Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 128

शिरस्यञ्जलिमाधाय कैकेयीनन्दिवर्धनः। बभाषे भरतो ज्येष्ठं रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्॥
Thereupon having placed her palms on his head Bharata, the enhancer of Kaikeyi's joy spoke to his elder brother Rāma, having truth for his prowess, saying.

पूजिता मामिका माता दत्तं राज्यमिदं मम। तद्ददामि पुनस्तुभ्यं यथा त्वमददा मम॥
Abiding by my mother's request you did confer this kingdom upon me; I do return you the kingdom you did give me.

धुरमेकाकिना न्यस्तां वृषभेण बलीयसा। किशोरवद्गुरुं भारं न वोढुमहमुत्सहे॥
Like to a young one unable to carry a heavy burden thrown off by a powerful bull I am unable to carry this huge burden of the kingdom).

वारिवेगेन महता भिन्नः सेतुरिव क्षरन्। दुर्बन्धनमिदं मन्ये राज्यच्छिद्रमसंवृतम्॥
I do consider this kingdom infested with thieves, difficult to govern, as it is difficult to reconstruct a bridge broken down by a powerful current of water.

गतिं खर इवाश्वस्य हंसस्येव च वायसः। नान्वेतुमुत्सहे वीर तव मार्गमरिंदम ॥
As an ass cannot follow the course of a horse and a crow cannot follow that of a gander, so I am unable, O hero, O slayer of foes, to follow your footsteps.

यथा चारोपितो वृक्षो जातश्चान्तनिवेशने। महानपि दुरारोहो महास्कन्धः प्रशाखवान्॥ शीर्येत पुष्पितो भूत्वा न फलानि प्रदर्शयन्। तस्य नानुभवेदर्थं यस्य हेतोः स रोपितः॥ एषोपमा महाबाहो त्वमर्थं वेत्तुमर्हसि। यद्यस्मान्मनुजेन्द्र त्वं भर्ता भृत्यान्न शाधि हि॥
If a tree, planted in the inner apartment of a house, growing huge with a big trunk and many branches, is dried up as soon it blossoms without bearing fruits, his object for whom it is planted, becomes fruitless? And this simili, O you of long arms, shall prove good in you, if did you not, our master, govern us, O lord of men, who are your servants.

जगदद्याभिषिक्तं त्वामनुपश्यतु राघव। प्रतपन्तमिवादित्यं मध्याह्ने दीप्ततेजसम्।।।।।
Let the world, O Raghava, behold you installed (today) liku to the powerful midday Sun burning in effulgence.

तूर्यसंघातनिर्घोषैः काञ्चीनूपुरनिःस्वनैः। मधुरैर्गीतशब्दैश्च प्रतिबुद्ध्यस्व शेष्व च॥
Do you sleep and rise up with the sound of stringed instruments, women's girdles and Nupuras and charming songs.

यावदावर्तते चक्रं यावती च वसुंधरा। तावत्त्वमिह लोकस्य स्वामित्वमनुवर्तय॥
Do you govern the people as long as the solar system exists and as far as the earth extends.

भरतस्य वचः श्रुत्वा रामः परपुरंजयः। तथेति प्रतिजग्राह निषसादासने शुभे॥
Hearing the words of Bharata, Rāma the conqueror of enemies cities, saying, “So be it" sat on an excellent seat.

ततः शत्रुघ्नवचनानिपुणाः श्मश्रुवर्धनाः। सुखहस्ताः सुशीघ्राश्च राघवं पर्यवारयन्॥
Thereupon at the command of Satrughna, expert, skilful and quick-handed barbers gathered round Rāghava.

पूर्व तु भरते स्नाते लक्ष्मणे च महाबले। सुग्रीवे वानरेन्द्रे च राक्षसेन्द्रे विभीषणे॥ विशोधितजटः स्नातश्चित्रमाल्यानुलेपनः। महाहवसनोपेतस्तस्थौ तत्र श्रिया ज्वलन्॥
At first, Bharata, the highly powerful Laks maņa, Sugrīva the lord of monkeys, and Vibhīs aņa the lord of Rākşasas bathed. Thereupon shorn of his matted hairs, bathed, with paste excellent garlands and precious clothes on, he appeared there shining in grace.

प्रतिकर्म च रामस्य कारयामास वीर्यवान्। लक्ष्मणस्य च लक्ष्मीवानिक्ष्वाकुकुलवर्धनः॥
The valiant and graceful Śatrughna the upholder of the dignity of Ikşvāku race, himself got ready the dresses for Rāma and Lakşmaņa.

प्रतिकर्म च सीतायाः सर्वा दशरथस्त्रियः। आत्मनैव तदा चनुमनस्विन्यो मनोहरम्॥
All the high-minded wives of Dasaratha with their own hands decked Sītă with various charming (ornaments).

ततो वानरपत्नीनां सर्वासामेव शोभनम्। चकार यत्नात्कौसल्या प्रहृष्टा पुत्रवत्सला॥
Thereupon Kausalyā, delighted and fond of her son, herself with great care, decorated the wives of monkeys.

ततः शत्रुघ्नवचनात्सुमन्त्रो नाम सारथिः। योजयित्वाभिचक्राम रथं सर्वाङ्गशोभनम्॥
Thereupon at the words of ſatrughna, the charioteer by name Sumantra got ready the perfectly beautiful car.

अग्न्यामलसंकाशं दिव्यं दृष्ट्वा रथं स्थितम्। आरुरोह महाबाहू रामः परपुरंजयः॥
Beholding that celestial car, bright as the fire of the sun, stationed before him, Rama, having long arms, the conqueror of enemies cities, ascended it.

सुग्रीवो हनुमांश्चैव महेन्द्रसदृशद्युती। स्नातौ दिव्यनिभैर्वस्त्रैर्जग्मतुः शुभकुण्डलौ॥
Sugrīva and Hanuman, graceful like Mahendra, bathed, dressed in celestial clothes and wearing excellent kundalas, proceeded (to view the city).

सर्वाभरणजुष्टाश्च ययुस्ताः शुभकुण्डलाः। सुग्रीवपत्न्यः सीता च द्रष्टुं नगरमुत्सुकाः॥
Then went Sītā and all the wives of Sugrīva decorated with all ornaments and wearing excellent Kundalas, anxious to behold the city.

अयोध्यायां च सचिवा राज्ञो दशरथस्य च। पुरोहितं पुरस्कृत्य मन्त्रयामासुरर्थवत्॥
All the ministers of king Dasaratha in Ayodhyā began to hold consultation respectfully with the priest.

अशोको विजयश्चैव सिद्धार्थश्च समाहिताः। मन्त्रयनरामवृद्ध्यर्थं वृत्त्यर्थं नगरस्य च॥
Asoka, Vijaya and Siddhārtha, with undivided mind, consulted with each other about the welfare of Rāma as well as that of the city.

सर्वमेवाभिषेकार्थं जयाहस्य महात्मनः। कर्तुमर्हथ रामस्य यद्यन्मङ्गलपूर्वकम्॥
(Thereupon they ordered the servants) saying, Do you collect materials necessary for the auspicious installation of the high-souled (Rama) worthy of being crowned with victory.

इति ते मन्त्रिणः सर्वे संदिश्य च पुरोहितः। नगरान्निर्ययुस्तूर्णं रामदर्शनबुद्धयः॥
The priest and the ministers having ordered thus all speedily issued out of the city to behold Rama.

हरियुक्तं सहस्राक्षो रथमिन्द्र इवानघः। प्रययौ रथमास्थाय रामो नगरमुत्तमम्॥
Like to the thousand-eyed Indra in his car, drawn by horses the blameless Rāma; seated in his car, proceeded towards the excellent city.

जग्राह भरतो रश्मीशत्रुघ्नश्छत्रमाददे। लक्ष्मणो व्यजनं तस्य मूर्ध्नि संवीजयंस्तदा॥
Bharata took up the reins, ſatrughna held the umbrella and Lakşmaņa began to fan him on the head with Chowries.

श्वेतं च बालव्यजनं जगृहे परितः स्थितः। अपरं चन्द्रसंकाशं राक्षसेन्द्रो विभीषणः॥
Vibhīşaņa, the lord of Rākşasas standing on one side, took up the white Chowrie shining like the second moon.

ऋषिसङ्घस्तदाकाशे देवैश्च समरुद्गणैः। स्तूयमानस्य रामस्य शुश्रुवे मधुरध्वनिः॥
There was audible the sweet encomium of Rāma chanted by the crowd of ascetics in the sky, the celestials and the Marutas.

ततः शत्रुजयं नाम कुञ्जरं पर्वतोपमम्। आरुरोह महातेजा सुग्रीवः प्लवगर्षभः॥
Thereupon the highly effulgent Sugrīva, the foremost of monkeys, got up upon an elephant named Śatruñjaya resembling a mountain.

नव नागसहस्राणि ययुरास्थाय वानराः। मानुषं विग्रहं कृत्वा सर्वाभरणभूषिताः॥
And riding nine thousand elephants proceeded the monkeys assuming human shapes and adorned with various ornaments.

शङ्खशब्दप्रणादैश्च दुन्दुभीनां च निःस्वनैः। प्रययौ पुरुषव्याघ्रस्तां पुरीं हर्नामालिनीम्॥
And with the music of conches and bugles that foremost of men entered the city abounding in houses.

ददृशुस्ते समायान्तं राघवं सपुरःसरम्। विराजमानं वपुषा रथेनातिरथं तदा॥
They (citizens) beheld Raghava enter the city with a graceful person and seated in the car.

ते वर्धयित्वा काकुत्स्थं रामेण प्रतिनन्दिताः। अनुजग्मुर्महात्मानं भ्रातृभिः परिवारितम्॥
They having bowed to that descendant of Kākutstha were welcomed by him. And they followed that high souled one encircled by his brothers.

अमात्यैर्ब्राह्मणैश्चैव तथा प्रकृतिभिर्वृतः। श्रिया विरुरुचे रामो नक्षत्रैरिव चन्द्रमाः॥
And surrounded by his courtiers, Brāhmaṇas and subjects Rāma appeared beautiful like to the Moon encircled by stars.

स पुरोगामिभिस्तूर्यैस्तालस्वस्तिकपाणिभिः। प्रव्याहरद्भिर्मुदितैर्मङ्गलानि वृतो ययौ॥
He went preceded by men who play on stringed instruments, by people with Karatal and Sustika in their hands and by men chanting delightedly auspicious songs.

अक्षतं जातरूपं च गावः कन्याः सहद्विजाः। नरा मोदकहस्ताश्च रामस्य पुरतो ययुः॥
Persons with Aksata and gold in their hands, kine, girls, Brāhmaṇas and persons with Modaka in their hands went before Rāma.

सख्यं च रामः सुग्रीवे प्रभावं चानिलात्मजे। वानराणां च तत्कर्म ह्याचचक्षेऽथ मन्त्रिणाम्॥
Thereupon before the ministers Rāma began to describe the friendship of Sugrīva, the prowess of the Wind-gods son and the works accomplished by the monkeys.

श्रुत्वा च विस्मयं जग्मुरयोध्यापुरवासिनः। वानराणां च तत्कर्म राक्षसानां च तद्बलम्॥
Hearing of the amazing works of the monkeys and the prowess of the Rākşasas, the inhabitants of the city of Ayodhyā attained to astonishment.

द्युतिमानेतदाख्याय रामो वानरसंयुतः। हृष्टपुष्टजनाकीर्णामयोध्यां प्रविवेश सः॥
Having related thus (the works of the monkeys) the graceful Rāma encircled by the monkeys entered (the city of) Ayodhya abounding in delighted and plump persons.

ततो ह्यभ्युच्छ्रयन्पौराः पताकाश्च गृहे गृहे। ऐक्ष्वाकाध्युषितं रम्यमाससाद पितुर्मुहम्।॥
Thereupon the citizens hoisted up flags upon every house and he reached the picturesque abode of his ancestors inhabited by the descendants of Ikşvāku.

अथाब्रवीद्राजपुत्रो भरतं धर्मिणां वरम्। अर्थोपहितया वाचा मधुरं रघुनन्दनः।॥ पितुर्भवनमासाद्य प्रवेश्य च महात्मनः। कौसल्यां च सुमित्रां च कैकेयीमभिवादय॥
Having reached and entered his ancestral palace and bowed to Kausalyä, Sumitra and Kaikeyī, the high-souled prince, the enhancer of the joy of the descendants of Raghu, addressed Bharata the foremost of the pious, with sweet words instinct with meaning, saying.

तच्च मद्भवनं श्रेष्ठं साशोकवनिकं महत्। मुक्तावैदूर्यसंकीर्णं सुग्रीवाय निवेदय ॥
Kākutstha, living in the forest of Dandaka with bark and matted hairs, for whom you are lamenting, has, “Do you set apart for Sugrīva my huge and excellent palace abounding in pearls and Vaiduryas."

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा भरतः सत्यविक्रमः। हस्ते गृहीत्वा सुग्रीवं प्रविवेश तमालयम्॥
Hearing those words, Bharata, having truth for his prowess, taking Sugrīva by the hand, conducted him to the palace.

ततस्तैलप्रदीपांश्च पर्यङ्कास्तरणानि च। गृहीत्वा विविशुः क्षिप्रं शत्रुघ्नेन प्रचोदिताः॥
And commanded by Śatrughna, (servants) speedily entered (that palace) with oil, lamps, bedsteads and beddings.

उवाच च महातेजाः सुग्रीवं राघवानुजः। अभिषेकाय रामस्य दूतानाज्ञापय प्रभो॥
Thereupon the highly effulgent younger brother of Raghava spoke to Sugriva, saying, "Do you, O lord, order some (to bring water) for Rama's installation."

सौवर्णान्वानरेन्द्राणां चतुर्णां चतुरो घटान्। ददौ क्षिप्रं स सुग्रीवः सर्वरत्नविभूषितान्॥
Sugrīva conferred upon four leading monkeys four golden jars crested with diverse jewels and said to them.

तथा प्रत्यूषसमये चतुणां सागराम्भसाम्। पूर्णैर्घटैः प्रतीक्षध्वं तथा कुरुत वानराः॥
"Do you so conduct, O monkeys, that you may return by the dawn with the jars filled with the water of the four oceans."

एवमुक्ता महात्मानो वानरा वारणोपमाः। उत्पेतुर्गगनं शीघ्रं गरुडा इव शीघ्रगाः। ५१ ।।
Being thus addressed by the high-souled (Sugrīva) the monkeys resembling the elephants speedily rose up in the welkin like to quick coursing vultures.

जाम्बवांश्च हनूमांश्च वेगदर्शी च वानरः। ऋषभश्चैव कलशाञ्जलपूर्णानथानयन्॥ नदीशतानां पञ्चानां जलं कुम्भैरुपाहरन्।
Jambavan, Hanumān, the monkey Vegadarsi and Rşabha brought the jars filled with water and another monkeys brought the water in jars from five hundred rivers.

पूर्वात्समुद्रात्कलशं जलपूर्णमथानयत्॥ सुषेणः सत्त्वसंपन्नः सर्वरत्नविभूषितम्।
Suşeņa, gifted with prowess, brought that jar crested with gems, filled with water from the Eastern Ocean.

ऋषभो दक्षिणातूर्णं समुद्राज्जलमानयत्॥ रक्तचन्दनकपूरैः संवृतं काञ्चनं घटम्। गवयः पश्चिमातोयमाजहार महार्णवात्॥
Rşabha speedily brought water from the southern Ocean. Gavaya brought from the great Western Ocean in that golden jar, water perfumed with the fragrance of red sandal and camphor.

रत्नकुम्भेन महता शीतं मारुतविक्रमः। उत्तराच्च जलं शीघ्रं गरुडानिलविक्रमः॥ आजहार स धर्मात्मानिलः सर्वगुणान्वितः।
The virtuous-souled Wind-gods son, gifted with all accomplishments and the prowess of Garuda and Wind-god, brought, speedily from the Northern Ocean, water in that large jewelled jar.

ततस्तैर्वानरश्रेष्ठैरानीतं प्रेक्ष्य तज्जलम्। ५७।। अभिषेकाय रामस्य शत्रुघ्नः सचिवैः सह। पुरोहिताय श्रेष्ठाय सुहद्भयश्च न्यवेदयत्।५८॥
Beholding water thus brought by the leading monkeys for the installation of Rāma, Satrughna, with his ministers, communicated that to the leading priests and friends.

ततः स प्रयतो वृद्धो वसिष्ठो ब्राह्मणैः सह। राम रलमये पीठे ससीतं संन्यवेशयत्॥
Thereupon the self-controlled Vasistha, stricken in years, along with other Brāhmaṇas placed Rāma with Sītā on a jewelled seat.

वसिष्ठो विजयश्चैव जाबालिरथ काश्यपः। कात्यायनो गौतमश्च वामदेवस्तथैव च॥ अभ्यषिञ्चनरव्याघ्र प्रसन्नेन सुगन्धिना। सलिलेन सहस्राक्षं वसवो वासवं यथा॥
Vasistha, Vijaya, Jabali, Katyayana, Gautama and Vāmadeva, sprinkled that foremost of men, with clear and fragrant water as Vasus did the thousand eyed Vasava.

ऋत्विग्भिाह्मणैः पूर्व कन्याभिर्मन्त्रिभिस्तथा। योधैश्चैवाभ्यषिञ्चस्ते सम्प्रहृष्टैः सनैगमैः॥ सौषधिरसैश्चापि दैवतैर्नभसि स्थितैः। चतुभिर्लोकपालैश्च सर्वैर्देवैश्च संगतैः॥
Ministers, soldiers and the merchants all delighted. (Thereupon with the juice of Oshadhis (he was sprinkled by) the celestials stationed in the sky, the deities presiding over four quarters and all other celestials collected.

ब्रह्मणा निर्मितं पूर्व किरीटं रत्नशोभिताम्। अभिषिक्तः पुरा येन मनुस्तं दीप्ततेजसम्॥ तस्यान्ववाये राजानः क्रमायेनाभिषेचिताः। सभायां हेमक्लुप्तायां शोभितायां महाधनैः॥ रत्नैर्नानाविधैश्चैव चित्रितायां सुशोभनैः। नानारत्नमये पीठे कल्पयित्वा यथाविधि।६६॥ किरीटेन ततः पश्चाद्वसिष्ठेन महात्मना। ऋत्विग्भिभूषणैश्चैव समयोक्ष्यत राघवः॥
Having placed him on a seat crested with various jewels in the arena decorated with gold, various jewels and rich parapharnalia, (he placed on his head) the jewelled crown made by Brahmā, brilliant and with which in the days of yore Manu and other kings, born in his race, were installed. And being decked by the highsouled Vasistha with that crown, Rāghava was afterwards dressed with the celestial garments by the Rtvigas.* *A domestic chaplain a family priest.

छत्रं तस्य च जग्राह शत्रुघ्नः पाण्डुरं शुभम्। श्वेतं च बालव्यजनं सुग्रीवो वानरेश्वरः॥ अपरं चन्द्रसंकाशं राक्षसेन्द्रो विभीषणः।
Śatrughna held the white and excellent umbrella and Sugrīva the lord of monkeys took the white Chowrie. And Vibhīşaņa the lord of Rákşasas took up another Chowrie resembling the moon.

मालां ज्वलन्तीं वपुषा काञ्चनीं शतपुष्कराम्॥ राघवाय ददौ वायुर्वासवेन प्रचोदितः। सर्वरत्नसमायुक्तं मणिभिश्च विभूषितम्।७०।। मुक्ताहारं नरेन्द्राय ददौ शक्रप्रचोदितः।
The wind commanded by Väsava conferred upon Rāghava, a garland or hundred golden lotuses, shining in their native lustre. And the wind commanded by Sakra conferred upon that lord of men a jewelled garland crested with diverse gems.

प्रजगुर्देवगन्धर्वा ननृतुश्चाप्सरोगणाः।७१।। अभिषेके तदहस्य तदा रामस्य धीमतः।
The intelligent and worthy Rāma being installed the celestials and the Gandharvas sang and the Apsaras danced.

भूमिः सस्यवती चैव फलवन्तश्च पादपः।७२।। गन्धवन्ति च पुष्पाणि बभूवू राघवोत्सवे।
The earth was filled with crops, the trees with fruits and the flowers were fragrant on the occassion of Rāghava's installation.

सहस्रशतमश्वानां धेनूनां च गवां तथा॥ ददौ शतवृषान्पूर्व द्विजेभ्यो मनुजर्षभः। त्रिंशत्कोटीर्हिरण्यस्य ब्राह्मणेभ्यो ददौ पुनः॥ नानाभरणवस्त्राणि महार्हाणि च राघवः।
That foremost of men conferred upon the twice-born ones one million of horses, hundred thousand cows and hundred thousand bulls. And Rāghava again conferred upon the Brāhmaṇas thirty crores of golden coins and diverse costly ornaments and clothes.

अर्करश्मिप्रतीकाशां काञ्चनीं मणिविग्रहाम्।७५।। सुग्रीवाय जं दिव्यां प्रायच्छन्मनुजाधिपः।
Thereupon that lord of men conferred upon Sugriva a celestial garland brilliant like the rays of the Sun and crested with gold and jewels.

वैदूर्यमयचित्रे च चन्द्ररश्मिविभूषिते॥ वालिपुत्राय धृतिमानङ्गदायाङ्गदे ददौ।
And he, gifted with intelligence, conferred upon Angada, Vali's son, two Angadas (A kind of ornament worn on upper arms.) brilliant as the rays of the moon and made of Vaidurya.

मणिप्रवरजुष्टं तं मुक्ताहारमनुत्तमम्॥ सीतायै प्रददौ रामश्चन्द्ररश्मिसमप्रभम्। अरजे वाससी दिव्ये शुभान्याभरणानि च॥
Rāma conferred upon Sitā an excellent pearl necklace crested with precious jems, celestial clothes and various excellent ornaments.

अवेक्षमाणा वैदेही प्रददौ वायुसूनवे। अवमुच्यात्मनः कण्ठाद्वारं जनकनन्दिनी॥ अवैक्षत हरीन्सर्वान्भर्तारं च मुहुर्मुहुः।
And taking off the necklace from her person Vaidehi, the daughter of king Janaka, conferred it upon the Wind-god's son remembering the services (rendered by him) and cast her looks again and again upon her lord and the monkeys.

तामिङ्गितज्ञः संप्रेक्ष्य बभाषे जनकात्मजाम्॥ प्रदेहि सुभगे हारं यस्य तुष्टासि भामिनि ।
Beholding that (Rāma) capable of reading the gestures, spoke to the daughter of king Janaka, saying, "O fortunate and beautiful lady, do you confer this necklace upon him with whom you are pleased."

अथ सा वायुपुत्राय तं हारमसितेक्षणा।८१।। तेजो धृतिर्यशो दाक्ष्यं सामर्थ्य विनयो नयः। पौरुषं विक्रमो बुद्धिर्यस्मिनेतानि नित्यदा।॥ हनूमांस्तेन हारेण शुशुभे वानरर्षभः। चन्द्रांशुचयगौरेण श्वेताभ्रेण यथाचलः।८३॥
Thereupon the lotus-eyed (Sitā) conferred that upon the Wind god's son. And Hanuman, the foremost of monkeys, in whom perpetually exist, energy, forgiveness, fame, skilfulness, prowess, humility, tactics, manliness, valiance and intellect, appeared with that necklace like a mountain beautified with the rays of the moon and white clouds.

सर्वे वानरवृद्धाश्च ये चान्ये वानरोत्तमाः। वासोभिर्भूषणैश्चैव यथार्ह प्रतिपूजिताः॥
All other elderly and leading monkeys were respectively honoured with clothes and ornaments.

विभीषणोऽथ सुग्रीवो हनूमाञ्जाम्बवांस्तथा। सर्वे वानरमुख्याश्च रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा॥ यथाहं पूजिताः सर्वे कामै रत्नैश्च पुष्कलैः। प्रहृष्टमनसः सर्वे जग्मुरेव यथागतम्॥
Being honoured by Rāma of unwearied actions with enough of jewels and other wishedfor objects, Vibhisana, Sugriva, Hanuman, Jambavan and other leading monkeys, delighted, returned to their respective habitations.

ततो द्विविदमैन्दाभ्यां नीलाय च परंतपः। सर्वान्कामगुणान्वीक्ष्य प्रददौ वसुधाधिपः॥
Thereupon, the lord of earth and the slayer of foes conferred, all wished for things, upon Dvivida, Mainda and Nila.

दृष्ट्वा सर्वे महात्मानस्ततस्ते वानरर्षभाः। विसृष्टाः पार्थिवेन्द्रेण किष्किन्धां समुपागमन्॥
Beholding (the installation of Rāma) the highsouled monkeys, taking leave of the lord of earth, went to Kiskindha.

सुग्रीवो वानरश्रेष्ठो दृष्ट्वा रामाभिषेचनम्। पूजितश्चैव रामेण किष्किन्धां प्राविशत्पुरीम्॥
And beholding the inauguration of Răma, Sugrīva, the foremost of monkeys, honoured by Rāma, repaired to the city of Kiskindhā.

विभीषणोऽपि धर्मात्मा सह तैर्नैऋतर्षभैः। लब्ध्वा कुलधनं राजा लङ्कां प्रायान्महायशाः॥
Having obtained his own kingdom, the greatly famous and virtuous souled Vibhīşaņa, with all the Rākşasas, repaired to the city of Lankā.

स राज्यमखिलं शासनिहतारिमहायशाः। राघवः परमोदारः : शशास परया मुदा।। उवाच लक्ष्मणं रामो धर्मज्ञं धर्मवत्सलः॥
Having slain his foes, the highly generous and glorious Rama, ruled in great delight, the kingdom extending all over the earth. And Rama, fond of the pious, spoke to Laksmana, conversant with piety, saying-

आतिष्ठ धर्मज्ञ मया सहेमां गां पूर्वराजाध्युषितां बलेन। तैयौँवराज्ये दुरमुद्वहस्व॥
O you conversant with piety, do you with me and four fold forces, govern this kingdom, ruled by our predecessors. Like to our ancestors do you now carry the burden of an associate in the throne.

सर्वात्मना पर्यनुनीयमानो यदा न सौमित्रिरुपैति योगम्। नियुज्यमानो ततोऽभ्यषिञ्चद्भरतं महात्मा॥
When the son of Sumitrā did not accept the heir apparentship albeit solicited earnestly again and again, the high-souled (Rāma) conferred upon Bharata that dignity.

पौण्डरीकाश्वमेधाभ्यां वाजिमेधेन चासकृत्। अन्यैश्च विविधैर्यज्ञैरयजत्पार्थिवात्मजः॥ भुवि यौवराज्ये
That son of king performed various sacrifices such as Paundarika, Asvamedha', Vajimedha and other of various kinds. 1. A kind of sacrifice. 2. A kind of Sacrifice in which a horse is slain.

राज्यं दशसहस्राणि प्राप्य वर्षाणि राघवः। दशाश्वमेधानाजह्वे सदश्वान्भूरिदक्षिणान्॥
And governing the kingdom for ten thousand years Rāghava performed ten horse-sacrifices with excellent horses and profuse presents.

आजानुलम्बिबाहुः स महावक्षाः प्रतापवान्। लक्ष्मणानुचरो रामः शशास पृथिवीमिमाम्॥
That highly powerful Rāma, having his arms extended up to the knee-joint, having a spacious breast and Lakşmaņa as his attendant, ruled the earth (in this.wise).

राघवश्चापि धर्मात्मा प्राप्य राज्यमनुत्तमम्। ईजे बहुविधैर्यज्ञैः ससुतभ्रातृबान्धवः॥
Obtaining that excellent kingdom, the virtuous souled Raghava performed many sacrifices with his sons, brothers and friends.

न पर्यदेवन्विधवा न च व्यालकृतं भयम्। न व्याधिजं भयं चासीद्रामे राज्यं प्रशासति ॥
Rāma governing the kingdom, the widows were not distressed and there was no fear from voracious animals or from diseases.

निर्दस्युरभवल्लोको नानर्थं कश्चिदस्पृशत्। न च स्म वृद्धा बालानां प्रेतकार्याणि कुर्वते॥
The people were saved from the thieves and there was no other trouble. And the old were not constrained to perform the funeral ceremonies of the children.

सर्व मुदितमेवासीत्सर्वो धर्मपरोऽभवत्। राममेवानुपश्यन्तो नाभ्यहिंसन्परस्परम्॥
All were delighted and devoted to pious observances. And beholding Rāma they did not envy one another.

आसन्वर्षसहस्राणि तथा पुत्रसहस्रिणः। निरामया विशोकाश्च रामे राज्यं प्रशासति ॥
Rāma governing the kingdom, (people) lived for thousand years and had thousand children, they were freed from diseases and sorrow.

नित्यमूला नित्यफलास्तरवस्तत्र पुष्पिताः। कामवर्षी च पर्जन्यः सुखस्पर्शश्च मारुतः॥
The trees bore fruits and flowers perpetuallythere were showers at will and the wind blew pleasant.

स्वकर्मसु प्रवर्तन्ते तुष्टाः स्वैरेव कर्मभिः। आसन्प्रजा धर्मपरा रामे शासति नानृताः॥ सर्वे लक्षणसंपन्नाः सर्वे धर्मपरायणाः। दशवर्षसहस्राणि रामो राज्यमकारयत्॥
The people delighted engaged in their respective works and the subjects grew pious and truthful, under Rāma's regime, and were devoted to the observances of all pious works and gifted with all auspicious marks. And Rāma ruled the kingdom for ten thousand years.

धयं यशस्यमायुष्यं राज्ञां च विजयावहम्। आदिकाव्यमिदं चार्ष पुरा वाल्मीकिना कृतम्॥
This sacred Epic, the first of its kind, affording piety, fame, and long life, and describing the conquest of tire kings, was composed by Vālmīki in the days of yore.

यः शृणोति सदा लोके नरः पापात्प्रमुच्यते। पुत्रकामश्च पुत्रान्वै धनकामो धनानि च॥ लभते मनुजो लोके श्रुत्वा रामाभिषेचनम्। महीं विजयते राजा रिपूंश्चाप्यधितिष्ठति॥
He, who on this earth, shall hear (this story) shall be divested of sins. People, wishing for children, shall obtain the same and those, wishing for riches, shall get by them. Thus people on this earth shall attain to their wished for objects hearing of this Răma's installationthe king may conquer the earth and subdue his foes.

राघवेण यथा माता सुमित्रा लक्ष्मणेन च। भरतेन च कैकेयी जीवपुत्रास्तथा स्त्रियः॥
Females may obtain sons (in the same way) as Kausalyā gave birth to Rāma, Sumitrā to Lakşmaņa and Kaikeyi to Bharata.

श्रुत्वा रामायणमिदं दीर्घमायुश्च विन्दति। रामस्य विजयं चेमं सर्वमक्लिष्टकर्मणः॥
Hearing the story of this work describing the victory of Rāma of unwearied actions one may attain to a long life.

शृणोति य इदं काव्यं पुरा वाल्मीकिना कृतम्। श्रद्दधानो जितक्रोधो दुर्गाण्यतितरत्यसौ॥
He, who with devotion and having his anger subdued, shall hear the story of this epic written by Vālmīki in the days of yore shall get over all troubles.

समागम्य प्रवासान्ते रमन्ते सह बान्धवैः। शृण्वन्ति य इदं काव्यं पुरा वाल्मीकिना कृतम्।।१११। ते प्रार्थितान्वरान्सर्वान्प्राप्नुवन्तीह राघवात्। श्रवणेन सुराः सर्वे प्रीयन्ते संप्रशृण्वताम्॥ विनायकाश्च शाम्यन्ति गृहे तिष्ठति यस्य वै।
Hearing the story of the Epic composed by Vālmīki in the days of yore, one living in foreign countries, shall return home and enjoy in the company of his friends. Hearing this people shall secure all their wished for objects from Rāghava and the celestials shall be greatly delighted. When this book is kept in a house it becomes free from the disturbance of evil spirits.

विजयेत महीं राजा प्रवासी स्वस्तिमान्भवेत्॥ स्त्रियो रजस्वलाः श्रुत्वा पुत्रान्सूयुरनुत्तमान्।
Hearing this a king may conquer the earth, and one living in a foreign country fare well. If a female, during her monthly course, hears the story, she shall give birth to an excellent son.

पूजयंश्च पठंश्चैनमितिहासं पुरातनम्॥ सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्येत दीर्घमायुरवाप्नुयात्।
By reading and worshipping this ancient history people are freed from all sins and attain to a long life.

प्रणम्य शिरसा नित्यं श्रोतव्यं क्षत्रियैर्द्विजात्॥ ऐश्वर्यं पुत्रलाभश्च भविष्यति न संशयः। रामायणमिदं कृत्स्नं शृण्वतः पठतः सदा॥
The Kșatriyas, bending low their heads, should hear this daily from the Brāhmaṇas. Hearing or reading the whole of Rāmāyaṇa, forsooth shall people get sons and riches.

प्रीयते सततं रामः स हि विष्णुः सनातनः। आदिदेवो महाबाहुर्हरिनारायणः प्रभुः॥
Rāma is ever pleased with him. He is the ever existing Visnu-the first God, the huge-armed Hari, Narayana and Lord.

एवमेतत्पुरावृत्तमाख्यानं भद्रमस्तु वः। प्रव्याहरत विस्रब्धं बलं विष्णोः प्रवर्धताम्॥
This ancient work produce such fruits. May good betide you. Do you openly declare that Visnu's prowess may increase.

देवाश्च सर्वे तुष्यन्ति ग्रहणाच्छ्वणात्तथा। रामायणस्य श्रवणे तृप्यन्ति पितरः सदा॥
The celestials shall be greatly delighted for reading or hearing this story of Rāma and the progenitors shall be always pleased.

भक्त्या रामस्य ये चेमा संहितामृषिणा कृताम्। ये लिखन्तीह च नरास्तेषां वासस्त्रिविष्टपे॥
Those, who shall write this story of Rāma first recorded by the Rși (Vālmīki) shall reach the region of Brahma.

कुटुम्बवृद्धिं धनधान्यवृद्धि स्त्रियश्च मुख्याः सुखमुत्तमं च। श्रुत्वा शुभं काव्यमिदं महार्थ प्राप्नोति सर्वां भुवि चार्थसिद्धिम्॥
Hearing this poem of great merits, people attain to, on this earth, multiplied relations, increased wealth and crops, beautiful wives, excellent happiness, and the accomplishment of all desires.

आयुष्यमारोग्यकरं यशस्यं सौभ्रातृकं बुद्धिकरं शुभं च। राख्यानमोजस्करमृद्धिकामैः॥
They attain to long life, health, fame, intellect, prowess, and good brothers. Therefore it behove those good men, who wish for prosperity, to hear this story perpetually.