Aranya Kanda: Chapter 59

अथाश्रमादुपावृत्तमन्तरा रघुनन्दनः। परिपप्रच्छ सौमित्रिं रामो दुःखादिदं वचः॥
Then coming out of the hermitage, Raghu's descendant, Rāma, after a while, from grief, spoke these words to the son of Sumitrā,

तमुवाच किमर्थं त्वमागतोऽपास्य मैथिलीम्। यदा सा तव विश्वासाद् वने विरहिता मया॥
When confiding myself in you, I had left Maithilī with you in the wood, why then did you go out, leaving her behind?

दृष्ट्वैवाभ्यागतं त्वां मे मैथिली त्यज्य लक्ष्मण । शङ्कमानं महत् पापं यत्सत्यं व्यथितं मनः॥
O Laksmana, directly I saw you approach, renouncing Maithilī, my mind, apprehending great wrong, became really aggrieved.

स्फुरते नयनं सव्यं बाहुश्च हृदयं च मे। दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मण दूरे त्वां सीताविरहितं पथि।४।।
O Lakşmaņa, seeing you coming at a distance, renouncing her, my left eye and arm as well as my heart keep throbbing.

एवमुक्तस्तु सौमित्रिर्लक्ष्मणः : शुभलक्षणः। भूयो दुःखसमाविष्टो दुःखितं राममब्रवीत्॥
Thus accosted, Laksmana having auspicious signs, afflicted with great grief, said to the aggrieved Rāma,

न स्वयं कामकारेण तां त्यक्त्वाहमिहागतः। प्रचोदितस्तयैवोग्रैस्त्वत्सकाशमिहागतः॥
I have not come hither, of my own accord, renouncing Sītā; but I have come to you, having been urged thereto by herself with rudeness.

आर्येणेव परिक्रुष्टं लक्ष्मणेति सुविस्वरम्। परित्राहीति यद्वाक्यं मैथिल्यास्तच्छ्रुतिं गतम्॥
The cries of O Laksimana, save me, as if uttered by the master, came to the ears of Maithili.

सा तमार्तस्वरं श्रुत्वा तव स्नेहेन मैथिली। गच्छ गच्छेति मामाशु रुदती भयविक्लवा:॥
Hearing those distressful accents, Maithili from affection [for you], breaking out into lamentations, and overwhelmed with fear, spoke to me, Off, off.

प्रचोद्यमानेन मया गच्छेति बहुशस्तया। प्रत्युक्ता मैथिली वाक्यमिदं तत् प्रत्ययान्वितम्॥
On being repeatedly urged, with Go, answered Maithili in these words, tending to inspire her confidence.

न तत् पश्याम्यहं रक्षो यदस्य भयमावहेत् । निर्वृता भव नास्त्येतत् केनाप्येतदुदाहृतम्॥
I do not see such a Rākṣasa, as can excite his fear. Do you desist. These cries do not come from him; but must have been uttered by someone else.

विगर्हितं च नीचं च कथमार्योऽभिधास्यति। त्राहीति वचनं सीते यस्त्रायेत् त्रिदशानपि॥
How can he that can rescue the celestials themselves, utter, O Sītā, such a blame-worthy and base word as-save me?

किंनिमित्तं तु केनापि भ्रातुरालम्ब्य मे स्वरम्। विस्वरं व्याहृतं वाक्यं लक्ष्मण त्राहि मामिति ॥
Some one for some purpose, assuming my brother's voice, is crying-O Laksmana, save me.

राक्षसेनेरितं वाक्यं त्रासात् त्राहीति शोभने। न भवत्या व्यथा कार्या कुनारीजनसेविता॥
O beauteous lady, these words, save memust have been uttered by some Rākşasa from fear. You should not act like a mean woman.

अलं विक्लवतां गन्तुं स्वस्था भव निरुत्सुका। न चास्ति त्रिषु लोकेषु पुमान् यो राघवं रणे॥ जातो वा जायमानो वा संयुगे यः पराजयेत्। अजेयो राघवो युद्धं देवैः शक्रपुरोगमैः॥
Do not be over-whelmed; and banish your anxiety. There breathes no person, nor yet shall there be born any one in these three worlds who in the field shall vanquish Rāghava in fight. Rāghava is incapable of being beaten in battle by the very gods headed by Indra.'

एवमुक्ता तु वैदेही परिमोहितचेतना। उवाचाश्रूणि मुञ्चन्ती दारुणं मामिदं वचः॥
Thus addressed (by me) Vaidehi, deprived of her sense, shedding tears, spoke to me these cruel words,

भावो मयि तवात्यर्थं पाप एव निवेशितः। विनष्टे भ्रातरि प्राप्तुं न च त्वं मामवाप्स्यसे॥
You cherish the vile idea that on your brother perishing, you shall come by me; but me you shall never have.

संकेताद् भरतेन त्वं रामं समनुगच्छसि। क्रोशन्तं हि यथात्यर्थं नैनमभ्यवपद्यसे॥
As you do not go to him albeit he is crying loudly (for help), you follow Rāma in consonance with a hint from Bharata.

रिपुः प्रच्छन्नचारी त्वं मदर्थमनुगच्छसि। राघवस्यान्तरं प्रेप्सुस्तथैनं नाभिपद्यसे॥
A foe going about in disguise, you follow Rāma for my sake, prying into Rāghava's draw backs; and it is for this that you do not go (to him)?

एवमुक्तस्तु वैदेह्या संरब्धो रक्तलोचनः। क्रोधात् प्रस्फुरमाणोष्ठ आश्रमादभिनिर्गतः॥
Thus accosted by Vaidehi, I, with eyes reddened in wrath, and my nether lip swollen in ire, rushed out of the asylum.

एवं ब्रुवाणं सौमित्रिं रामः संतापमोहितः। अब्रवीद् दुष्कृतं सौम्य तां विना त्वमिहागतः॥
When Saumitri had spoken thus, Rāma transported by grief; said to Laksmana, O gentle one, you have done wrong in having come out hither without her.

जानन्नपि समर्थं मां रक्षसामपवारणे। अनेन क्रोधवाक्येन मैथिल्या निर्गतो भवान्॥
Although you knew (full well) that I was able to withstand the Rākşasas, yet did you sally out at the angry words of Mithila's daughter.

नहि ते परितुष्यामि त्यक्त्वा यदसि मैथिलीम्। क्रुद्धायाः परुषं श्रुत्वा स्त्रिया यत् त्वमिहागतः॥
I am not pleased with you that hearing her harsh speech spoken in wrath, you have come hither, leaving Vaidehi behind.

सर्वथा त्वपनीतं ते सीतया यत् प्रचोदितः। क्रोधस्य वशमागम्य नाकरोः शासनं मम॥.
You have every way done wrong in not acting out my mandate in consequence of being urged by Sītā, and under the influence of indignation.

असौ हि राक्षसः शेते शरेणाभिहतो मया। मृगरूपेण येनाहमाश्रमादपवाहितः॥
That Rākṣasa lie low, being wounded by my shafts—that had drawn me away from the asylum wearing the form of a deer.

विकृष्य चापं परिधाय सायकं सलीलबाणेन च ताडितो मया। मार्गी तनुं त्यज्य च विक्लवस्वरो बभूव केयूरधरः स राक्षसः॥
I hit him stretching my brow slightly and fixing the shaft on it; when, renouncing his deerform he became a Rākṣasa wearing a bracelet and began to emit distressful shrieks.

शराहतेनैव तदातया गिरा स्वरं ममालम्ब्य सुदूरसुश्रवम्। उपाहृतं तद् वचनं सुदारुणं त्वमागतो येन विहाय मैथिलीम्॥
Wounded by my shaft, he, assuming my voice, and in accents capable of being heard from far, uttered those dreadful words fraught with dole, hearing which, you have come hither, renouncing Mithilā's daughter.