Aranya Kanda: Chapter 30

भित्वा तु तां गदां बाणे राघवो धर्मवत्सलः। स्मयमान इदं वाक्यं संरब्धमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Cutting off the mace with his shafts, Rāghava attached to righteousness with a smile said to Khara these angry words.

एतत् ते बलसर्वस्वं दर्शितं राक्षसाधम। शक्तिहीनतरो मत्तो वृथा त्वमुपगर्जसि॥
You vile of Rākșasas, this is the utmost of your might, which you have displayed.

एषा बाणविनिर्भिन्ना गदा भूमितलं गता। अभिधानप्रगल्भस्य तव प्रत्ययघातिनी॥
Rendered more nerveless at my hands, in vain do you storm. Riven by my shafts, your mace, belonging to you who are prolix in the matter of vocabulary, destroying your confidence, has sought the earth.

यत् त्वयोक्तं विनष्टानामिदमश्रुप्रमार्जनम्। राक्षसानां करोमीति मिथ्या तदपि ते वचः॥
And what you had said, will wipe the tears of the Rākşasas that have been slain, has also proved false.

नीचस्य क्षुद्रशीलस्य मिथ्यावृत्तस्य रक्षसः। प्राणानपहरिष्यामि गरुत्मानमृतं यथा॥
As Garuda stole ambrosia, will I deprive you, O Rāksasa, who are base, of a mean disposition and a false character, of your life.

अद्य ते भिन्नकण्ठस्य फेनबुबुदभूषितम्। विदारितस्य मद्बाणैर्मही पास्यति शोणितम्॥
To day the earth shall drink the blood vitiated with foamy bubbles, of you, having your throat severed, and riven by my shafts.

पांसुरूषितसर्वाङ्गः स्रस्तन्यस्तभुजद्वयः। स्वप्स्यसे गां समाश्लिष्य दुर्लभां प्रमदामिव॥
Having all your body covered with dust, and your two arms lopped off, you shall, difficult to win, take your nap, embracing the earth, like a damsel difficult to win.

प्रवृद्धनिद्रे शयिते त्वयि राक्षसपांसने। भविष्यन्ति शरण्यानां शरण्या दण्डका इमे॥
On you, disgrace of Raksasas, lying down, and being fast asleep, this Dandaka shall be refuge of those that shall resort to it for shelter.

जनस्थाने हतस्थाने तव राक्षस मच्छरैः। निर्भया विचरिष्यन्ति सर्वतो मुनयो वने॥
O Rākşasa, in your Janasthāna, with its (Rāks asas) slain by my shafts, ascetics shall fearlessly go about in the wood.

अद्य विप्रसरिष्यन्ति राक्षस्यो हतबान्धवाः। वाष्पार्द्रवदना दीना भयादन्यभयावहाः॥
Today Rākṣasas, capable of exciting fear in others, rendered forlorn and with their friends slain, shall from fear, with their faces wet with tears, fly (this place).

अद्य शोकरसज्ञास्ता भविष्यन्ति निरर्थिकाः। अनुरूपकुलाः पत्न्यो यासां त्वं पतिरीदृशः॥
To day your wives whose husband are you of such a nature, and who are of a like lineage (with yourself), shall experience the sentiment of sorrow, and be deprived of their all.

नृशंसशील क्षुद्रात्मन् नित्यं ब्राह्मणकण्टक। त्वत्कृते शङ्कितैरग्नौ मुनिभिः पात्यते हविः॥
You of a cruel disposition, you of ignoble soul, you that are aye a thorn (in the side) of Brāhmanas, it is for you that ascetics, frightened and dispirited, have so long been pouring the clarified butter.

तमेवभिसंरब्धं ब्रुवाणं राघवं वने। खरो निर्भर्त्सयामास रोषात् खरतरस्वरः॥
As Rāghava, influenced by anger, said this in the field, Khara f. wrath, with accents rendered harsher, fell to censuring (Rāma),

दृढं खल्ववलिप्तोऽसि भयेष्वपि च निर्भयः। वाच्यावाच्यं ततो हि त्वं मृत्योर्वश्यो न बुध्यसे ॥
You are wondrous proud; and you are fearless albeit fear is present to you. And come under the sway of Death, you do not understand what should be said and what left unspoken.

कालपाशपरिक्षिप्ता भवन्ति पुरुषा हि ये। कार्याकार्यं न जानन्ति ते निरस्तषडिन्द्रियाः॥
Those persons that have been fast bound by the noose of death, do not in consequence of their senses having ceased to perform their functions, discern what is proper and what improper.

एवमुक्त्वा ततो रामं संरुध्य भृकुटिं ततः। स ददर्श महासालमविदूरे निशाचरः॥ रणे प्रहरणस्यार्थे सर्वतो ह्यवलोकयन्। स तमुत्पाटयामास संदष्टदशनच्छदम्॥
Saying this to Rāma, that ranger of the night (Khara), pursing his brows, espied a mighty Sāla hard by. And looking about him on all sides in the field for a weapon, he uprooted it, biting his Nether lip.

तं समुत्क्षिप्य बाहुभ्यां विनर्दित्वा महाबलः। राममुद्दिश्य चिक्षेप हतस्त्वमिति चाब्रवीत्॥
And raising up the tree with his arms, and uttering a roar, that exceedingly powerful one aiming at Rāma discharged it, exclaiming, Dead you are.

तमापतन्तं बाणौघैश्छित्वा रामः प्रतापवान्। रोषमाहारयत् तीव्र निहन्तुं समरे खरम्॥
And as it descended, the puissant Rāma cut it off by means of a multitude of shafts, got into a mighty rage for the purpose of slaying Khara is battle.

जातस्वेदस्ततो रामो रोषरक्तान्तलोचनः। निर्बिभेद सहस्रेण बाणानां समरे खरम्॥
Then Rāma perspiring, with eyes reddened in wrath, pierced Khara in battle with a thousand shafts.

तस्य बाणान्तराद् रक्तं बहु सुस्राव फेनिलम् । गिरेः प्रस्रवणस्येव धारणां च परिस्रवः॥ विकलः स कृतो बाणैः खरो रामेण संयुगे। मत्तो रुधिरगन्धेन तमेवाभ्यद्रवद् द्रुतम्॥
And blood mixed with froth gushed by the sides of the shafts, like torrents flowing from fountain in a hill* stupefied in battle by the shafts shot by Rāina, and maddened by the smell of blood Khara furiously inade for Rāma. The text varies slightly in other texts.

तमापतन्तं संक्रुद्धं कृतास्त्रो रुधिराप्लुतम्। अपासर्पद् द्वित्रिपदं किंचित्वरित विक्रमः॥
And as he (Khara) was rushing on, bathed with blood, Rāma cquipped with arms, suddenly summoning his strength walked backward two or three paces.

ततः पावकसंकाशं वधाय समरे शरम्। खरस्य रामो जग्राह ब्रह्मदण्डमिवापरम् ॥
Then with the view of bringing about (Khara's end) Rāma took up in the conflict an arrow resembling fire or another weapon of Brahmã himself.

स तद् दत्तं मघवता सुरराजेन धीमता। संदधे च स धर्मात्मा मुमोच च खरं प्रति ॥
And that righteous one shot at Khara, that (arrow), which had been conferred on him by the intelligent Maghavān.

स विमुक्तो महाबाणो निर्घातसमनि:स्वनः। रामेण धनुरायम्य खरस्योरसि चापतत्॥
And discharged by Rāma from his bent bow, that mighty arrow with the roaring of the thunderbolt fell at Khara's breast.

स पपात खरो भूमौ दह्यमानः शराग्निना। रुद्रेणेव विनिर्दग्धः श्वेतारण्ये यथान्धकः॥
And burning in the fire of the arrow, Khara fell down on the earth, like the giant Andakha* in the forest of Svetā, consumed by Rudra. The Asura Andhaka was slain in the forest of Svetă by Rudra. This is related in the Purāṇas. Another reading is Svetarayge yathantaka like the Destroyer in the forest of Svetā. Sva, according to the Kūrma Purāņa Uttara Khanda, in the Kalanyara hill, by a kick with his left leg. slew the Destroyer, engaged in penance's, who had come to kill the Rajarsi Svetā, who was a great votary of Siva.

स वृत्र इव वज्रेण फेनेन नमुचिर्यथा। बलो वेन्द्राशनिहतो निपपात हतः खरः॥
And threat Khara slain fell down like Vritra slain by the thunder-bolt, or Namuci by foam, or Bala by Indra's Ašani. Namuci was slain by a thunder-bolt laid over with foam.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे देवाश्चारणैः सह संगताः। दुन्दुभीश्चाभिनिघ्नन्तः पुष्पवर्षं समन्ततः॥ रामस्योपरि संहृष्टा ववर्षुर्विस्मितास्तदा। अधिकमुहूर्तेन रामेण निशितैः शरैः॥ चतुर्दश सहस्राणि रक्षसां कामरूपिणाम्। खरदूषणमुख्यानां निहतानि महामृधे॥
After this, the celestials, assembled with the Cāraņas, struck with wonder joyfully sounded kettledrums and showered blossoms on Rāma. In over half a moment Rāma by means of sharpened shafts have slain in mighty encounter fourteen thousand shafts have slain in mighty encounter fourteen thousand Rākṣasas, wearing shapes at will, headed by Khara and Dūşaņa.

अहो बत महत्कर्म रामस्य विदितात्मनः। अहो वीर्यमहो दाढयं विष्णोरिव हि दृश्यते॥
Ah! mighty is the feat achieved by Rāma knowing self. Ah! this mighty prowess, this mighty firmness, show like to those of Vişnu himself.

इत्येवमुक्त्वा ते सर्वे ययुर्देवा यथागतम्। ततो राजर्षयः सर्वे संगताः परमर्षयः॥ सभाज्य मुद्रिता रामं सागस्त्या इदमब्रुवन्।
Saying this all the deities went to from where they had come. Then the Rājarşis in company with supreme saints, with Agastya (at their head), gladly paying homage to Rāma, said the following words.

एतदर्थं महातेजा महेन्द्रः पाकशासनः॥ शरभङ्गाश्रमं पुण्यमाजगाम पुरंदरः। एतदर्थं महातेजा महेन्द्रः पाकशासनः॥
It is for this that the chastiser of Pāka, the great Indra, Purandra, had paid a visit to the sacred asylum of Sarabhanga. And the Maharşis had dextrously brought you to this place, for compassing the destruction of those foes-the wicked Rākşasas.

एषां वधार्थं शत्रूणां रक्षसां पापकर्मणाम्। तदिदं नः कृतं कार्यं त्वया दशरथात्मज ॥ स्वधर्म प्रचरिष्यन्ति दण्डकेषु महर्षयः।
And it is owing to this, that, O son of Dasaratha, you have performed this mighty deed. (Now) the Maharsis will carry on their proper pious offices in the Dandaka.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे वीरो लक्ष्मणः सह सीतया॥ गिरिदुर्गाद् विनिष्क्रम्य संविवेशाश्रमे सुखी।
After this, that hero, Laksmana, accompanied with Sītā came out of the mountain cavern, and joyfully entered the asylum.

ततो रामस्तु विजयी पूज्यमानो महर्षिभिः॥ प्रविवेशाश्रमं वीरो लक्ष्मणेनाभिपूजितः।
Then the victorious and heroic, Rāma, honoured by the Maharsis, entered the asylum, worshipped by Lakṣmaṇa.

तं दृष्ट्वा शत्रुहन्तारं महर्षीणां सुखावहम्॥ बभूव हृष्टा वैदेही भर्ताहं परिषस्वजे। मुदा परमया युक्ता दृष्ट्वा रक्षोगणान् हतान्। रामं चैवाव्ययं दृष्ट्वा तुतोष जनकात्मजा॥
And seeing that destroyer of foes, and bringer of coinfort to the Maharsis, her husband, Vaidehi embraced him. And seeing the multitudes of Raksasas siain, Janaka's daughter, beholding the undeteriorating Rāma, ministered to him with supreme joy.

ततस्तु तं राक्षससङ्घमर्दनं सम्पूज्यमानं मुदितैर्ममात्मभिः। पुनः परिष्वज्य मुदान्वितानना बभूव दृष्ट्वा जनकात्मजा तदा। ४१।।
And with a delightful countenance again embracing that destroyer of foes, who had been honoured by the delighted Maharşis, Janaka's daughter became exceedingly happy. honoured by the delighted Maharşis, Janaka's daughter became exceedingly happy.