Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 112

ते रावणवधं दृष्ट्वा देवगन्धर्वदानवाः। जग्मुः स्वैः स्वैर्विमानैस्तै कथयन्तः शुभाः कथाः॥
Beholding the destruction of Rāvaņa the celestials, Gandharvas and Dänavas ascending their respective cars went away chanting this excellent theme.

रावणस्य वधं घोरं राघवस्य पराक्रमम्। सुयुद्धं वानराणां च सुग्रीवस्य च मन्त्रितम्॥ अनुरागं च वीर्यं च मारुतेर्लक्ष्मणस्य च। पतिव्रतात्वं सीताया हनूमति पराक्रमम्॥ कथयन्तो महाभागा जग्मुर्हष्टा यथागतम्।
Talking of Rāvana's dreadful destruction, Raghava's prowess, the excellent warfare of the monkeys, the counsels of Sugrīva, the devotion and prowess of the Wind-God's son and Lakşmaņa and Sītā's devotion to her husband, those high souled ones, delighted, repaired to their respective quarters.

राघवस्तु रथं दिव्यमिन्द्रदत्तं शिखिप्रभम्॥ अनुज्ञाप्य महाबाहुर्मातलिं प्रत्यपूजयत्।
Rāghava, having long arms, permitting the charioteer Mātali to take back the celestial car bright as the sky sent by Indra, honoured him greatly.

राघवेणाभ्यनुज्ञातो मातलिः शक्रसारथिः॥ दिव्यं तं रथमास्थाय दिवमेवोत्पपात ह।
And being commanded by Rāghava Mātali, the charioteer of Sakra taking the celestial car, rose up in the welkin.

तस्मिंस्तु दिवमारूढे सरथे रथिनां वरः॥ राघवः परमप्रीतः सुग्रीवं परिषस्वजे।
That charioteer rising up into the celestial region, Rāghava, the foremost of car-warriors, greatly delighted, embraced Sugrīva.

परिष्वज्य च सुग्रीवं लक्ष्मणेनाभिवादितः॥ पूज्यमानो हरिगणैराजगाम बलालयम्।
Embracing Sugrīva, bowed to by Lakşmaņa and worshipped by the monkey he repaired to the camp of his soldiers.

अथोवाच स काकुत्स्थः समीपपरिवर्तिनम्॥ सौमित्रिं मित्रसंपन्नं लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्षणम्। विभीषणमिमं सौम्य लङ्कायामभिषेचय॥ अनुरक्तं च भक्तं च तथा पूर्वोपकारिणम्।
Thereupon Kakuthsha spoke to Lakşmaņa-the son of Sumitrā gifted with auspicious marks who was near him, "O gentle one, take this Vibhīşaņa to the city of Lankä ever devoted and attached to us, and who had done us good.

एष मे परमः कामो यदिम रावणानुजम्॥ लङ्कायां सौम्य पश्येयमभिषिक्तं विभीषणम्।
This is my great desire that I may behold Vibhīşaņa the younger brother of Rāvana installed on the throne of Lankā.

एवमुक्तस्तु सौमित्री राघवेण महात्मना॥ तथेत्युक्त्वा सुसंहृष्टः सौवर्णं घटमाददे। तं घटं वानरेन्द्राणां हस्ते दत्त्वा मनोजवान्॥ व्यादिदेश महासत्त्वः समुद्रसलिलं तदा।
Being thus addressed by the high-souled Raghava, the son of Sumitra, saying, “So be it" and greatly delighted, brought a golden jar. And placing that jar at the hands of the lord of monkeys, that one, gifted with great energy, ordered them to bring water from the Ocean.

अतिशीघ्रं ततो गत्वा वानरास्ते मनोजवाः॥ आगतास्तु जलं गृह्य समुद्राद्वानरोत्तमाः।
And repairing speedily those excellent monkeys came back with water from the ocean.

ततस्त्वेकं घटं गृह्य संस्थाप्य परमासने॥ घटेन तेन सौमित्रिरभ्यषिञ्चद्विभीषणम्। लङ्कायां रक्षसां मध्ये राजानं रामशासनात्॥ विधिना मन्त्रदृष्टेन सुहृद्गणसमावृतः। अभ्यषिञ्चस्तदा सर्वे राक्षसा वानरास्तथा॥
Taking that jar and placing him on an excellent seat Saumitri with that water sprinkled Vibhīşaņa as king of Lankā in the presence of all the Raksasas, at Rama' command. And (Laks maņa) encircled by friends sprinkling him according to rites laid down in the Vedas, all the Rākşasas, devoted to him, his counsellors and the monkeys attaining incomparable delight, sang the glory of Rāma.

प्रहर्षमतुलं गत्वा तुष्टुवू राममेव हि। तस्यामात्या जहृषिरे भक्ता ये चास्य राक्षसाः॥ दृष्ट्वाभिषिक्तं लङ्कायां राक्षसेन्द्रं विभीषणम्। राघवः परमां प्रीतिं जगाम सहलक्ष्मणः॥
Beholding Vibhīşaņa the lord of Rākşasas installed in the city of Lankä, Räghava along with Lakşmaņa attained to an excess of delight.

सान्त्वयित्वा प्रकृतयस्ततो राममुपागमत्। दध्यक्षतान्मोदकांश्च लाजाः सुमनसस्तथा॥
And consoling his subjects he went to Rāma. And the monkey citizens, delighted, brought him curd, fried grain, sweetmeats, fried paddy and flowers.

आजहुरथ संहृष्टाः पौरास्तस्मै निशाचराः। स तान्गृहीत्वा दुर्धर्षो राधवाय न्येवदयत्॥
Taking all those things indicating auspiciousness, he, irrepressible and gifted with energy, conferred them upon Råghava and Lakşmaņa.

माङ्गल्यं मङ्गलं सर्वं लक्ष्मणाय च वीर्यवान्। कृतकाय समृद्धार्थ दृष्ट्वा रामो विभीषणम्।। प्रतिजग्राह तत्सर्वं तस्यैव प्रतिकाम्यया॥
Beholding Vibhīşaņa crowned with prosperity and success, Rāma accepted them all for his satisfaction.

ततः शैलोपमं वीरं प्राञ्जलिं प्रणतं स्थितम्। उवाचेदं वचो रामो हनूमन्तं प्लवङ्गमम्॥
Thereupon Rāma spoke to the heroic monkey Hanumān, resembling a mountain and standing before him humbly with folded hands saying.

अनुज्ञाप्य महाराजमिमं सौम्य विभीषणम्। प्रविश्य नगरी लङ्कां कौशलं ब्रूहि मैथिलीम्॥
O gentle on obtaining permission from the king Bibhshana, do you enter the city of Lankā and enquire after Maithili's welfare.

वेदेह्यां मां च कुशलं सुग्रीवं च सलक्ष्मणम्। आचक्ष्व वदतां श्रेष्ठ रावणं च हतं रणे॥ प्रियमेतदिहाख्याहि वैदेह्यास्त्वं हरीश्वर। प्रतिगृह्य तु संदेशमुपावर्तितुमर्हसि ॥
Do you, O foremost of monkeys, inform Vaidehr of the destruction of Rāvana in conflict after communicating to her mine health as well as that of Lakşmaņa and Sugrīva. O lord of monkeys, it behove you to return with the tidings of Vaidehi after informing her of this pleasant news.