम्॥
Why shall not the well-meaning words of Vibhīşaņa expressed now, please us O Rāghava, O you best of men?

अबद्धा सागरे सेतुं घोरेऽस्मिन्वरुणालये। लङ्का नासादितुं शक्या सेन्ट्रैरपि सुरासुरैः॥
Without constructing a bridge over the deep, the terrible abode of Varuņa, even the celestials and their lord (India) cannot get at the city of Lanka.

विभीषणस्य शूरस्य यथार्थं क्रियतां वचः। अलं कालात्ययं कृत्वा सागराय नियुज्यताम्। यथा सैन्येन गच्छाम पुरीं रावणपालिताम्॥
Do you act on the genuine counsel of the heroic Vibhisana, and without losing time, do you engage the Ocean for this work, so that we may with our army proceed to the city protected by Ravana.

एवमुक्तः कुशास्तीणे तीरे नदनदीपतेः। संविवेश तदा रामो वेद्यामिव हुताशनः॥
Being thus addressed Räma reached the shore of the lord of rivers and streams, covered with Kusa, like to fire getting into the sacrificial dais.