Aranya Kanda: Chapter 49

सीताया वचनं श्रुत्वा दशग्रीवः प्रतापवान्। हस्ते हस्तं समाहत्य चकार सुमहद् वपुः॥
Hearing those words of Sītā the highly powerful Ten necked one striking his hands together, increased his body too high.

स मैथिली पुनर्वाक्यं बभाषे वाक्यकोविदः। नोन्मत्तया श्रुतौ मन्ये मम वीर्यपराक्रमौ॥
Thereupon, that one skilled in speech again spake to Maithili, Methinks you have run mad. Have you not heard of my valour and prowess?

उद्वहेयं भुजाभ्यां तु मेदिनीमम्बरे स्थितः। आपिबेयं समुद्रं च मृत्युं हन्यां रणे स्थितः॥
Stationing myself in the welkin I can with my hands raise up the earth. I can drink up the waters of the ocean. And engaged in conflict I can destroy Death itself

अर्क तुद्यां शरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्विभिन्द्यां हि महीतलम्। कामरूपेण उन्मत्ते पश्य मां कामरूपिणम्॥
With my sharpened shafts I can pierce the Sun and cut asunder the earth. You are mad with your beauty. Do you look upon me, who am capable of illusions.

एवमुक्तवतस्यस्य रावणस्य शिखिप्रभे। क्रुद्धस्य हरिपर्यन्ते रक्ते नेत्रे बभूवतुः॥
When he had spoken thus, his yellow eyes became blood-red with rage and assumed the, semblance of flaming fire.

सद्यः सौम्यं परित्यज्य तीक्ष्णरूपं स रावणः। स्वं रूपं कालरूपाभं भेजे वैश्रवणानुजः॥
Thereat Răvana, the younger brother of the Lord of wealth, changing his placid countenance, instantly assumed his own terrible shape resembling that of Yama.

संरक्तनयनः श्रीमांस्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणः। क्रोधेन महताविष्टो नीलजीमूतसंनिभः॥ दशास्यो विंशतिभुजो बभूव क्षणदाचरः। स परिव्राजकच्छद्म महाकायो विहाय तत्॥
Highly exercised with ire, that ranger of the night became of ten countenances and twenty arms; his eyes were bloody and he appeared beautiful like to blue clouds, being dressed in gold-hued apparel.

प्रतिपेदे स्वकं रूपं रावणो राक्षसाधिपः। रक्ताम्बरधरस्तस्थौ स्त्रीरत्नं प्रेक्ष्य मैथिलीम्॥
Leaving aside the semblance of a mendicant, that lord of Raksasas, Ravana, increasing in bulk, assumed his own shape. And wearing a blood-red cloth he stood there fixing his look upon that jewel of a damsel–Maithili.

स तामसितकेशान्तां भास्करस्य प्रभामिव । वसनाभरणोपेतां मैथिली रावणोऽबवीत्॥ त्रिषु लोकेषु विख्यातं यदि भारमिच्छसि। मामाश्रय वरारोहे तवाहं सदृशं पतिः॥
Thereupon Rāvaņa spake to Mathili like to the rays of the sun, having a head of black hair and wearing apparel and ornaments, saying, O you fine damsel, if you did wish to have a husband known all over the world, do you surrender yourself to me.

मां भजस्व चिराय त्वमहं श्लाघ्यः पतिस्तव। नैव चाहं क्वचिद् भद्रे करिष्ये तव विप्रियम्॥
I am a worthy husband for you. Do you serve me for ever, your praiseworthy husband. O fine lady, I hall never do what you did not like.

त्यजतां मानुषो भारो मयि भावश्च प्रणीयताम्। राज्याच्च्युतमसिद्धार्थं रामं परिमितायुषम्॥ कैर्गुणैरनुरक्तासि मूढे पण्डितमानिनि। यः स्त्रियो वचनाद् राज्यं विहाय ससुहज्जनम्॥ अस्मिन् व्यालानुचरिते वने वसति दुर्मतिः।
Renouncing your attachment for a man, do you place your love in me. O foolish girl, worthy of being adored by the learned, for what quality are you attached to Rāma of a limited life, who has been deprived of his kingdom and has his desire frustrated, and who of an evil intent, has, at the words of his wife, renouncing his kingdom and kinsmen, been living in this forest-the abode of voracious animals.

इत्युक्त्वा मैथिली वाक्यं प्रियाहाँ प्रियवादिनीम्॥ अभिगम्य सुदृष्टात्मा राक्षसः काममोहितः। जग्राह रावणः सीतां बुधः खे रोहिणीमिव ॥
Speaking thus to Maithili, sweet-speeched and worthy of being sweetly addressed, that highly wicked Raksasa, Rāvaņa, being exercised with lust, approached towards Sītā and got hold of her, like to Budha holding Rohinī in the sky.

वामेन सीतां पद्माक्षी मूर्धजेषु करेण सः। ऊर्वोस्तु दक्षिणेनैव परिजग्राह पाणिना॥
With his left hand he held her, having eyes like to lotus-petals, by the hair, and with his right hand got hold of her thighs.

तं दृष्ट्वा गिरिशृङ्गाभं तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्र महाभुजम्। प्राद्रवन् मृत्युसंकाशं भयार्ता वनदेवताः॥
Seeing Rāvaņa of sharpened teeth, and mighty arms, resembling the summit of a mountain and like to death itself, the deities of the forest became highly terrified and fled in different directions.

स च मायामयो दिव्यः खरयुक्तः खरस्वनः। प्रत्यदृश्यत हेमाङ्गो रावणस्य महारथः॥
Instantly appeared there the celestial car of Ravana, decked in gold, drawn by asses and making a terrible sound.

ततस्तां परुषैर्वाक्यैरभितM महास्वनः। अंकेनाद्य वैदेहीं रथमारोपयत् तदा॥
Thereupon, that one emmiting terrible accents, remonstrated with Vaidehī in harsh words and clasping her ascended the car.

सा गृहीतातिचुक्रोश रावणेन यशस्विनी। रामेति सीता दुःखार्ता रामं दूरं गतं वने॥
The virtuous Sīta, being thus caught by Ravana, began to cry aloud, addressing Rama, who had gone away to a distant forest.

तामकामां स कामार्तः पन्नगेन्द्रवधूमिव। विचेष्टमानामादाय उत्पपताथ रावणः॥
Rāvaņa, racked with lust, rose high up with her like to the wife of a Pannaga, though she tried her best (to get rid of him), for she was not in the least attached to him.

ततः सा राक्षसेन्द्रेण ह्रियमाणा विहायसा। भृशं चुक्रोश मत्तेव भ्रान्तचित्ता यथातुरा ॥
Being thus carried away by the ethereal track by that Lord of Rākṣasas, Sītā began to cry aloud, like one mad, distressed and of deranged senses.

हा लक्ष्मण महाबाहो गुरुचित्तप्रसादक। ह्रियमाणां न जानीषे रक्षसा कामरूपिणा॥
Ah! mighty Laksmana, ever ministering to the satisfaction of your superiors, do you not know that I have been stolen away by a Rākṣasa assuming shapes at will?

जीवितं सुखमर्थं च धर्महेतोः परित्यजन्। ह्रियमाणामधर्मेण मां राघव न पश्यसि॥
O Rāghava, for virtue have you renounced your life, happiness and wealth,-do you not see that I have been carried away by one of mighty iniquity?

ननु नामाविनीतानां विनेतासि परंतप। कथमेवंविधं पापं न त्वं शाधि हि रावणम्॥
O you the subduer of foes, you did always control the rebellious,-why do you not punish such a vicious Rākşasa?

ननु सद्योऽविनीतस्य दृश्यते कर्मणः फलम्। कालोऽप्यङ्गीभवत्यत्र सस्यानामिव पक्तये॥
The vicious do not instantaneously meet with the fruits of their actions, as for corn to ripen requires the assistance of time.

त्वं कर्म कृतवानेतत् कालोपहतचेतनः। जीवितान्तकरं घोरं रामाद् व्यसनमाप्नुहि ॥
For this iniquitous deed, which you have perpetrated, availing of the time and losing your sense, you shall meet with a mighty disaster from Rāma, bringing about your end.

हन्तेदानीं सकामा तु कैकेयी बान्धवैः सह। हियेयं धर्मकामस्य धर्मपत्नी यशस्विनः॥
Ah! being the virtuous wife of the virtuous and far-famed Rāma, I have been stolen away. Now has the desire of Kaikeyi and other relations been fulfilled.

आमन्त्रये जनस्थाने कर्णिकारांश्च पुष्पितान्। क्षिप्रं रामाय शंसध्वं सीतां हरति रावणः॥
I invoke this Janasthāna and these flowery Karnikās to tell Rāma that Rāvana has stolen away Sītā.

हंससारससंघुष्टां वन्दे गोदावरी नदीम्। क्षिप्रं रामाय शंस त्वं सीतां हरति रावणः॥
I invoke you, O Godāvarī, having swans and cranes sporting in your stream, to tell Ráma that Rāvana has stolen away Sītã.

दैवतानि च यान्यस्मिन् वने विविधपादपे। नमस्करोम्यहं तेभ्यो भर्तुः शंसत मां हृताम्॥
I salute and invoke the deities that live in this forest of many trees to tell my husband of my being stolen away (by Ravana).

यानि कानिचिदप्यत्र सत्त्वानि विविधानि च। सर्वाणि शरणं यामि मृगपक्षिगणानि वै॥ ह्रियमाणां प्रियां भर्तुः प्राणेभ्योऽपि गरीयसीम्। विवशा.ते हृता सीता रावणेनेति शंसत ॥
I do seek the refuge of all deer, birds and other animals that live in this forest, and may they all cominunicate to Rāma the news of his dear spouse being carried away, and tell him that Sītā, losing her control, has been stolen away by Rāvana.

विदित्वा तु महाबाहुरमुत्रापि महाबलः। आनेष्यति पराक्रम्य वैवस्वतहृतामपि॥
Even if I am taken away by Yama, and if the mighty-armed Rāma is apprised of it, surely shall he bring me back by the display of his prowess.

सा तदा करुणा वाचो विलपन्ती सुदुःखिता। वनस्पतिगतं गृधं ददर्शायतलोचना॥
Racked with sorrow that one of expansive eyes, while thus bewailing in piteous accents, she espied Jațāyu, the king of vultures, seated on a tree.

सा तमुवीक्ष्य सुश्रोणी रावणस्य वशंगता। समाक्रन्दद् भयपरा दु:खोपहतया गिरा॥
Thereat the daughter of Janaka, brought under the control of Rāvana and terrified, began to cry and utter those piteous words.

जटायो पश्य मामार्य ह्रियमाणामनाथवत्। अनेन राक्षसेन्द्रेणाकरुणं पापकर्मणा॥
O worshipful Jațāyu, do you see that this vicious lord of Rākşasas has ruthlessly carried me away like one having no husband.

नैष वारयितुं शक्यस्त्वया क्रूरो निशाचरः। सत्त्ववाञ्जितकाशी च सायुधश्चैव दुर्मतिः॥
You will not be able to withstand this mighty, wicked and cruel night-ranger wearing emblems of conquest and having a scimitar in his hand!

रामाय तु यथातत्वं जटायो हरणं मम। लक्ष्मणाय च तत्सर्वमाख्यातव्यमशेषतः॥
Do you relate to Rāma and to Lakşmaņa everything about my being carried away from the beginning to the end.