Kishkinda Kanda: Chapter 1

स तां पुष्करिणीं गत्वा पद्मोत्पलझषाकुलाम्। रामः सौमित्रिसहितो विललापाकुलेन्द्रियः॥
Repairing with Lakşmaņa to the lake Pampā filled with red and while lotuses and fish Rāma having his senses agitated began to lament.

तत्र दृष्ट्वैव तां हर्षादिन्द्रियाणि चकम्पिरे। स कामवशमापन्नः सौमित्रिमिदमब्रवीत्॥
And beholding there that lake, his senses were stirred with delight. Troubled with passion he spoke to Saumitri saying,

सौमित्रे शोभते पम्पा वैदूर्यविमलोदका। फुल्लपद्मोत्पलवती शोभिता विविधैर्दुमैः॥
Behold, O Saumitri, how beautifully appear Pampā of transparent water like to Vaidurya, graced with full-blown red and white lotuses and various trees.

सौमित्रे पश्य पम्पायाः काननं शुभदर्शनम्। यत्र राजन्ति शैला वा द्रुमाः सशिखरा इव॥
Observe again, O son of Sumitra, the picturesque wood-land around the lake, where trees, crowned with large branches resembling the summits of a mountain, appear like so many hills.

मां तु शोकाभिसंतप्तमाधयः पीडयन्ति वै। भरतस्य च दुःखेन वैदेह्या हरणेन च॥
Mental agony arising from Sītā's ravishment and Bharata's grief, have been grinding me who am already stricken with sorrow.

शोकार्तस्यापि मे पम्पा शोभते चित्रकानना। व्यवकीर्णा बहुविधैः पुष्पैः शीतोदका शिवा॥ नलिनैरपि संच्छिन्ना हत्यर्थशुभदर्शना। सर्पव्यालानुचरिता मृगद्विजसमाकुला॥
Verily conduce to my felicity the pleasant lake Pampã of cool water, scattered with various flowers, covered with lotuses, highly graceful, girt with variegated' woods abounding in voracious animals and frequented by deer and birds.

अधिकं प्रविभात्येतन्नीलपीतं तु शाद्वलम्। दुमाण विविधैः पुष्पैः परिस्तोमैरिवार्पितम्॥
This green common, chequered with yellow and blue, appeared of enhanced beauty by the various flowers of the trees as if covered with a blanket of diverse hues.

पुष्पभारसमृद्धानि शिखराणि समन्ततः। लताभिः पुष्पिताग्राभिरुपगूढानि सर्वतः॥ सुखानिलोऽयं सौमित्रे कालः प्रचुरमन्मथः। गन्धवान् सुरभिर्मासो जातपुष्पफलद्रुमः॥
The tops of the trees rich with flowery bunches are gnarled with creepers of blossoming tips. Now has appeared, O Saumitri, the fragrant spring of pleasant breezes, when greatly prevail the influence of Cupid and the trees are graced with fruits and flowers.

पश्य रूपाणि सौमित्रे वनानां पुष्पशालिनाम्। सृजतां पुष्पवर्षाणि वर्णे तोयमुचामिव ॥
Behold, O Saumitri, the beauty of the flowery woods, showering flowers like to clouds pouring forth rain.

प्रस्तरेषु च रम्येषु विविधाः काननद्रुमाः। वायुवेगप्रचलिताः पुष्पैरवकिरन्ति गाम्॥
Various trees growing on rock surfaces, moved by the wind have been scattering flowers on the earth.

पतितैः पतमानैश्च पादपस्थैश्च मारुतः। कुसुमैः पश्य सौमित्रे क्रीडतीव समन्ततः॥
Behold, O Saumitri, the wind is sporting at all sides as it were with flowers drops, dropping and hanging on the trees.

विक्षिपन् विविधाः शाखा नगानां कुसुमोत्कटाः। मारुतश्चलितस्थानैः षट्पदैरनुगीयते॥
The black bees, driven off and singing, pursue the wind, moving the many kinds of flowery branches of the trees.

मत्तकोकिलसंनादैर्नर्तयन्निव पादपान्। शैलकंदरनिष्क्रान्तः प्रगीत इव चानिलः॥
While issuing out of the mountainous hollows the wind is singing as it were and making the trees dance with the musical notes of the delighted cuckoos.

तेन विक्षिपतात्यर्थं पवनेन समन्ततः। अमी संसक्तशाखाग्रा ग्रथिता इव पादपाः॥
The wind, which was violently shaking them, making the tops of the trees collide with each other, appear as it were stringing them together.

स एव सुखसंस्पर्शो वाति चन्दनशीतलः। गन्धमभ्यवहन् पुण्यं श्रमापनयनोऽनिलः॥
The sandal-cool wind, of pleasant touch, ever removing the exhaustion of toil, is blowing every where carrying with it pure fragrance.

अमी पवनविक्षिप्ता विनदन्तीव पादपाः। षट्पदैरनुकूजद्भिर्वनेषु मधुगन्धिषु॥
Violently shaken by wind the trees in this nectar-smelling forest are sounding as it were with the hum of bees.

गिरिप्रस्थेषु रम्येषु पुष्पवद्भिर्मनोरमैः। संसक्तशिखराः शैला विराजन्ति महाद्रुमैः॥
Hillocks over-topped with picturesque and flowery trees stand beautifully on this mountainous expanse.

पुष्पसंछन्नशिखरा मारुतोत्क्षेपचञ्चलाः। अमी मधुकरोत्तंसाः प्रगीता इव पादपाः॥
Trees with flowery tops, tossed by the airy currents and crested with the bees, are as if dancing in accompaniment with melodious strains.

सुपुष्पितांस्तु पश्यैतान् कर्णिकारान् समन्ततः। हाटकप्रतिसंछन्नान् नरान् पीताम्बरानिव ॥
Behold, the Karņikāras covered with flowers appear on all sides like to human beings decorated with golden ornaments and wearing yellow cloths.

अयं वसन्तः सौमित्रे नानाविहगनादितः। सीतया विप्रहीणस्य शोकसंदीपनो मम॥
This spring, O Saumitri, sounded by the musical notes of the birds of different spacies has been kindling my grief who am without Sītā.

मां हि शोकसमाक्रान्तं संतापयति मन्मथः। हृष्टं प्रवदमानश्च समाह्वयति कोकिलः॥
Cupid has been smiting me the more who am stricken with grief, and the cuckoos have been defying me, displaying their mirth, O Laksmana.

एष दात्यूहको हृष्टो रम्ये मां वननिझरे। प्रणदन्मन्मथाविष्टं शोचयिष्यति लक्ष्मण ॥
At the pleasant fountains the delighted Dátyūahas with their warblings have been afflicting me who am possessed by Cupid.

श्रुत्वैतस्य पुरा शब्दमाश्रमस्था मम प्रिया। मामाहूय प्रमुदिता परमं प्रत्यनन्दत ॥
Formerly my dear one, while in the asylum, delighted with the music of these birds, used to attain to a greater joy addressing me to hear them.

एवं विचित्राः पतगा नानारावविराविणः। वृक्षगुल्मलताः पश्य सम्पतन्ति समन्ततः॥
Behold, birds of variegated hues, emitting forth diverse notes have been alighting upon the trees, groves and creepers from various quarters.

विमिश्रा विहगाः पुंभिरात्मव्यूहाभिनन्दिताः। भृङ्गराजप्रमुदिताः सौमित्रे मधुरस्वराः॥
O Saumitri, birds and bees of melodious notes accompanied by their co-mates and delighted with their mutual companionship are on the banks of this lake.

अस्याः कूले प्रमुदिताः सङ्घशः शकुनास्त्विह। दात्यूहरतिविक्रन्दैः पुंस्कोकिलरुतैरपि॥ स्वनन्ति पादपाश्चेमे ममानङ्गप्रदीपकाः।
There live happily flocks of delighted vultures. The trees sounded by the lascivious murmurs of Dätyűhas and Purnskokilas have been kindling my amour.

अशोकस्तवकाङ्गारः षट्पदस्वननिःस्वनः॥ मां हि पल्लवताम्रचिर्वसन्ताग्निः प्रधक्ष्यति।
The fire of spring having clusters of Asokas as its embers, the hum of bees as its sound, the rendness of the twigs as its flame, has been burning i.e.

नहि तां सूक्ष्मपक्ष्माक्षीं सुकेशी मृदुभाषिणीम्॥ अपश्यतो मे सौमित्रे जीवितेऽस्ति प्रयोजनम्।
O Saumitri, of what avail is this life to me, lot beholding Sītā of sweet accents, having eyes with their eye-lashes, and a head of curly hair.

अयं हि रुचिरस्तस्याः कालो रुचिरकाननः॥ कोकिलाकुलसीमान्तो दयिताया ममानघ।
O blameless one, this season, when the groves become charming and the border-lands resound with melodious strains of the cuckoos, is the most beloved of my dear one.

मन्मथायाससम्भूतो वसन्तगुणवर्धितः॥ अयं मां धक्ष्यति क्षिप्रं शोकाग्निर्नचिरादिव।
Methinks, this fire of distress, originating from amorous trouble and enhanced by the influence of spring, shall soon burn me down.

अपश्यतस्तां वनितां पश्यतो रुचिरान् दुमान्॥ ममायमात्मप्रभवो भूयस्त्वमुपयास्यति।
My amorous feelings shall attain to an intense height, as I do not behold Sītā before, whereas see the beautiful trees around.

अदृश्यमाना वैदेही शोकं वर्धयतीह मे॥ दृश्यमानो वसन्तश्च स्वेदसंसर्गदूषकः।
Sītä, away from my vision and the spring, drying up perspiration, have been both inciting my amour.

मां हि सा मृगशावाक्षी चिन्ताशोकबलात्कृतम्॥ संतापयति सौमित्रे क्रूरश्चैत्रवनानिलः।
That one having the eyes of a fawn and ruthless vernal breeze, O Saumitri, have been oppressing me who am overpowered with anxiety and grief.

अमी मयूराः शोभन्ते प्रनृत्यन्तस्ततस्ततः॥ स्वैः पक्षैः पवनोद्भूतैर्गवाक्षैः स्फाटिकैरिव।
These peacocks and pea-hens unfurling then wings like to crystal lattices, have been dancing hither and thither.

शिखिनीभिः परिवृतास्त एते मदमूर्च्छिताः॥ मन्मथाभिपरीतस्य मम मन्मथवर्धनाः।
These maddened peacocks encircled by the pea-hens, have been aggravating my amorous desire who am already possessed by the Cupid.

पश्य लक्ष्मण नृत्यन्तं मयूरमुपनृत्यति ॥ शिखिनी मन्मथातॆषा भर्तारं गिरिसानुनि।
Observe, O Laksmana, there dance with her dancing mate on the mountainous expanse, the pea-hen, troubled with amorous sentiments.

तामेव मनसा रामां मयूरोऽप्यनुधावति ॥ वितत्य रुचिरौ पक्षौ रुतैरुपहसन्निव।
The peacock unfolding his charming wings is moving after his dear mate mocking me as if were with his cry.

मयूरस्य वने नूनं रक्षसा न हृता प्रिया॥ तस्मान्नृत्यति रम्येषु वनेषु सह कान्तया।
Surely the Rākşasa has not brought my dear one in this forest of peacocks and therefore they dance with their mates in this picturesque forest land.

मम त्वयं विना वास: पुष्पमासे सुदुःसहः॥ पश्य लक्ष्मण संरागस्तिर्यग्योनिगतेष्वपि। यदेषा शिखिना कामाद् भर्तारमभिवर्तते।॥
It is unbearable for me to live without Sītā in this season of flowers. Behold, O Laksmana, this attachment is to be seen even among the brutes. The pea-hen being influenced by passion is approaching her mate.

ममाप्येवं विशालाक्षी जानकी जातसम्भ्रमा। मदनेनाभिवर्तेत यदि नापहता भवेत्॥
Sītā of expansive eyes would have thus neared me being influenced by amour had she not been carried away.

पश्य लक्ष्मण पुष्पाणि निष्फलानि भवन्ति मे। पुष्पभारसमृद्धानां वनानां शिशिरात्यये॥ रुचिराण्यपि पुष्पाणि पादपानामतिश्रिया। निष्फलानि मही यान्ति समं मधुकरोत्करैः॥
Behold, O Laksmana, In this season of spring flowers of this forest rich in their load of flowers are of no avail to me. These pleasant flowers of the trees have been uselessly falling on the earth along with the swarms of black bees.

नदन्ति कामं शकुना मुदिताः सदृशः कलम्। आह्वयन्त इवान्योन्यं कामोन्मादकरा मम।४६।।
The birds exciting my desire have been delightedly warbling in flocks as if welcoming each other.

वसन्तो यदि तत्रापि यत्र मे वसति प्रिया। नूनं परवशा सीता सापि शोचत्यहं यथा।४७।।
Surely Sītā, under the influence of another person, is lamenting in the same strain, as I do, if spring has appeared there.

नूनं न तु वसन्तस्तं देशं स्पृशति यत्र सा। कथं ह्यसितपद्माक्षी वर्तयेत् सा मया विना ॥
Even if spring has not appeared there how can Sītā having eyes resembling full-blown lotuses live in my separation?

अथवा वर्तते तत्र वसन्तो यत्र मे प्रिया। किं करिष्यति सुश्रोणी सा तु निर्भर्त्सता परैः।॥
If spring is there, what can it do her having a beautiful hip and loins, who has already been overpowered by a mighty enemy?

श्यामा पद्मपलाशाक्षी मृदुभाषा च मे प्रिया। नूनं वसन्तमासाद्य परित्यक्ष्यति जीवितम्॥
Surely shall my dear wife of a slender make, having eyes like lotus-petals and of sweet accents renounce her life at the appearance of this spring?

दृढं हि हृदये बुद्धिर्मम सम्परिवर्तते। नालं वर्तयितुं सीता साध्वी मद्विरहं गता॥
Methinks, for certain, the chaste Sītā shall not be able to maintain her being at my separation.

मयि भावो हि वैदेह्यास्तत्त्वतो विनिवेशितः। ममापि भावः सीतायां सर्वथा विनिवेशितः॥
Vaidehi's attachment is entirely centred in me and my affection also riveted entirely in Sītā.

एष पुष्पवहो वायुः सुखस्पर्शो हिमावहः। तां विचिन्तयतः कान्तां पावकप्रतिमो मम॥
This cool breeze of a pleasant touch, carrying the fragrance of flowers appears like a fire-brand to me who am thinking of my spouse.

सदा सुखमहं मन्ये यं पुरा सह सीतया। मारुतः स बिना सीतां शोकसंजननो मम।।५४
That breeze appears painful to me in Sītā's absence which ere this, had been regarded by me as a source of pleasure in her company.

तां विनाथ विहङ्गोऽसौ पक्षी प्रणदितस्तदा। वायसः पादपगतः प्रहृष्टमभिकूजति॥
This bird set up a cry in the sky at that time* and now in the absence of Sītā, that crow, sitting on the tree is crying delightedly. This refers to the time when Rāma was united with Sītā i.e. at the time of his wedding, At that time the bird, flying up in the sky set up an inauspicious cry indicating that in no distant time he should be separated form her; and now his sitting on the tree and cawing delightedly indicated that he should soon be re-united with her.

एष वे तत्र वैदेह्या विहगः प्रतिहारकः। पक्षी मां तु विशालाक्ष्याः समीपमुपनेष्यति ॥
This bird flying up in the sky brought about Sītā's ravishment and this bird shall take me to her having expansive eyes.

पश्य लक्ष्मण संनादं वने मदविवर्धनम्। पुष्पिताग्रेषु वृक्षेषु द्विजानामवकूजताम्॥
Hear, O Laksmana, the maddening notes of those birds sitting on the tops of the flowery trees and setting up their melody.

विक्षिप्तां पवनेनैतामसौ तिलकमञ्जरीम्। षट्पदः सहसाभ्येति मदोद्भूतामिव प्रियाम्॥
The Bhramaras (black-bees) are approaching the flower-stalk of Tilaka trees tossed by the wind like to intoxicated damsels.

कामिनामयमत्यन्तमशोकः शोकवर्धनः। स्तबकैः पवनोत्क्षिप्तैस्तर्जयन्निव मां स्थितः॥
This Asoka, enhancing the desires of the amorous, stands here, as if remonstrating with me by its clusters shaken by the wind.

अमी लक्ष्मण दृश्यन्ते चूताः कुसुमशालिनः। विभ्रमोत्सिक्तमनसः साङ्गरागा नरा इव ॥
There appear, O Laksmana, those blossoming mango trees like to persons, exercised with passion and smeared with unguents of sandal.

सौमित्रे पश्य पम्पायाचित्रासु वनराजिषु। किंनरा नरशार्दूल विचरन्ति यतस्ततः॥ इमानि शुभगन्धीनि पश्य लक्ष्मण सर्वशः। नलिनानि प्रकाशन्ते जले तरुणसूर्यवत्॥
Behold, O Saumitri, O foremost of men, the Kinnaras are ranging at large in this variegated forest land on the banks of Pampā. Behold, O Lakşmaņa, here the fragrant red lotuses are shedding forth their splendour like to the newly risen sun.

एषा प्रसन्नसलिला पद्मनीलोत्पलायुता। हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णा पम्पा सौगन्धिकायुता॥ जले तरुणसूर्याभैः षट्पदाहतकेसरैः। पङ्कजैः शोभते पम्पा समन्तादभिसंवृता॥ चक्रवाकयुता नित्यं चित्रप्रस्थवनान्तरा। मातङ्गमृगयूथैश्च शोभते सलिलार्थिभिः॥
Here appear beautifully the lake Pampā of transparent water, filled with blue and fragrant lotuses, swans and Kõrandavas and abounding in red lotuses like to the virgin rays of the sun and having their filaments crushed by the bees. And the beautiful woods around the lake have been manifesting their beauty, filled with Cakravākas and the herds of elephants and deer desirous of drinking water.

पवनाहतवेगाभिरुर्मिभिर्विमलेऽम्भसि। पङ्कजानि विराजन्ते ताड्यमानानि लक्ष्मण ॥
Behold, O Laksmana, the picturesque view of the lotuses oscillated by the ripples driven to and fro by the wind.

पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षी सततं प्रियपङ्कजाम्। अपश्यतो मे वैदेही जीवितं नाभिरोचते॥
I do not delight in my life, not beholding Sītā, having expansive eyes like to lotus-petals and ever fond of lotuses.

अहो कामस्य वामत्वं यो गतामपि दुर्लभाम्। स्मारयिष्यति कल्याणी कल्याणतरवादिनीम्॥
O how wily is the course of Kāma who has been presenting to my mind that auspicious one, hard to attain and of sweet-accents!

शक्यो धारयितुं कामो भवेदभ्यागतो मया। यदि भूयो वसन्तो मां न हन्यात् पुष्पितगुमः॥
Had I not been overpowered by this season of spring with blossoming trees, I would have been able to put up with the presentamorous infliction.

यानि स्म रमणीयानि तया सह भवन्ति मे। तान्येवारमणीयानि जायन्ते मे तया विना ॥
The objects which appeared beautiful to me while in the company of Sītā, now seem shorn of all grace in her separation.

पद्मकोशपलाशानि द्रष्टुं दृष्टिर्हि मन्यते। सीताया नेत्रकोशाभ्यां सदृशानीति लक्ष्मण। ७१।।
My eyes pant for beholding those lotus-petals, O Lakṣmaṇa, because of their resemblance with Sītā's eyes.

पद्मकेसरसंसृष्टो वृक्षान्तरविनिःसृतः। निःश्वास इव सीताया वाति वायुमनोहरः॥
Issuing out of the trees and touching the filaments, the pleasant wind is blowing like to Sita's breath.

सौमित्रे पश्य पम्पाया दक्षिणे गिरिसानुषु। पुष्पितां कर्णिकारस्य यष्टिं परमशोभिताम्॥
Behold O Lakşmaņa, the flowery branches of the Karņikāras on the summits of the mountain situated on the southern bank of Pampā.

अधिकं शैलराजोऽयं धातुभिस्तु विभूषितः। विचित्रं सृजते रेणुं वायुवेगविघट्टितम्॥
This prince of mountains, beautified with various metals, has been throwing up dusts of diverse colours driven by the wind.

गिरिप्रस्थास्तु सौमित्रे सर्वतः सम्प्रपुष्पितैः। निष्पत्रैः सर्वतो रम्यैः प्रदीप्ता इव किंशुकैः॥
O Saumitri, these mountainous expanses are burning in beauty with blossoming and beautiful Kinsukas void of leaves.

पम्पातीररुहाश्चेमे संसिक्ता मधुगन्धिनः। मालतीमल्लिकापद्मकरवीराश्च पुष्पिताः।७६ ।। केतक्यः सिन्दुवाराश्च वासन्त्यश्च सुपुष्पिताः। माधव्यो गन्धपूर्णाश्च कुन्दगुल्माश्च सर्वशः॥ चिरिबिल्वा मधूकाश्च वञ्जुला बकुलास्तथा। चम्पकास्तिलकाश्चैव नागवृक्षाश्च पुष्पिताः॥ पद्मकाश्चैव शोभन्ते नीलाशोकाश्च पुष्पिताः। लोध्राश्च गिरिपृष्ठेषु सिंहकेसरपिञ्जराः। ७९।।
These fragrant Mālatis, Mallikäs, Karavīras and lotuses, growing on the banks of Pampā, and fostered by Pampā's water, and Ketakis, Sinduvāras, Basantis in full blossom, the climber Madhavi full of fragrance, and Jasmin shrubs groves on every side. Ciribilvas, Madhukas, Vañjulas, Bakulas, Campakas, Tilakas, Nāgas, Padmakas, blue Asokas, and yellow Lodhras on the hills like to manes of a lion, are in flowers.

अङ्कोलाश्च कुरण्टाश्च चूर्णकाः परिभद्रकाः। चूताः पाटलयश्चापि कोविदाराश्च पुष्पिताः॥ मुचुकुन्दार्जुनाश्चैव दृश्यन्ते गिरिसानुषु। केतकोद्दालकाश्चैव शिरीषाः शिंशपा धवाः॥ शाल्मल्यः किंशुकाश्चैव रक्ताः कुरवकास्तथा। तिनिशा नक्तमालाश्च चन्दनाः स्यन्दनास्तथा॥ हिन्तालास्तिलकाश्चैव नागवृक्षाश्च पुष्पिताः। पुष्पितान् पुष्पिताग्राभिलताभिः परिवेष्टितान्॥ दुमान् पश्येह सौमित्रे पम्पाया रुचिरान् बहून्। वातविक्षिप्तविटपान् यथासन्नान् दुमानिमान्॥ लताः समनुवर्तन्ते मत्ता इव वरस्त्रियः।
There appear beautifully on the hills, Ankolas, Kurantas, Curnakas, Paribhadrakas, blossoming mango, Patali, Kovidāras, Mucukundas, Arjunas, Ketakas, Uddalakas, Sirisas, Sinsapās, Dhavas, Salmalis, Kinsukas, Raktas Kurabakas, Tinisas, Naktamalas, sandal trees, Syandanas, Hintālas, Tilakas and Nagas. Behold, O Saumitri, many a beautiful and blossoming tree growing on the banks of Pampā and gnarled by creepers having flowery tips. Like into inebriate damsels, these creepers are embracing the trees, hard by, having their branches tossed by the wind.

पादपात् पादपं गच्छशैलाच्छैलं वनाद् वनम्॥ वाति नैकरसास्वादसम्मोदित इवानिलः।
The breeze, delighted with various tastes is passing from tree to tree, mountain to mountains and forest to forest.

केचित् पर्याप्तकुसुमाः पादपा मधुगन्धिनः॥ केचिन्मुकुलसंवीता: श्यामवर्णा इवाबभुः। इदं मृष्टमिदं स्वादु प्रफुल्लमिदमित्यपि॥ रागरक्तो मधुकरः कुसुमेष्वेव लीयते। निलीय पुनरुत्पत्य सहसान्यत्र गच्छति। मधुलुब्धो मधुकरः पम्पातीरद्रुमेष्वसौ॥
Some fragrant trees, covered with flowers and some with buds, appear beautifully green. Saying, 'this is sweet', 'this is pleasant' and 'this is full-blown', the attached bees are falling to the trees. And rising again they are approaching the other trees growing on the banks of Pampā.

इयं कुसुमसंघातैरुपस्तीर्णा सुखाकृता। स्वयं निपतितैभूमिः शयनप्रस्तरैरिव ॥
This forest-land, strewn with flowers dropping spontaneously from the trees like to a bed sheet, has become pleasant.

विविधा विविधैः पुष्पैस्तैरेव नगसानुषु। विस्तीर्णाः पीतरक्ताभाः सौमित्रे प्रस्तराः कृताः॥
O Saumitri, the mountainous levels variegated with flowers of different species, are appearing like to beds.

हिमान्ते पश्य सौमित्रे वृक्षाणां पुष्पसम्भवम्। पुष्पमासे हि तरवः संघर्षादिव पुष्पिताः॥ आह्वयन्त इवान्योन्यं नगाश्च षट्पदनादिताः। कुसुमोत्तंसविटपाः शोभन्ते बहु लक्ष्मण॥
Behold O Saumitri, the origination of flowers in the trees at the expiry of the winter. The trees as if viewing with each other, have blossomed in this season of flowers. The trees, O Lakşmaņa, with bees humming around and with flowery branches are as if welcoming each other.

एव कारण्डवः पक्षी विगाह्य सलिलं शुभम्। रमन्ते कान्तया साधु काममुद्दीपयन्निव॥
This swan, has been sporting with its mate in the lucid water of Pampă exciting my amour.

मन्दाकिन्यास्तु यदिदं रूपमेतन्मनोरमम्। स्थाने जगति विख्याता गुणास्तस्या मनोरमाः॥
Truly does this lake like to Mandākini itself, deserve the accomplishments that are known all over the world.

यदि दृश्येत सा साध्वी यदि चेह वसेमहि। स्पृहयेयं न शक्राय नायोध्यायै रघूत्तम ॥
O best of Raghus, I do not desire Ayodhyā or the dignity of Indra if that chaste Sītā be found here and if I can live with her.

न ह्येवं रमणीयेषु शाद्वलेषु तया सह। रमतो मे भवेच्चिन्ता न स्पृहान्येषु वा भवेत्॥
I shall renounce all desires and thoughts if I can sport with her in this picturesque and green forest-land.

अमी हि विविधैः पुष्पैस्तरवो विविधच्छदाः। काननेऽस्मिन् विना कान्तां चिन्तामुत्पादयन्ति मे॥
These trees, clothed in diverse flower attires, have been exciting my thought in this forest, who have been deprived of my dear one.

पश्य शीतजलां चेमां सौमित्रे पुष्करायुताम्। चक्रवाकानुचरितां कारण्डवनिषेविताम्॥ प्लवैः क्रौञ्चैश्च सम्पूर्णां महामृगनिषेविताम्।
O Saumitri, behold this Pampā of cool water, enveloped on all sides with lotuses, and frequented by Cakravākas, Karandavas, Krauñcas, Plavas and high deer.

अधिकं शोभते पम्पा विकूजद्भिर्विहङ्गमैः॥ दीपयन्तीव मे कामं विविधा मुदिता द्विजाः। श्यामां चन्द्रमुखीं स्मृत्वा प्रियां पद्मनिभेक्षणाम्॥
The beauty of Pampā has been further enhanced by the birds carolling. Diverse delighted birds have been exciting my passion, reminding me of my dear spouse, of blameless countenance, having a moon like face and eyes resembling lotus-petals.

पश्य सानुषु चित्रेषु मृगीभिः सहितान् मृगान्॥ मां पुनर्मूगशालाक्ष्या वैदेह्या विरहीकृतम्। व्यथयन्तीव मे चित्तं संचरन्तस्ततस्ततः॥
Behold on the yonder mountainous expanse of various colours, stags sporting with hinds and myself on the other hand forsaken by Vaidehi having eyes resembling those of an antelope.

अस्मिन् सानुनि रम्ये हि मत्तद्विजगणाकुले। पश्येयं यदि तां कान्तां ततः स्वस्ति भवेन्मम ॥
These deer ranging hither and thither have been distressing my soul. It is then only that I shall attain to mental quietude if I can behold Sītā on this charming mountainous expanse filled with birds and deer.

जीवेयं खलु सौमित्रे मया सह सुमध्यमा। सेवेत यदि वैदेही पम्पायाः पवनं शुभम्॥ पद्मसौगन्धिकवहं शिवं शोकविनाशनम्। धन्या लक्ष्मण सेवन्ते पम्पाया वनमारुतम्॥
It is then that I shall draw my vital breath, O Saumitri, if Vaidehi, of slender waist, with me, enjoy the fine breeze of Pampā dispersing the fragrance of lotuses and Saugandhikas and ever assuaging grief. Blessed are they, O Laksmana who enjoy this wild breeze of Pampā.

श्यामा पद्मपलाशाक्षी प्रिया विरहिता मया। कथं धारयति प्राणान् विवशा जनकात्मजा॥
How has that exquisitely fine daughter of Janaka, my beloved spouse, having eyes resembling lotus-petals, brought under the control of another person, been living forsaken by me?

किं नु वक्ष्यामि धर्मज्ञं राजानं सत्यवादिनम्। जनकं पृष्टसीतं तं कुशलं जनसंसदि॥
What shall I speak to that virtuous, truthful king Janaka when he shall interrogate me about Sītā's welfare in an assembly?

या मामनुगता मन्दं पित्रा प्रस्थापितं वनम्। सीता धर्मं समास्थाय क्व नु सा वर्तते प्रिया॥
Where is that Sītā now who followed me in the track of virtue, who am unfortunate and have been exiled to woods by my Sire?

तया विहीनः कृपणः कथं लक्ष्मण धारये। या मामनुगता राज्याद् भ्रष्टं विहतचेतसम्॥
How shall I keep up (my being) being poorly, O Lakşmaņa, being forsaken by that Sītā who followed me, deprived of kingdom and sense?

तच्चार्वञ्चितपद्माक्षं सुगन्धि शुभमव्रणम्। अपश्यतो मुखं तस्याः सीदतीव मतिर्मम ॥
My heart is sinking not beholding her fine spotless countenance, having eyes resembling lotuses and smelling sweet.

स्मितहास्यान्तरयुतं गुणवन्मधुरं हितम्। वैदेह्या वाक्यमतुलं कदा श्रोष्यामि लक्ष्मण॥
When shall I hear again O Lakṣmaṇa, the sweet incomparable and auspicious accents of Vaidehī, intervened by smiles and couched in an elegant and easy style?

प्राप्य दु:खं वनेश्यामा मां मन्मथविकर्शितम्। नष्टदु:खेव हृष्टेव साध्वी साध्वभ्यभाषत॥
Thai chaste and exquisitely fine damsel even when afflicted in the woods used to welcome me under the influence of Cupid as if she were delighted and had her sorrows removed.

किं नु वक्ष्याम्ययोध्यायां कौसल्यां हि नृपात्मज। क्व सा स्नुषेति पृच्छन्तीं कथं चापि मनस्विनीम्।।११२ ।
O son of a king, what shall I speak to Kausalya in Ayodhyā when she will ask me of her high-souled daughter-in-law's welfare and whereabouts?

गच्छ लक्ष्मण पश्य त्वं भरतं भ्रातृवत्सलम्। नह्यहं जीवितुं शक्तस्तामृते जनकात्मजाम्॥ इति रामं महात्मानं विलपन्तमनाथवत्। उवाच लक्ष्मणो भ्राता वचनं युक्तमव्ययम्॥
Do you proceed, O Lakşmaņa, and join Bharata gifted with fraternal affection. I am incapable of living any more without that daughter of Janaka. Thereupon Lakşmaņa addressed to the high-souled Rāma who was thus bewailing like one helpless with the following pregnant and immutable words.

संस्तम्भ राम भद्रं ते मा शुचः पुरुषोत्तम। नेदृशानां मतिर्मन्दा भवत्यकलुषात्मनाम्॥
Forsake your grief, O Rāma. May good betide you. Do not grieve O best of men. Even the sinless persons lose their sense when they are afflicted with grief.

स्मृत्वा वियोगजं दुःखं त्यज स्नेहं प्रिये जने। अतिस्नेहपरिष्वङ्गाद् वर्तिरार्दापि दह्यते॥
Remembering the grief consequent on separation do you forsake your attachment to your dear one. Out of an excess of oil even the wick burn itself.

यदि गच्छति पातालं ततोऽभ्यधिकमेव वा। सर्वथा रावणस्तात न भविष्यति राघव॥
O worshipful one, even if he hide himself in the region under the earth or in a darker quarter, Rāvana shall not be able to draw his breath.

प्रवृत्तिर्लभ्यतां तावत् तस्य पापस्य रक्षसः। ततो हास्यति वा सीतां निधनं वा गमिष्यति ॥
Do you procure information about the vicioussouled Rākṣasa; either he shall give up Sītā or meet with destruction.

यदि याति दितेर्गर्भ रावणं सह सीतया। तत्राप्येनं हनिष्यामि न चेद् दास्यति मैथिलीम्॥
Unless he gives back Sītā, forsooth I shall kill him even if he enters with her into Diti's womb.

स्वास्थ्यं भद्रं भजस्वार्य त्यज्यतां कृपणा मतिः। अर्थो हि नष्टकार्या१रयत्नेनाधिगम्यते॥
Do you, console yourself and renounce your poorliness of mind, O worshipful one. Without sufficient endeavours even men of energy do not regain their lost ends.

उत्साहो बलवानार्य नास्त्युत्साहात् परं बलम्। सोत्साहस्य हि लोकेषु न किंचिदपि दुर्लभम्॥
O worshipful one mighty is the course of energy. And than this there is no greater powerful on earth. And there is nothing unattainable in this world to one gifted with energy.

उत्साहवन्तश्च पुरुषा नावसीदन्ति कर्मसु। उत्साहमात्रमाश्रित्य प्रतिलप्स्याम जानकीम्॥
Persons endowed with zeal do never wear away in their actions. And resorting to this energy only that we shall regain Jānaki.

त्यजतां कामवृत्तत्वं शोकं संन्यस्य पृष्ठतः। महात्मानं कृतात्मानमात्मानं नावबुध्यसे॥
Do you not perceive that you are high-souled and highly educated? And leaving behind grief do you forsake your amorous madness.

एवं सम्बोधितस्तेन शोकोपहतचेतनः। त्यज्य शोकं च मोहं च रामो धैर्यमुपागमत्॥
Being thus accosted by Lakşmaņa, Rāma having his mind stricken with sorrow, attained to mental quietude renouncing grief and dolour.

सोऽभ्यतिक्रामदव्यग्रस्तामचिन्त्यपराक्रमः। रामः पम्पां सुरुचिरां रम्या पारिप्लवद्रुमाम्॥
Thereupon Răma, of unimaginable prowess, passed slowly by the pleasant and charming Pampā with banks girt with trees shaken by the wind.

निरीक्षमाणः सहसा महात्मा सर्वे वनं निर्झररकन्दरं च। उद्विग्नचेताः सह लक्ष्मणेन विचार्य दुःखोपहतः प्रतस्थे॥
Thereupon the high-souled Rāma, stricken with grief passed along beholding the forestland, fountains, caves and revolving aside (the 'pregnant words of Laksmana).

तं मत्तमातङ्गविलासगामी गच्छन्तमव्यग्रमना महात्मा। स लक्ष्मणो राघवमिष्टचेष्टो ररक्ष धर्मेण बलेन चैव॥
And the high-souled Lakşmaņa, of unagitated mind, intent upon Rāma's welfare and wending like to an infuriated elephant, cheered him up by means of moral and heroic counsels.

तावृष्यमूकस्य समीपचारी चरन् ददर्शाद्भुतदर्शनीयौ। शाखामृगाणामधिपस्तरस्वी वितत्रसे नैव विचेष्ट चेष्टाम्॥
Beholding their countenances passing strange, that mighty chief, of monkeys, while ranging near the mount Rșyamuka, became highly terrified and motionless.

स तौ महात्मा गजमन्दगामी शाखामृगस्तत्र चरंश्चरन्तौ। दृष्ट्वा विषादं परमं जगाम चिन्तापरीतो भयभारभग्नः॥
Observing them range there, that high-souled monkey, wending slowly like to an elephant and stricken with fear and grief, became exceedingly sorry.

तमाश्रमं पुण्यसुखं शरण्यं सदैव शाखामृगसेवितान्तम्। महौजसौ राघवलक्ष्मणौ तौ॥
Espying the highly powerful Rāma and Lakş mana there, monkeys, terrified, entered into that holy and pleasant asylum, a worthy refuge and having its inside always frequented by them.