Aranya Kanda: Chapter 24

आश्रमं प्रतियाते तु खरे खरपराक्रमे। तानेवौत्पातिकान् रामः सह भ्रात्रा ददर्श ह॥
When Khara of fierce prowess had come to the asylum Rāma in company with his brother saw all those evil prognostics.

तानुत्पातान् महाघोरान् रामो दृष्ट्वात्यमर्षणः। प्रजानामहितान् दृष्ट्वा वाक्यं लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्॥
And beholding those dreadful portents, Rāma exceedingly distressed, apprehending some calamity to the Rākşasas, observed to Lakşmaņa.

इमान् पश्य महाबाहो सर्वभूतापहारिणः। समुत्थितान् महोत्पातान् संहर्तुं सर्वराक्षसान्॥
O mighty armed one, behold these great presages that have taken place, capable of annihilating all beings, and which have taken place, capable of annihilating all beings, and which have for their object the utter extermination of the Raksasas!

अमी रुधिरधारास्तु विसृजन्ते खरस्वनाः। व्योम्नि मेघा निवर्तन्ते पुरुषा गर्दभारुणाः॥
Yonder threatening clouds of asinine sable, showering down blood and uttering loud sounds are ranging the welkin.

सधूमाश्च शराः सर्वे मम युद्धाभिनन्दिताः। रुक्मपृष्ठानि चापानि विचेष्टन्ते विचक्षण ॥
And, O discerning one, rejoicing at the prospect of my fight, all these arrows emit smoke, and my bows plaited on the back with gold, are restless.

यादृशा इह कूजन्ति पक्षिणो वनचारिणः। अग्रतो नोऽभयं प्राप्त संशयो जीवितस्य च ॥
Meseems from the noise of the wild birds that impending on us is danger and uncertainty to life.

सम्प्रहारस्तु सुमहान् भविष्यति न संशयः। अयमाख्याति मे बाहुः स्फुरमाणो मुहुर्मुहुः॥ संनिकर्षे तु नः शूर जयं शत्रोः पराजयम्। सुप्रभं च प्रसन्नं च तव वक्त्रं हि लक्ष्यते॥
Without doubt, there shall take place a mighty conflict. At this critical time, my arin shaking momentarily, betokens, O hero, victory to us, and defeat to the enemy. And your face appear pleasant with a delightful lustre.

उद्यतानां हि युद्धार्थं येषां भवति लक्ष्मण। निष्प्रभं वदनं तेषां भवत्यायुः परिक्षयः॥
O Lakşmaņa, the pallid face of those that prepare for conflict, auger shortening of life.

रक्षसां नर्दतां घोरः श्रूयतेऽयं महाध्वनिः। आहतानां च भेरीणां राक्षसैः क्रूरकर्मभिः॥
We can hear the shouts of the Rākşasas as they roar, as also the blasts of the trumpets of those doomed to be wounded blown by Rākṣasas of remorseless deeds.

अनागतविधानं तु कर्तव्यं शुभमिच्छता। आपदं शङ्कमानेन पुरुषेण विपश्चिता ॥
A considerate person that wishes for his welfare, apprehending peril, should prevent disaster ere it arrives.

तस्माद् गृहीत्वा वैदेहीं शरपाणिर्धनुर्धरः। गुहामाश्रय शैलस्य दुर्गो पादपसंकुलाम्॥
Therefore bearing arrows in your hand, and equipped with your bow, do you, taking Videha's daughter, take refuge in the mountain cavern, covered with trees and difficult of access.

प्रतिकूलितुमिच्छामि न हि वाक्यमिदं त्वया। शापितो मम पादाभ्यां गम्यतां वत्स मा चिरम्॥
That you should act contrary to my words, is what I do not wish. Swearing by my feet, go you without delay, my brother.

त्वं हि शूरश्च बलवान् हन्या एतान् न संशयः। स्वयं निहन्तुमिच्छामि सर्वानेव निशाचरान्॥
You are both strong and a hero: You can, without doubt, slay these Rākşasas. But I wish to slay all these rangers of the night myself.

एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मणः सह सीतया। शरानादाय चापं च गुहां दुर्गा समाश्रयत्॥
Thus accosted by Rama, Laksmana, taking arrows and a bow, took refuge in an inaccessible cave along with Sītā.

तस्मिन् प्रविष्टें तु गुहां लक्ष्मणे सह सीतया। हन्त निर्युक्तमित्युक्त्वा रामः कवचमाविशत्॥ स तेनाग्निनिकाशेन कवचेन विभूषितः। बभूव रामस्तिमिरे महानग्निरिवोत्थितः॥
Thereupon, saying, Ah! we have spoken it sharp, Rāma put on his mail. And adorned with that mail resembling fire Rāma appeared in the dark like a mighty flame streaming up.

स चापमुद्यम्य महच्छरानादाय वीर्यवान्। सम्बभूवास्थितस्तत्र ज्यास्वनैः पूरयन् दिशः॥
And uplifting his bow, and taking his arrows, that powerful one stood there, feeling all directions with the twangs of his bow-string.

ततो देवाः सगन्धर्वाः सिद्धाश्च सह चारणैः। समेयुश्च महात्मानो युद्धदर्शनकाझ्या॥
Then the high-souled gods and Gandharvas, Siddhas and Cāranas came there, with the intention of witnessing the fight.

ऋषयश्च महात्मानो लोके ब्रह्मर्षिसत्तमाः। समेत्य चोचुः सहितास्तेऽन्योन्यं पुण्यकर्मणः॥ स्वस्ति गोब्राह्मणानां च लोकानां चेति संस्थिता। जयतां राघवो युद्धे पौलस्त्यान् रजनीचरान्॥ चक्रहस्तो यथा युद्धे सर्वानसुरपुंगवान्।
And high-souled saints of the world, and the foremost Brahmarșis of pious acts, coming together, spoke to one another, saying, Hail to cows and Brāhmaṇas, and all those in whom are established the worlds! may Rāghava vanquish in fight those rangers of the night, the progeny of Pulastya, even as the discus-handed Vişņu routed in battle the foremost Asuras!

एवमुक्त्वा पुनः प्रोचुरालोक्य च परस्परम्॥ चतुर्दश सहस्राणि रक्षसां भीमकर्मणाम्। एकश्च रामो धर्मात्मा कथं युद्धं भविष्यति॥
Having said this, they again spoke, eyeing one another, There are fourteen thousand of the Rākşasas of dreadful deed while the righteous Rāma is single. How can fight take place (between two such parties)?

इति राजर्षयः सिद्धाः सगणाश्च द्विजर्षभाः। जातकौतूहलास्तस्थुर्विमानस्थाश्च देवताः॥
Having said this, the Rājarșis, Siddhas, multitudes of the best of the twice-born ones, and celestial stationed in the sky were moved with curiosity (as to the issue of the conflict).

आविष्टं तेजसा रामं संग्रामशिरसि स्थितम्। दृष्ट्वा सर्वाणि भूतानि भयाद् विव्यधिरे तदा॥
Then seeing Rāma filled with energy, remaining in the field, all beings from fear experienced great pain.

रूपमप्रतिमं तस्य रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः। बभूव रूपं क्रुद्धस्य रुद्रस्येव महात्मनः॥
And the peerless grace of Rāma of energetic deeds became like to that of the high souled infuriated Rudra.* There is a variation in reading here; the sense, however, is the same.

इति सम्भाष्यमाणे तु देवगन्धर्वचारणैः। ततो गम्भीरनिदिं घोरचर्मायुधध्वजम्॥ अनीकं यातुधानानां समन्तात् प्रत्यपद्यत। वीरालापान् विसृजतामन्योन्यमभिगच्छताम्॥ चापानि विस्फारयतां जृम्भतां चाप्यभीक्ष्णशः। विप्रघुष्टस्वनानां च दुन्दुभींश्चापि निघ्नताम्॥
While the gods, Gandharvas and Cāraņas were thus conversing, the forces of the Rākṣasas sending up solemn sounds, furnished with horrible armour, arms and flags, conversing in heroic parlance, roaring at each other, stretching bows, momentarily yawning, sending forth shouts, and blowing trumpets. The commentator says the yawning was in consequence of the soldiers having during the conflict indulged in liquor.

तेषां सुविपुलः शब्दः पूरयामास तद् वनम् । तेन शब्देन विवस्ताः स्त्रासिता वनचारिणः॥ दुद्रुवुर्यत्र नि:शब्दं पृष्ठतो नावलोकयन्।
The universal uproar filled that (entire) forest. Scared and terrified at the hubbub the rangers of the wood fle: to quarters free from noise; nor did they cast their eyes backward.

तच्चानीकं महावेगं रामं समनुवर्तत ॥ धृतनानाप्रहरणं गम्भीरं सागरोपमम्।
And that army resembling the ocean, and rife with sounds, equipped with various weapons, with furious speed came towards Rāma.

रामोऽपि चारयंश्चक्षुः सर्वतो रणपण्डितः॥ ददर्श खरसैन्यं तद् युद्धायाभिमुखो गतः।
And Rāma also versed in warfare, casting his eyes around, found the forces of Khara ready for fight. Another text:-The holder of Pinaka.

तितत्य च धनु मि तूण्याश्चोद्धृत्य सायकान् ॥ क्रोधमाहारयत् तीव्र वधार्थं सर्वरक्षसाम्। दुष्प्रेक्ष्यश्चाभवत् क्रुद्धो युगान्ताग्निरिव ज्वलन्॥
Then stretching his dreadful bow, and swiftly taking out shafts, (Rāma) for compassing the destruction of the entire body of the Rākşasas, waxed furiously enraged. And like to the flaming fire at the universal dissolution, he, growing wroth, was incapable of being looked i at.

तं दृष्ट्वा तेजसाऽऽविष्टं प्राव्यथन् वनदेवताः। तस्य रुष्टस्य रूपं तु रामस्य ददृशे तदा। दक्षस्येव क्रतुं हन्तुमुद्यतस्य पिनाकिनः॥
And seeing him filled with energy, the sylvan deities were extremely pained*. And the aspect of the enraged Rāma appeared like that of the holder of Pināka, intent upon destroying Dakşa's sacrifice. Another reading is:-The sylvan deities fled away.

तत्कार्मुकैराभरणै रथैश्च तद्वर्मभिश्चाग्निसमानवर्णैः। बभूव सैन्यं पिशिताशनानां सूर्योदये नीलमिवाभ्रजालम्।
Furnished with bows and ornaments and cars and mail hued like fire, that army of those subsisting on flesh, appeared like masses of blue clouds at sunrise.