Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 119

एतच्छ्रुत्वा शुभं वाक्यं राघवेणानुभाषितम्। ततः शुभतरं वाक्यं व्याजहार महेश्वरः॥
Hearing those excellent words uttered by Raghava, Mahesvara (Siva) spoke far more important words.

पुष्कराक्ष महाबाहो महावक्षः परंतप। दिष्ट्या कृतमिदं कर्म त्वया धर्मभृतां वर॥
O you having lotus-eyes, O you having huge arms and a spacious breast, O you the slayer of enemies, O you the foremost of the pious-it is a good fortune that this has been done by you.

दिष्ट्या सर्वस्य लोकस्य प्रवृद्धं दारुणं तमः। अपवृत्तं त्वया संख्ये रामरावणजं भयम्॥
It is by good fortune, O Rama, the dreadful Rāghava, has been removed by you in the encounter.

आश्वास्य भरतं दीनं कौसल्यां च यशस्विनीम्। कैकेयीं च सुमित्रां च दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणमातरम्॥ प्राप्य राज्यमयोध्यां च नन्दयित्वा सुहृज्जनम्। इक्ष्वाकूणां कूले वंशं स्थापयित्वा महाबल॥ इष्ट्वा तुरगमेधेन प्राप्य चानुत्तमं यशः। ब्राह्मणेभ्यो धनं दत्त्वा त्रिदिवं गन्तुमर्हसि॥
Consoling the poor Bharata and the famed Kausalyā, beholding Kaikeyi and Sumitrā the mother of Lakşmaņa, obtaining the kingdom of Ayodhyā, pleasing all your friends, establishing the prestige of your family, you of great strength, performing horse-sacrifices, attaining fair fame and conferring riches upon the Brāhmaṇas do you repair to heaven.

एष राजा दशरथो विमानस्थः पिता तव। काकुत्स्थ मानुषे लोके गुरुस्तव महायशाः।७॥
This king Dasaratha stationed on the car is your father. He was your superior on this earth, OKakutstha.

इन्द्रलोकं गतः श्रीमांस्त्वया पुत्रेण तारितः। लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा त्वमेनमभिवादय।।।।।
Obtaining you as his son, that graceful (king) has repaired to the region of Indra. Do you bow to him with your brother Lakşmaņa.

महादेववचः श्रुत्वा राघवः सहलक्ष्मणः। विमानशिखरस्थस्य प्रणाममकरोत्पितुः॥
Hearing the words of Mahadeva, Raghava, along with Laksmana, bowed to their father who was seated on the top of the car.

दीप्यमानं स्वया लक्ष्या विरजोऽम्बरधारिणम्। लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा ददर्श पितरं प्रभुः॥
He with Lakşmaņa beheld their father shining in his own effulgence and wearing an unsullied cloth.

हर्षेण महताविष्टो विमानस्थो महीपतिः। प्राणैः प्रियतरं दृष्ट्वा पुत्रं दशरथस्तदा॥ आरोप्याङ्के महाबाहुर्वरासनगतः प्रभुः। बाहुभ्यां संपरिष्वज्य ततो वाक्यं समाददे॥
Thereupon beholding his son dearer than his life, attaining great delight (in consequence thereof) placing him on his lap and embracing him with his arms, the great king Dasaratha, having long arms and seated on an excellent seat in the car, said.

न मे स्वर्गो बहु मतः समानश्च सुरर्षभैः। त्वया राम विहीनस्य सत्यं प्रतिशृणोमि ते॥
I am now in heaven and am equal with the celestials, but without you, O Rāma, I do not like it-this is true-I do swear by you.

कैकेय्या यानि चोक्तानि वाक्यानि वदतां वर। तव प्रव्राजनार्थानि स्थितानि हृदये मम॥
O you the foremost of those skilled in speech, I have still in my mind the words which were uttered by Kaikeyi for sending you away to the woods.

त्वां तु दृष्ट्वा कुशलिनं परिष्वज्य सलक्ष्मणम्। अद्य दुःखाद्विमुक्तोऽस्मि नीहारादिव भास्करः॥
Beholding you all well and embracing you with Lakşmaņa I am now shorn of grief like to the Sun, devoid of dues.

तारितोऽहं त्वया पुत्र सुपुत्रेण महात्मना। अष्टावक्रेण धर्मात्मा कहोलो ब्राह्मणो यथा॥
I have been emancipated, O my son, through you-a good and high-souled son, as the virtuoussouled Brāhmaṇa Kahola was by Aștāvakra.

इदानीं च विजानामि यथा सौम्य सुरेश्वरैः। वधार्थ रावणस्येह पिहितं पुरुषोत्तमम्॥
O gentle one, I have heard from the celestials, (that you are) the excellent Puruşa in the guise (of a man) for the destruction of Rävaņa.

सिद्धार्था खलु कौसल्या या त्वां राम गृहं गतम्। वनानिवृत्तं संहृष्टा द्रक्ष्यते शत्रुसूदनम्॥
Blessed is Kausalyā, O Rāma, who shall be greatly delighted, on beholding you, the slayer of enemies, gone home from the forest.

सिद्धार्थाः खलु ते राम नरा ये त्वां पुरीं गतम्। राज्ये चैवाभिषिक्तं च द्रक्ष्यन्ते वसुधाधिपम्॥
Blessed are those men, O Rama, who shall behold you installed in the city as the king of the world.

अनुरक्तेन बलिना शुचिना धर्मचारिणा। इच्छेयं त्वामहं द्रष्टुं भरतेन समागतम्॥
I wish to behold you reconciled with Bharata, devoted powerful, pure and performing pious observances.

चतुर्दशः समाः सौम्य वने निर्यातितास्त्वया। वसता सीतया साधं मत्प्रीत्या लक्ष्मणेन च॥
O gentle one, you have spent fourteen years in the forest with Sītā and Lakşmaņa.

निवृत्तवनवासोऽसि प्रतिज्ञा पूरिता त्वया। रावणं च रणे हत्वा देवताः परितोषिताः॥
The term of your exile is over-your promise has been fulfilled; and slaying Ravana, in the conflict you have pleased the celestials.

कृतं कर्म यशः श्लाघ्यं प्राप्तं ते शत्रुसूदन। भ्रातृभिः सह राज्यस्थो दीर्घमायुरवाप्नुहि ॥
You have performed a mighty deed and attained to excellent fame, O slayer of enemies; and placed in charge of your kingdom do you with your brothers attain a long life.

इति ब्रुवाणं राजानं रामः प्राञ्जलिरब्रवीत्। 'कुरु प्रसादं धर्मज्ञ कैकेय्या भरतस्य च॥
The king speaking thus Rāma spoke to him with folded hands saying, “O you conversant with piety, do you be propitiated with Bharata and Kaikeyi.

सपुत्रां त्वां त्यजामीति यदुक्ता केकयी त्वया। स शापः केकयीं घोरः सपुत्रां न स्पृशेत्प्रभो॥
You did imprecate Kaikeyi, saying, I renounce you with your son, may not that dreadful curse visit her and her son.

तथेति स महाराजो राममुक्त्वा कृताञ्जलिम्। लक्ष्मणं च परिष्वज्य पुनर्वाक्यमुवाच ह॥
Saying "so be it" to Rāma with folded hands and embracing Lakşmaņa the great king said to him.

धर्म प्राप्स्यसि धर्मज्ञ यशश्च विपुलं भुवि। रामे प्रसने स्वर्गं च महिमानं तथोत्तमम्॥
O you conversant with piety and fame on this earth, you shall attain to heaven and excellent state there.

रामं शुश्रूष भद्रं ते सुमित्रानन्दवर्धन। रामः सर्वस्य लोकस्य हितेष्वभिरतः सदा॥
O you the enhancer of Sumitra's joy-do you attend upon Rāma; may good betide you; Rāma is ever engaged in the welfare of all beings.

एते सेन्द्रास्त्रयो लोकाः सिद्धाश्च परमर्षयः। अभिवाद्य महात्मानमर्चन्ति पुरुषोत्तमम्॥
All these celestials headed by Indra, Siddhas and Great saints, bowing to this high-souled and excellent Purusa, worship him.

एतत्तदुक्तमव्यक्तमक्षरं ब्रह्मसंमितम्। देवानां हृदयं सौम्य गुह्यं रामः परंतपः॥
Rāma, the subduer of foes, is the indescribable and undecaying letter Brahmā, which has been described in the Vedas) as the heart and secret of the celestials.

अवाप्तधर्माचरणं यशश्च विपुलं त्वया। एनं शुश्रूषता व्यग्रं वैदेह्या सह सीतया॥
For serving him along with Sītā, the daughter of king Videha, you have attained piety and excellent fame.

इत्युक्त्वा लक्ष्मणं राजा स्नुषां बद्धाञ्जलिं स्थिताम्। पुत्रीत्याभाष्य मधुरं शनैरेनामुवाच ह॥
Addressing Lakşmaņa thus, the king spoke to his daughter-in-law, who was standing before him with folded hands, saying.

कर्तव्यो न तु वैदेहि मन्युस्त्यागमिमं प्रति। रामेणेदं विशुद्ध्यर्थं कृतं वै त्वद्धितैषिणा॥
It does not behove you, O Vaidehi, to be enraged (with Rāma) for renouncing you; for purifying you this was done by him ever wishing your welfare.

सुदुष्करमिदं पुत्रि तव चारित्रलक्षणम्। कृतं यत्तेऽन्यनारीणां यशो ह्यभिभविष्यति॥
What you have performed, O daughter, to establish the purity of your character, is hard to perform. What you have done, shall glorify all other females.

न त्वं कामं समाधेया भर्तृशुश्रूषणं प्रति। अवश्यं तु मया वाच्यमेष ते दैवतं परम्॥
Though there is no necessity for giving you any instruction as regards your duty towards your husband-still I should say that he is your great god.

इति प्रतिसमादिश्य पुत्रौ सीतां च राघवः। इन्द्रलोकं विमानेन ययौ दशरथो नृपः॥
Having thus instructed his two sons and Sītā, he repaired, in his car, to the region of Indra.

विमानमास्थाय महानुभावः श्रिया च संहृष्टतनुर्नृपोत्तमः। आमन्त्र्य पुत्रौ सह सीतया च जगाम देवप्रवरस्य लोकम्॥
Having advised his two sons along with Sītā, ascending the car, and shining in his effulgence, that excellent king, greatly delighted, repaired to the region of the king of celestials.