Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 11

स बभूव कृशो राजा मैथिलीकाममोहितः। असन्मानाच्च सुहृदां पापः पापेन कर्मणा॥
The unrighteous king, overmastered by his passion (for Sītā), in consequence of his sinful act as well as the loss of honour he sustained at the hands of his friends, became reduced.

अतीव कामसंपन्नो वैदेहीमनुचिन्तयन्। अतीतसमये काले तस्मिन्वै युधि रावणः। अमात्यैश्च सुहृद्भिश्च प्राप्तकालममन्यत॥
The occasion for war was (wanting Rāvana, possessed by lust, and continually thinking of Vaidehī, conceived along with his counsellors that the time for entering into hostilities had arrived.

स हेमजालविततं मणिविद्रुमभूषितम्। उपगम्य विनीताश्वमारुरोह महारथम्॥
Sallying forth, he ascended a mighty car furnished with golden network, adorned with pearls and coral and yoked with trained steeds.

तमास्थाय रथश्रेष्ठं महामेघसमस्वनम्। प्रययौ रक्षसां श्रेष्ठो दशग्रीवः सभां प्रति॥
Having ascended that excellent vehicle, having sounds resembling those of mighty clouds, that foremost of Raksasa, the Tennecked one, drove towards the court.

असिचर्मधरा योधाः सर्वायुधधरास्ततः। राक्षसा राक्षसेन्द्रस्य पुरस्तात्संप्रतस्थिरे॥
As he coursed on, Rākşasas, bearing swords and shields, and carrying all kinds of weapons, went before the lord of the Rākşasas.

नानाविकृतवेषाश्च नानाभूषणभूषिताः। पार्श्वतः पृष्ठतश्चैनं परिवार्य ययुस्तदा॥
And (some of) these, wearing various frightful suits, and decked with diverse ornaments, went, surrounding his rear and flanks.

रथैश्चातिरथाः शीघ्रं मत्तैश्च वरवारणैः। अनूत्पेतुर्दशग्रीवमाक्रीडद्भिश्च वाजिभिः॥ गदापरिघहस्ताश्च शक्तितोमरपाणयः।
And many atiratha heroes went with cars, and superb mad elephants, and sportive steeds; and bearing in their hands maces and bludgeons; and darts and clubs.

परश्वधधराश्चान्ये तथान्ये शूलपाणयः। ततस्तूर्यसहस्राणां संजज्ञे निःस्वनो महान्॥ तुमुलः शङ्खशब्दश्च सभां गच्छति रावणे।
Some of them were bearing spades and others with darts in hands. As Rāvana marched towards the court, there arose the loud blares of a thousand trumpet, and the uproarious sounds of conchs.

स नेमिघोषेण महान्सहसाभिनिनादयन्॥ राजमार्ग श्रिया जुष्टं प्रतिपेदे महारथः।
That redoubtable and mighty car-warrior held his course, suddenly making sides resound, and beautifying the high ways.

विमलं चातपत्रं च प्रगृहीतमशोभत ॥ पाण्डुरं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य पूर्णस्ताराधिपो यथा।
The spotless white umbrella of the lord of Rākşasa, being raised up, looked beautiful like the Moon at her full.

हेममञ्जरिगर्भे च शुद्धस्फटिकविग्रहे ॥ चामरव्यजने तस्य रेजतुः सव्यदक्षिणे।
On his right and left graced two crystal white cámaras furnished with threads of gold.

ते कृताञ्जलयः सर्वे रथस्थं पृथिवीस्थिताः॥ राक्षसा राक्षसश्रेष्ठं शिरोभिस्तं ववन्दिरे।
All those Rākşasas standing on the ground with joined hands, bowed down their heads to the foremost of Rākşasas who was seated on his car.

राक्षसैः स्तूयमानः सञ्जयाशीभिररिंदमः॥ आससाद महातेजाः सभां विरचितां तदा।
Hymned by the Råkşasas with blessings of victory, that exceedingly energetic chastiser of enemies arrived at the court constructed (by Viśvakarmā).

सुवर्णरजतास्तीणां विशुद्धस्फटिकान्तराम्॥ विराजमानो वपुषा रुक्मपट्टोत्तरच्छदाम्। तां पिशाचशतैः षड्भिरभिगुप्तां सदाप्रभाम्॥ प्रविवेश महातेजाः सुकृतां विश्वकर्मणा।
That highly energetic one in person entered that court paved with silver and gold, having its heart decorated with crystal, and gracefully covered with silk, embroidered with gold; excellently constructed by Viśvakarma, and guarded by six hundred ghosts.

तस्याः स वैदूर्यमयं प्रियकाजिनसंवृतम्॥ महत्सोपाश्रयं भेजे रावणः परमासनम्। ततः शशासेश्वरहूताल्लघुपराक्रमान्॥
Rävaņa sat down on a superb and august seat consisting of lapises, furnished with a pillow; and covered with a soft dear-skin. And lord-like he commanded the envoys possessed of fleet vigour, saying.

समानयत मे क्षिप्रमिहैताराक्षसानिति । कृत्यमस्ति महज्जाने कर्तव्यमिति शत्रुभिः॥
Do you speedily summon hither the Raksasas. I fancy some mighty effort has to be put forth against our foes.

राक्षसास्तद्वचः श्रुत्वा लङ्कायां परिचक्रमुः। अनुगेहमवस्थाय विहारशयनेषु च। उद्यानेषु च रक्षांसि चोदयन्तो ह्यभीतवत्॥
Hearing his words, the envoys began to range Lankā; and going to every house, they fearlessly collected the Rākṣasas from places of sport, bedrooms, and gardens.

ते रथान्तरचरा एके दृप्तानेके दृढान्हयान्। नागानेकेऽधिरुरुहुर्जग्मुश्चैके पदातयः॥
Then some set out, mounting cars, and some mounting proud coursers, and some on foot.

सा पुरी परमाकीर्णा रथकुञ्जरवाजिभिः। संपतद्भिर्विरुरुचे गरुत्मद्भिरिवाम्बरम्॥
And like the welkin filled with fowls, the city thronged with approaching cars, elephants and steeds.

ते वाहनान्यवस्थाय यानानि विविधानि च। सभां पद्भिः प्रविविशुः सिंहा गिरिगुहामिव ॥
Leaving their various vehicles and cars behind, they entered the court on foot, like lions entering mountain caverns.

राज्ञः पादौ गृहीत्वा तु राज्ञा ते प्रतिपूजिताः। पीठेष्वन्ये बृसीष्वन्ये भूमौ केचिदुपाविशन्॥
Taking the feet of the sovereign, and honoured by him (in turn), they sat them down, some-on raised seats, some on cushions of Kusa, and some on the floor.

ते समेत्य सभायां वै राक्षसा राजशासनात्। यथार्हमुपतस्थुस्ते रावणं राक्षसाधिपम्॥
Presenting themselves agreeably to the command of the monarch, they sat them down each according to his position, before the lord of Raksasas, Ravana.

मन्त्रिणश्च यथामुख्या निश्चितार्थेषु पण्डिताः। अमात्याश्च गुणोपेताः सर्वज्ञा बुद्धिदर्शनाः॥ समीयुस्तत्र शतशः शूराश्च बहवस्तथा। सभायां हेमवर्णायां सर्वार्थस्य सुखाय वै॥
There came also the learned and competent to arrive at infallible decisions, and they sat them down in order of merit. And there also came courtiers endowed with virtues, versed in every thing, and having intelligence for their eye-sight, and innumerable heroes by hundreds also (arrived) at that court for ascertaining the course the would prove beneficial.

ततो महात्मा विपुलं सुयुग्यं रथं वरं हेमविचित्रताङ्गम्। शुभं समास्थाय ययौ यशस्वी विभीषणः संसदमग्रजस्य॥
Then mounting a large, noble and splendid car, having its parts decked with gold, and yoked with horses, the magnanimous and renowned Vibhīşana went to the court of his elder brother.

स पूर्वजायावरजः शशंस नामाथ पश्चाच्चरणौ ववन्दे। शुक्रः प्रहस्तश्च तथैव तेभ्यो ददौ यथार्ह पृथगासनानि॥
That younger brother (of Rāvana), announcing his name, bowed down at the feet of his elder brother. And Śuka and Prahasta were employed in giving to each a separate seat befitting his rank.

सुवर्णनानामणिभूषणानां सुवाससां संसदि राक्षसानाम्। तेषां परार्ध्यागुरुचन्दनानां स्रजां च गन्धाः प्रववुः समन्तात्॥
From all sides in the court there began to spread the odour of excellent agura and sandal and wreaths belonging to the Räkşasas, decked in gold and various gems, and clad in costly attires.

न चुक्रुशु नृतमाह कश्चित् सभासदो नापि जजल्पुरुच्चैः। संसिद्धार्थाः सर्व एवोग्रवीर्या भर्तुः सर्वे ददृशुश्चाननं ते॥
And no one among these present at court uttered any thing, or spoke any falsehood, or conversed in loud accents. And having completely attained their desire, all of fierce prowess, gazed at the face of their lord.

स रावणः शस्त्रभृतां मनस्विनां महाबलानां समितौ मनस्वी। तस्यां सभायां प्रथया चकाशे मध्ये वसूनामिव वज्रहस्तः॥
In the assembly of those intelligent, and exceedingly powerful persons, equipped with arms, the intelligent Rāvaņa appeared splendid like the vaira-handed Indra among the Vasus.