Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 103

स तु तेन तदा क्रोधात्काकुत्स्थेनादितो भृशम्। रावणः समरश्लाघी महाक्रोधमुपागमत्॥
On being greatly harassed by Käkutstha in anger, Ravana, delighting in battle, came under the sway of a towering passion.

स दीप्तनयनोऽमर्षाच्चापमुद्यम्य वीर्यवान्। अभ्यर्दयत्सुसंकृद्धो राघवं परमाहवे॥
And with his eyes aglow, that powerful one from wrath and fury assailed Raghava in mighty encounter.

बाणाधारासहस्रैस्तु सतोयद इवाम्बरात्। राघवं रावणो बाणैस्तटाकामिव पूरयन्॥
And even as clouds pour down from the sky on a pool, Råvaņa showered thousands of arrows of Rāghava.

पूरितः शरजालेन धनुर्मुक्तेन संयुगे। महागिरिरिवाकम्प्यः काकुत्स्थो न प्रकम्पते॥
And covered with vollies of shafts discharged from (Ravana's) bow in the conflict, Kākutstha like to a mighty mountain did not shake.

स शरैः शरजालानि वारयन्समरे स्थितः। गभस्तीनिव सूर्यस्य प्रतिजग्राह वीर्यवान्॥
That one endowed with prowess stood in the field, resisting those networks of arrows, and took up shafts resembling the rays of the Sun.

ततः शरसहस्राणि क्षिप्रहस्तो निशाचरः। निजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो राघवस्य महात्मनः॥
Then the fleet-handed night-ranger, fired with rage, discharged a thousand arrows at the chest of the high souled Raghava.

स शोणितसमादिग्धः समरे लक्ष्मणाग्रजः। दृष्टः फुल्ल इवारण्ये सुमहान्किशुकदुमः॥
Thereat in that encounter Lakşmaņa's elder brother, with his body bathed in blood, appeared like a mighty Kinśuka tree in a forest.

शराभिघातसंरब्धः सोऽभिजग्राह सायकान्। काकुत्स्थः सुमहातेजा युगान्तादित्यवर्चसः।।।।
With his ire aroused by the blows he received the exceedingly energetic Kākutstha took up arrows resembling the sur risen at the time of the universal dissolution.

ततोऽन्योन्यं सुसंरब्धौ तावुभौ रामरावणौ। शरान्धकारे समरे नोपलक्षयतां तदा।९।।
In the darkness spread by the arrows (discharged), Rama and Ravana both fired with wrath could not be discovered of each other.

ततः क्रोधसमाविष्टो रामो दशरथात्मजः। उवाच रावणं वीरः प्रहस्य परुषं वचः॥
Then that hero-Dasaratha's son, Rāma, Overcome with wrath, addressed Ravana, laughing, in a harsh speech, saying.

मम भार्या जनस्थानादज्ञानाद्राक्षसाधम। हृता ते विवशा यस्मात्तस्मात्त्वं नासि वीर्यवान्॥
You vile of Räkşasas, in consequence of having through lack of sense carried off my wife from Janasthana and brought her under your subjection, you have been deprived of your prowess.

मया विरहितां दीनां वर्तमानां महावने। वैदहीं प्रसभं हृत्वा शूरोऽहमिति मन्यसे॥
Having forcibly carried away Vaidehi staying in that mighty forest, forlorn and without me, you think, 'I am hero.'

स्त्रीषु शूर विनाथासु परदाराभिमर्शनम्। कृत्वा कापुरुषं कर्म शूरोऽहमिति मन्यसे॥
Outraging the helpless wives of others, doing this craven deed, you thinkest, 'I am a hero.'

भिन्नमर्याद निर्लज्ज चारित्रेष्वनवस्थित। दर्पान्मृत्युमुपादाय शूरोऽहमिति मन्यसे॥
O you having your dignity destroyed! O shameless Wight! O you of volatile character, having through your violence brought destruction on yourself, you think, 'I am a hero.'

शूरेण धनदभ्रात्रा बलैः समुदितेन च। श्लाघनीयं महत्कर्म यशस्यं च कृतं त्वया॥
A great and famous act has been performed by you, a hero, and the brother of the Bestower of riches, surrounded with your forces!

उत्सेकेनाभिपन्नस्य गर्हितस्याहितस्य च। कर्मणः प्राप्नुहीदानीं तस्याद्य सुमहत्फलम्॥
Today receive the mighty fruit of that infamous act done through pride, productive of evil.* *Remarks Rāmānuja, 'here and in the next world.'

शूरोऽहमिति चात्मानमवगच्छसि दुर्मते। नैव लज्जास्ति ते सीतां चौरवद्ध्यपकर्षतः॥
O wicked-minded one, you think of yourself, 'I am a hero; but you that have taken way Sītā like a thief, have no feeling of shame.

यदि मत्संनिधौ सीता धर्षिता स्यात्त्वया बलात्। भ्रातरं तु खरं पश्येस्तदा मत्सायकैर्हतः॥
Had you forcibly outraged Sità in my very presence, you, slain by my Shafts, would have seen your brother-Khara.

दिष्टयासि मम मन्दात्मंश्चक्षुर्विषयमागतः। अद्य त्वां सायकैस्तीक्ष्णैर्नयामि यमसादनम्॥
By luck, O you of an evil soul, you have come within the range of my vision. Today by means of sharp shafts shall I bring you to death's door.

अद्य ते मच्छरैश्छिन्नं शिरो ज्वलितकुण्डलम्। क्रव्यादा व्यपकर्षन्तु विकीर्णं रणपांसुषु॥
Today beasts of pray will drag your head having burning ear-rings, severed by my shafts and covered with the dust of the battle-field.

निपत्योरसि गृध्रास्ते क्षितौ क्षिप्तस्य रावण। पिबन्तु रुधिरं तर्षाद्वाणशल्यान्तरोत्थितम्॥
O Ravana, vultures will alight on your breast, as you will lie low on the ground; and, athirst, they will drink the blood gushing out from your wounds.

अद्य मदाणभिन्नस्य गतासोः पतितस्य ते। कर्षन्त्वन्त्राणि पतगा गरुत्मन्त इवोरगान्॥
To-day fowls of the air will keep pulling at you pierced with my shafts, and lying lifeless, as birds do serpents.

इत्येवं स वदन्वीरो रामः शत्रुनिबर्हणः। सेन्द्रं समीपस्थं शरवर्षैरवाकिरत् ॥
Having spoken thus, that slayer of foes-Rāmashowered arrows on the lord of Rākşasas, staying before.

बभूव द्विगुणं वीर्य बलं हर्षश्च संयुगे। रामस्यास्त्रबलं चैव शत्रोनिधनकांक्षिणः॥
The prowess and strength and spirits and force of arms of Rāma burning for the destruction of his foe, were doubled.

प्रादुर्बभूवुरस्त्राणि सर्वाणि विदितात्मनः। प्रहर्षाच्च महातेजाः शीघ्रहस्ततरोऽभवत्॥
All the Weapons* presented themselves before that one cognisant of self; and the fleethandedness of that exceedingly powerful one increased immensely from exhilaration of spirits. *i.e. the presiding deities of them.

शुभान्येतानि चिह्नानि विज्ञायात्मगतानि सः। भूय एवार्दयद्रामो रावणं राक्षसान्तकृत्॥
Seeing all these auspicious omens coming of themselves, Rama, finisher of Raksasas, set about smiting his foe more energetically than ever.

हरीणां चाश्मनिकरैः शरवर्षैश्च राघवात्। हन्यमानो दशग्रीवो विघूर्णहृदयोऽभवत्॥
Assailed with stones by the monkeys and showers of shafts by Rāghava, the Ten-necked one felt his heart undergoing a revolution.* *Vighurnahrdayah : had his heart paralysed, according to the commentator. I prefer the sense given as more graphic.

यदा च शस्त्रं नारेभे न चकर्ष शरासनम्। नास्य प्रत्यकरोद्वीयं विक्लवेनान्तरात्मना ॥ क्षिप्ताश्चाशु शरास्तेन शस्त्राणि विविधानि च। मरणार्थाय वर्तन्ते मृत्युकालोऽभ्यवर्तत ॥ सूतस्तु रथनेतास्य तदवस्थं निरीक्ष्य तम्। शनैर्युद्धादसंभ्रान्तो रथं तस्यापवाहयत्॥
When through the stupefaction of his innerself, he could not discharge any weapon, or draw his bow, or put forth his prowess, (Rāma) did not persist in smiting him. And the shafts and various arms discharged by him betokened his death; and his last moments were present. And his charioteer, driving his car, perceiving this, calmly took the car away from the field of fight.

निवार्य भीमं जलदस्वनं तदा। जगाम भीत्या समरान्महीपतिं निरस्तवीर्य पतितं समीक्ष्य ॥
Then, seeing the king shorn of prowess, and dropt, his charioteer, struck with fear, swiftly turned away his dreadful car having the clatter of clouds, and went away from the field of battle.