Sundara Kanda: Chapter 67

एवमुक्तस्तु हनुमान् राघवेण महात्मना। सीताया भाषितं सर्वं न्यवेदयत राघवे॥
Being thus addressed by the high-souled Rāghava, Hanumān, related to him all of what Sita had said,

इदमुक्तवती देवी जानकी पुरुषर्षभ। पूर्ववृत्तमभिज्ञानं चित्रकूटे यथातथम्॥
O foremost of men, the worshipful Jānaki, related as a token, all the incidents at the Mount Citrakūta from the beginning to the end.

सुखसुप्ता त्वया सार्धं जानकी पूर्वमुत्थिता। वायसः सहसोत्पत्य विददार स्तनान्तरम्॥
Sleeping happily with you, Janaki one day awoke before, and in the meantime, a crow wounded her breast with its beaks.

पर्यायेण च सुप्तस्त्वं देव्यङ्के भरताग्रज। पुनश्च किल पक्षी स देव्या जनयति व्यथाम्॥
O Rāma, you wert then asleep on Sītā's lap and that crow again afflicted the worshipful dame.

ततः पुनरुपागम्य विददार भृशं किल। ततस्त्वं बोधितस्तस्याः शोणितेन समुक्षितः॥ वायसेन च तेनैवं सततं बाध्यमानया। बोधितः किल देव्या त्वं सुखसुप्तः परंतप॥
And it again wounded her. And being bathed in blood and suffering terrible pangs, that worshipful dame aroused you.

तां च दृष्ट्वा महाबाहो दारितां च स्तनान्तरे। आशीविष इव क्रुद्धस्ततो वाक्यं त्वमूचिवान्॥
O slayer of foes, O you of mighty-arms, seeing her breast wounded, you, wroth like a serpent, didst speak saying.

नखाग्रैः केन ते भीरु रादितं वै स्तनान्तरम्। कः क्रीडति सरोषेण पञ्चवक्त्रेण भोगिना॥
O timid damsel, who, with his nails, has wounded your breast? Who has played with an angry serpent having five faces?

निरीक्षमाणः सहसा वायसं समुदैक्षथाः। नखैः सरुधिरैस्तीक्ष्णैस्तामेवाभिमुखं स्थितम्॥
Casting your looks around you didst behold a crow facing the worshipful dame with sharpened nails besmeared with blood.

सुतः किल स शक्रस्य वायसः पततां वरः। धरान्तरगतः शीघ्रं पवनस्य गतौ समः॥
That crow, the best of the birds, was Sakra's son. And it entered speedily into the earth with the velocity of the wind,

ततस्तस्मिन् महाबाहो कोपसंवर्तितेक्षणः। वायसे त्वं व्यधाः क्रूरां मतिं मतिमतां वरः॥
Thereupon, your eyes rolling with ire, you, O mighty armed hero, O foremost of the intelligent, did resolve to destroy that crow.

स दर्भसंस्तराद् गृह्य ब्रह्मास्त्रेण न्ययोजयः। स दीप्त इव कालाग्निर्जज्वालाभिमुखं खगम्॥
Taking a kusa off your seat you did set it on Brahma weapon. And it flamed like to the fire of desolation before that crow.

स त्वं प्रदीप्तं चिक्षेप दर्भ तं वायसं प्रति । ततस्तु वायसं दीप्तः स दर्भोऽनुजगाम ह॥
You did let off that burning Kuśa towards that birds. And there upon that burning Kuća followed the crow.

भीतैश्च सम्परित्यक्तः सुरैः सर्वैश्व वायसः। त्रींल्लोकान् सम्परिक्रम्य त्रातारं नाधिगच्छति च॥
And being forsaken even by the celestials, who were terrified, and ransacking the three worlds it did not get a refuge.

पुनरप्यागतस्तत्र त्वत्सकाशमरिंदप्त। त्वं तं निपतितं भूमौ शरण्यः शरणागतम्॥ वधार्हमपि काकुत्स्थ कृपया परिपालयः।
Thereupon it again came to you, O subduer of foes. And seeking your shelter it laid itself low on the ground. And O Kākutstha, you didst save it albeit it was worthy of being slain.

मोघमस्त्रं न शक्यं तु कर्तुमित्येव राघव ॥ भवांस्तस्याक्षि काकस्य हिनस्ति स्म स दक्षिणम्।
And thinking if improper to baffle the aim of the weapon, you didst, O Rāghava, destroy the right eye of the crow.

राम त्वां स नमस्कृत्य राज्ञो दशरथस्य च॥ विसृष्टस्तु तदा काकः प्रतिपेदे स्वमालयम्।
Thereupon bowing to you and the king Dasaratha, that crow, bidding adieu, went to its quarter.

एवमस्त्रविदां श्रेष्ठः सत्त्ववाञ्छीलवानपि॥ किमर्थमस्त्रं रक्षःसु न योजयसि राघव।
O Rāghava, you are the foremost of those skilled in the use of weapons, powerful and gifted with an excellent character, why do you not discharge weapons towards the Rākşasas?

न दानवा न गन्धर्वा नासुरा न मरुद्गणाः॥ तव राम रणे शक्तास्तथा प्रतिसमासितुम् ।
The celestials, the Gandharvas, the Asuras, the Marutas-none of them is qualified, O Rāma, to equal you in conflict.

तव वीर्यवतः कच्चिन्मयि यद्यस्ति सम्भ्रम॥ क्षिप्रं सुनियतैर्बाणैर्हन्यतां युधि रावणः।
If you, gifted with great prowess, had any armed shafts, destroy Rāvana in conflict.

भ्रातुरादेशमाज्ञाय लक्ष्मणो वा परंतपः॥ स किमर्थं नरवरो न मां रक्षति राघवः।
And obtaining the behests of his brother, why dose not Lakşmaņa, the subduer of foes and best of men, protect me, O Rāghava?

शक्तौ तौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ वाय्वग्निसमतेजसौ॥ सुराणामपि दुर्धर्षों किमर्थं मामुपेक्षतः।
Those two best of men, gifted with the effulgence of Wind and Fire, and incapable of being repressed even by the celestials, are disregarding me.

ममैव दुष्कृतं किंचिन्महदस्ति न संशयः॥ समर्थों सहितौ यन्मां न रक्षेते परंतपौ।
Forsooth have I perpetrated a mighty iniquity since those two slayers of foes, being capable, do not protect me.

वैदेह्या वचनं श्रुत्वा करुणं साधुभाषितम्॥ । पुनरप्यहमारू तामिदं वचनमब्रवम्। त्वच्छोकविमुखो रामो देवि सत्येन ते शपे॥ रामे दुःखाभिभूते च लक्ष्मणः परितप्यते।
Hearing those sweet and piteous accents of Vaidehi I again spoke to that worshipful dame, saying. 'Forsooth can I swear by you, O worshipful dame, that Rāma is sorely stricken with grief in your absence. And Lakšmaņa too relent heavily beholding him laden with sorrow.

कथंचिद् भवती दृष्टा न कालः परिशोचितुम्॥ इदं मुहूर्तं दु:खानामन्तं द्रक्ष्यसि भामिनि।
It dose not behove you to relent any more as I have succeeded in finding you out. You shall at this very moment behold the end of your grief.

तावुभौ नरशार्दूलौ राजपुत्रौ परंतपौ॥ त्वदर्शनकृतोत्साहौ लङ्कां भस्मीकरिष्यतः।
And those two princes, the foremost of men and slayers of foes, actuated with energy on hearing that I have seen you, shall reduce Lankā to ashes.

हत्वा च समरे रौद्रं रावणं सहबान्धवम् ॥ राघवस्त्वां वरारोहे स्वपुरी नयिता ध्रुवम्।
And slaying in conflict the terrible Rāvaņa, with his kith and kin, Rāghava, in sooth, O excellent damsel, shall take you back to his own city.

यत् तु रामो विजानीयादभिज्ञानमनिन्दिते॥ प्रीतिसंजननं तस्य प्रदातुं तत् त्वमर्हसि।
O you of a blameless person, do you confer on me such a token, as might be recognized by Ráma and conduce to his pleasure.

साभिवीक्ष्य दिशः सर्वा वेण्युद्ग्रथनमुत्तमम्॥ मुक्त्वा वस्त्राद् ददौ मह्यं मणिमेतं महाबल।
Thereat, casting her looks around, she took out an excellent jewel from her cloth, worthy of being set on her braid and conferred it on me, O you of great strength.

प्रतिगृह्य मणिं दोभ्यां तव हेतो रघुप्रिय॥ शिरसा सम्प्रणम्यैनामहमागमने त्वरे।
O you, the most favourite of the Raghu race, taking for you that gem with my hands and bowing to her, I addressed myself speedily for departure.

गमने च कृतोत्साहमवेक्ष्य वरवर्णिनी॥ विवर्धमानं च हि मामुवाच जनकात्मजा। अश्रुपूर्णमुखी दीना बाष्पगद्गदभाषिणी॥ ममोत्पतनसम्भ्रान्ता शोकवेगसमाहता। मामुवाच ततः सीता सभाग्योऽसि महाकपे॥ यद् द्रक्ष्यसि महाबाहुं रामं कमललोचनम्। लक्ष्मणं च महाबाहुं देवरं मे यशस्विनम्॥
Thereupon beholding me ready to depart and increase in bulk and about to leap up in the welkin, Sītā, the daughter of the king Janaka, poorly, bathed in tears, overwhelmed with sorrow and having her voice choked with grief, saying 'Blessed are you O great monkey, since you shall behold the large-armed and the lotuseyed Ráma and the highly famed Lakşmaņa, my lord's younger brother.

सीतयाप्येवमुक्तोऽहमब्रुवं मैथिली तथा। पृष्ठमारोह मे देवि क्षिप्रं जनकनन्दिनि॥ यावत्ते दर्शयाम्यद्य ससुग्रीवं सलक्ष्मणम्। राघवं च महाभागे भरिमसितेक्षणे॥
And being thus accosted by Maithili, I said-Do you speedily place yourself on my back, O worshipful dame,oyou the daughter of king Janaka, and I shall soon show you, O great dame you having dark blue eyes, your lord along with Sugrīva and Lakşmaņa.'

साब्रवीन्मां ततो देवी नैष धर्मो महाकपे। यत्ते पृष्ठं सिषेवेऽहं स्ववशा हरिपुङ्गव ॥
Whereto she replied — 'This is not the pious course, O great monkey, O you the foremost of your race, that I shall, of my own accord, place myself on your back.

पुरा च यदहं वीर स्पृष्टा गात्रेषु रक्षसा। तत्राहं किं करिष्यामि कालेनोपनिपीडिता॥ गच्छ त्वं कपिशार्दूल यत्र तौ नृपतेः सुतौ।
And although before this I was touched by the demon, O hero, it was because I could not help otherwise subject as I was to circumstances. Do you yourself repair, O foremost of monkeys, where those two princes are.

इत्येवं सा समाभाष्य भूयः संदेष्टुमास्थिता ॥ हनूमन् सिंहसंकाशौ तावुभौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। सुग्रीवं च सहामात्यं सर्वान् ब्रूया अनामयम्॥
Addressing me with these words she again said-O Hanuman, do you relate my well-being to Rāma and Lakshamana of leonine prowess, and Sugrīva accompanied by his followers.

यथा च स महाबाहुर्मी तारयति राघवः। अस्मादुःखाम्बुसंरोधात् तत् त्वमाख्यातुमर्हसि ।॥
Do you so describe as the large-armed Rāghava may save me from this ocean of grief.

इदं च तीव्र मम शोकवेगं रक्षोभिरेभिः परिभर्त्सनं च। ब्रूयास्तु रामस्य गतः समीपं शिवश्च तेऽध्वास्तु हरिप्रवीर॥
Do you narrate to Rāma this my terrible sorrow and the affliction by the she-demons. May good betide you, on your way, O foremost of the monkeys.'

एतत् तवार्या नृप संयता सा सीता वचः प्राह विषादपूर्वम्। एतच्च बुद्ध्वा गदितं यथा त्वं श्रद्धत्स्व सीतां कुशलां समग्राम्॥
Thus the worshipful Sítă gave vent to these piteous accents. Hearing these words do you believe that it is all well with her.