Kishkinda Kanda: Chapter 9

वाली नाम मम भ्राता ज्येष्ठः शत्रुनिषूदनः। पितुर्बहुमतो नित्यं मम चापि तथा पुरा॥
My elder brother named Väli-destroyer of foes, was formerly highly, honoured both by my father and myself.

पितर्युपरते तस्मिज्येष्ठोऽयमिति मन्त्रिभिः। कपीनामीश्वरो राज्ये कृतः परमसम्मतः॥
At the death of our father, the counsellors, saying,-This is the eldest son', made him, who was well loved (of all), lord of the monkeys in the kingdom.

राज्यं प्रशासतस्तस्य पितृपैतामहं महत्। अहं सर्वेषु कालेषु प्रणतः प्रेष्यवत् स्थितः॥
While he was governing the kingdom which had belonged to his father and grand-father, I, at all times, in humiliation, remained like a servant.

मायावी नाम तेजस्वी पूर्वजो दुन्दुभेः सुतः। तेन तस्य महद्वैरं वालिनः स्त्रीकृतं पुरा॥
There was one endued with energy, named Māyāvi. He was the eldest son of Dunduvī. Formerly there arose a mighty hostility between himself and Vali.

स तु सुप्ते जने रात्रौ किष्किन्धाद्वारमागतः। नर्दति स्म सुसंरब्धो वालिनं चाह्वयद् रणे॥
It came to pass that one night when all had fallen asleep, (Māyāvi) coming to Kişkindhā, began to emit roars in great wrath, and challenged Väli to an encounter.

प्रसुप्तस्तु मम भ्राता नर्दतो भैरवस्वनम्। श्रुत्वा न ममृषे वाली निष्पपात जवात् तदा॥
My brother, who was fast asleep, hearing those dreadful yells, could not bear them; but at once rushed out vehemently.

स तु वै निःसृतः क्रोधात्तं हन्तुमसुरोत्तमम्। वार्यमाणस्ततः स्त्रीभिर्मया च प्रणतात्मना ॥
And as he rushed out in wrath, for the purpose of slaying that foremost of Asuras, he was opposed by his wives as well as myself, who humbled himself before him.

स तु निर्धूय ताः सर्वा निर्जगाम महाबलः। ततोऽहमपि सौहार्दान्निःसृतो वालिना सह॥
But moving them aside, that exceedingly powerful one sallied out. Thereupon out of affection I also went out with Vāli.

स तु मे भ्रातरं दृष्ट्वा मां च दूरादवस्थितम्। असुरो जातसंत्रासः प्रदुद्राव तदा भृशम्॥
And seeing my brother and me present from a distance, the Asura, seized with a panic, fled with speed.

तस्मिन् द्रवति संत्रस्ते ह्यावां द्रुततरं गतौ। प्रकाशोऽपि कृतो मार्गश्चन्द्रेणोद्गच्छता तदा॥
And as he was rushing on in fear and when we had proceeded further, the moon arising, discovered the way.

स तृणैरावृतं दुर्ग धरण्या विवरं महत्। प्रविवेशासुरो वेगादावामासाद्य विष्ठितौ॥
And the Asura, coming by a capacious and impregnable hole covered with grass (on the surface), entered it amain; and we remained there.

तं प्रविष्टं रिपुं दृष्ट्वा बिलं रोषवशं गतः। मामुवाच ततो वाली वचनं क्षुभितेन्द्रियः॥
Seeing his enemy enter the hole, Vāli, overcome by anger, and with his senses agitated, spoke to me, saying,

इह तिष्ठाद्य सुग्रीव बिलद्वारि समाहितः। यावदत्र प्रविश्याहं निहन्मि समरे रिपुम्॥
Do you, O Sugriva, carefully stay at the mouth of the hole, while I entering in, slay my foe in battle.

मया त्वेतद् वचः श्रुत्वा याचितः स परंतपः। शापयित्वा च मां पद्भ्यां प्रविवेश बिलं ततः॥
Hearing his speech, that subduer of foes was besought by me (for permission to enter the cave along with him). But making me swear by touching his feet he entered the cave.

तस्य प्रविष्टस्य बिलं साग्रः संवत्सरो गतः। स्थितस्य च बिलद्वारि स कालो व्यत्यवर्तत ॥
After he had entered the cave, and as I remained at its mouth, a space of over a complete year rolled away.

अहं तु नष्टं तं ज्ञात्वा स्नेहादागतसम्भ्रमः। भ्रातरं न प्रपश्यामि पापशङ्कि च मे मनः॥
And seized with sorrow (I reflected), 'As I do not see my brother, he must be lost—and my mind was alarmed, apprehending his death.

अथ दीर्घस्य कालस्य विलात् तस्माद् विनिःसृतम्। सफेनं रुधिरं दृष्ट्वा ततोऽहं भृशदुःखितः॥
After a long time, I saw frothy blood issuing from the cave. There at I was greatly aggrieved.

नर्दतामसुराणां च ध्वनिमें श्रोत्रमागतः। न रतस्य च संग्रामे क्रोशतोऽपि स्वनो गुरोः॥
And roars of Asuras also reached my ears; but I could not hear the cries of my superior, engaged in conflict.

अहं त्ववगतो बुद्ध्या चिरैस्तैतिरं हतम्। पिधाय च बिलद्वारं शिलया गिरिमात्रया॥ शोकार्तश्चोदकं कृत्वा किष्किन्धामागतः सखे। गूहमानस्य मे तत् त्वं यत्नतो मन्त्रिभिः श्रुतम्॥
And from these signs concluding my brother to be slain, I, closing the mouth of the cavern with a crag, huge as a hill, and afflicted with grief, after performing his watery rites, came (back) to Kiskindha, O my friend. And although I carefully concealed (the matter), the counsellors heard it all.

ततोऽहं तैः समागम्य समेतैरभिषेचितः। राज्यं प्रशासतस्तस्य न्यायतो मम राघव॥ आजगाम रिपुं हत्वा दानवं स तु वानरः। अभिषिक्तं तु मां दृष्ट्वा क्रोधात् संरक्तलोचनः॥ मदीयान् मन्त्रिणो बद्ध्वा परुषं वाक्यमब्रवीत्। निग्रहे च समर्थस्य तं पापं प्रति राघव॥ न प्रावर्तत मे बुद्धिर्भ्रातृगौरवयन्त्रिता।
There they, assembled together, installed me (in the kingdom). And, as I was ruling the kingdom with justice, it came to pass that after having slain his foe, the Dānava, that monkey (Vali) came to Kiskindha. Then seeing me installed, he, with his eyes reddened in wrath, slaying my counsellors, spoke harsh words to me. And although I was capable of chastising him, yet my mind influenced by a sense of my brother's dignity, did not incline towards that sin.

हत्वा श स मे भ्राता प्रविवेश पुरं तदा ॥ मानयस्तं महात्मानं यथावच्चाभिवादयम्। उक्ताश्च नाशिषस्तेन प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना ॥
Having slain his foe, he then entered his city; and I, honouring that high-souled one, duly saluted him. He withal did not with a glad heart utter his benediction.

नत्वा पादावहं तस्य मुकुटेनास्पृशं प्रभो। अपि वाली मम क्रोधान्न प्रसादं चकार सः॥
And, O lord, I, bowing, touched his feet with my crown; yet from anger Vāli did not extend to me his grace.