Kishkinda Kanda: Chapter 18

इत्युक्तः प्रश्रितं वाक्यं धर्मार्थसहितं हितम्। परुषं वालिना रामो निहतेन विचेतसा॥ तं निष्प्रभमिवादित्यं मुक्ततोयमिवाम्बुदम्। उक्तवाक्यं हरिश्रेष्ठमुपशान्तमिवानलम्॥ धर्मार्थगुणसम्पन्नं हरीश्वरमनुत्तमम् । अधिक्षिप्तस्तदा रामः पश्चाद् वालिनमब्रवीत्॥
And thus Rāma was addressed by Vāli, wounded and senseless, with those modest, pious and auspicious words. And being thus reproached he spoke to that excellent lord of monkeys, gifted with virtue and other accomplishments, resembling the Sun shorn of its lustre, a cloud which has already discharged its waters and fire extinguished.

धर्ममर्थं च कामं च समयं चापि लौकिकम्। अविज्ञाय कथं बाल्यान्मामिहाद्य विगर्हसे॥
Not cognizant of virtue, knowledge, passion and custom, why did you blame me like a child?

अपृष्ट्वा बुद्धिसम्पन्नान् वृद्धानाचार्यसम्मतान्। सौम्य वानरचापल्यात् त्वं मां वक्तुमिहेच्छसि ॥
Why did you purpose to address me thus out of fickleness, consequent upon your monkeyhood not asking your wise elders recognized by the preceptors?

इक्ष्वाकूणामियं भूमिः सशैलबनकानना। मृगपक्षिमनुष्याणां निग्रहानुग्रहेष्वपि॥
This land, abounding in hills and woods, belongs to the lkşwakus. Along with it was conferred on them the power of administering favour and chastisement to beasts, birds and human beings.

तां पालयति धर्मात्मा भरतः सत्यवानृजुः। धर्मकामार्थतत्त्वज्ञो निग्रहानुग्रहे रतः॥
The upright, virtuous and truthful king Bharata, cognizant of virtue, knowledge and passion and ever engaged in administering favour and punisl.ment, governs this kingdom.

नयश्च विनयश्चोभौ यस्मिन् सत्यं च सुस्थितम्। विक्रमश्च यथा दृष्टः स राजा देशकालवित्॥
That king is said to be cognizant of time and place; in him dwelleth modesty, truthfulness, prowess and a love for discipline.

तस्य धर्मकृतादेशा वयमन्ये च पार्थिवाः। चरामो वसुधां कृत्स्नां धर्मसंतानमिच्छवः॥
Ourselves and other kings, being commanded by him to practise piety, have been journeying in this wide world desirous of multiplying virtue.

तस्मिन् नृपतिशार्दूले भरते धर्मवत्सले। पालयत्यखिलां पृथ्वी कश्चरेद् धर्मविप्रियम्॥
That foremost of monarchs, Bharatalover of virtue, governing this entire earth, who dares perpetrate an iniquity.?

ते वयं मार्गविभ्रष्ट स्वधर्मे परमे स्थिताः। भरताज्ञा पुरस्कृत्य चिन्तयामो यथाविधि ॥
Stationed in the excellent virtue of our own and placing Bharata's commandments on our heads, we shall consider how we shall punish them who go astray (from the path of virtue).

त्वं तु संक्लिष्टधर्मश्च कर्मणा च विगर्हितः। कामतन्त्रप्रधानश्च न स्थितो राजवर्त्मनि॥
You have oppressed virtue and perpetrated a gross iniquity. You have placed yourself under the control of your passions and deviated from the track of royal duties.

ज्येष्ठो भ्राता पिता वापि यश्च विद्यां प्रयच्छति। त्यस्ते पितरो ज्ञेया धर्मे च पथि वर्तिनः॥
The elder brother, father, and the instructor—these three should always be regarded in the light of a father if they tread the paths of virtue and morality,

यवीयानात्मनः पुत्रः शिष्यश्चापि गुणोदितः। पुत्रवत्ते त्रयश्चिन्त्या धर्मश्चैवात्र कारणम्॥
A younger brother, a son and an accomplished follower should always be regarded as sons. And virtue is always at the bottom of all such considerations.

सूक्ष्मः परमविज्ञेयः सतां धर्मः प्लवङ्गम। हृदिस्थः सर्वभूतानामात्मा वेद शुभाशुभम्॥
O monkey, the religion of the good is indeed very subtle and can comprehend great things the immortal soul can understand what is good or bad.

चपलश्चपलैः सार्धं वानरैरकृतात्मभिः। जात्यन्ध इव जात्यन्धैर्मन्त्रयन् प्रेक्षसे नु किम्॥
Fickle as you are, how canst you comprehend what is proper, consulting with your monkey companions who are equally stupid and lighthearted, like to one, born blind, leading with another such?

अहं तु व्यक्ततामस्य वचनस्य ब्रवीमि ते। नहि मां केवलं रोषात् त्वं विगर्हितुमर्हसि ॥
I do fairly speak to you that it is not anger only that has led me to bring about your destruction.

तदेतत् कारणं पश्य यदर्थं त्वं मया हतः। भ्रातुर्वर्तसि भार्यायां त्यक्त्वा धर्म सनातनम्॥
Do you consider why I have killed you-you had ravished your brother's wife renouncing that ever-existing virtue.

अस्य त्वं धरमाणस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः। रुमायां वर्तसे कामात् स्नुषायां पापकर्मकृत्॥
You, the perpetrator of many evil deeds, have got by Rumā, the wife of your brother-the high-souled Sugrīva.

तद् व्यतीतस्य ते धर्मात् कामवृत्तस्य वानर। भ्रातृभाभिमर्शेऽस्मिन् दण्डोऽयं प्रतिपादितः॥
O monkey, you had thus violated the path of virtue. And thus I have punished you who have ravished your elder brother's spouse.

नहि लोकविरुद्धस्य लोकवृत्तादपेयुषः। दण्डादन्यत्र पश्यामि निग्रहं हरियूथप॥
o you, the leader of monkey-herds-I find no other alternative than to punish him who act against humanity and violates the sacred sanctions of custom.

न च ते मर्षये पापं क्षत्रियोऽहं कुलोद्गतः। औरसीं भगिनीं वापि भार्या वाप्यनुजस्य यः॥ प्रचरेत नरः कामात्तस्य दण्डो वधः स्मृतः।
I am a Ksatrya coming of a high pedigree. I cannot put up with your immoral conduct. Šāstras sanction the destruction of one who under the influence of passion ravishes his own daughter, sister and younger brother's wife.

भरतस्तु महीपालो वयं त्वादेशवर्तिनः॥ त्वं च धर्मादतिक्रान्तः कथं शक्यमुपेक्षितुम्।
This is Bharata's commandment-the lord of earth, and we have been satisfying his orders. You have disregarded virtue.

गुरुधर्मव्यतिक्रान्तं प्राज्ञो धर्मेण पालयन्।॥ भरतः कामयुक्तानां निग्रहे पर्यवस्थितः। वयं तु भरतादेशावधिं कृत्वा हरीश्वर। त्वद्विधान् भिन्नमर्यादान् निग्रहीतुं व्यवस्थिताः॥
A wise man, living in virtue, cannot let go one who has passed by the sanctions of morality. Bharata has sanctioned the destruction of the amorous; and we, O lord of monkeys, following his orders, thought proper, to encompass the destruction of one like you who has spoliated virtue and morality.

सुग्रीवेण च मे सख्यं लक्ष्मणेन यथा तथा। दारराज्यनिमित्तं च निःश्रेयसकरः स मे॥ प्रतिज्ञा च मया दत्ता तदा वानरसंनिधौ। प्रतिज्ञा च कथं शक्या मद्विधेनानवेक्षितुम् ॥
Like to Laksmana, I have contracted friendship with Sugrīva. And with a view to regain his wife and kingdom, he resolved to engage in my well-being. I too also promised the same before the monkeys. And how can a man of my position neglect to make good his promise?

तदेभिः कारणैः सर्वैर्महद्भिर्धर्मसंश्रितैः । शासनं तव यद् युक्तं तद् भवाननुमन्यताम्॥
For these causes of very great moment, favoured by virtue, I have adininistered to you this condign punishment. Do you now approve it.

सर्वथा धर्म इत्येव द्रष्टव्यस्तव निग्रहः। वयस्थस्योपकर्तव्यं धर्ममेवानुपश्यता ॥
Your discomfiture is quite of a piece with the sanctions of morality-and to assist friends in one of the codes of religion.

शक्यं त्वयापि तत्कार्यं धर्ममेवानुवर्तता। श्रूयते मनुना गीतौ श्लोकौ चारित्रवत्सलौ। गृहीतौ धर्मकुशलैस्तथा तच्चरितं मया॥
Hear, Manu has composed a couple of couplets tending to the purification of character and highly prized by the virtuous as well as myself.

राजभिभृतदण्डाश्च कृत्वा पापानि मानवाः। निर्मलाः स्वर्गमायान्ति सन्तः सुकृतिनो यथा॥ शासनाद् वापि मोक्षाद् वा स्तेनः पापात् प्रमुच्यते। राजा त्वशासन् पापस्य तदवाप्नोति किल्विषम्॥
Those who, perpetrating iniquity, bear with fortitude the punishment, inflicted by their sovereign get at the abode of the celestials being purified like to the pious. People are freed from their sins, when they confessing their crimes, are either punished or forgiven. But the monarch who does not punish the perpetrator of an evil deed, is visited by a mighty sin.

आर्येण मम मान्धात्रा व्यसनं घोरमीप्सितम्। श्रमणेन कृते पापे यथा पापं कृतं त्वया॥
Formerly an iniquity, like one perpetrated by you, was committed by a devotee who was punished severely by my forefather Māndhäta.

अन्यैरपि कृतं पापं प्रमत्तैर्वसुधाधिपैः। प्रायश्चित्तं च कुर्वन्ति तेन तच्छाम्यते रजः॥
And other lords of earth punish in the same way the authors of misdeeds. What more, the perpetrators of crime, themselves undergo penances and are thus released from their sins.

तदलं परितापेन धर्मतः परिकल्पितः। वधो वानरशार्दूल न वयं स्ववशे स्थिताः॥
Therefore do not repent any more, O best of monkeys. The punishment, I have inflicted on you, is in consonance with the sanctions of morality. We are not our own masters.

श्रृणु चाप्यपरं भूयः कारणं हरिपुंगव। तच्छ्रुत्वा हि महद् वीर न मन्यु कर्तुमर्हसि ॥
Hearken, O best of monkeys, there is another argument (for your destruction); and hearing which, O great hero, it behoveth you to renounce your ire.

न मे तत्र मनस्तापो न मन्युहरिपुंगव। बागुराभिश्च पाशैश्च कुटैश्च विविधैर्नराः॥ प्रतिच्छन्नाश्च दृश्याश्च गृह्णन्ति सुवहन मृगान्। प्रधावितान् वा वित्रस्तान् विस्त्रब्दानतिविष्टितान्॥
Many persons living on flesh, either lying in ambush, or openly catch and pierce by means of net, noose and trap, many a deer, terrified and trusted, taking to their heels or quarrelling with their companions, careful or careless. They are not to blame in this and I do not cherish, O best of monkeys, any mortification or ire for this.

प्रमत्तानप्रमत्तान् वा नरा मांसाशिनो भृशम्। विध्यन्ति विमुखांश्चापि न च दोषोऽत्र विद्यते॥
And even many royal ascetics, versed in religious lore, go a-hunting; and hence you had been killed by me with a shaft, O monkey, in the conflict.

यान्ति राजर्षयश्चात्र मृगयां धर्मकोविदाः। तस्मात् त्वं निहतो युद्धे मया वाणेन वानर । अयुध्यन् प्रतियुध्यन् वा यस्माच्छाखामृगोह्यसि॥ दुर्लभस्य च धर्मस्य जीवितस्य शुभस्य च। राजानो वानरश्रेष्ठ प्रदातारो न संशयः॥ तान् न हिंस्यान चाक्रोशेनाक्षिपेनाप्रियं वदेत्। देवा मानुषरूपेण चरन्त्येते महीतले।॥
And I am justified in killing you, whether you did fight or not since you are a monkey. There is no doubt, O best monkeys, that the monarchs confer life and piety auspicious and hard to attain. It does not therefore behove any one to injure them, to blame them and to use improper words by them-since they are the celestials ranging on this earth under the semblance of man.

त्वं तु धर्ममविज्ञाय केवलं रोषमास्थितः। विदूषयसि मां धर्मे पितृपैतामहे स्थितम्॥
Not knowing virtue and growing angry why did you blame me who am following the religion of my forefathers?

एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण वाली प्रव्यथितो भृशम्। न दोषं राघवे दध्यौ धर्मेऽधिगतनिश्चयः॥
Being thus accosted by Rāma, Vāli, greatly mortified and informed of the principle of religion, observed no delinquency in Rāghava.

प्रत्युवाच ततो रामं प्राञ्जलिर्वानरेश्वरः। यत् त्वमात्थ नरश्रेष्ठ तत् तथैव न संशयः॥
Thereupon that lord of monkeys spoke to Răma, with folded hands, saying:-There is not the least doubt, О best of men, in all that you had said.

प्रतिवक्तुं प्रकृष्टे हि नापकृष्टस्तु शक्नुयात्। यदयुक्तं मया पूर्वं प्रमादाद् वाक्यमप्रियम् ॥ तत्रापि खलु मां दोषं कर्तुं नार्हसि राघव। त्वं हि दृष्टार्थतत्वज्ञः प्रजानां च हिते रतः। कार्यकारणसिद्धौ च प्रसन्ना बुद्धिरव्यया॥
An inferior person can by no means address his superior improperly. It does not behove you, O Rāghava, therefore to blame me for those unpleasant words which I used towards you, out of foolishness. You have acquired a practical mastery over the principles of religion and are ever engaged in the welfare of your subjects. Your eternal power of ascertaining the crime and meeting its condign punishment is perfectly clear.

मामप्यवगतं धर्माद् व्यतिक्रान्तपुरस्कृतम्। धर्मसंहितया वाचा धर्मज्ञ परिपालय॥
Do you know me as the foremost of sinners and one who has deviated from the track of imorality. Do you conduct me, with pious words, to a better land.

वाष्पसंरुद्धकण्ठस्तु वाली सार्तरवः शनैः। उवाच रामं सम्प्रेक्ष्य पङ्कलग्न इव द्विपः॥
Vāli, having his throat choked with vapour, addressed again and again, Rāma, with piteous accents, saying.

न चात्मानमहं शोचे न तारां नापि बान्धवान्। यथा पुत्रं गुणज्येष्ठमङ्गदं कनकाङ्गदम्॥
I do not mourn so much for me, Tāră, or other friends as for my son Angada, eldest and wearing a golden Angada* *A bracelet worn on the upper arm.

स ममादर्शनाद् दीनो बाल्यात् प्रभृति लालितः। तटाक इव पीताम्बुरुपशोषं गमिष्यति ॥
Brought up by me from his very infancy, he shall by my separation, wear away like to a pond having its liquid contents drunk up by an elephant.

बालश्चाकृतबुद्धिश्च एकपुत्रश्च मे प्रियः। तारेयो राम भवता रक्षणीयो महाबलः॥
He is my only son, dear and born of Tārā. A mere child and of unripe understanding as he is, that one of mighty strength should always be protected by you, O Rāma.

सुग्रीवे चाङ्गदे चैव विधत्स्व मतिमुत्तमाम्। त्वं हि गोप्ता च शास्ता च कार्याकार्यविधौ स्थितः।।।
Do you regard favourable Sugrīva and Angada. You are their protector, and chastiser punishing them for their sins.

या ते नरपते वृत्तिभरते लक्ष्मणे च या। सुग्रीवे चाङ्गदे राजस्तां चिन्तयितुमर्हसि ॥
O king, O lord of men, it behoveth you to regard Sugrīva and Angada in the same light in which you regardest Bharata and Laksmana.

मद्दोषकृतदोषां तां यथा तारां तपस्विनीम्। सुग्रीवो नावमन्येत तथावस्थातुमर्हसि॥
It behoveth you to so arrange as Sugrīva may not disregard that chaste Tārā who is blameable for my folly only.

त्वया हनुगृहीतेन शक्यं राज्यमुपासितुम्। त्वद्वशे वर्तमानेन तव चित्तानुवर्तिना ५६।। शक्यं दिवं चार्जयितुं वसुधां चापि शासितुम्।
He, who is favoured by you, abideth by yourcommandments and acteth after your heart, can acquire kingdom, attain to heaven, and govern the earth.

त्वत्तोऽहं वधमाकासन् वार्यमाणोऽपि तारया॥ सुग्रीवेण सह भ्रात्रा द्वन्द्वयुद्धमुपागतः।
Desiring to have my destruction brought about by you, I entered into conflict with my brother Sugrīva, albeit prevented by Târā.

इत्युक्त्वा वानरो रामं विरराम हरीश्वरः॥ न तमाश्वासयद् रामो वालिनं व्यक्तदर्शनम्। साधुसम्मतया वाचा धर्मतत्त्वार्थयुक्तया ॥ न वयं भवता चिन्त्या नाप्यात्मा हरिसत्तम। वयं भवद्विशेषेण धर्मतः कृतनिश्चयाः॥
Having addressed Rāma thus the lord of monkeys stopped. Thereupon Rāma consoled Vāli, of clear understanding with the following moral words, acceptable to the Saints. O best of monkeys, do you not consider ourselves as well as yourself blameable. We are more conversant, than you, with the principles of religion.

दण्ड्ये यः पातयेद् दण्डं दण्ड्यो यश्चापि दण्ड्यते। कार्यकारणसिद्धार्थावुभौ तौ नावसीदतः॥ तद् भवान् दण्डसंयोगादस्माद् विगतकल्मषः। गतः स्वां प्रकृतिं धम्यां दण्डदिष्टेन वर्त्मना॥
They never lose their virtue being proficient in the mode of ascerting crime and punishing it one administering punishment to the criminal and the criminal receiving it. And therefore receiving punishment (from me) you had been released from your sins and acquired a knowledge of religion.

त्यज शोकं च मोहं च भयं च हृदये स्थितम्। त्वया विधानं हर्यग्र्य न शक्यमतिवर्तितुम्॥
Do you therefore renounce your grief, your illusion and the fear that is lurking in your heart. It is impossible for you, O foremost of monkeys, to withstand the course of dispensation.

यथा त्वय्यङ्गदो नित्यं वर्तते वानरेश्वरः। तथा वर्तेत सुग्रीवे मयि चापि न संशयः॥
There is not the least doubt, lord of monkeys, that Angada shall be brought up by me and Sugriva in the same way as he was by you.

स तस्य वाक्यं मधुरं महात्मनः। समाहितं धर्मपथानुवर्तितम्। निशम्य रामस्य रणावमर्दिनो वचः सुयुक्तं निजगाद वानरः॥
Hearing these sweet, collected and pious words of the high-souled Rāma,-the repressor of the enemies in a battle,-the monkey again addressed him with the following pregnant words.

शराभितप्तेन विचेतसा मया प्रभाषितस्त्वं यदजानता विभो। इदं महेन्द्रपमभीमविक्रम प्रसादितस्त्वं क्षम मे हरीश्वर॥
O lord, O you having Mahendra's prowess, I do propitiate you for my having insulted you with improper words, senseless as I was being wounded by shafts. Do you forgive me, O lord of monkeys.