Kishkinda Kanda: Chapter 23

ततः समुपजिघ्रन्ती कपिराजस्य तन्मुखम्। पतिं लोकश्रुता तारा मृतं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Thereupon smelling the face of that lord of monkeys, Tārā again addressed her deceased lord, known all over the world, saying.

शेषे त्वं विषमे दुःखमकृत्वा वचनं मम। उपलोपचिते वीर सुदुःखे वसुधातले॥
O hero, disregarding my words, you are lying on the uneven earth, hard and filled with gravels.

मत्तः प्रियतरा नूनं वानरेन्द्र मही तव। शेषे हि तां परिष्वज्य मां च न प्रतिभाषसे॥
O lord of monkeys, the earth is dearer to you than I, since you are lying there embracing her and are not welcoming me.

सुग्रीवस्य वशं प्राप्तो विधिरेष भवत्यहो। सुग्रीव एव विक्रान्तो वीर साहसिकप्रिय॥
O hero, O dear, O brave lord, wonder it is that God under the semblance of Rāma, has placed himself under the control of Sugrīva; hither to fore he shall be regarded as a hero.

ऋक्षवानरमुख्यास्त्वां बलिनं पर्युपासते। तेषां विलपितं कृच्छ्रमङ्गदस्य च शोचतः॥ मम चेमा गिरः श्रुत्वा किं त्वं न प्रतिबुध्यसे।
Why are you not awake, hearing the bewailings of bears and monkeys who used to wait upon you, powerful, as well as that of Angada and myself?

इदं तद् वीरशयनं तत्र शेषे हतो युधि ॥ शायिता निहता यत्र त्वयैव रिपवः पुरा।
Alas! you are lying on this bed of the heroes, being slain in the battle, where formerly, your enemies destroyed by you, used to lie down,

विशुद्धसत्त्वाभिजन प्रिययुद्ध मम प्रिय॥ मामनाथां विहायैकां गतस्त्वमसि मानद।
O you born of a pure family, O you that are fond of warfare, O my dear, O conferror of honours, whither have you departed making me husbandless?

शूराय न प्रदातव्या कन्या खलु विपश्चिता ॥ शूरभार्यां हतां पश्य सद्यो मां विधवां कृताम्।
Let not the wise, henceforth, confer their daughters upon the heroes. Alas! behold me, the wife of a hero, made a widow in no time.

अवभग्नश्च मे मानो भग्ना मे शाश्वती गतिः॥ अगाधे च निमग्नास्मि विपुले शोकसागरे।
Shattered is my honour and destroyed is my happiness and I am sunk in the deep abyss of grief.

अश्मसारमयं नूनमिदं मे हृदयं दृढम्॥ भर्तारं निहतं दृष्ट्वा यन्नाद्य शतधा कृतम्।
Forsooth, this my firm heart is not sundered into hundred pieces, beholding my husband slain!

सुहृच्चैव च भर्ता च प्रकृत्या च मम प्रियः॥ प्रहारे च पराक्रान्तः शूरः पञ्चत्वमागतः।
You are my friend, my dear husband and a great hero-and you had met with destruction, being struck by another man.

पतिहीना तु या नारी कामं भवतु पुत्रिणी॥ धनधान्यसमृद्धापि विधवेत्युच्यते जनैः।
A husbandless woman is always styled by the wise as widow, although she might have a son and enough of riches.

स्वगात्रप्रभवे वीर शेषे रुधिरमण्डले॥ कृमिरागपरिस्तोमे स्वकीये शयने यथा।
O hero, you are lying down in a pool of blood issuing out of your own person, like to your own bed having a red-dyed bed-sheet.

रेणुशोणितसंवीतं गात्रं तव समन्ततः॥ परिरब्धुं न शक्नोमि भुजाभ्यां प्लवगर्षभ।
Your body is on all sides besmeared with blood and dust and I am incapable of embracing you with my arms, O best of monkeys.

कृतकृत्योऽद्य सुग्रीवो वैरेऽस्मिन्नतिदारुणे॥ यस्य रामविमुक्तेन हृतमेकेषुणा भयम्।
Surely has Sugrīva satisfied his hostile intention to-day, whose fear has been removed by one shaft, discharged by Rāma.

शरेण हृदि लग्नेन गात्रसंस्पर्शने तव॥ वार्यामि त्वां निरीक्षन्ती त्वयि पञ्चत्वमागते।
Thyself departing to the land of the dead. I have been eyeing you simply, being prevented from touching your person by the shaft piercing your heart.* The meaning is:-Lest by my touching that shaft you feelest a greater pain.

उद्घबर्ह शरं नीलस्तस्य गात्रगतं तदा॥ गिरिगह्वरसंलीनं दीप्तमाशीविषं यथा।
Thereupon Neela took out that shaft from the person of (Vāli) like to a flaming serpent lurking in a mountain cave.

तस्य निष्कृष्यमाणस्य बाणस्यापि बभौ द्युतिः॥ अस्तमस्तकसंरुद्धरश्मेदिनकरादिव।
There beamed the shaft extracted from his body like to the rays of the Sun, stationed on the summit of the setting hill.

पेतुः क्षतजधारास्तु व्रणेभ्यस्तस्य सर्वशः॥ ताम्रगैरिकसम्पृक्ता धारा इव धराधरात्।
And there poured forth from all his wounds, streams of blood, like to showers of melted copper and other metals falling from a mountain.

अवकीर्णं विमार्जन्ती भर्तारं रणरेणुना॥ अनैर्नयनजैः शूरं सिषेचास्त्रसमाहतम् ।
And (Tārā) washed, with tears, her heroic husband's body covered with dust and wounded with weapons.

रुधिरोक्षितसर्वाङ्गं दृष्ट्वा विनिहतं पतिम्॥ उवाच तारा पिङ्गाक्षं पुत्रमङ्गदमङ्गना।
Beholding her husband thus slain and besmeared with blood, she spoke to her son, Angada, having coppery eyes, saying:

अवस्था पश्चिमां पश्य पितुः पुत्र सुदारुणाम्॥ सम्प्रसक्तस्य वैरस्य गतोऽन्तः पापकर्मणा।
Behold this terrible declining stage of your Sire. Here is the end of his hostilities collected by his impious action.

बालसूर्योज्ज्वलतनुं प्रयातं यमसादनम्॥ अभिवादय राजानं पितरं पुत्र मानदम्।
O my son, do you how to your kingly father, the conferrer of honours, who has departed to the abode of Death, having a flaming person like to the rising Sun.

एवमुक्तः समुत्थाय जग्राह चरणौ पितुः॥ भुजाभ्यां पीनवृत्ताभ्यामङ्गदोऽहमिति ब्रुवन्।
Thus accosted, Angada rose up and, saying, I (do touch my Sire's feet), embraced his father's feet with his plump arms.

अभिवादयमानं त्वामङ्गदं त्वं यथा पुरा॥ दीर्घायुर्भव पुत्रेति किमर्थं नाभिभाषसे।
(Thereupon Tāră said)—Saying 'Do you live long' why did you not welcome Angada, to-day as before, who has bowed to you?

अहं पुत्रसहाया त्वामुपासे गतचेतनम्। सिंहेन पातितं सद्यो गौः सवत्सेव गोवृषम्॥
I am with my son, standing by you who are dead, like to a cow with her calf, having the bull slain by a lion.

इष्ट्वा संग्रामयज्ञेन रामप्रहरणाम्भसा। तस्मिन्नवभृथे स्नातः कथं पत्न्या मया विना ॥ या दत्ता देवराजेन तव तुष्टेन संयुगे। शातकौम्भीं प्रियां मालां तां ते पश्यामि नेह किम्।।२८
How have you, without me, your wife, bathed in the water of Rāma's shafts, at the end of your battle-like sacrifice? Why do I not behold here that favourite golden garland of thine, which was conferred on you by the lord of celestials, pleased in a battle?

राज्यश्रीन जहाति त्वां गतासुमपि मानद। सूर्यस्यावर्तमानस्य शैलराजमिव प्रभा॥
Royal grace has not renounced you, O conferrer of honours, albeit you are dead, like to the rays not quitting the king of mountains, even after the Sun is set.

न मे वचः पथ्यमिदं त्वया कृतं न चास्मि शक्ता हि निवारणे तव। हता सपुत्रास्मि हतेन संयुगे सह त्वया श्रीजिहाति मामपि॥
You didst not act by my wholesome words, nor could I prevent you. And I am now destroyed with my son, along with you in the battle. Truly has Sree (goddess of wealth) renounced me.