Aranya Kanda: Chapter 38

कदाचिदप्यहं वीर्यात् पर्यटन् पृथिवीमिमाम्। बलं नागसहस्रस्य धारयन् पर्वतोपमः॥
Once on a time I was engaged in travelling all over the earth. I had in my body, resembling a huge mountain, the strength of a thousand Nagas.

नीलजीमूतसंकाशस्तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डलः। भयं लोकस्य जनयन् किरीटी परिघायुधः॥ व्यचरन् दण्डकारण्यमृषिमांसानि भक्षयन्।
I had parigha in my hands, crown on my head and golden ear-rings on my ears and my body was of a dark blue colour like that of a cloud. Causing fright to the people I used to wander through the forest of Dandaka and live upon the flesh of the Rsis.

विश्वामित्रोऽथ धर्मात्मा मद्वित्रस्तो महामुनिः॥ स्वयं गत्वा दशरथं नरेन्द्रमिदमब्रवीत्।
The pious ascetic Viśvāmitra being afraid of me went in person to the king Dasaratha and said,

अयं रक्षतु मां रामः पर्वकाले समाहितः॥ मारीचान्मे भयं घोरं समुत्पन्नं नरेश्वर।
When I shall remain absorbed in meditation on the occasion of Parva, let Rāma protect me O king, Truly am I afraid of this Mārīca.

इत्येवमुक्तो धर्मात्मा राजा दशरथस्तदा॥ प्रत्युवाच महाभागं विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्।
Being thus addressed by the ascetic the virtuous-souled king Dasaratha replied.

ऊनद्वादशवर्णोऽयमकृतास्त्रश्च राघवः॥ कामं तु मम तत् सैन्यं मया सह गमिष्यति। बलेन चतुरङ्गेण स्वयमेत्य निशाचरम्॥ वधिष्यामि मुनिश्रेष्ठ शत्रु तव यथेप्सितम्।
Rāghava is still under twelve years of age and had not been well disciplined in military arts. But I have soldiers enough, and if permitted by you, O you best of ascetics, I shall with my fourfold forces kill your enemies, the rangers of the night.

एवमुक्तः स तु मुनी राजानमिदमब्रवीत्॥ रामानान्यद् बलं लोके पर्याप्तं तस्य रक्षसः। देवतानामपि भवान् समरेष्वभिपालकः॥ आसीत् तव कृतं कर्म त्रिलोकविदितं नृप। काममस्ति महत् सैन्यं तिष्ठत्विह परंतप॥ बालोऽप्येष महातेजाः समर्थस्तस्य निग्रहे। गमिष्ये राममादाय स्वस्ति तेऽस्तु परंतप॥
Being thus addressed that ascetic spoke to the .monarch, saying. True it is that you were the protector of the celestials in the War and your exploits are well known to the world, but no one shall be able to withstand the Rākṣasas but Rāma. The highly energetic Rāma, though a boy is sufficiently qualified to defeat the enemies; therefore, O Destroyer of foes, let your soldiery remain here and let me proceed along with Rāma. May God bless you.

इत्येवमुक्त्वा स मुनिस्तमादाय नृपात्मजम्। जगाम परमप्रीतो विश्वामित्रः स्वमाश्रमम्॥
Saying this the ascetic Viśvāmitra being pleased went to his asylum along with Rāma.

तं तथा दण्डकारण्ये यज्ञमुद्दिश्य दिक्षितम्। बभूवोपस्थितो रामश्चित्रं विस्फारयन् धनुः॥
After-words having been initiated for the sacrifice in the forest of Dandaka Rāma having unstrung his mighty bow came to the ascetic to protect the sacrifice.

अजातव्यञ्जनः क्षीमान् बालः श्यामः शुभेक्षणः। एकवस्त्रधरो धन्वी शिखी कनकमालया॥
He had a gold chain round his neck, a crest on his head and a bow in his hands; he had a pair of beautiful eyes, and only one piece of cloth; his countenance was of green hue and exquisite beauty and even then moustaches or other signs of manhood did not appear on his face.

शोभयन् दण्डकारण्यं दीप्तेन स्वेन तेजसा। अदृश्यत तदा रामो बालचन्द्र इवोदितः॥
Beautifying the entire forest of Dandaka with his own splendour Rāma appeared like the newly risen moon.

ततोऽहं मेघसंकाशस्तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डलः। बली दत्तवरो दादाजगामाश्रमान्तरम् ॥
Thereupon I resembling a cloud and having golden ear locks entered the asylum being proud of my power on account of the boons offered to me by Brahma.

तेन दृष्टः प्रविष्टोऽहं सहसैवोद्यतायुधः। मां तु दृष्ट्वा धनुः सज्यमसम्भ्रान्तश्चकार ह॥
Seeing me enter he took up his dart and attached string to his bow with proper care.

अवजानन्नह मोहाद् बालोऽयमिति राघवम्। विश्वामित्रस्य तां वेदिमभ्यधावं कृतत्वरः॥
Being under the influence of sheer foolishness I passed by him as a child and darted towards the sacrificial alter of Viśvāmitra.

तेन मुक्तस्ततो बाणः शितः शत्रुनिबर्हणः। तेनाहं ताडितः क्षिप्तः समुद्रे शतयोजने॥
Thereupon he wounded me with a sharpened sword capable of doing away with the enemies and threw me away into the ocean situated at a distance of hundred Yojanas.

नेच्छता तात मां हन्तुं तदा वीरेण रक्षितः। रामस्य शरवेगेन निरस्तो भ्रान्तचेतनः॥ पातितोऽहं तदा तेन गम्भीरे सागराम्भसि। प्राप्य संज्ञां चिरात् तात लङ्कां प्रति गतः पुरीम्॥
He had no mind of killing me then and for this he saved my life. I was thrown however into the deep ocean being hindered by the velocity of his arrows and having lost my consciousness. Regaining my sense after a long while I returned to the city of Lankā.

एवमस्मि तदा मुक्तः सहायास्ते निपातिताः। अकृतास्त्रेण रामेण बालेनाक्लिष्टकर्मणा ॥
Myself saved thus, my followers however all killed by Rāma of unwearied activity though a mere child and a novice in the are of warfare.

तन्मया वार्यमाणस्तु यदि रामेण विग्रहम्। करिष्यस्यापदं घोरां क्षिप्रं प्राप्य न शिष्यसि॥
It is for this that I do prevent you; you shall be overwhelmed with calamities and meet with destruction if do you engage yourself in battle with him. In vain shall you bring about the affliction of the mirthful and sportive Rākşasas ever witnessing social festivities.

क्रीडारतिविधिज्ञानां समाजोत्सवदर्शिनाम्। द्रक्ष्यसि त्वं पुरीं लङ्कां विनष्टां मैथिलीकृते॥
And in vain shall you for Sītā compass the destruction of the city of Lankā, adorned with diverse jewels and filled with golden edifices.

अकुर्वन्तोऽपि पापानि शुचयः पापसंश्रयात्। परपापैर्विनश्यन्ति मत्स्या नागह्नदे यथा॥
Pious men living with a vicious man, 'meet with destruction for his sins, though they themselves do not commit any misdeed, like to fish (devoured by Garuda) living in a lake where snakes dwell.

दिव्यचन्दनदिग्धाङ्गान् दिव्याभरणभूषितान्। द्रक्ष्यस्यभिहतान् भूमौ तव दोषात्तु तु राक्षसान्॥
Thus shall you witness that for your own folly the rangers of the night, adorned with celestial ornaments and having their body pasted with sandal, have been killed and brought down to the earth.

हृतदारान् सदारांश्च दश विद्रवतो दिशः। हतशेषानशरणान् द्रक्ष्यसि त्वं निशाचरान्॥
And they deprived of shelter have fled away to different directions, some with their wives and some alone, having their wives carried away (by the enemies).

शरजालपरिक्षिप्तामग्निज्वालासमावृताम्। प्रदग्धभवनां लङ्कां द्रक्ष्यसि त्वमसंशयम्॥
You shall further observe that all edifices of Lankā being enveloped with arrows and flaming fire have been burnt down to ashes.

परदाराभिमर्शात् तु नान्यत् पापतरं महत्। प्रमदानां सहस्राणि तव राजन् परिग्रहे॥ भव स्वदारनिरतः स्वकुलं रक्ष राक्षसान्। मानं वृद्धिं च राज्यं च जीवितं चेष्टमात्मनः॥
There is no greater sin on earth than carrying away another's wife. There are thousand ladies in your seraglio O king. Being attached to your wives do you preserve the race of the Rākşasas, your own line, your wished for life, kingdom, wealth and dignity.

कलत्राणि च सौम्यानि मित्रवर्गं तथैव च। यदीच्छसि चिरं भोक्तुं मा कृथा रामविप्रियम्॥
Do not bring about Rāma's mischief if do you wish to live happily with your wives and friends.

निवार्यमाणः सुहृदा मया भृशं प्रसह्य सीतां यति धर्षयिष्यसि। गमिष्यसि क्षीणबल: सबान्धवो यमक्षयं रामशरास्तजीवितः॥
I am your friend and do ask you again and again to desist (from your evil intention); if do you encroach upon Sītā surely shall you along with your kinsmen go to the abode of Yama being enfeebled by the arrows of Rāma.

निवार्यमाणः सुहृदा मया भृशं प्रसह्य सीतां यति धर्षयिष्यसि। गमिष्यसि क्षीणबल: सबान्धवो यमक्षयं रामशरास्तजीवितः॥
I am your friend and do ask you again and again to desist (from your evil intention); if do you encroach upon Sītā surely shall you along with your kinsmen go to the abode of Yama being enfeebled by the arrows of Rāma.