Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 14

निशाचरेन्द्रस्य निशम्य वाक्यं स कुम्भकर्णस्य च गर्जितानि। विभीषणो राक्षसराजमुख्यमुवाच वाक्यं हितमर्थयुक्तम्॥
Hearing the words of the lord of Rākşasas, as well as the thundering of Kumbhakarņa, Vibhīşaņa addressed the Rākşasa chief, in a pregnant speech, fraught with his welfare.

वृतो हि बाह्वन्तरभोगराशिश्चिन्ताविषः सुस्मिततीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रः। पञ्चाङ्गुलीपञ्चशिरोऽतिकायः सौतामहाहिस्तव केन राजन्॥
You have been bound about your neck by the mighty and huge serpent, Sītā, having her breast for its body anxiety for its venom, smile for its sharp fangs, and her five fingers for its hood.

यावन लङ्कां समभिद्रवन्ति वलीमुखाः पर्वतकूटमात्राः। दंष्ट्रायुधाश्चैव नखायुधाश्च प्रदीयतां दाशरथाय मैथिली॥
Therefore before the monkeys, resembling mountain peaks, having teeth for their arms and nails, for their weapons, subjugate Lankā, do you render Maithili to Dasaratha's son.

यावन्न गृह्णन्ति शिरांसि बाणा रामेरिता राक्षसपुङ्गवानम्। वज्रोपमा वायुसमानवेगाः प्रदीयतां दाशरथाय मैथिली।४।।
Before the shafts shot by Ráma, resembling the thunder-bolt and having impetuosity of the wind, cut off the heads of the foremost of the Rākșasas, do you render Mithila's daughter to the son of Dasaratha.

न कुम्भकर्णेन्द्रजितौ च राजंस्तथा महापार्श्वमहोदरौ वा। निकुम्भकुम्भौ च तथातिकायः स्थातुं समर्था युधि राघवस्य॥
Neither Kumbhakarņa nor Indrajit, neither Mahāparáva nor Mahodara, neither Nikumbha nor Kumbha nor yet Atikāya, O king, can stay in the field against Rāghava.

जीवंस्तु रामस्य न मोक्ष्यसे त्वं गुप्तः सवित्राप्यथवा मरुद्भिः। न वासवस्याङ्कगतो न मृत्योर्नभो न पातालमनुप्रविष्टः॥
Living, you, whether you are protected by the Sun or the winds, or throw yourself into the lap itself of Vāsava, or enter the sky or the nether spheres, shall not escape death.

निशम्य वाक्यं तु विभीषणस्य ततः प्रहस्तो वचनं बभाषे। न नो भयं विद्म न दैवतेभ्यो न दानवेभ्योऽप्यथवा कदाचित्।७।। न यक्षगन्धर्वमहोरगेभ्यो भयं न संख्ये पतगोरगेभ्यः। कथं नु रामाद्भविता भयं नो नरेन्द्रपुत्रात्समरे कदाचित्॥
Hearing Vibhisana's words, Prahasta said, Fear know we none whatever from the celestials, or Danavas, or Yaksas, or Gandharvas, or huge snakes; fear know we none in battle with birds and serpents. How can fear at all afflict us proceeding from the king's son, Rāma?

प्रहस्तवाक्यं त्वहितं निशम्य विभीषणे राजहितानुकानी। ततो महार्थं वचनं बभाषे धर्मार्थकामेषु निविष्टबुद्धिः॥
Hearing Prahasta's speech, Vibhisana, seeking the welfare of the king, and having his intellect grounded in virtue, interest and profit, said words enfolding high sense.

प्रहस्त राजा च महोदरश्च त्वं कुम्भकर्णश्च यथार्थजातम्। ब्रवीत राम प्रति तन्न शक्यं यथा गतिः स्वर्गमधर्मबुद्धेः॥
O Prahasta, like a sinful person being unable to ascend heaven what the king, Mahodara, you, and Kumbhakarņa, are saying with reference to Rāma, shall not prove true.

वधस्तु रामस्य मया त्वया च प्रहस्त सर्वैरपि राक्षसैर्वा। कथं भवेदर्थविशारदस्य महार्णवं तर्तुमिवाप्लवस्य॥
As one without a raft cannot cross over the mighty main, how can I, or you, or all the Raksasa combined, cause death to Rāma, who, O Prahasta, is versed in the sense of things.

धर्मप्रधानस्य महारथस्य इक्ष्वाकुवंशप्रभवस्य राज्ञः। पुरोऽस्य देवाश्च तथाविधस्य कृत्येषु शक्तस्य भवन्ति मूढाः॥
Even the gods become stolid before the sovereign of the Ikşvāku race, having righteousness for his principle quality, and being a mighty car-warrior and of such a character, and who is competent in action.

तीक्ष्णा न तावत्तव कङ्कपत्रा दुरासदा राघवविप्रमुक्ताः। भित्त्वा शरीरं प्रविशन्ति बाणा: प्रहस्त तेनैव विकत्थसे त्वम्॥
As yet the Kaňka-feathered, terrible and sharp shafts shot by Raghava, have not pierced into your body; and therefore you did speak so.

भित्त्वा न तावत्प्रविशन्ति कायं प्राणान्तिकास्तेऽशनितुल्यवेगाः। शिताः शरा राघवविप्रमुक्ताः प्रहस्त तेनैव विकत्थसे त्वम्॥ न रावणो नातिबलस्त्रिशीर्षो न कुम्भकर्णस्य सुतो निकुम्भः। न चेन्द्रजिद्दाशरथिं प्रसोढुं त्वं वा रणे शक्रसमं समर्थः॥
And, O Prahasta, as yet the sharpened shafts, capable of destroying life and having the impetuosity of the thunder-bolt, have not entered into your body, and therefore you did speak thus, neither Rāvana, nor the exceedingly powerful Trisirşa. Neither Kumbhakarna's son Nikumbha nor Indrajit, is capable of bearing in battle the son of Dasaratha, resembling Sakra himself.

देवान्तको वापि नरान्तको वा तथातिकायोऽतिरथो महात्मा। अकम्पनश्चापि समानसारः स्थातुं न शक्ता युधि राघवस्य॥
And neither Devāntaka nor Narāntaka, neither Atikāya, nor the magnanimous Atiratha, nor the equally strong Akampana, is competent to stay Rāghava in fight.

अयं च राजा व्यसनाभिभूतो मित्रैरमित्रप्रतिमैर्भवद्भिः। अन्वास्यते राक्षसनाशनार्थे तीक्ष्णः प्रकृत्या ह्यसमीक्ष्यकारी॥
The king, naturally of fierce temper and thoughtless, through the instrumentality of you who appearing to be his friends are in reality his foes, seek to destroy the Rākşasas.

अनन्तभोगेन सहस्रमूर्धा नागेन भीमेन महाबलेन। बलात्परिक्षिप्तमिमं भवन्तो राजानमुत्क्षिप्य विमोचयन्तु॥
Do you take out and deliver the monarch, who has through force become subject to a dreadful and mighty, and thousand-headed serpent bursting with immeasurable prowess.

यावद्धि केशग्रहणात्सुहृद्भिः समेत्य सर्वैः परिपूर्णकामैः। निगृह्य राजा परिरक्षितव्यो भूतैर्यथा भीमबलैर्गृहीतः॥
As a person possessed by fearfully strong ghosts, is saved by his friends pulling him by his hair, attaining your desire you desire you should, assembling together, rescuer the king.

सुवारिणा राघवसागरेण प्रच्छाद्यमानस्तरसा भवद्भिः। युक्तस्त्वयं तारयितुं समेत्य काकुत्स्थपातालमुखे पतन्सः॥
This one is sunk in the Rāghava sea having excellent waters. He (the king) has fallen into the Kākutstha neither regions. Do you speedily coming together deliver him.

इदं पुरस्यास्य सराक्षसस्य राज्ञश्च पथ्यं ससुहज्जनस्य। सम्यग्धि वाक्यं स्वमतं ब्रवीमि नरेन्द्रपुत्राय ददातु मैथिलीम्॥
I tell you my full mind, fraught with the welfare of this city together with the Rākṣasas, as well of the king with his adherents. Do you make over Maithili to the son of the king.

परस्य वीर्य स्वबलं च बुद्ध्वा स्थानं क्षयं चैव तथैव वृद्धिम्। तथा स्वपक्षेऽप्यनुमृश्य बुद्ध्या वदेत्क्षम स्वामिहितं स मन्त्री॥
He is a true counsellor who advises his master, after duly ascertaining the strength, position, increase or destruction of the enemies as well as of their own party.