Kishkinda Kanda: Chapter 12

एतच्च वचनं श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवस्य सुभाषितम्। प्रत्ययार्थं महातेजा रामो जग्राह कार्मुकम्॥
Hearing those pleasant words of Sugrīva, the highly effulgent Rāma, to create his confidence, took up his bow.

स गृहीत्वा धनुर्गोरे शरमेकं च मानदः। सालमुद्दिश्य चिक्षेप पूरयन् स रवैर्दिशः॥
That one, conferring honours upon others, holding his terrible bow and a shaft, darted it towards the Sāla, filling all the quarters with a sound,

स विसृष्टो बलवता बाणः स्वर्णपरिष्कृतः। भित्वा सालान् गिरिप्रस्थं सप्तभूमिं विवेश ह॥
The arrow, clear as the gold itself, hurled by that one of mighty strength, perforating the trees, entered into the mountainous expanse and the sevenfold regions of the earth.

सायकस्तु मुहूर्तेन सालान् भित्वा महाजवः। निष्पत्य च पुनस्तूर्णं तमेव प्रविवेश ह॥
And that shaft, gifted with wonderful velocity, piercing all the trees entered again into the quiver.

तान् दृष्ट्वा सप्त निर्भिन्नान् सालान् वानरपुङ्गवः। रामस्य शरवेगेन विस्मयं परमं गतः॥
Having beheld those seven trees bored by Rāma's arrow, that monkey chief attained to an excess of surprise.

स मूर्धा न्यपदत् भूमौ प्रलम्बीकृतभूषणः। सुग्रीवः परमप्रीतो राघवाय कृताञ्जलिः॥
Thereupon Sugrīva, exceedingly glad, and delighted with his actions, bowing down his head on the earth and stretching his ornamented person on the ground, addressed with clasped hands, that heroic descendant of Raghu.

इदं चोवाच धर्मज्ञं कर्मणा तेन हर्षितः। रामं सर्वास्त्रविदुषां श्रेष्ठं शूरमवस्थितम्॥
Rāma, the foremost of those conversant with religious lore, with the following pious words.

सेन्द्रानपि सुरान् सर्वांस्त्वं बाणैः पुरुषर्षभ। समर्थः समरे हन्तुं किं पुनर्वालिनं प्रभो॥
O best of men, O lord, what of Vali, you are capable of destroying with your arrows, in the conflict, even the celestials headed by Indra.

येन सप्त महाताला गिरिभूमिश्च दारिताः। बाणेनैकेन काकुत्स्थ स्थाता ते को रणाग्रतः।।।।
O Kākutstha, who can stand before you in a battle, who has pierced the seven trees, and the mountain, and the earth with one arrow?

अद्य मे विगतः शोकः प्रीतिरद्य परा मम। सुहृदं त्वां समासाद्य महेन्द्रवरुणोपमम्॥
Obtaining you as my friend like to Mahendra and Varuņa, my grief has been removed and I have attained to an excess of delight.

तमद्यैव प्रियार्थं मे वैरिणं भ्रातृरूपिणम्। वालिनं जहि काकुत्स्थ मया बद्धोऽमञ्जलिः॥
Do you, O Kākutstha, even to-day destroy, for my welfare, my brother Vāli. This I do pray to you with folded hands.

ततो रामः परिष्वज्य सुग्रीवं प्रियदर्शनम्। प्रत्युवाच महाप्राज्ञो लक्ष्मणानुगतं वचः॥
Thereupon embracing Sugrīva, of a pleasant countenance and like to Lakşmaņa, the highly wise Rāma spoke to him, saying,

अस्माद्गच्छाम किष्किन्धां क्षिप्रं गच्छ त्वमग्रतः। गत्वा चाह्वय सुग्रीव वालिनं भ्रातृगन्धिनम्॥
Soon shall we repair to Kiskindha.-Do you go before, O Sugriva, and invite your false brother, Vali, to battle.

सर्वे ते त्वरितं गत्वा किष्किन्धां वालिनः पुरीम्। वृक्षरात्मानमावृत्य ह्यतिष्ठन् गहने वने॥
Thereupon proceeding quickly to Kişkindhā, Väli's capital—they all stood waiting in that dense forest, hiding themselves under the trees.

सुग्रीवोऽप्यनदद् घोरं वालिनो ह्वानकारणात्। गाढं परिहितो वेगानादर्भिन्दनिवाम्बरम्॥
With a view to call Vāli, Sugrīva, tying fast his cloth (around the waist) set up a terrible roar, as if rending the sky (therewith).

तं श्रुत्वा निनदं भ्रातुः क्रुद्धो वाली महाबलः। निष्पपात सुसंरब्धो भास्करोऽस्ततटादिव॥
Hearing the terrible uproar of his brother, the mighty Vāli, highly angered, issued out of his city, like to the Sun from the western shores (where he sets).

ततः सुतुमुलं युद्धं वालिसुग्रीवयोरभूत्। गगने ग्रहयो।रं बुधाङ्गारकयोरिव॥
Thereupon there arose a mighty conflict between Vāli and Sugrīva like to the planets Mercury and Mars fighting with each other on the sky.

तलैरशनिकल्पैश्च वज्रकल्पैश्च मुष्टिभिः। जघ्नतुः समरेऽन्योन्यं भ्रातरौ क्रोधमूर्च्छितौ॥
The two brothers, exercised with ire, struck each other with palms like to Asani and with fists resembling adamant.

ततो रामो धनुष्पाणिस्तावुभौ समुदैक्षत। अन्योन्यसदृशौ वीराबुभौ देवाविवाश्विनौ॥
Thereupon Rāma, with bow in hand, beheld those two heroes resembling each other, like to two Aświns.

यन्नावगच्छत् सुग्रीवं वालिनं वापि राघवः। ततो न कृतवान् बुद्धिं मोक्तुमुन्तकरं शरम्॥
And Rāghava did not discharge that mortal shaft until he could perfectly ascertain who was Vāli and who was Sugriva.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे भग्नः सुग्रीवस्तेन वालिना। अपश्यन् राघवं नाथमृष्यमूकं प्रदुद्रुवे॥
In the mean time, being defeated by Vāli, Sugrīva fled away and not beholding Rāghava, proceeded towards Rșyamuka.

क्लान्तो रुधिरसिक्ताङ्गः प्रहारैर्जर्जरीकृतः। वालिनाभिद्रुतः क्रोधात् प्रविवेश महावनम्॥
And wearied, worn out with blows, and having his person bathed in blood, he, followed by Vāli, angered, entered that mighty forest.

तं प्रविष्टं वनं दृष्ट्वा वाली शापभयात् ततः। मुक्तो ह्यसि त्वमित्युक्त्वा स निवृत्तो महाबलः॥
Beholding him enter that forest, the highly powerful Vâli could not pursue him there for fear of the curse but said:-You are released today

राघवोऽपि सह भ्रात्रा सह चैव हनूमता। तदेव वनमागच्छत् सुग्रीवो यत्र वानरः॥
And Rāghava too, with his brother and Hanumān, entered that forest, where the monkey chief Sugrīva was.

तं समीक्ष्यागतं रामं सुग्रीवः सहलक्ष्मणम्। ह्वीमान् दीनमुवाचेदं वसुधामवलोकयन्॥
Beholding Rāma approach with Lakşmaņa, Sugrīva, stricken with shame and casting his looks on the earth, addressed him poorly, with the following words.

आह्वयस्वेति मामुक्त्वा दर्शयित्वा च विक्रमम्। वैरिणा घातयित्वा च किमिदानीं त्वया कृतम्॥ तामेव वेलां वक्तव्यं त्वया राघव तत्त्वतः। वालिनं न निहन्मीति ततो नाहमितो व्रजे॥
Accosting me with 'do you call (Vāli),' displaying your valour and making me struck by the enemy, what improper, conduct have you shown by me? You should have spoken me then truly, O Rāghava,-I shall not destroy Vali and I would not have gone there.

तस्य चैवं ब्रुवाणस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः। करुणं दीनया वाचा राघवः पुनरब्रवीत्॥
The high-souled Sugrīva speaking thus poorly, Rāghava again spoke to him, saying:

सुग्रीव श्रूयतां तात क्रोधश्च व्यपनीयताम्। कारणं येन बाणोऽयं स मया न विसर्जितः॥
Do you hear, O Sugriva, O worshipful one, why I did not discharge my arrow then.

अलंकारेण वेषेण प्रमाणेन गतेन च। त्वं च सुग्रीव वाली च सदृशौ स्थः परस्परम्॥
By ornaments, dress, stature and movements yourself and Vali are just the same, O Sugriva.

स्वरेण वर्चसा चैव प्रेक्षितेन च वानर। विक्रमेण च वाक्यैश्च व्यक्तिं वां नोपलक्षये॥
By voice, by words, by looks or by valour, O monkey, I could not make out any distinction.

ततोऽहं रूपसादृश्यान्मोहितो वानरोत्तम। नोत्सृजामि महावेगं शरं शत्रुनिबर्हणम्॥
O best of monkeys, being thus surprised by the similarity of your countenances I could not discharge that foe-destroying and quick-coursing shaft.

जीवितान्तकरं घोरं सादृश्यात् तु विशङ्कितः। मूलघातो न नौ स्याद्धि द्वयोरिति कृतो मया॥
I was so afraid of your resemblance with Vāli that I thought that lest the mortal shaft might destroy you.

त्वयि वीर विपन्ने हि अज्ञानाल्लाघवान्मया। मौढ्यं च मम बाल्यं च ख्यापितं स्यात्कपीश्वर ॥
O hero, O lord of monkeys, if any disaster befalleth you, who are already overwhelmed with miseries, through my ignorance childishness, they shall be known all over the world.

दत्ताभयवधो नाम पातकं महदद्भुतम्। अहं च लक्ष्मणश्चैव सीता च वरवर्णिना॥ त्वदधीना वयं सर्वे वनेऽस्मिशरणं भवान्। तस्माद् युध्यस्व भूयस्त्वं मा माशङ्कीश्च वानर ॥
Mighty is the sin that ariseth from the destruction of one who has been offered shelter. Myself, Laksmana, and that exquisitely fine damsel-Sita-are all at your service-you or are our only refuge in this forest. Do you again enter into conflict, therefore, and do not fear, O monkey.

एतन्मुहूर्ते तु मया पश्य वालिनमाहवे। निरस्तमिषुणैकेन चेष्टमानं महीतले॥
And do you behold even, in this very moment, Vāli, moving restlessly on the breast of the earth, wounded by my shaft.

अभिज्ञानं कुरुष्व त्वमात्मनो वानरेश्वर। येन त्वामभिजानीयां द्वन्द्वयुद्धमुपागतम्॥
Do you make some mark on your person, O lord of monkeys, by which I shall be able to recognize you when engaged in a duel (with your brother).

गजपुष्पीमिमां फुल्लामुत्पाट्य शुभलक्षणाम्। कुरु लक्ष्मण कण्ठेऽस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः॥।
O Lakşmaņa, plucking this auspicious Gaja flower, do you put it round the neck of the highsouled Sugriva.

ततो गिरितटे जातामुत्पाट्य कुसुमायुताम्। लक्ष्मणो गजपुष्पी तां तस्य कण्ठे व्यसर्जयत्॥ स तया शुशुभे श्रीमाल्लतया कण्ठसक्तया। मालयेव बलाकानां ससंध्य इव तोयदः॥
Thereat that highly graceful one with the garland around his neck appeared like to a cloud.

विभ्राजमानो वपुषा रामवाक्यसमाहितः। जगाम सह रामेण किष्किन्धां पुनराप सः॥
And appearing in a graceful person and attentive to Rāma's words he again entered Kiş kindhā with him.