Aranya Kanda: Chapter 47

रावणेन तु वैदेही तदा पृष्टा जिहीर्षुणा। परिव्राजकरूपेण शशंसात्मानमात्मना॥
Being thus addressed by Rāvaņa under the guise of a mendicant, desirous of carrying her away Vaidehī thought within herself.

ब्राह्मणश्चातिथिश्चैव अनुक्तो हि शपेत माम्। इति ध्यात्वा मुहूर्तं तु सीता वचनमब्रवीत्॥
This person is my guest and a Brahmin; he may curse me if I do not speak to him. Thinking this for a moment Sītā said.

दुहिता जनकस्याहं मैथिलस्य महात्मनः। सीता नाम्नास्मि भद्रं ते रामस्य महिषी प्रिया॥
May good betide you! I am the daughter of the high-souled Janaka, the king of Mithilā, the beloved Queen of Rāma and my name is Sītā.

उषित्वा द्वादश समा इक्ष्वाकूणां निवेशने। भुञ्जाना मानुषान् भोगान् सर्वकामसमृद्धिनी॥
Dwelling in the palace of Ikşäkus for twelve years, I enjoyed many things passing human and had all my desires satisfied.

तत्र त्रयोदशे वर्षे राजामन्त्रयत प्रभुः। अभिषेचयितुं रामं समेतो राजमन्त्रिभिः॥
On the thirteenth year king (Dasaratha) counselled with his ministers about the installation of Rāma.

तस्मिन् सम्ध्रियमाणे तु राघवस्याभिषेचने। कैकेयी नाम भर्तारं ममार्या याचते वनम्॥
Accordingly everything necessary for the installation being made ready, KaikeyI, one of my mothers-in-law, begged of her husband a boon.

परिगृह्य तु कैकेयी श्वशुरं सुकृतेन मे। मम प्रव्राजनं भर्तुर्भरतस्याभिषेचनम्।७।। द्वावयाचत भर्तारं सत्यसंधं नृपोत्तमम्।
Bringing my father-in-law under control by means of her virtuous deeds, Kaikeyi begged, of that truthful, best of monarchs, two boons namely the exile of my husband into woods and the installation of Bharata,

नाद्य भोक्ष्ये न च स्वप्स्ये न पास्ये न कदाचन ॥ एष मे जीवितस्यान्तो रामो यदभिषिच्यते।
And said-I shall never eat, drink or sleep and (if Rāma be installed) I shall end my life.

इति ब्रुवाणां कैकेयीं श्वशुरो मे स पार्थिवः॥ अयाचतार्थैरन्वथैर्न च याञ्चां चकार सा।
Kaikeyī speaking thus, that lord of earth, my father-in-law begged her to accept diverse riches; but Kaikeyi did not agree.

मम भर्ता महातेजा वयसा पञ्चविंशकः॥ अष्टादश हि वर्षाणि मम जन्मनि गण्यते।
Then the highly effulgent Răma, my husband was twenty-five years old, and myself was eighteen years old counting from my birth.

रामेति प्रथितो लोके सत्यवाशीलवाञ्शुचिः॥ विशालाक्षो महाबाहुः सर्वभूतहिते रतः।
My husband is known all over the world under the name of Rāma he is truthful, goodnatured, of pure character, ever engaged in the welfare of all created beings, of mighty-arms and expansive eyes.

कामार्तश्च महाराजः पिता दशरथः स्वयम्॥ कैकेय्याः प्रियकामार्थं तं रामं नाभ्यषेचयत्।
Our father the king Daśaratha was entirely under the control of passions, and hence for the satisfaction of Kaikeyi did not install Rāma.-

अभिषेकाय तु पितुः समीपं राममागतम् ॥ कैकेयी मम भर्तारमित्युवाच द्रुतं वचः।
When Rāma came to his father for being installed Kaikeyi spoke to my husband the following cruel words.

तव पित्रा समाज्ञप्तं ममेदं शृणु राघव॥ भरताय प्रदातव्यमिदं राज्यमकण्टकम्। त्वया तु खलु वस्तव्यं नव वर्षाणि पञ्च च॥ वने प्रव्रज काकुत्स्थ पितरं मोचयानृतात्।
Do you hear, O Rāghava, how I have been ordered by your Sire. This kingdom, rid of thorns is to be conferred of Bharata, and you shall have to sojourn into woods for years nine and five. Do you therefore repair to forest, O Kākutstha and save your Sire from untruth.

तथेत्युवाच तां रामः कैकेयीमकुतोभयः॥ चकार तद्वचः श्रुत्वा भर्ता मम दृढव्रतः।
Whereto Rāma fearlessly replied 'So be it!' Hearing her words my husband of firm vows acted accordingly.

दद्यान्न प्रतिगृह्णीयात् सत्यं ब्रूयान्न चानृतम्॥ एतद् ब्राह्मण रामस्य व्रतं धृतमनुत्तमम्।
He always maketh gifts and taketh none. He always speaketh truth and never telleth an untruth. This is his best observance O Brāhmana.

तस्य भ्राता तु वैमात्रो लक्ष्मणो नाम वीर्यवान्॥ रामस्य पुरुषव्याघ्रः सहायः समरेऽरिहा। स भ्राता लक्ष्मणो नाम ब्रह्मचारी दृढव्रतः॥
His half-brother named Lakşmaņa is of mighty prowess. That best of men is Rāma's help and the destroyer of foes in battle. That brother of his named Lakşmaņa is of firm resolution and given to asceticism.

अन्वगच्छद् धनुष्पाणिः प्रव्रजन्तं मया सह। जटी तापसरूपेण मया सह सहानुजः॥ प्रविष्टो दण्डकारण्यं धर्मनित्यो दृढव्रतः।
With a bow in hand he has followed (Rama) flying as an exile to woods along with me. Thus that one (Rāma) of firm resolution and ever engaged in pious offices wearing matted hair and assuming the semblance of an ascetic has entered this forest of Dandaka along with myself and his younger brother,

ते वयं प्रच्युता राज्यात् कैकेय्यास्तु कृते त्रयः॥ विचराम द्विजश्रेष्ठ वनं गम्भीरमोजसा। समाश्वस मुहूर्ते तु शक्यं वस्तुमिह त्वया।२२।। आगमिष्यति मे भर्ता वन्यमादाय पुष्कलम्। रु.न् गोधान् वराहांश्च हत्वाऽऽदायामिषं बहु ॥ स त्वं नाम च गोत्रं च कुलमाचक्ष्व तत्त्वतः। एकश्च दण्डकारण्ये किमर्थं चरसि द्विज॥
O you the best of twice-born ones, we three being deprived of our kingdom by Kaikeyi have been living in this dense forest by virtue of our ! effulgence. Do you take heart for a moment and live here. Instantly shall my husband return with good many wild fruits and roots and with sufficient meat after killing many a deer, hog and Gosamp. Truly do you relate to me your name, Gotra and leneage. O you twice-born one, why do you range alone in this forest of Dandaka?

एवं ब्रुवत्यां सीतायां रामपल्ल्यां महाबलः। प्रत्युवाचोत्तरं तीव्र रावणो राक्षसाधिपः॥
Sītā the wife of Rāma speaking thus, the mighty Lord of Rākşasas-Rävana replied with these harsh words,

येन वित्रासिता लोकाः सदेवासुरमानुषाः। अहं स रावणो नाम सीते रक्षोगणेश्वरः॥
O Sītā I am that Rāvaņa, the lord of Rākşasas, whoin fear the celestials, Asuras and human beings.

त्वां तु काञ्चनवर्णाभां दृष्ट्वा कौशेयवासिनाम्। रति स्वकेषु दारेषु नाधिगच्छाम्यनिन्दिते॥
O you of blameless beauty, seeing you of golden hue and wearing silk cloth I do not relish my own wives.

बह्नीनामुत्तमस्त्रीणामाहृतानामितस्ततः। सर्वासामेव भद्रं ते महाग्रमहिषी भव॥
I have brought many a beautiful damsel from various quarters, do you become my foremost Queen among them.

लङ्का नाम समुद्रस्य मध्ये मम महापुरी। सागरेण परिक्षिप्ता निविष्टा गिरिमूर्धनि॥
That great city in the midst of the ocean, Larkā, encircled on all sides by the sea and situated on the summit of a hill, is my capital.

तत्र सीते मया सार्धं वनेषु विचरिष्यसि। न चास्य वनवासस्य स्पृहयिष्यसि भामिनि॥
There shall you with me, O Sītā, walk in gardens, and thus you shall no more long for living in the forest.

पञ्च दास्यः सहस्राणि सर्वाभरणभूषिताः। सीते परिचरिष्यन्ति भार्या भवसि मे यदि॥
If you did become my wife, O Sītā, five thousand maid-servants decorated with divers ornaments shall serve you.

रावणेनैवमुक्ता तु कुपिता जनकात्मजा। प्रत्युवाचानवद्याङ्गी तमनादृत्य राक्षसम्॥
That blameless daughter of Janaka, being thus addressed by Ravana, was highly enraged, and, passing by him, replied.

महागिरिमिवाकम्प्य महेन्द्रसदृशं पतिम्। महोदधिमिवाक्षोभ्यमहं राममनुव्रता॥
I am a dependant of Rāma, who is incapable of being, shaken, like to a mighty mountain, incapable of being agitated, like to a vast ocean, and resembling Mahendra in effulgence.

सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्नं न्यग्रोधररिमण्डलम्। सत्यसंधं महाभागमहं राममनुव्रता॥
I am a dependant of that great and truthful Rāma who is gifted with auspicious marks and like to a fig tree.

महाबाहुं महोरस्कं सिंहविक्रान्तगामिनम्। नृसिंहं सिंहसंकाशमहं राममनुव्रता ॥
I am a dependant of that lion among men, Rāma, of mighty arms, of a spacious breast an treading like a lion.

पूर्णचन्द्राननं रामं राजवत्सं जितेन्द्रियम्। पृथुकीर्तिं महाबाहुमहं राममनुव्रता॥
I am a dependant of that son of a king, Rāma, of mighty arms, having control over his passions, whose face resembles the full moon and whose fame has spread far and wide over the earth.36

त्वं पुनर्जम्बुक: सिंहीं मामिहेच्छसि दुर्लभाम्। नाहं शक्या त्वया स्प्रष्टुमादित्यस्य प्रभा यथा॥
Why do you being a tiger wish for a she-lion? You shall not be able to touch me like to the rays of the sun.

पादपान् काञ्चनान् नूनं बहून् पश्यसि मन्दभाक्। राघवस्य प्रियां भार्यां यस्त्वमिच्छसि राक्षस॥
O you wretched Rākşasa, when you have desired to steal away Raghhava's beloved spouse, surely do you see these trees (before you) as made of gold.

क्षुधितस्य च सिंहस्य मृगशत्रोस्तरस्विनः। आशीविषस्य वदनाद् दंष्ट्रामादातुमिच्छसि॥ मन्दरं पर्वतश्रेष्ठं पाणिना हर्तुमिच्छसि। कालकूटं विषं पीत्वा स्वस्तिमान् गन्तुमिच्छसि॥ अक्षि सूच्या प्रमृजसि जिह्वया लेढि च क्षुरम्। राघवस्य प्रियां भार्यामधिगन्तुं त्वमिच्छसि॥
Do you wish to uproot the teeth from the mouth of a lion, that enemy of deer, or from that of a serpent? Do you wish to clasp with your hands the Mandara hill, or do you wish to walk in peace after drinking poison? Do you wish to rub your eyes with pins and lick a razor with your tongue?

अवसज्ज्य शिलां कण्ठे समुद्रं तर्तुमिच्छसि। सूर्याचन्द्रमसौ चोभौ पाणिभ्यां हर्तुमिच्छसि ॥ यो रामस्य प्रियां भार्यां प्रधर्षयितुमिच्छसि। अग्नि प्रज्वलितं दृष्ट्वा वस्त्रेणाहर्तुमिच्छसि॥ कल्याणवृत्तं शूलानामग्रे चरितुमिच्छसि। रामस्य सदृशी भार्या योऽधिगन्तुं त्वमिच्छसि॥
You did wish to swim across an ocean, having a rock tied to your neck. You did wish to get at the Sun and Moon, to bind a flaming fire with a piece of cloth and walk through iron-spikes, as you have wished to come by the worthy spouse of Rama.

यदन्तरं सिंहसृगालयोने यदन्तरं स्यन्दनिकासमुद्रयोः। सुराग्र्यसौवीरकयोर्यदन्तरं तदन्तरं दाशरथेस्तवैव च।।४५ यदन्तरं काञ्चनसीसलोहया र्यदन्तरं चन्दनवारिपङ्कयोः। यदन्तरं हस्तिबिडालयोर्वने तदन्तरं दाशरथेस्तवैव च। यदन्तरं वायसवैनतेययो र्यदन्तरं मद्गुमयूरयोरपि। यदन्तरं हंसकगृध्रयोर्वने तदन्तरं दाशरथेस्तवैव च।।४७। तस्मिन् सहस्राक्षसमप्रभावे रामे स्थिते कार्मुकबाणपाणौ हृतापि तेऽहं न जरां गमिष्ये आज्यं यथा मक्षिकयावगीर्णम्।४८।।
Mighty is the difference between Rāma and you, like to that between a lion and a jackal, a sea and a rivulet, nectar and gruel, gold and iron, sandal and mud, an elephant and a cat, a crow and Garuda, a peacock and a madgie (an acquatic bird), or a duck and a vulture. Even If you did steal me, that mighty archer Rāma, gifted with the prowess of the lord celestials, living, surely shall I die, like to a gnat sucking clarified butter.

इतीव तद्वाक्यमदुष्टभावा सुदुष्टमुक्त्वा रजनीचरं तम्। गात्रप्रकम्पाद् व्यथिता बभूव वातोद्धता सा कदलीव तन्वी॥
Addressing those words to that wicked ranger of the night, that innocent ($ītā) shook like a plantain tree shaken by the wind.

तां वेपमानामुपलक्ष्य सीतां स रावणो मृत्युसमप्रभावः। कुलं बलं नाम च कर्म चात्मनः समाचचक्षे भयकारणार्थम्॥
There upon Rāvaņa, like to Death in prowess, trembling, began to relate to her with a view to frighten (her) his race, power, name and actions.