Aranya Kanda: Chapter 54

ह्रियमाणा तु वैदेही कंचिन्नाथमपश्यती। ददर्श गिरिशृङ्गस्थान् पञ्च वानरपुङ्गवान्॥
Carried away (by Ravana), Vaidehi, not finding any defender, five principal monkeys stationed on the top of a hill.

तेषां मध्ये विशालाक्षी कौशेयं कनकप्रभम्। उत्तरीयं वरारोहा शुभान्याभरणानि च॥ मुमोच यदि रामाय शंसेयुरिति भामिनी। वस्रमुत्सृज्य तन्मध्ये निक्षिप्तं सहभूषणम्॥
Thereat, that lady of expansive eyes and surpassing charms, in the hope that they might convey the intelligence to Rāma, flung off in their midst her gold-gleaming silken sheet, and elegant ornaments.

सम्भ्रमात् तु दशग्रीवस्तत्कर्म च न बुद्धवान्। पिङ्गाक्षास्तां विशालाक्षी नेत्रैरनिमिषैरिव ॥ विक्रोशन्तीं तदा सीतां दद्दशुर्वानरोत्तमाः।
But the Ten headed one owing to hurry did not observe the throwing of the cloth along with the ornaments. Those foremost of monkeys having tawny eyes observes with winkless eyes the large-eyed Sītā as she was giving way to grief.

स च पम्पामतिक्रम्य लङ्कामभिमुखः पुरीम्॥ जगाम मैथिली गृह्य रुदतीं राक्षसेश्वरः।
The lord of Rākşasas, passing beyond Pampā, directed his course towards the city of Lankā, taking Mithilā's daughter along with him, indulging lamentations.

तां जहार सुसंहृष्टो रावणो मृत्युमात्मनः॥ उत्सङ्गेनैव भुजगी तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रां महाविषाम्।
Experiencing the height of delight, Rāvana ravished her, taking her on his lap like a sharp-toothed serpent of virulent poison.

वनानि सरितः शैलान् सरांसि च विहायसा॥ स क्षिप्रं समतीयाय शरश्चापादिव च्युतः।
And speedily, like an arrow shot from a bow, he, coursing the welkin, left behind woods and streams and mountains and pieces of water.

तिमिनक्रनिकेतं तु वरुणालयमक्षयम्॥ सरितां शरणं गत्वा समतीयाय सागरम्।
Coming to the abode of Varuņa, that refuge of rivers, the exhaustless ocean—the home of whales and alligators, he crossed over it.

सम्भ्रमान् परिवृत्तोर्मी रुद्धमीनमहोरगः॥ वैदेह्यां ह्रियमाणायां बभूव वरुणालयः।
In consequence of the carrying away of Vaidehi, Varuna's abode, from grief, had all its waves stilled and its fishes and mighty snakes inert.

अन्तरिक्षगता वाचः ससृजुश्चारणास्तदा॥ एतदन्तो दशग्रीव इति सिद्धास्तथाब्रुवन्।
And the Cāranas uttered in the heavens these words, O Ten-headed one, this is your end. Thus did the Siddhas then say.

स तु सीतां विचेष्टन्तीमङ्केनादाय रावणः॥ प्रविवेश पुरीं लङ्कां रूपिणीं मृत्युमात्मनः।
And taking Sītā on his lap, representing his own Death, who endeavoured (to liberate herself). Rāvana entered the city of Lankā.

सोऽभिगम्य पुरीं लङ्कां सुविभक्तमहापथाम्॥ संरूढकक्ष्यां बहुलां स्वमन्तःपुरमाविशत्।
And entering the city of Lankā, vast, with all its highways well-arranged, and with people thronging its gates, he entered his own inner apartment.

तत्र तामसितापाङ्गी शोकमोहसमन्विताम्॥ निदधे रावणः सीतां मयो मायामिवासुरीम्।
Then Rāvana set Sītā there, having eyes with dark outer corners, exercised with grief and dole; as if Máyā had set his own Asura Illusion (in his own palace).

अब्रवीच्च दशग्रीवः पिशाची?रदर्शनाः॥ यथा नैनां पुमान् स्त्री वा सीतां पश्यत्यसम्मतः।
Then the Ten-headed one spoke to some female friends of terrible visages, Let no man or woman behold Sītā without my permission.

मुक्तामणि सुवर्णानि वस्त्राण्याभरणानि च॥ यद् यदिच्छेत् तदैवास्या देयं मच्छन्दतो यथा।
And I command that, should she ask for pearls, or rubies, or gold, or apparel, or ornaments, the same should be rendered to her.

या च वक्ष्यति वैदेही वचनं किंचिदप्रियम्॥ अज्ञानाद् वा ज्ञानान तस्या जीवितं प्रियम्।
She that, whether knowingly or unknowingly should say anything unpleasant to Vaidehī, would hold her life cheap.

तथोक्त्वा राक्षसीस्तास्तु राक्षसेन्द्रः प्रतापवान्॥ निष्क्रम्यान्तः पुरात् तस्मात् किं कृत्यमिति चिन्तयन्। ददर्शाष्टौ महावीर्यान् राक्षसान् पिशिताशनान्॥
Heaving said this to the Rākşasis, the puissant lord of the Rākṣasas, went out of the inner apartment, and thought within himself as to what was to be done (next). And he saw eight flesheating Rākşasas of wondrous prowess.

स तान् दृष्ट्वा महावीर्यो वरदानेन मोहितः। उवाच तानिदं वाक्यं प्रशस्य बलवीर्यतः॥
And seeing them, the exceedingly powerful. (Ravana), blinded by the bestowal of the boon, after extolling their strength and heroism, addressed them.

नानाप्रहरणाः क्षिप्रमितो गच्छत सत्वराः। जनस्थानं हतस्थानं भूतं पूर्वं खरालयम्॥ तत्रास्यतां जनस्थाने शून्ये निहतराक्षसे। पौरुषं बलमाश्रित्य त्रासमुत्सृज्य दूरतः॥
Equipped with various weapons, do you speedily take yourself to Janasthāna-that field of carnage-which ere this contained the abode of Khara; and casting off fear at a distance, do you sojourn in vacant Janasthāna with all its Raksasas slain (by Rama).

वहुसैन्यं महावीर्यं जनस्थाने निवेशितम्। सदूषणखरं युद्धे निहतं रामसायकैः॥
A great many troops endued with exceeding prowess, who had been posted in Janasthāna, have, along with Düşana and Khara, been slain by the shafts of Rāma.

ततः क्रोधो ममापूर्वो धैर्यस्योपरि वर्धते। वैरं च सुमहज्जातं रामं प्रति सुदारुणम् ॥
Hence unprecedented is my wrath, towering above my patience; and great and fierce also is the hostility I have conceived against Rāma.

निर्यातयितुमिच्छामि तच्च वैरं महारिपोः। नहि लप्स्याम्यहं निद्रामहत्वा संयुगे रिपुम्॥ तं त्विदानीमहं हत्वा खरदूषणघातिनम्। राम शर्मोपलप्स्यामि धनं लब्ध्वेव निर्धनः॥
I wish to avenge myself on my mighty enemy. Sleep find I none without slaying my foe in fight. Slaying that slayer of Khara and Dūşaņa, Rāma, I shall attain delight like to that attained by a pauper on gaining riches.

जनस्थाने वसद्भिस्तु भवद्भि राममाश्रिता। प्रवृत्तिरूपनेतव्या किं करोतीति तत्वतः॥ अप्रमादाच्च गन्तव्यं सर्वैरेव निशाचरैः। कर्तव्यश्च सदा यत्नो राघवस्य वधं प्रति॥
Staying in Janasthāna, you shall gather true information touching Rāma as to what he is about. Repair all you rangers of the night carefully, and strive yourselves always for slaying Rāma.

युष्माकं तु बलं ज्ञातं बहुशो रणमूर्धने। अतस्तस्मिञ्जनस्थाने मया यूयं निवेशिताः॥
I have been well acquainted with your strength in many a field, and it is for this that I set you in Janasthāna.

ततः प्रियं वाक्यमुपेत्य राक्षसा महार्थमष्टावभिवाद्य रावणम्। विहाय लङ्कां सहिताः प्रतस्थिरे यतो जनस्थानमलक्ष्यदर्शनाः॥
Hearing these agreeable and weighty words of Ravana, those Raksasas, bowing down to Rāvana, left Lankā, and in a body invisible proceeded in the direction of Janasthāna.

ततस्तु सीतामुपलभ्य रावणः सुसम्प्रहृष्टः परिगृह्य मैथिलीम्। प्रसज्य रामेण च वैरमुत्तमं बभूव मोहान्मुदितः स रावणः॥
Having obtained Mithilā's daughter, Rāvaņa experienced great joy in establishing her (in his own house); and having created high hostility with Rāma, Rāvana through blindness rejoiced greatly.