Sundara Kanda: Chapter 66

एवमुक्तो हनुमता रामो दशरथात्मजः। तं मणिं हृदये कृत्वा रुरोद सहलक्ष्मणः॥
Being thus accosted by Hanumān, Rāma, the son of Dasaratha, placing that jewel on his breast, wept with Laksmana.

तं तु दृष्ट्वा मणिश्रेष्ठं राघवः शोककर्शितः। नेत्राभ्यामश्रुपूर्णाभ्यां सुग्रीवमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Beholding that excellent jewel, Rāghava, stricken with grief, with eyes full of tears, spake to Sugriva, saying.

यथैव धेनुः स्रवति स्नेहाद् वत्सस्य वत्सला। तथा ममापि हृदयं मणिश्रेष्ठस्य दर्शनात्॥
Forsooth my heart melt on beholding this jewel as milk trickle down from the udders of a cow on beholding its calf.

मणिरत्नमिदं दत्तं वैदेह्याः श्वशुरेण मे। वधूकाले यथा बद्धमधिकं मूर्ध्नि शोभते॥
This jewel was conferred on Sītā by my father-in-law at the time of our wedding, and to enhance its beauty, she wore it on her head.

अयं हि जलसम्भूतो मणिः प्रवरपूजितः। यज्ञे परमतुष्टेन दत्तः शक्रेण धीमता॥
And this jewel, obtained from the bed of the ocean, was conferred on him (Janaka) by the intelligent Sakra, greatly delighted for being adored in a sacrifice.

इमं दृष्ट्वा मणिश्रेष्ठं तथा तातस्य दर्शनम्। अद्यास्म्यवगतः सौम्य सौम्य वैदेहस्य तथा विभोः॥
O gentle one, this bring back to my mind, the memory of my father, and father-in-law the king of Videha.

अयं हि शोभते तस्याः प्रियाया मूर्ध्नि मे मणिः। अद्यास्य दर्शनेनाहं प्राप्तां तामिव चिन्तये।७।।
This excellent jewel appeared beautiful on the crown of my dear one, and methinks, on beholding it, I have as if got back my beloved spouse.

किमाह सीता वैदेही ब्रूहि सौम्य पुनः पुनः। परासुमिव तोयेन सिञ्चन्ती वाक्यवारिणा ॥
Do you relate to me again and again, O gentle one what Vaidehi has said, as if sprinkling me with the water of her words like to one rendered senseless.

इतस्तु किं दुःखतरं यदिमं वारिसम्भवम् । मणिं पश्यामि सौमित्रे वैदेहीमागतां विना॥
What greater grief can there be, O Saumitri, that I behold the jewel obtained from the ocean but not Vaidehi.?

चिरं जीवति वैदही यदि मासं धरिष्यति। क्षणं वीर न जीवेयं विना तामसितेक्षणाम् ॥
Truly dose Vaidehī live for a long time if she breathes for a month. But O hero, I cannot live blue eyes.

नय मामपि तं देशं यत्र दृष्टा मम प्रिया। न तिष्ठेयं क्षणमपि प्रवृत्तिमुपलभ्य च॥
Do you take me there where you had beheld iny dear spouse. I cannot live for a moment while I have received intelligence about her.

कथं सा मम सुश्रोणी भीरुभीरुः सती तदा। भयावहानां घोराणां मध्ये तिष्ठति रक्षसाम्॥
How live that timid damsel, having a beautiful waist, being terrified, amidst the terrible and grim Raksasis?

शारदस्तिमिरोन्मुक्तो नूनं चन्द्र इवाम्बुदैः। आवृतो वदनं तस्या न विराजति साम्प्रतम्॥
Truly her countenance is not appearing beautiful like to the autumnal moon, enveloped with clouds, although cleared off the darkness.

किमाह सीता हनुमंस्तत्त्वतः कथयस्व मे। एतेन खलु जीविष्ये भेषजेनातुरो यथा॥
Do you relate to me in sooth, O Hanuman, what Şītā has spoken to you. I shall live by these words, as the sick are cured by medicine.

मधुरा मधुरालापा किमाह मम भामिनी। मद्विहीना वरारोहा हनुमन् कथयस्व मे। दुःखाद् दुःखतरं प्राप्य कथं जीवति जानकी॥
O Hanumān, what has my dear wife, sweetspeeched, and highly beautiful, spoken to you, being separated form me? How breathes she going through a series of calamities?