Aranya Kanda: Chapter 71

पुरा राम महाबाहो महाबलपराक्रमम्। रूपमासीन्ममाचिन्त्यं त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतम्॥ यथा सूर्यस्य सोमस्य शक्रस्य च यथा वपुः। सोऽहं रूपमिदं कृत्वा लोकवित्रासनं महत्॥ ऋषीन् वनगतान् राम त्रासयामि ततस्ततः।
O Mighty armed Rāma of great prowess, formerly my beauty, beyond conception, was known all over the three worlds, like to the beauty of the Sun, the Moon and Indra. I used to frighten everywhere the ascetics living in the forest by turning this my beauty into a terrific form.

ततः स्थूलशिरा नाम महर्षिः कोपितो मया॥ स तन्वन् विविधं वन्यं रूपेणानेन धर्षितः। तेनाहमुक्तः प्रेक्ष्यैवं घोरशापाभिधायिना॥
Once on a time assuming this terrible shape I assailed and enraged the great ascetic Sthulasira collecting diverse wild fruits. Thereupon he imprecated curses upon me.

एतदेवं नृशंसं ते रूपमस्तु विगर्हितम्। स मया याचितः क्रुद्धः शापस्यान्तो भवेदिति॥ अभिशापकृतस्येति तेनेदं भाषितं वचः।
Do you retain this ghastly shape hated of all mankind. Upon my praying to that angry ascetic for my relief from that curse, he said.

यदा छित्वा भुजौ रामस्त्वां दहेद् विजने वने॥ तदा त्वं प्राप्स्यसे रूपं स्वमेव विपुलं शुभम्। श्रिया विराजितं पुत्रं दनोस्त्वं विद्धि लक्ष्मण॥
You shall regain your stalwart and beautiful shape when you shall be burnt by Rāma in a dense forest having got your arms dissevered by him.

इन्द्रशापादिदं रूपं प्राप्तमेवं रणाजिरे। अहं हि तपसोग्रेण पितामहमथोषयम्॥ दीर्घमायुः स मे प्रादात् ततो मां विभ्रमोऽस्पृशत्। दीर्घमायुर्मया प्राप्तं किं मां शक्रः करिष्यति॥
O Lakşmaņa, know me to be the beautiful son of Danu. Through Indra's curse in the battle field I have been metamorphosed into my present shape. After I had pleased him with hard austerites, the Grand-Father of the celestials conferred on me a long life. And therefore I was inflamed with pride assailed Indra in a conflict, thinking within me, 'I have gained a long life-what can Indra do me?'

इत्येवं बुद्धिमास्थाय रणे शक्रमधर्षयम्। तस्य बाहुप्रमुक्तेन वज्रेण शतपर्वणा॥ सक्थिनी च शिरश्चैव शरीरे सम्प्रवेशितम्।
Thereupon by his thunderbolt, having hundred edges hurled off his hands, my thighs were shattered and my head thrusted into my body.

स मया याच्यमानः सन् नानयद् यमसादनम्॥ पितामहवचः सत्यं तदस्त्विति ममाब्रवीत्।
Myself praying for the close of my life, he did not despatch me to the abode of Yama. He only said May the words of the Grand Sire prove true.'

अनाहारः कथं शक्तो भग्नसक्थिशिरोमुखः॥ वज्रेणाभिहतः कालं सुदीर्घमपि जीवितुम्। स एवमुक्तः शक्रो मे बाहू योजनमायतौ॥ तदा चास्यं च मे कृक्षौ तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रमकल्पयत्।
Where to I replied 'How shall I live long without any food, being smitten by you having a thunderbolt in your hand, and having my head, thighs and mouth crushed down?' Thereat Indra made my hands extending over a Yojana and placed my mouth, having sharpened teeth, on my belly.

सोऽहं भुजाभ्यां दीर्घाभ्यां संक्षिप्यास्मिन्वनेचरान्॥ सिंहद्वीपिमृगव्याघ्रान् भक्षयामि समन्ततः।
Thenceforth, stretching out my long arms I used to devour all lions, tigers, wolves and deer ranging the forest.

स तु मामब्रवीदिन्द्रो यदा रामः सलक्ष्मणः॥ छेत्स्यते समरे बाहू तदा स्वर्गं गमिष्यति।
Indra said to me, 'You shall attain to heaven when Rāma, along with Laksmana, shall cut off your arms in a battle.'

अनेन वपुषा तात वनेऽस्मिन् राजसत्तम ॥ यद् यत् पश्यामि सर्वस्य ग्रहणं साधु रोचये। अवश्यं ग्रहणं रामो मन्येऽहं समुपैष्यति॥ इमां बुद्धिं पुरस्कृत्य देहन्यासकृतश्रमः। स त्वं रामोऽसि भद्रं ते नाहमन्येन राघव॥ शक्यो हन्तुं यथा तत्त्वमेवमुक्तं महर्षिणा।
Acting under the conviction that Rāma, resolved to destroy my person, shall surely come within the compass of my arms, I do always assail with relish, O worshipful one, O you best of kings, every animal I meet with in this forest. You are that Rāma. My good betide you, O Rāghva. Verily did the great ascetic speak to me that none should be able to assail me but Rāma.

अहं हि मतिसाचिव्यं करिष्यामि नरर्षभ॥ मित्रं चैवोपदेक्ष्यामि युवाभ्यां संस्कृतोऽग्निना।
Being cremated by you, I shall counsel you best and tell you with whom you should contract friendship.

एवमुक्तस्तु धर्मात्मा. दनुना तेन राघवः॥ इदं जगाद वचनं लक्ष्मणस्य च पश्यतः।
Being thus addressed by Danu, the virtuoussouled Rāghva spoke before listening Lakşmaņa.

रावणेन हृता भार्या सीता मम यशस्विनी॥ निष्क्रान्तस्य जनस्थानात् सह भ्रात्रा यथासुखम्। नाममात्रं तु जानामि न रूपं तस्य रक्षसः॥
My renowned spouse Sītā was easily ravished by Rāvaņa after I had gone out of Janasthana along with my brother. I know that Raksasa's name only—but do not know his whereabouts, his figure and his prowess.

निवासं वा प्रभावं वा वयं तस्य न विद्महे। शोकार्तानामनाथानामेवं विपरिधावताम्॥ कारुण्यं सदृशं कर्तुमुपकारेण वर्तताम्।
It behove you to show proper compassion for us, who have been stricken with grief, who are helpless, have been ranging this forest in this way and are, ever engaged in the well-being of others*. This sloka may be rendered in another way:Do you continue benefiting us by showing proper compassion for us, who are stricken with grief helpless and ranging the forest in this way. We have however adopted here the commentator Rāmāņaya's explanation.

काष्ठान्यानीय भग्नानि काले शुष्कानि कुञ्जरैः॥ धक्ष्यामस्त्वां वयं वीर श्वभ्रे महति कल्पिते।
O, hero, we shall burn you after collecting all the branches that have been broken down by the elephants and dried up in time, and digging a big trench.

स त्वं सीतां समाचक्ष्व येन वा यत्र वा हृता॥ कुरु कल्याणमत्यर्थं यदि जानासि तत्त्वतः।
Do you tell us who has carried away Sītā? And where? If do you know it truly do you perform us this good service.

एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण वाक्यं दनुरनुत्तमम्॥ प्रोवाच कुशलो वक्ता वक्तारमपि राघवम्।
Thereat the Rākşasa, skilled in speech, spoke to Rāghava, addressing him thus.

दिव्यमस्ति न मे ज्ञानं नाभिजानामि मैथिलीम्॥ यस्तां वक्ष्यति तं वक्ष्ये दग्धः स्वं रूपमास्थितः। योऽभिजानाति तद्रक्षस्तद् वक्ष्ये राम तत्परम्॥
I am not gifted with divine fore-sight and therefore do not know where Maithilī is. I shall let you know of him who shall be able to tell you all about her, after I resume my original shape, being burnt (by you). I shall furthermore tell you, O Rāma, who knows that Räksasa.

अदग्धस्य हि विज्ञातुं शक्तिरस्ति न मे प्रभो। राक्षसं तु महावीर्यं सीता येन हृता तव॥
Without being burnt I am incapable of being cognizant of that highly powerful Rākṣasa who has carried away your Sītā.

विज्ञानं हि महद् भ्रष्टं शापदोषेण राघव। स्वकृतेन मया प्राप्तं रूपं लोकविगर्हितम्॥
By the influence of curse, I have lost my foresight and by my own improper actions I have been transformed into this ugly figure.

किं तु यावन्न यात्यस्तं सविता श्रान्तवाहनः। तावन्मामवटे क्षिप्त्वा दह राम यथाविधि॥
Do you cremate me according to the prescribed rites after throwing me into the ditch before the sun, with his worn out carriers descends into the western horizon.

दग्धस्त्वयाहमवटे न्यायेन रघुनन्दन । वक्ष्यामि तं महावीर यस्तं वेत्स्यति राक्षसम्॥
Being burnt by you in the ditch, with due ceremonials, O descendant of Raghu, I shall inention, to you, one who knows that Rāksasa.

तेन सख्यं च कर्तव्यं न्याय्यवृत्तेन राघव। कल्पयिष्यति ते वीर साहाय्यं लघुविक्रम॥
O Raghava, O fleet-footed hero, do you contract friendship with him gifted with good qualities and he shall assist you.

नहि तस्यास्त्यविज्ञातं त्रिषु लोकेषु राघव। सर्वान् परिवृतो लोकान् पुरा वै कारणान्तरे॥
There is nothing unknown to him, O Rāghava is the three worlds. Formerly for some reasons he had travelled all over them.