Aranya Kanda: Chapter 75

दिवं तु तस्यां यातायां शबाँ स्वेन तेजसा। लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा चिन्तयामास राघवः॥ चिन्तयित्वा तु धर्मात्मा प्रभावं तं महात्मनाम्। हितकारिणमेकाग्रं लक्ष्मणं राघवोऽब्रवीत्॥
After Savarī had repaired to heaven by virtue of her divine prowess, Rāma with his brother Lakşmaņa began to ponder over the pious influence of those great ascetics. Thinking within himself about the divine authority of those great ones, the virtuous-souled Rāma spoke to Lakşmaņa, devoted and ever engaged in his well-being.

दृष्टोमयाऽऽश्रमः सौम्य बह्वाश्चर्यः कृतात्मनाम्। विश्वस्तमृगशार्दूलो नानाविहगसेवितः॥
Beheld have I, O gentle one, the wondrous asylum of the pure-souled ascetics filled with diverse birds and tigers rambling friendly with antelopes.

सप्तानां च समुद्राणां तेषां तीर्थेषु लक्ष्मण। उपस्पृष्टं च विधिवत् पितरश्चापि तर्पिताः॥ प्रणष्टमशुभं यन्नः कल्याणं समुपस्थितम्। तेन त्वेतत् प्रहृष्टं मे मनो लक्ष्मण सम्प्रति॥
O Laksmana, we have performed ablutions in the sacred waters of these seven seas and offered oblations to our manes. Our misfortunes have ended and prosperity has appeared and my mind is now filled with ecstasy of delight.

हृदये मे वनव्याघ्र शुभमाविर्भविष्यति। तदागच्छ गमिष्यावः पम्पां तां प्रियदर्शनाम्॥
Me-thinks, O best of men, auspiciousness shall soon appear to us; do you come, therefore, we shall proceed towards the picturesque lake Pampā.

ऋष्यमूको गिरिर्यत्र नातिदूरे प्रकाशते। यस्मिन् वसति धर्मात्मा सुग्रीवोंऽशुमतः सुतः॥
You appear in view, at no distance, the mount Rşyamūka. Here dwells with four monkeys, the virtuous-souled Sugrīva.

नित्यं वालिभयात् त्रस्तश्चतुर्भिः सह वानरैः। अहं त्वरे च तं द्रष्टुं सुग्रीवं वानरर्षभम्॥ तदधीनं हि मे कार्य सीतायाः परिमार्गणम्।
Surya's son, in constant fear of Vāli. I am in a hurry to behold Sugrīva the best of monkeys, for my business—Sītā's quest-is entirely at his hands.

इति ब्रुवाणं तं वीरं सौमित्रिरिदमब्रवीत्॥ गच्छावस्त्वरितं तत्र ममापि त्वरते मनः।
Unto the heroic Rāma, speaking thus Saumitrī said. Let us depart soon, I am in haste too.

आश्रमात्तु ततस्तस्मान्निष्क्रम्य स विशाम्पतिः॥ आजगाम ततः पम्पां लक्ष्मणेन सह प्रभुः। समीक्षमाणः पुष्पाढ्यं सर्वतो विपुलद्रुमम्॥ कोयष्टिभिश्चार्जुनकैः शतपत्रैश्च कीचकैः। एतैश्चान्यैश्च बहुभिर्नादितं तद् वनं महत्॥
Issuing out of Matanga's asylum, the mighty Rāma, lord of men, repaired with Lakşmaņa to the lake Pampā. Exercised with grief, he arrived at the bank of that best lakes, beholding (as he passed along), various trees and pools, the mighty forest covered on all sides with huge trees and flowers and resounding with the noise of lapwings, peacocks, woodpeckers and various other birds and rattling of the bamboo's.

स रामो विविधान् वृक्षान् सरांसि विविधानि च। पश्यन् कामाभिसंतप्तो जगाम परमं हृदम्॥ स तामासाद्य वै रामो दूरात् पानीयवाहिनीम्। मतङ्गसरसं नाम ह्रदं समवगाहत॥ तत्र जग्मतुरव्यग्रौ राघवौ हि समाहितौ। स तु शोकसमाविष्टो रामो दशरथात्मजः॥ विवेश नलिनी रम्यां पङ्कजैश्च समावृताम्।
Beholding, from distance, Pampā of sweet, cool and pure water, Rāma performed ablution at the Matanga Sara (a portion of Pampā) and paced slowly towards the lake. Thereupon Daśaratha's son, stricken with grief, bathed in Pampă covered with lotuses.

तिलकाशोकपुंनागबकुलोद्दालकाशिनीम्॥ रम्योपवनसम्बाधां रम्यसम्पीडितोदकाम्। स्फटिकोपमतोयां तां श्लक्ष्णवालुकसंतताम्॥ मत्स्यकच्छपसम्बाधां तीरस्थद्रुमशोभिताम्। सखीभिरेव संयुक्तां लताभिरनुवेष्टिताम्॥ किंनरोरंगगन्धर्वयक्षराक्षससेविताम्। नानाद्रुमलताकीर्णां शीतवारिनिधिं शुभाम्॥
It was adorned on all sides with Tilakas, Aśokas, Punnāgas, Uddālas and Bakulas. It was lake girt on all sides with picturesque gardens, having its waters undulating beautifully and transparent like to crystal, and covered all around with soft sands. It was filled with fish and tortoise, adorned with trees on its banks, encircled with creepers embracing her like companions and frequented by Gandharvas, Kinnaras, serpents, Yaksas and Raksasas. It was covered with trees and creepers of various kind, of cool water, and enveloped with beauty.

पद्मसौगन्धिकैस्तानां शुक्लां कुमुदमण्डलैः। नीलां कुवलयोद्घाटैर्बहुवर्णा कुथामिव ॥ अरविन्दोत्पलवतीं पद्मसौगन्धिकायुताम्। पुष्पिताम्रवणोपेतां बर्हिणोद्घष्टनादिताम्॥ स तां दृष्ट्वा ततः पम्पा रामः सौमित्रिणा सह। विललाप च तेजस्वी रामो दशरथात्मजः॥
It was, somewhere, of red hue, in contact with water lilies, somewhere white with Kumudas, somewhere blue with blue lotuses like to a blanket of diverse hues. It was filled with white and red lotuses and encircled with blossoming mangoes groves and resounding with the music of the peacocks. Beholding Pampā, ornamented like a damsel with Tilakas, Bijapuras, (a) figtrees, Sukladrumas, (b) flowery Karavis, blossoming Punnāgas, groves of Mālati (c) and Kunda, (d) Bhandhiras (e) Nichulas, (1) Asokas, Saptaparņas, (g) Ketakas, (h) Atimuktas, (i) and various others trees, Rāma the mighty son of Dasaratha began to lament with Lakşmaņa. [a] Common citron-Lat. (Citrus-medica). [b] Lat. (Symplocos racemosa). (c) Great-flowered Jasmine-Lat. (Jasminum Grandiflorum). [d] A kind of Jasmine-Lat. (F. Multiflorum). [e] Lat. (Memisa Sirisa). [f] Lat. (Barringtonia Acutangula). [g] Lat. (Alstonia-Scholaris). [h] (Pandanus Odoratissiumus). [I] Lat. (Gaeritnera Racemosa).

तिलकैर्बीजपूरैश्च वटैः शुक्लदुमैस्तथा। पुष्पितैः करवीरैश्च पुंनागैश्च सुपुष्पितैः॥ मालतीकुन्दगुल्मैश्च भण्डीरैर्निचुलैस्तथा। अशोकैः सप्तपर्णैश्च केतकैरतिमुक्तकैः॥ अन्यैश्च विविधैर्वृक्षैः प्रमदेवोपशोभिताम्। अस्यास्तीरे तु पूर्वोक्तः पर्वतो धातुमण्डितः॥ ऋष्यमूक इति ख्यातश्चित्रपुष्पितपादपः।
There stands on its bank the mount R$ yamūka, abounding in various metals and covered with trees of variegated flowers as mentioned before (by Kabandha).

हरिक्षरजोनाम्नः पुत्रस्तस्य महात्मनः॥ अध्यास्ते तु महावीर्यः सुग्रीव इति विश्रुतः।
There dwell the famous lord of monkeys, Sugrīva, the heroic son of the great Rkşarajā.

सुग्रीवमभिगच्छ त्वं वानरेन्द्रं नरर्षभ॥ इत्युवाच पुनर्वाक्यं लक्ष्मणं सत्यविक्रमः। कथं मया बिना सीतां शक्यं लक्ष्मण जीवितुम्॥
O best of men, do you approach the chief of monkeys. Rāma, having truth for his prowess, again spoke to Laksmana, saying, O Laksmana, how shall I live without Sitā, who have been deprived of my kingdom, who am poorly and have Sītā for my life?

इत्येवमुक्त्वा मदनाभिपीडितः स लक्ष्मणं वाक्यमनन्यचेतनः। विवेश पम्पां नलिनीमनोरमां तमुत्तमं शोकमुदीरयाण:॥
Having said this to Lakşmaņa, who had nothing else in view, that best of Raghus, racked with sorrow and grief and oppressed by Cupid, entered the lake Pampā graced with lotuses.

क्रमेण गत्वा प्रविलोकयन् वनं ददर्श पम्पां शुभदर्शकाननाम्। अनेकनानाविधपक्षिसंकुलं विवेश रामः सह लक्ष्मणेन॥
Proceeding slowly, observing the forest, Rāma beheld and entered with Lakşmaņa Pampā, girt on all sides with beautiful woods and filled with a multitude of diverse birds.