Sundara Kanda: Chapter 61

ततो जाम्बवतो वाक्यमगृह्णन्त वनौकसः। अङ्गदप्रमुखा वीरा हनूमांश्च महाकपिः॥
All the heroic monkeys, headed by Angada and the great monkey Hanumān, approved highly of the words of Jāmbavān.

प्रीतिमन्तस्ततः सर्वे वायुपुत्रपुरःसराः। महेन्द्राग्रात् समुत्पत्य पुप्लुवुः प्लवगर्षभाः॥
And these leading monkeys headed by the Wind-god's son proceeded leading from the summit of the Mount Mahendra.

मेरुमन्दरसंकाशा मत्ता इव महागजाः। छादयन्त इवाकाशं महाकाया महाबलाः॥
And there highly powerful ones, having huge persons, resembling the Mount Mandara, covered the welkin as if like so many mad elephants.

सभाज्यमानं भूतैस्तमात्मवन्तं महाबलम्। हनूमन्तं महावेगं वहन्त इव दृष्टिभिः॥
They carried, as it were with their own looks, the highly powerful Hanumān, gifted with great velocity, having control over his own self, and adored by the Siddhas.

राघवे चार्थनिर्वृत्तिं कर्तुं च परमं यशः। समाधाय समृद्धार्थाः कर्मसिद्धिभिरुन्नताः॥ प्रियाख्यानोन्मुखाः सर्वे सर्वे युद्धाभिनन्दिनः। सर्वे रामप्रतीकारे निश्चितार्था मनस्विनः॥
They were resolved upon satisfying Rāma's end and acquiring glory for themselves. Their desires were satisfied and mind elevated in consequence of their beholding Sitã and burning down Lankā. All of them were anxious to communicate this pleasant news. to enter into conflict and were resolved upon bringing about Rāma's wellbeing.

प्लवमानाः खमाप्लुत्य ततस्ते काननौकसः। नन्दनोपममासेदुर्वनं द्रुमशतायुतम्॥ यत् तन्मधुवनं नाम सुग्रीवस्याभिरक्षितम्। अधृष्यं सर्वभूतानां सर्वभूतमनोहरम्॥
And leaping and ascending the sky they got at the Madhuvana, (An orchard teeming with various trees bearing delicious and sweet fruits) preserved by Sugrīva, resembling the celestial garden, covered with many trees, picturesque and incapable of being divastated by any.

यद् रक्षति महावीरः सदा दधिमुखः कपिः। मातुलः कपिमुख्यस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः॥
The monkey-chief Sugrīva's maternal uncle, the heroic and high-souled Dadhimukha always guard that picturesque and spacious garden of the lord of monkeys.

तद् वनमुपागम्य बभूवुः परमोत्कटाः। वानरा वानरेन्द्रस्य मन:कान्तं महावनम् ॥ ते
They were greatly worked up with anxiety. And beholding that large orchard, those yellowcoloured monkeys were greatly delighted and begged honey of the prince.

ततस्ते वानरा हृष्टा दृष्ट्वा मधुवनं महत्। कुमारमभ्ययाचन्त मधूनि मधुपिङ्गलाः॥
And the prince respectfully allowed these elderly monkeys headed by Jāmbavān to drink honey.

ततः कुमारस्तान् वृद्धाञ्जाम्बवत्प्रमुखान्कपीन्। अनुमान्य ददौ तेषां निसर्ग मधुभक्षणे॥ ते निसृष्टाः कुमारेण धीमता वालिसूनुना। हरयः समपद्यन्त दुमान् मधुकराकुलान्॥ भक्षयन्तः सुगन्धीनि मूलानि च फलानि च। जग्मुः प्रहर्षं ते सर्वे बभूवुश्च मदोत्कटाः॥
And being thus commanded by the intelligent prince-Vāli's son, those monkeys ascended the trees infested with bees and feasting on fragrant fruit and roots, were greatly delighter and intoxicated.

ततश्चानुमताः सर्वे सुसंहृष्टा वनौकसः। मुदिताश्च ततस्ते च प्रनृत्यन्ति ततस्ततः॥
And thereupon those monkeys, beside themselves with joy for being allowed to drink honey began to dance hither and thither.

नृत्यन्ति केचित् प्रणमन्ति केचित्। पतन्ति केचित् प्रचरन्ति केचित् प्लवन्ति केचित् प्रलपन्ति केचित्॥
Some sang, some laughed, some danced, some bowed down, some read, some walked hither, some leaped and some talked at random.

परस्परं केचिदुपाश्रयन्ति परस्परं केचिदतिब्रुवन्ति। द्रुमाद् दुमं केचिदभिद्रवन्ति क्षितौ नगाग्रानिपतन्ति केचित्॥
Some sprang upon one one another, some quarrelled with one another, some leaped from one tree to another, and some jumped down on the earth from the tops of the trees.

महीतलात् केचिदुदीर्णवेगा महाद्रुमाग्राण्यभिसम्पतन्ति। गायन्तमन्यः प्रहसन्नुपैति हसन्तमन्यः प्ररुदन्नुपैति ॥
Some rose up with great velocity from the earth to the tops of the huge trees-some sang, other approached them laughing—some wept and others approached them weeping.

तुदन्तमन्यः प्रणुदन्नुपैति समाकुलं तत् कपिसैन्यमासीत्। न चात्र कश्चिन्न बभूव मत्तो न चात्र कश्चिन्न बभूव हप्तः॥
Some were stricking with their nails and others struck them in return. And thus the entire monkey host were bewildered with intoxication. There was none among them who was not drunk and none who was not excited with pride.

ततो वनं तत् परिभक्ष्यमाणं दुमांश्च विध्वंसितपत्रपुष्पान्। समीक्ष्य कोपाद् दधिवक्त्रनामा निवारयामास कपिः कपीस्तान्॥
Thereupon beholding all the fruits eaten up and the trees divested of leaves and flowers, the monkey Dadhimukha and worked up with ire and attempted to prevent them.

स तैः प्रवृद्धैः परिभय॑मानो वनस्य गोप्ता हरिवृद्धवीरः। चकार भूयो मतिमुग्रतेजा वनस्य रक्षां प्रति वानरेभ्यः॥
And that heroic, elderly monkey, the guard of the garden, was in return remonstrated with by them who were greatly intoxicated. Thereat the highly spirited monkey again made up his mind to protect the garden from their devastations.

मसक्तमन्यांश्च तलैर्जधान। समेत्य कैश्चित् कलहं चकार तथैव साम्नोपजगाम कांश्चित्॥
He used harsh words, undauntedly towards some, struck the weak with his palm, quarrelled with some, and consoled others with soothing words.

बलाच्च तेन प्रतिवार्यमाणैः। प्रधर्षणे त्यक्तभयैः समेत्य प्रकृष्यते चाप्यनवेक्ष्य दोषम्॥
They were greatly excited with drink, and being prevented forcibly by Dadhimukha, they giving up all fear, began to pull him.

स्तलैश्च पादैश्च समापयन्तः। न्महावनं निर्विषयं च चक्रुः॥
And striking him with their nails, biting him with teeth, crushing him with their palms and feel, they being drunk, almost reduced him to death and devastated the mangoe forest.