Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 123

अनुज्ञातं तु रामेण तद्विमानमनुत्तमम्। हंसयुक्तं महानादमुत्पपात विहायसम्॥
Being commanded by Räma, that excellent car, drawn by ganders, with a huge noise, rose high up in the welkin.

पातयित्वा ततश्चक्षुः सर्वतो रघुनन्दनः। अब्रवीन्मैथिली सीतां रामः शशिनिभाननाम्।२।।
Casting his looks on all sides, Rama, the descendant of Raghus, spoke to Sītā, the daughter of the kind of Mithila, having a moonlike countenance, saying.

कैलासशिखराकारे त्रिकूटशिखरे स्थिताम्। लङ्कामीक्षस्व वैदेहि निर्मितां विश्वकर्मणा॥
O Vaidehi, do you behold Lanka, situate on the summit of the mount Citrakūta, resembling that of Kailasa and constructed by Viswakarma.

एतदायोधनं पश्य मांसशोणितकर्दमम्। हरीणां राक्षसानां च सीते विशसनं महत्॥
Behold, O Sītā, that huge arena of battle, bathed in the blood and flesh of the monkeys and Raksasas.

एष दत्तवरः शेते प्रमाथी राक्षसेश्वरः। तव हेतोविशालाक्षि निहतो रावणो मया॥
Do you behold, O you having expansive eyes, Rāvaņa, the lord of Rākşasas, the repressor of people and who obtained a boon, lying there, slain by me on your account.

कुम्भकर्मोऽत्र निहतः प्रहस्तश्च निशाचरः। धूम्राक्षश्चात्र निहतो वानरेण हनूमता॥
Kumbhakarna was slain there, the night ranger Prahasta, as well, and Dumraksa, were slain by the monkey Hanuman.

विद्युन्माली हतश्चात्र सुषेणेन महात्मना। लक्ष्मणेनेन्द्रजिच्चात्र रावणिनिहतो रणे॥
Vidyunmāli was slain there by the high souled Susena-and Indrajit, the son of Ravana, was slain there in the encounter, by Laksmana.

अङ्गदेनात्र निहतो विकटो नाम राक्षसः। विरूपाक्षश्च दुष्प्रेक्षो महापार्श्वमहोदरौ।।।।
The Rākşasa named Vikața was slain there by Angada-and Virūpākșa, hard to look at and Mahāpārśva and Mahodara.

अकम्पनश्च निहतो बलिनोऽन्ये च राक्षसाः। त्रिशिराश्चातिकायश्च देवान्तकनरान्तकौ॥ युद्धोन्मत्तश्च मत्तश्च राक्षसप्रवरावुभौ। निकुम्भश्चैव कुम्भश्च कुम्भकर्णात्मजौ बली॥ वज्रदंष्ट्रश्च दंष्ट्रश्च बहवो राक्षसा हताः। मकराक्षश्च दुर्धर्षो मया युधि निपातितः॥
The powerful Akampana was slain (there) and all other Raksasas-Trisira, Atikaya, Devāntaka and Narāntaka-and the two leading and powerful Rākşasas, mad after conflict-the sons of Kumbhakarna Nikumbha and Kumbha, Vajradanşțra, Danstra and many other Räkşasas were slain and the irrepressible Makarākṣa was slain (there) by me in the conflict.

अकम्पनश्च निहतः शोणिताक्षश्च वीर्यवान्। यूपाक्षश्च प्रजङ्घश्च निहतौ तु महाहवे॥
Akampana was slain and the powerful Sonitakşaa. And Yüpākṣa and Prajangha were destroyed (there) in the great conflict.

विद्युज्जिह्वोऽत्र निहतो राक्षसो भीमदर्शनः। यज्ञशत्रुश्च निहतः सुप्तघ्नश्च महाबलः॥
The grim-visaged Räkşasa Vidyutjihva was slain there and Yajñaśatru and highly powerful Suptaghna.

सूर्यशत्रुश्च निहतो ब्रह्मशत्रुस्तथापरः। अत्र मन्दोदरी नाम भार्या तं पर्यदेवयत्॥ सपत्नीनां सहस्रेण साग्रेण परिवारिता।
(And there was slain) Suryaśatru and Brahmaśatru (And there bewailed for Rāvana) his spouse Mandodarī, surrounded by his thousand other wives.

एतत्तु दृश्यते तीर्थ समुद्रस्य वरानने॥ यत्र सागरमुत्तीर्य तां रात्रिमुषिता वयम्।
O you having an excellent countenance, do you behold the descending place of the ocean, where I spent the night after crossing the deep for you.

एष सेतुर्मया बद्धः सागरे लवणार्णवे॥ तव हेतोर्विशालाक्षि नलसेतुः सुदुष्करः।
O you having expansive eyes, for you, this difficult construction of the bridge was made by me over the deep by the help of Nala.

पश्य सागरमक्षोभ्यं वैदेहि वरुणालयम्॥ अपारमिव गर्जन्तं शङ्खशुक्तिसमाकुलम्।
Do you O Vaidehī, behold the unagitated deep-the abode of Varuņa, appearing as if without the other end, roaring and abounding in conchs and pearl oysters.

हिरण्यनाभं शैलेन्द्रं काञ्चनं पश्य मैथिलि॥ विश्रमार्थं हनुमतो भित्त्वा सागरमुत्थितम्।
O Maithili, do you behold the golden mount, which rose above the deep for affording a resting place to Hanumăn.

एतत्कुक्षौ समुद्रस्य स्कन्धावारनिवेशनम्॥ अत्र पूर्व महादेवः प्रसादमकरोद्विभुः।
On the bank of this ocean I halted with my soldiers. And here Mahadeva, the lord of the celestials, was propitiated with me.

एतत्तु दृश्यते तीर्थ सागरस्य महात्मनः॥ सेतुबन्ध इति ख्यातं त्रैलोक्येन च पूजितम्। एतत्पवित्रं परमं महापातकनाशनम्॥ अत्र राक्षसराजोऽयमाजगाम विभीषणः।
It behove you to behold this descending place as of the high souled Ocean, known Setubandha,* worshipped of the three worlds, highly sacred and destroying even the worst sin. There, Vibhīsaņa, the king of Rākşasas first came to me. *This is still to be seen in the shape of a delapidated bridge near Rameswar a place of pilgrimage. Pilgrims go there Via Madura, a district in South Madras. The Raja of Ramnud in whose Zemindarī it is situate is called Setupati.

एषा सा दृश्यते सीते किष्किन्धा चित्रकानना ॥ सुग्रीवस्य पुरी रम्या यत्र वाली मया हतः।
Do you behold, O Sita, Kiskindha, having beautiful gardens, the pleasant city of Sugrīva, where Vālī was slain by me.

अथ दृष्ट्वा पुरी सीता किष्किन्धां वालिपालिताम्॥ अब्रवीत् प्रश्रितं वाक्यं रामं प्रणयसाध्वसा।
Beholding the city of Kişkindhā, ruled over by Vālī, Sitā, incited by her love, addressed Rāma, with worthy words, saying

सुग्रीवप्रियभार्याभिस्ताराप्रमुखतो नृप॥ अन्येषां वानरेन्द्राणां स्त्रीभिः परिवृता ह्यहम्। गन्तुमिच्छे सहायोध्यां राजधानी त्वया सह॥
O king, I wish to repair to Ayodhyā your capital with you, in the company of Tārā, the dear wife of Sugrīva as well as of the wives of other leading monkeys.

एवमुक्तोऽथ वैदेह्या राघवः प्रत्युवाच ताम्। एवमस्त्विति किष्किन्धां प्राप्य संस्थाप्य राघवः॥
Being thus addressed by Vaidehi Rāghava replied-saying, "this shall be done" and getting at Kişkindhă he stopped the car. And having beheld the car stationed he spoke to Sugriva, saying.

विमानं प्रेक्ष्य सुग्रीवं वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह। ब्रूहि वानरशार्दूल सर्वान्वानरपुङ्गवान्॥ स्त्रीभिः परिवृताः सर्वे ह्ययोध्यां यान्तु सीतया। तथा त्वमेभिः सर्वाभिः स्त्रीभिः सह महाबल।२८।। अभित्वरय सुग्रीव गच्छामः प्लवगाधिप।
O foremost of monkeys, do you speak to all the leading monkeys that they may go to Ayodhyā accompanied by their wives. O you of great strength they may all go with Sīta. Do you hurry them on, O Sugrīva. We shall (soon) go, O you the lord of monkeys.

एवमुक्तस्तु सुग्रीवो रामेणामिततेजसा॥ वानराधिपतिः श्रीमांस्तैश्च सर्वैः समावृतः। प्रविश्यान्तःपुरं शीघ्रं तारामुद्वीक्ष्य सोऽब्रवीत्॥
Being thus addressed by Rāma, of unmitigated prowess-the beautiful lord of monkeys, encircled by them, entered speedily the inner apartment and beholding lārā there, said.

प्रिये त्वं सह नारीणां वानराणां महात्मनाम्। राघवेणाभ्यनुज्ञाता मैथिलीप्रियकाम्यया॥ त्वर त्वमभिगच्छामो गृह्य वानरयोषितः। अयोध्यां दर्शयिष्यामः सर्वा दशरथस्त्रियः॥
O dear, at the command of Rāghava and the kind desire of Sītā, do you soon go, taking with you the wives of all the high-souled monkeys. We shall see Ayodhyā and the wives of Dasaratha.

सुग्रीवस्य वचः श्रुत्वा तारा सर्वाङ्गशोभना। आहूय चाब्रवीत्सर्वा वानराणां तु योषितः॥
Hearing the words of Sugrīva, Tårā, having a perfectly beautiful person, assembling all the wives of the monkeys, said.

सुग्रीवेणाभ्यनुज्ञाता गन्तुं सर्वैश्च वानरैः। मम चापि प्रियं कार्यमयोध्यादर्शनेन च॥ प्रवेशं चैव रामस्य पौरजानपदैः सह। विभूतिं चैव सर्वासां स्त्रीणां दशरथस्य च॥
You have been ordered by Sugrīva to repair (to Ayodhyā) with the monkeys; to behold Ayodhyā, is also a dear object of mine. (“I shall behold) Rāma enter the city with the citizens and villagers and the wealth and riches of the wives of Dasaratha.

तारया चाभ्यनुज्ञाताः सर्वा वानरयोषितः। नेपथ्यविधिपूर्वं तु कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्॥ अध्यारोहन्विमानं तत्सीतादर्शनकाझ्या।
Being thus commanded by Tārā, the wives of the monkeys, putting on all their ornaments and circumamubulating (her) ascended the car, with a view to behold Sitā.

ताभिः सहोत्थितं शीघ्रं विमानं प्रेक्ष्य राघवः॥ ऋष्यमूकसमीपे तु वैदेहीं पुनरब्रवीत्।
Beholding the car going up with them all, Rāghava again spoke to Sītā, near the mount Rishyamuka, saying.

दृश्यतेऽसौ महान्सीते सविद्युदिव तोयदः॥ ऋष्यमूको गिरिवरः काञ्चनैर्धातुभिर्वृतः।
Do you behold there, O Sītā, the huge and foremost mount Rishyamuka abounding in gold and various metals, like to clouds accompanied with lightnings.

अत्राहं वानरेन्द्रेण सुग्रीवेण समागतः॥ समयश्च कृतः सीते वधार्थ वालिनो मया।
There I was joined by Sugrīva, the lord of monkeys. And there I entered into an agreement, O Sita, for the destruction of Vali.

एषा सा दृश्यते पम्पा नलिनीचित्रकानना॥ त्वया विहीनो यत्राहं विललाप सुदुःखितः।
There is (the lake) Pampa abounding in lilies and skirted by picturesque forest where separated from you, I bewailed piteously.

अस्यास्तीरे मया दृष्टा शबरी धर्मचारिणी॥ अत्र योजनबाहुश्च कबन्धो निहतो मया।
And on its bank I beheld the pious Savari. And you I slew Kabandha and Yojanabāhu.

दृश्यतेऽसौ जनस्थाने श्रीमान्सीते वनस्पतिः।॥ जटायुश्च महातेजास्तव हेतोविलासिनि। रावणेन हतो यत्र पक्षिणां प्रवरो बली॥
Behold there, O Sítā, a beautiful tree, in janasthāna, where, O you ever used to luxuries, for you, the highly powerful and energetic Jag ayu, the foremost of birds, was slain by Ravana.

एतत्तदाश्रमपदमस्माकं वरवर्णिनि। पर्णशाला तथा चित्रा दृश्यते शुभदर्शने॥ यत्र त्वं राक्षसेन्द्रेण रावणेन हृता बलात्।
Do you behold there, O you of a beautiful person, O you of auspicious looks, our hermitage and the beautiful cottage of leaves, where from you had been carried away by force by the lord of Raksasas.

एषा गोदावरी रम्या प्रसन्नसलिला शुभा॥ अगस्त्यस्याश्रमश्चैव दृश्यते कदलीवृतः।
Do you behold there the beautiful and sacred river Godāvarī having clear water and the hermitage of Agastya, surrounded by plantain trees.

दृश्यते चैव वैदेहि शरभङ्गाश्रमो महान्॥ उपायतः सहस्राक्षो यत्र शक्रः पुरंदरः। एते ते तापसा देवि दृश्यन्ते तनुमध्यमे॥
Do you behold there, O Vaidehi, the great hermitage of Sarabhanga, where came the thousand-eyed, Sakra, the subduer of enemies cities.

अत्रिः कुलपतिर्यत्र सूर्यवैश्वानरोपमः। अस्मिन्देशे महाकायो विराधो निहतो मया॥ अत्र सीते त्वया दृष्टा तापसी धर्मचारिणी। असौ सुतनु शैलेन्द्रश्चित्रकूटः प्रकाशते।॥
O worshipful dame, O you having a middle stature-among all those ascetics you behold, there lived Atri, the lord of our familyresembling the fire of the Sun. There was slain the huge bodied Biradha by me. There you did behold, O Sītā, the female astectic (the wife of Attri) ever performing pious observances.

अत्र मां कैकयीपुत्रः प्रसादयितुमागतः। एषा सा यमुना रम्या दृश्यते चित्रकानना॥
There come in view, O you having a beautiful person, the king of mountains, Citrakūta, where to propitiate me, came the son of Kaikey.

भरद्वाजाश्रमः श्रीमान्दृश्यते चैष मैथिलि। इयं च दृश्यते गङ्गा पुण्या त्रिपथगा नदी॥
Behold the beautiful Yamunā, Yamunā, having picturesque forest on its bank and the pleasant hermitage of Bharadvāja. Behold there the sacred river Ganges, dividing itself into three branches.

शृङ्गबेरपुरं चैतद्गृहो यत्र सखा मम। एषा सा दृश्यते सीते राजधानी पितुर्मम।। अयोध्यां कुरु वैदेहि प्रणामं पुनरागता ॥
Behold there the city of ſîngavera, where I made friendship with Guha. Behold there, O Sītā, the capital of my father. Do you bow to Ayodhya, O Vaidehi.

ततस्ते वानराः सर्वे राक्षसाः सविभीषणाः। उत्पत्योत्पत्य संहृष्टास्तां पुरीं ददृशुस्तदा॥
Thereupon all the monkeys and Rākşasas along with Vibhīşaņa rose up delightedly and saw the city.

ततस्तु तां पाण्डुरहर्नामालिनी विशालकक्ष्यां गजवाजिभिवृताम्। पुरीमपश्यन्प्लवगाः सराक्षसाः पुरी महेन्द्रस्य यथामरावतीम्॥
Thereupon the monkeys and Rākşasas beheld the city abounding in white houses having spacious compartments, filled with elephants and horses and looking like Amarāvati, the capital of Mahendra.