Aranya Kanda: Chapter 31

त्वरमाणस्ततो गत्वा जनस्थानादकम्पनः। प्रविश्य लङ्कां वेगेन रावणं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Then Akampana bestirring himself, speedily issuing out of Janasthāna, spoke to Rāvana,

जनस्थानस्थिता राजन् राक्षसा बहवो हताः! खरश्च निहतः संख्ये कथंचिदहमागतः॥
O king, a great many Rākşasa living in Janasthāna, have been slain, and Khara also had been slain in battle. I alone have with much difficulty managed to come here.

एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवः क्रुद्धः संरक्तलोचनः। अकम्पनमुवाचेदं निर्दहन्निव तेजसा॥
Thus addressed, the ten-necked one, flaming up in energy, with his eyes reddened in wrath, said this to Akampana,

केन भीमं जनस्थानं हतं मम परासुना। को हि सर्वेषु लोकेषु गति नाधिगमिष्यति॥
Who, having his days numbered, had ravaged the dreadful Janasthāna? Who shall no more wend the way of all beings?

स हि मे विप्रियं कृत्वा शक्यं मघवता सुखम्। प्राप्तुं वैश्रवणेनापि न यमेन च विष्णुना ॥
Doing me a bad turn, Maghavan himself, or Vaiśravana, or Yama, or Vişnu, cannot attain happiness.

कालस्य चाप्यहं कालो दहेयमपि पावकम्। मृत्यु मरणधर्मेण संयोजयितुमुत्सहे॥
I am the destroyer of the Destroyer himself; and I burn even very Fire. And I can bring Death itself to mortality.

वातस्य तरसा वेगं निहन्तुमपि चोत्सहे। दहेयमपि संक्रुद्धस्तेजसाऽऽदित्यपावकौ॥
I can by my impetus resist the force of the wind. And when enraged, I can by my energy consume the Sun and Fire.

तथा क्रुद्धं दशग्रीवं कृताञ्जलिरकम्पनः। भयात् संदिग्धया वाचा रावणं याचतेऽभयम्॥
Thereat, Akampana, with joined hands, from fear replied to the ten-necked Rāvana, in faltering words, beseeching courage.

दशग्रीवोऽभयं तस्मै प्रददौ रक्षसां वरः। स विस्रब्धोऽब्रवीद् वाक्यमसंदिग्धमकम्पनः॥
Thereat that foremost of Raksasas, the tennecked one, granted him courage. Then inspired with confidence, Akampana without fear spoke,

पुत्रो दशरथस्यास्ते सिंहसंहननो युवा। रामो नाम महास्कन्धो वृत्तायतमहाभुजः॥ श्यामः पृथुयशाः श्रीमानतुल्यबलविक्रमः। हतस्तेन जनस्थाने खरश्च सहदूषणः॥
There is a son of Dasaratha, youthful, resembling a lion*, named Rāma. of broad shoulders, and possessed of excellent beauty of long and mighty-arms. (he) is sable-hued, of high fame, and of matchless prowess and vigour. It is he that in Janasthāna has slain Khara with Dusana. Another reading is Virunga: i upopetu: possessed of handsome person.-

अकम्पनवचः श्रुत्वा रावणो राक्षसाधिपः। नागेन्द्र इव निःश्वस्य इदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing Akampana's words, that lord of the Rākşasas, Rāvana, breathing like a mighty serpent, said these words,

स सुरेन्द्रेण संयुक्तो रामः सर्वामरैः सह। उपयातो जनस्थानं ब्रूहि कच्चिदकम्पन ॥
Tell me, O Akampana, has Rāma come to Janasthāna, accompanied with the sovereign of the celestials and the body of the immortals?

रावणस्य पुनर्वाक्यं निशम्य तदकम्पनः। आचचक्षे बलं तस्य विक्रमं च महात्मनः॥
Again hearing Rāvana's words, Akampana described the strength and energy of that highsouled one.

रामो नाम महातेजाः श्रेष्ठः सर्वधनुष्मताम्। दिव्यास्त्रगुणसम्पन्नः परं धर्मं गतो युधि ॥
(He) is named Rama, and is exceedingly energetic; the foremost of al bowmenfurnished with celestial panoply; and is possessed of pre-eminent prowess in warfare.

तस्यानुरूपो बलवान् रक्ताक्षो दुन्दुभिस्वनः। कनीयाँलक्ष्मणो भ्राता राकाशशिनिभाननः॥
Like to him in strength, of red eyes, and gifted with a voice like the sound of a kettledrum, his younger brother, Laksmana has a countenance resembling the full-moon.

स तेन सह संयुक्तः पावकेनानिलो यथा। श्रीमान् राजवरस्तेन जनस्थानं निपातितम्॥
He has met with him (Rāma) as the wind meeteth with a flame. he is endeued with grace, and is the foremost of monarchs. It is he who has ravaged Janasthāna.

नैव देवा महात्मानो नात्र कार्या विचारणा। शरा रामेण तूत्सृष्टा रुक्मपुङ्खाः पतत्त्रिणः॥ सर्पाः पञ्चानना भूत्वा भक्षयन्ति स्म राक्षसान्।
The magnanimous gods did not come there, No doubts need be entertained on this head. The feathered shafts, plated with gold near the plumed part, becoming five-mouthed serpents at up the Raksasas.

येन येन च गच्छन्ति राक्षसा भयकर्षिताः॥ तेन तेन स्म पश्यन्ति राममेवाग्रतः स्थितम्। इत्थं विनाशितं तेन जनस्थानं तवानघ ॥
Wherever oppressed with fear the Rākṣasas go, they see Rāma stationed before them. In this way, O sinless one, has Janasthāna been exterminated by him.

अकम्पनवचः श्रुत्वा रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। गमिष्यामि जनस्थानं रामं हन्तुं सलक्ष्मणम्॥
Hearing Akmpana's words, Ravana said, “I will go to Janasthāna for slaying Rāma with Laksmana.

अथैवमुक्ते वचने प्रोवाचेदमकम्पनः। शृणु राजन् यथावृत्तं रामस्य बलपौरुषम्॥
When he had said this, Akampana said, He ar, O king, the true report of Rāma's prowess and manliness.

असाध्यः कुपितो रामो विक्रमेण महायशाः। आपगायास्तु पूर्णाया वेगं परिहरेच्छरैः॥ सताराग्रहनक्षत्रं नभश्चाप्यवसादयेत् ।
Enraged, the highly famous Rāma cannot by putting forth vigour be checked. And by means of his shafts, he can me river in full flood turn its course. And he can bring down from the sky its stars and planets, and that graceful one can recover the depressed Earth.

असौरामस्तु सीदन्ती श्रीमानभ्युद्धरेन्महीम्॥ भित्वा वेलां समुद्रस्य लोकानाप्लावयेद् विभुः। वेगं वापि समुद्रस्य वायुं वा विधमेच्छरैः॥ संहत्य वा पुनर्लोकान् विक्रमेण महायशाः। शक्तः श्रेष्ठः स पुरुषः स्रष्टुं पुनरपि प्रजाः॥
That lord can sub-merge all creatures by riving the continents of the sea, and with his shafts can resist the onset of the occan, and the wind; and that illustrious one that foremost of persons by virtue of his vigour, destroying the worlds, can again create all creatures.

नहि रामो दशग्रीव शक्यो जेतुं रणे त्वया। रक्षसां वापि लोकेन स्वर्ग: पापजनैरिव ॥
O ten necked one, forsooth, Rāma cannot be subdued in conflict, either by you or the world of Rākşasas, as heaven is incapable of being attained by a sinner.

न तं वध्यमहं मन्ये सर्वैर्देवासुरैरपि। अयं तस्य वधोपायस्तन्ममैकमनाः शृणु॥
I deem him incapable of being slain by all the Gods and Asuras together. This alone is the means of slaying. Do you heedfully listen to it!

भार्या तस्योत्तमा लोके सीता नाम सुमध्यमा। श्यामा समविभक्ताङ्गी स्त्रीरत्नं रत्नभूषिता॥
He has a wife of sterling worth in the world, and that slender-waisted one is known by the name of Sītā. She is in the full bloom of youth, and has a symmetrical person-a jewel among womankind embellished with jewels.

नैव देवी न गन्धर्वी नाप्सरा न च पन्नगी। तुल्या सीमन्तिनी तस्य मानुषी तु कुतो भवेत्॥
And neither a goddess, nor a Gandharvī, nor yet an Apsarī, nor a. Pannagī is equal to her; and what is a human female?

तस्यापहर भार्यां त्वं तं प्रमथ्य महावने। सीतया रहितो रामो न चैव हि भविष्यति ॥
Thrashing him, do you in the mighty forest, carry away his wife. Without Sītā, Rama shall cease to exist.

अरोचयत तद्वाक्यं रावणो राक्षसाधिपः। चिन्तयित्वा महाबाहुरकम्पनमुवाच ह॥
Thereupon, the lord of the Rākṣasas, Rāvaņa, happened to relish those words; and reflecting (a while), that mighty-armed one addressed Akampana.

बाढं कल्यं गमिष्यामि ह्येकः सारथिना सह। आनेष्यामि च वेदेहीमिमां दृष्टो महापुरीम्॥
Excellent well. I will go there alone, accompanied by my charioteer only. I will this very morning with a glad heart bring Vaidehi to this spacious palace.

तदेवमुक्त्वा प्रययौ खरयुक्तेन रावणः। रथेनादित्यवर्णेन दिशः सर्वाः प्रकाशयन्॥
Saying this, Ravana departed, lighting up all sides, on a sun-shiny car, yoked with mules.

स रथो राक्षसेन्द्रस्य नक्षत्रपथगो महान्। चञ्चूर्यमाणः शुशुभे जलदे चन्द्रमा इव॥ स दूरे चाश्रमं गत्वा ताटकेयमुपागमत्। मारीचेनार्चितो राजा भक्ष्यभोज्यैरमानुषैः ॥
And coursing the firmament, that mighty car of that foremost of Rākşasas looked like the Moon among clouds. And proceeding far, he, approaching the asylum (of Taraka's son), presented himself before him. And Mārīca entertained the king with meats and drinks passing human.

तं स्वयं पूजयित्वा तु आसनेनोदकेन च। अर्थोपहितया वाचा मारीचो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Having entertained him personally with a seat and water (to wash the feet), Marica spoke these pregnant words.

कच्चित् सुकुशलं राजैल्लोकानां राक्षसाधिप। आशङ्के नाधिजाने त्वं यतस्तूर्णमुपागतः॥
O king, O lord of the Rākşasas, is it well with the worlds? I am filled with fear: I apprehend that all is not right, since you have come hither (alone) in such post-haste speed.

एवमुक्तो महातेजा मारीचेन स रावणः। ततः पश्चादिदं वाक्यमब्रवीद् वाक्यकोविदः॥
Thus addressed by Mārica, the highly energetic Ravana, versed in speech, said.

आरक्षो मे हतस्तात रामेणाक्लिष्टकारिणा। जनस्थानमवध्यं तत् सर्वं युधि निपातितम्॥
My child, the guards (of Janasthāna) have been slain by Rāma of untiring energy; and all What Janasthāna, incapable of being slain, has (by him) been brought down in battle.

तस्य मे कुरु साचिव्यं तस्य भार्यापहारणे। राक्षसेन्द्रवचः : श्रुत्वा मारीचो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Do you, therefore, assist me in carrying away his wife. Hearing these words of the lord of Rākş asas, Mārīca said.

आख्याता केन वा सीता मित्ररूपेण शत्रुणा। त्वया राक्षसशार्दूल को न नन्दति नन्दितः॥
What enemy of yours in the guise of a friend, has spoken of Sītā to you? And, O foremost of monarchs, who, having been, entertained by you, dose not bear you good will?

सीतामिहानयस्वेति को ब्रवीति ब्रवीहि मे। रक्षोलोकस्य सर्वस्य कः शृङ्ग छेत्तुमिच्छति॥
Tell me, who is it that has told you, 'Bring Sītā hither?' Who is it that has set his heart on severing the summit of the entire Räksasa world?

प्रोत्साहयति यश्च त्वां स च शत्रुरसंशयम्। आशीविषमुखात् दंष्ट्रमुद्धर्तुं चेच्छति त्वया॥
He must be your enemy that excites you to this. Of this there is not the least doubt. he wishes to extract through your agency the fangs of a venomous snake.

कर्मणानेन केनासि कापथं प्रतिपादितः। सुखसुप्तस्य ते राजन् प्रहृतं केन मूर्धनि॥
Who (intends) to lead you astray by imposing on you such a deed? Who, O king, has struck in the head, you that was slumbering in peace?

तेजोमदः संस्थितदोर्विषाणः। उदीक्षितुं रावण नेह युक्तः स संयुगे राघवगन्धहस्ती॥
Rāghava in war is like a mad elephant, having unblemished ancestry for his trunk, perspiration for his temporal exudation; and arms resting well beside him for his tusks. O Rāvaņa, you are not competent even to look at an him.

असौ रणान्तः स्थितिसंधिवालो विदग्धरक्षोमृगहा नृसिंहः। सुप्तस्त्वया बोधयितुं न शक्यः शराङ्गपूर्णो निशितासिदंष्ट्रः॥
You ought not to rouse up the slecping manlion, that slayer of skilful Rākșasas resembling deer, with his sport in the field, for his joints and down; arrows for his body and sharp scimitar for his teeth.

चापापहारे भुजवेगपके शरोमिमाले सुमहाहवौघे। न रामपातालमुखेऽतिघोरे प्रस्कन्दितुं राक्षसराज युक्तम्।। ।
O Sovereign of the Räkşasas, you ought not to plunge yourself into this dreadful, and abyssless ocean, having the bow for its alligators, activity of arms for its shine, arrows for its billows, and engagement for its waters.

प्रसीद लङ्केश्वर राक्षसेन्द्र लङ्कां प्रसन्नो भव साधु गच्छ। त्वं स्वेषु दारेषु रमस्व नित्यं रामः सभार्यो रमतां वनेषु ॥
Be propitious, O lord of Lankā! O foremost of Rākşasas, with a contented heart, you had better go your way to Lankā. Do you ever sport with your own wives: let Rāma in company with his wife, sport in the woods.

एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवो मारीचेन स रावणः। न्यवर्तत पुरी लङ्कां विवेश च गृहोत्तमम्॥
Thus addressed by Mārīca, the ten-throated Rāvana desisted, and entered Lankā the best of capitals.