Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 13

रावणं क्रुद्धमाज्ञाय महापार्यो महाबलः। मुहूर्तमनुसंचिन्त्य प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing Ravana wrought up with wrath, the exceedingly strong Mahāpārsva, reflecting for a moment, observed with joined hands.

यः खल्वपि वनं प्राप्य मृगव्यालनिषेवितम्। न पिबेन्मधु संप्राप्य स नरो बालिशो भवेत्॥
The man that, entering the forest, abounding with deer and ferocious animals, does not drink honey, make a fool of himself.

ईश्वरस्येश्वरः कोऽस्ति तव शत्रुनिबर्हण। रमस्व सह वैदेह्या शत्रूनाक्रम्य मूर्धसु॥
O destroyer of foes, who is the lord of you, that are lord yourself? Enjoy with Vaidehi, taking your enemy by the hand.

बलात्कुक्कुटवृत्तेन प्रवर्तस्व महाबल। आक्रम्याक्रम्य सीतां वै तां भुङ्क्व च रमस्व च।४॥
O you endowed with prodigious power, do you exerting your might lead your life, after the manner of hens, and invading Sītā again and again, do you enjoy her and derive pleasure (therefrom).

लब्धकामस्य ते पश्चादागमिष्यति किं भयम्। प्राप्तमप्राप्तकालं वा सर्व प्रतिविधास्यसे॥
When you have attained your purpose; what fear can succeed? Alike when on your guard, and off it, you shall provide against all exigencies.

कुम्भकर्णः सहास्माभिरिन्द्रजिच्च महाबलः। प्रतिषेधयितुं शक्तौ सवज्रमपि वज्रिणम्॥
Kumbhakarņa along with us, as well the exceedingly powerful Indrajit, are competent to chastise the thunder-bearing (Deity) equipped with his thunder.

उपप्रदानं सान्त्वं वा भेदं वा कुशलैः कृतम्। समतिक्रम्य दण्डेन सिद्धिमर्थेषु रोचये॥
Passing by gift, conciliation, and dissension, which have been as signed by the wise as the means of success, I relish the success in business which is attained through chastisement.

इह प्राप्तान्वयं सर्वाञ्छबूंस्तव महाबल। वशं शस्त्रप्रतापेन करिष्यामो न संशयः॥
O highly powerful one, we shall, without doubt, by the prowess of our arms, subdue all these enemies of your that have come hither.

एवमुक्तस्तदा राजा महापार्श्वेन रावणः। तस्य संपूजयन्वाक्यमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Thus addressed by Mahāpārsva, king Rāvana, honouring his speech, said.

महापार्श्व प्रवदतो रहस्यं किंचिदात्मनः। चिरवृत्तं तदाख्यास्ये यदवाप्तं पुरा मया॥ पितामहस्य भवनं गच्छन्तीं पुञ्जिकस्थलाम्। चञ्चर्यमाणामद्राक्षमाकाशेऽग्निशिखामिव ॥
O Mahāparáva, I will relate to you, who have spoken (thus), a secret matter relating to myself, which befell me long since I saw Puñjikasthală, like a flame in the sky, coursing to the Greatfather's mansion.

सा प्रसह्य मया भुक्ता कृता विवसना ततः। स्वयंभूभवनं प्राप्ता लोलिता नलिनी यथा॥
Her pace slackened, as soon as she saw me, (turn) I feasted on her and deprived her of her attire. Then she went to the Great-father's place, like a crumpled lotus.

तच्च तस्य तथा मन्ये ज्ञातमासीन्महात्मनः। अथ संकुपितो वेधा मामिदं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
That high-souled one received information of all that I had done; and thereat, waxing enraged, the Deity spoke to me.

अद्यप्रभृति यामन्यां बलान्नारों गमिष्यसि। तदा ते शतधा मूर्धा फलिष्यति न संशयः॥
If from this day, you ravish a female by force, your head certainly shall be riven in an hundred pieces.

इत्यहं तस्य शापस्य भीतः प्रसभमेव ताम्। नारोहये बलात्सीतां वैदेहीं शयने शुभे॥
It is for this, that with my mind afflicted with fear, I do not violently force, Videha's daughter Sītā, anent lying with her fair self.

सागरस्येव मे वेगो मारुतस्येव मे गतिः। नैतद्दाशरथिर्वेद ह्यासादयति तेन माम्॥
My rush is like that of the sea, and my motion that of the wind. Dasaratha's son does not know this, and therefore does he approach sea.

को हि सिंहमिवासीनं सुप्तं गिरिगुहाशये। क्रुद्धं मृत्युमिवासीनं संबोधयितुमिच्छति॥
Who wish to address a lion that is lying asleep in a cave, resembling Death wrought up by wrath?

न मत्तो निर्गतान्बाणान्विजिह्वान्पन्नगानिव। रामः पश्यति संग्रामे तेन मामभिगच्छति॥
Răma has not seen shafts shot by me, resembling two-tongued serpents, and therefore, it is that he approach me.

क्षिप्रं वज्रसमैर्बाणैः शतधा कार्मुकच्युतैः। राममादीपयिष्यामि उल्काभिरिव कुञ्जरम्॥
Like a meteor burning an elephant, I shall, with shafts shot from bow in hundreds, resembling the thunder-bolt, consume Rāma.

तच्चास्य बलमादास्ये बलेन महता वृतः। उदितः सविता काले नक्षत्राणां प्रभामिव ॥
As at the proper hour the risen Sun defeat the splendour of the stars, will I, surrounded by a mighty army, overpower his strength.

न वासवेनापि सहस्रचक्षुषा युधास्मि शक्यो वरुणेन वा पुनः। मया त्वियं बाहुबलेन निर्जिता पुरा पुरी वैश्रवणेन पालिता॥
Neither the thousand-eyed Vasava, nor yet Varuņa, is capable of fighting me. By the might of this arm did I formerly conquer this city, governed by Vaiśravana.