Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 122

उपस्थितं तु तं कृत्वा पुष्पकं पुष्पभूषितम्। अविदूरे स्थितो राममित्युवाच विभीषणः॥ स तु बद्धाञ्जलिपुटो विनीतो राक्षसेश्वरः। अब्रवीत्त्वरयोपेतः किं करोमीति राघवम्॥
Having brought that car Puşpaka, adorned with flowers and having stationed himself at a distance, Vibhīşaņa the lord of Rākşasas, being incited to hurry on, humbly and with folded hands, spoke to Rama, saying, "What shall I do, O Rāghava?

तमब्रवीन्महातेजा लक्ष्मणस्योपशृण्वतः। विमृश्य राघवो वाक्यमिदं स्नेहपुरस्कृतम्॥
Hearing those words the highly powerful Rāghava, in the presence of Lakşmaņa, gave vent to the following accents out of affection.

कृतप्रयत्नकर्माणः सर्व एव वनौकसः। रत्नैरथैश्च विविधैः संपूज्यन्तां विभीषण॥
All these monkeys and bears have brought about the accomplishment of my work with great care. Do you, satisfy them, O Vibhisana, with diverse jewels and riches.

सहामीभिस्त्वया लङ्का निर्जिता राक्षसेश्वरः। हृष्टैः प्राणभयं त्यक्त्वा संग्रामेष्वनिवर्तिभिः॥
With these and you, I conquered the city of Lanka, O lord of Raksasas. They all fought with a delighted heart, having renounced all fear of life and who did never go away from the battlefield.

त इमे कृतकर्माणः सर्व एव वनौकसः। धनरत्नप्रदानैश्च कर्मैषां सफलं कुरु॥
Do you, with a gift of riches and jewel, make good the work of these monkeys and bears who encompassed the accomplishment (of my end).

एवं संमानिताश्चैते नन्द्यमाना यथा त्वया। भविष्यन्ति कृतज्ञेन निवृता हरियूथपाः।७।।
Being honoured and delighted by you grateful, all these leading monkeys shall repair (to their, respective quarters).

त्यागिनं संग्रहीतारं सानुक्रोशं जितेन्द्रियम्। सर्वे त्वामभिगच्छन्ति ततः संबोधयामि ते॥
(If you are found to be) sacrificing, self-controlled, compassionate and (the just) collector of revenues, all shall be attached to you. For this I do address you (thus).

हीनं रतिगुणैः सर्वैरभिहन्तारमाहवे। सेना त्यजति संविग्ना नृपतिं तं नरेश्वर॥
O lord of men, the soldiers, disgusted, renounce that king who is void of all royal accomplishments, and who uselessly slays soldiers in the conflict.

एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण वानरांस्तान्विभीषणः। रत्नार्थसंविभागेन सर्वानेवाभ्यपूजयत्॥
Being thus accosted by Rāma, Vibhīşaņa with a distribution of jewels and riches, honoured all those monkeys.

ततस्तान्पूजितान्दृष्ट्वा रत्नाथैहरियूथपान्। आरुरोह तदा रामस्तद्विमानमनुत्तमम्॥ अङ्केनादाय वैदेही लज्जमानां मनस्विनीम्। लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा विक्रान्तेन धनुष्मता॥
Beholding all those leading monkeys worshipped with jewels and riches Rāma ascended that excellent car, taking the bashful, and high-minded Vaidehi on his lap and accompanied by his powerful brother Laksmana, a skilled bowman.

अब्रवीत्स विमानस्थः पूजयन्सर्ववानरान्। सुग्रीवं च महावीर्य काकुत्स्थः सविभीषणम्॥
Being stationed the Kakutstha honouring all the monkeys, the highly powerful Sugriva and Vibhisana, said.

मित्रकार्य कृतमिदं भवद्भिनिरर्षभाः। अनुज्ञाता मया सर्वे यथेष्टं प्रतिगच्छत॥
O foremost of monkeys, you have performed a friendly service-it has been appreciated by medo you repair to your wished-for quarters.

यत्तु कार्य वयस्येन स्निग्धेन च हितेन च। कृतं सुग्रीव तत्सर्वं भवता धर्मभीरुणा॥
O Sugrīva, you, ever afraid of impiety, have performed all that a loving and well wishing friend should do.

किष्किन्धां प्रति याह्याशु स्वसैन्येनाभिसंवृतः। स्वराज्ये वस लङ्कायां मया दत्ते विभीषण।। न त्वां धर्षयितुं शक्ताः सेन्ट्रा अपि दिवौकसः॥
on car Do you, encircled by your army, proceed towards Kiskindhā. Do you, O Vibhisana live in your kingdom, Lankā, conferred upon you, by me. Not even the celestials, headed by Indra shall be able to assail you.

अयोध्या प्रति यास्यामि राजधानी पितुर्मम। अभ्यनुज्ञातुमिच्छामि सर्वानामन्त्रयामि वः॥
I wish to return to Ayodhyā, the capital of my father's (Kingdom). I wish to obtain your permission (and for this, I have invited you all.

एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण हरीन्द्रा हरयस्तथा। ऊचुः प्राञ्जलयः सर्वे राक्षसश्च विभीषणः॥
Being thus addressed by Rāma, all the leading monkeys bears as well as the Rākşasa Vibhīşaņa said with folded hands.

अयोध्यां गन्तुमिच्छामः सर्वात्रयतु नो भवान्। मुधुक्ता विचरिष्यामो वनान्युपवनानि च॥
We wish all to go to Ayodhyä. Do you take us. We shall all range with delight at forests and gardens.

दृष्ट्वा त्वामभिषेकाहं कौसल्यामभिवाद्य च। अचिरादागमिष्यामः स्वगृहानृपसत्तम॥
Beholding you installed and bowing to Kausalya, we shall soon return to our respective homes, O foremost of kings.

एवमुक्तस्तु धर्मात्मा वानरैः सविभीषणैः। अब्रवीद्वानरान्रामः ससुग्रीवविभीषणान्॥
Being thus accosted by the monkeys with Vibhisana, the virtuous-souled Rama, spoke to them and Sugriva and Vibhisana, saying.

प्रियाप्रियतरं लब्धं यदहं ससुहृज्जनः। सर्वैर्भवद्भिः सहितः प्रीतिं लप्स्ये पुरीं गतः॥
Dearer than the dear, I shall attain to, when returning my city, along with you all, I shall enjoy in the company of all my friends and relatives.

क्षिप्रमारोह सुग्रीव विमानं सह वानरैः। त्वमप्यारोह सामात्यो राक्षसेन्द्र विभीषण॥
O Sugrīva, do you soon ascend the car along with the monkeys. Do you ascend too, O Vibhisana, lord of Raksasas, with all your courtiers.

ततः स पुष्पकं दिव्यं सुग्रीवः सह वानरैः। आरुरोह मुदा युक्तः सामात्यश्च विभीषणः॥
Thereupon ascended that celestial car Puş paka, Sugriva, greatly delighted with the monkeys and Vibhisana, with his courtiers.

देवारूढेषु सर्वेषु कौबेरं परमासनम्। राघवेणाभ्यनुज्ञातमुत्पपात विहायसम्॥
They all having got up, the excellent car, of Kuvera at the command of Raghava, rose up in the welkin.

खगतेन विमानेन हंसयुक्तेन भास्वता। प्रहृष्टश्च प्रतीतश्च बभौ रामः कुबेरवत्॥
And in that car coursing at will land drawn by effulgent ganders, Rāma greatly delighted appeared like Kuvera (himself).

ते सर्वे वानरांश्च राक्षसाश्च महाबलाः। यथासुखमसंबाधं दिव्ये तस्मिन्नुपाविशन्॥
All the monkeys, bears and the highly powerful Rákşasas sat in that celestial car unobstructed and at their pleasure.