Sundara Kanda: Chapter 58

ततस्तस्य गिरेः शृङ्गे महेन्द्रस्य महाबलाः। हनुमत्प्रमुखाः प्रीति हरयो जग्मुरुत्तमाम्॥
Then on the summit of the mountain, Mahendra, those powerful monkeys, headed by Hanumān, rejoiced exceedingly.

प्रीतिमत्सूपविष्टेषु वानरेषु महात्मसु। तं ततः प्रतिसंहष्टः प्रीतियुक्तं महाकपिम्॥ जाम्बवान् कार्यवृत्तान्तमपृच्छदनिलात्मजम्। कथं दृष्टा त्वया देवी कथं वा तत्र वर्तते ॥ तस्यां चापि कथं वृत्तः क्रूरकर्मा दशाननः। तत्त्वतः सर्वमेतन्नः प्रब्रूहि त्वं महाकपे॥
And when the high-souled delighted monkeys has sat them down, Jamvaban, glad at heart, asked that offspring of the Wind; the happy Hanumān, all about his proceeding: "How had you seen the worshipful one? How dose she fare there? And how dose the cruel Ten-necked one bear himself towards her? Do you truthfully relate all this to us, O mighty monkey."

सम्मार्गिता कथं देवी किं च सा प्रत्यभाषत। श्रुतार्थाश्चिन्तयिष्यामो भूयः कार्यविनिश्चयम्॥
How could you track the exalted lady? And what did she say in reply (to your querries)?, Having learnt the real state of things, we shall decide what is to be done.

यश्चार्थस्तत्र वक्तव्यो गतैरस्माभिरात्मवान्। रक्षितव्यं च यत्तत्र तद् भवान् व्याकरोतु नः॥
And do you also tell us what we, repairing there, shall unfold to that one of controlled self and what we shall keep to ourselves.

स नियुक्तस्ततस्तेन सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः। नमस्यशिरसा देव्यै सीतायै प्रत्यभाषत।७।।
Thus directed by him, that one (Hanumān) with his down standing on end, bowing down the head to that revered one, Sītā, replied.

प्रत्यक्षमेव भवतां महेन्द्राग्रात् खमाप्लुतः। उदधेर्दक्षिणं पारं काङ्क्षमाणः समाहितः॥
In your sight, I bounded up with concentrated mind, eager to reach the southern shore of the ocean.

गच्छतश्च हि मे घोरं विघ्नरूपमिवाभवत्। काञ्चनं शिखरं दिव्यं पश्यामि सुमनोहरम्॥ स्थितं पन्थानमावृत्य मेने विघ्नं च तं नगम्।
As I voyaged on, a great impediment occurred in the way. I saw a goodly and noble golden peak, standing, obstructing my way. I found the mountain as an obstacle to my course.

उपसंगम्य तं दिव्यं काञ्चनं नगमुत्तमम्॥ कृता मे मनसा बुद्धिर्भेत्तव्योऽयं मयेति च।
Nearing the grand and splendid golden mount, I thought within myself, 'I will rive this.'

प्रहतस्य मया तस्य लाङ्ग्लेन महागिरेः॥ शिखरं सूर्यसंकाशं व्यशीर्यत सहस्रधा।
And the sun-like summit of that mighty mountain, Prahasta, was cleft in a thousand fragments by my tail.

व्यवसायं च तं बुद्ध्वा स होवाच महागिरिः॥ पुत्रेति मधुरां वाणीं मनः प्रह्लादयन्निव। पितृव्यं चापि मां विद्धि सखायं मातरिश्वनः॥ मैनाकमिति विख्यातं निवसन्तं महोदधौ। पक्षवन्तः पुरा तत्र बभूवुः पर्वतोत्तमाः॥
Seeing his own condition, that mighty mountain, gladdening my heart, addressed me with the sweet speech, 'O son, know me for your uncle. I am a friend to the Wind, famed as Maināka, and living in the great deep. Formerly all the foremost mountains were furnished with wings.

छन्दतः पृथिवीं चेरुर्बाधमानाः समन्ततः। श्रुत्वा नगानां चरितं महेन्द्रः पाकशासनः॥ वज्रेण भगवान्पक्षौ चिच्छेदैषां सहस्रशः। अहं तु मोचितस्तस्मात्तव पिता महात्मना ॥ मारुतेन तदा वत्स प्रक्षिप्तो वरुणालये। राघवस्य मया साह्ये वर्तितव्यमरिंदम॥ रामो धर्मभृतां श्रेष्ठो महेन्द्रसमविक्रमः।
And (once on a time) they began to range the earth at will, committing devastations. Hearing of the conduct of the mountains, that possessor of the six kinds of riches, Indra the Great, the swayer of Pāka, with his thunderbolt cut off by thousands the pinions of the mountains. At that time, my son, I, having been delivered by your sire, high-souled Wind-god, was cast into the abode of Varuna. O repressor of foes, I shall have to assist Rāghava. Rāma is the foremost of the righteous, and possessed of prowess like that of Mahendra himself.

एतच्छ्रुत्वा मया तस्य मैनाकस्य महात्मनः॥ कार्यमावेद्य च गिरेरुद्धतं वै मनो मम । तेन चाहमनुज्ञातो मैनाकेन महात्मना ॥ स चाप्यन्तर्हितः शैलो मानुषेण वपुष्मता। शरीरेण महाशैलः शैलेन च महोदधौ॥
Having heard this from the magnanimous Maināka, I apprised the mountain of my mission, and my thought held their course. Having given me his permission, the magnanimous Maināka, the mountain that had put on the forın of a man, vanished, and, assuming his mountain-form, went into the vast sea.

उत्तम जवमास्थाय शेषमध्वानमास्थितः। ततोऽहं सुचिरं कालं जवेनाभ्यगमं पथि ॥ ततः पश्याम्यहं देवी सुरसां नागमातरम्। समुद्रमध्ये सा देवी वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्॥ मम भक्ष्यः प्रदिष्टस्त्वममरैर्हरिसत्तम। ततस्त्वां भक्षयिष्यामि विहितस्त्वं हि मे सुरैः॥
I, summoning my best celerity, began to journey the remainder of my way. And having swiftly proceeded long in the path, I saw the exalted lady, Surasā, mother of the serpents. And that worshipful one stationed in the sea, said, 'By the celestials had you, O best of monkeys, been assigned as my food. Therefore shall I eat you up. You had been ordained as mine by the gods.'

एवमुक्तः सुरसया प्राञ्जलिः प्रणतः स्थितः। विवर्णवदनो भूत्वा वाक्यं चेदमुदीरयम्॥
Thus addressed by Surasā, I, remaining in humble guise with joined hands, and with my countenance turned pale, I uttered these words,

रामो दाशरथिः श्रीमान् प्रविष्टो दण्डकावनम्। लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा सीतया च परंतपः॥
“Rāma, the graceful son of Dasaratha, repressor of foes—has entered the woods of Dandaka, in company with his brother Lakşmaņa and Sītā.

तस्य सीता हृता भार्या रावणेन दुरात्मना। तस्याः सकाशं दूतोऽहं गमिष्ये रामशासनात्॥
His wife Sītā has been carried off by the wicked Rāvana. At Rāma's mandate I go to her as an envoy.

कर्तुमर्हसि रामस्य साहाय्यं विषये सती। अथवा मैथिलीं दृष्ट्वा रामं चाक्लिष्टकारिणम्॥ आगमिध्यामि ते वक्त्रं सत्यं प्रतिशृणोमि ते।
In this business, you, O chaste one, should help Rāma. Or having seen Mithila's daughter, as well as Rāma of untiring deeds, I shall come to your mouth, this I promise to you truly.'

एवमुक्ता मया सा तु सुरसा कामरूपिणी॥ अब्रवीन्नातिवर्तेत कश्चिदेष वरो मम।
Thus accosted by me, Surasā, wearing forms at her will, said, 'None is able to escape me. Even this is the boon that I have received.'

एवमुक्तः सुरसया दशयोजनमायतः॥ ततोऽर्धगुणविस्तारो बभूवाहं क्षणेन तु। मत्प्रमाणाधिकं चैव व्यादितं तु मुखं तया।॥ तद् दृष्ट्वा व्यादितं त्वास्यं ह्रस्वं ह्यकरवं पुनः। तस्मिन्मुहूर्ते च पुनर्बभूवाङ्गुष्ठसम्मितः॥ अभिपत्याशु तद्वक्त्रं निर्गतोऽहं ततः क्षणात्। अब्रवीत्सुरसा देवी स्वेन रूपेण मां पुनः॥
Having been thus addressed by Surasa, attained the magnitude of ten Yoyanas; and then anon I dilated to another ten. But she opened her mouth wider than my magnitude. Seeing her stretched mouth, I again diminished myself, and on the instant again reduced myself to the measure of a thumb. And speedily entering her mouth, I immediately came out. Then the exalted Surasă again spoke to me in her native shape.

अर्थसिद्धौ हरिश्रेष्ठ गच्छ सौम्य यथासुखम्। समानय च वैदेहीं राघवेण महात्मना ॥
Your end having been attained, go, O mild one, O foremost of monkeys, according to your pleasure. Bring about the meeting of Vaidehī with the high-souled Rāghava.

सुखी भव महाबाहो प्रीतास्मि तव वानर। ततोऽहं साधुसाध्वीति सर्वभूतैः प्रशंसितः॥
Be you blessed, O mighty-armed one. I am well pleased with you, O monkey.' Then I was praised by all beings, with, 'Excellent!' 'Excellent!'

ततोऽन्तरिक्षं विपुलं प्लुतोऽहं गरुडो यथा। छाया मे निगृहीता च न च पश्यामि किंचन ॥
Then like to Garuda I again sprang up into the air. But now my shadow was overtaken by somebody, though I saw no one.

सोऽहं विगतवेगस्तु दिशो दश विलोकयन्। न किंचित्तत्र पश्यामि येन मे विहता गतिः॥
And my velocity being deprived, I looked at the ten cardinal points; but I found there naught which could deprive me of my speed.

अथ मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्न किंनाम गमने मम। ईदृशो विघ्न उत्पन्नो रूपमत्र न दृश्यते॥
Then I thought, 'What is this obstacle that has suddenly arisen in respect of my course? No form find I here?'

अधोभागे तु मे दृष्टिः शोचतः पतिता तदा। तत्राद्राक्षमहं भीमां राक्षसी सलिलेशयाम्॥
And as I stood aggrieved, my glance fell downwards. Then I saw there a dreadful Räksasī supine on the flood.

प्रहस्य च महानादमुक्तोऽहं भीमया तया। अवस्थितमसम्भ्रान्तमिदं वाक्यमशोभनम्॥
And laughing (scornfully), that grim one said these inauspicious words to me, who was inert, although undaunted,

क्वासि गन्तां महाकाय क्षुधिताया ममेप्सितः। भक्षः प्रीणय मे देहं चिरमाहारवर्जितम्॥
Whither are you bound, O you of a gigantic body? Desired by me, who am hungry, do you becoming my food, gratify this body deprived of diet for a long time.

बाढमित्येव तां वाणी प्रत्यगृह्णामहं ततः। आस्यप्रमाणादधिकं तस्याः कायमपूरयम्॥
Saying, Well,' I accepted her speech, increasing my body at will more than the capacity or her mouth;

तस्याश्चास्य महद्भीमं वर्धते मम भक्षणे। न तु मां सा नु बुबुधे मम वा विकृतं कृतम्॥
And her huge and dreadful mouth extended wide to eat me up. She did not understand me, (Understand that I was able to assume any shape at pleasure) nor that I had altered my shape.

ततोऽहं विपुलं रूपं संक्षिप्य निमिषान्तरात्। तस्या हृदयमादाय प्रपतामि नभःस्थलम्॥
Then in the twinkling of an eye contracting my vasty shape, I, extracting her heart, darted into the sky.

सा विसृष्टभुजा भीमा पपात लवणाम्भसि। मया पर्वतसंकाशा निकृत्तहृदया सती ॥ शृणोमि खगताना च वाचः सौम्या महात्मनाम्। राक्षसी सिंहिका भीमा क्षिप्रं हनुमता हता॥
Thereat, throwing about her arms, that terrific one dropped into the salt waters. On that chaste one, resembling a hill, having her heart torn, I heard the meet speech of magnanimous persons, who had come there of themselves, 'This dreadful Rākşasi, Sinhikā, has been swiftly slain by Hanumān.

तां हत्वा पुनरेवाहं कृत्यमात्ययिकं स्मरन्। गत्वा च महदध्वानं पश्यामि नगमण्डितम्॥ दक्षिणं तीरमुदधेर्लङ्का यत्र गता पुरी।
Having slain her, I again remembering the delay that had occurred touching my work, set out on the great road, and at length saw the southern shore of the sea, covered with mountains, where is situated the city of Lankā.

अस्तं दिनकरे याते रक्षसां निलयं पुरीम्॥ प्रविष्टोऽहमविज्ञातो रक्षोभिर्भीमविक्रमैः।
On the sun having set, I entered the city of the Raksasas-their home-unnoticed by the Rākṣasas of terrific vigour.

तत्र प्रविशतश्चापि कल्पान्तघनसप्रभा ॥ अट्टहासं विमुञ्चन्ती नारी काप्युत्थिता पुरः।
I had entered in when a certain female casting forth violent laughter, and wearing the splendour of clouds at the end of a Kalpa, presented herself before me.

जिघांसन्ती ततस्तां तु ज्वलदग्निशिरोरुहाम्॥ सव्यमुष्टिप्रहारेण पराजित्य सुभैरवाम्। प्रदोषकाले प्रविशं भीतयाऽहं तयोदितः॥
And striking with my left clenched fist that exceedingly dreadful (form), having flames for her hair, who had sought to take my life, and vanquishing her (thus), I entered (Lankā) at dusk. Then that one affrighted addressed me, saying,

अहं लङ्कापुरी वीर निर्जिता विक्रमेण ते। यस्मात् तस्माद् विजेतासि सर्वरक्ष्यांस्यशेषतः।५१ ।।
I, O hero, am, the city of Lanka. Vanquished have I been by your prowess. You shall everywhere conquer all the Rākşasas.

तत्राहं सर्वरात्रं तु विचरञ्जनकात्मजाम्। रावणान्त:पुरगतो न चापश्यं सुमध्यमाम्॥ ततः सीतामपश्यंस्तु रावणस्य निवेशने। शोकसागरमासाद्य न पारमुपलक्षये।।५३ ।
There I wandered all the night (seeking for Janaka's daughter) and (at length) entered Rāvana's inner apartment; but that one of a Deity waist I found not. And not finding Sītā in Ravana's abode, I was cast in a sea of sorrow; nor found I how to cross over it.

शोचती च मया दृष्टं प्राकारेणाभिसंवृतम्। काञ्चनेन विकृष्टेन गृहोपवनमुत्तमम्॥
As I was sorrowing, I saw as mansion with a charming grove encircled by a wall of excellent gold.

सप्राकारमवप्लुत्य पश्यामि बहुपादपम्। अशोकवनिकामध्ये शिंशपापादपो महान्॥
And leaping over the wall, I saw a grove rife with trees; and (at last) saw in the midst of an aśoka wood a great ſinsapā.

तमारुह्य च पश्यामि काञ्चनं कदलीवनम्। अदूराच्छिंशपावृक्षात् पश्यामि वरवर्णिनीम्॥ श्यामां कमलपत्राक्षीमुपवासकृशाननाम्। तदेकवासः संवीतां रजोध्वस्तशिरोरुहाम्॥ शोकसंतापदीनाङ्गी सीतां भर्तृहिते स्थिताम्। राक्षसीभिर्विरूपाभिः क्रूराभिरभिसंवृताम्॥ मांसशोणितभक्ष्याभिघ्रीभिहरिणीं यथा।
Ascending the tree, I saw a golden tract of plantains; and hard by from the Sinsapā tree I espied that transcendentally beautiful one, darkblue, having eyes resembling lotus-petals, with her face faded in consequence of fasting, clad in the same single piece of cloth, her hair covered with dust, her limbs emaciated by the heat of sorrow and grief, Sita, ever engaged in the welfare of her lord; surrounded by cruel and deformed Rākṣasī living upon blood and flesh, like to deer environed by tigresses.

सा मया राक्षसीमध्ये तय॑माना मुहुर्मुहुः॥ एकवेणीधरा दीना भर्तृचिन्तापरायणा। भूमिशय्या विवर्णाङ्गी पद्मिनीव हिमागमे॥ रावणाद् विनिवृत्तार्था मर्तव्ये कृतनिश्चया। कथंचिन्मृगशावाक्षी तूर्णमासादिता मया॥
I managed too swiftly to present myself before that one, menaced momentarily in the midst of the Raksasi, wearing a single braid of hair; woebegone, ever thinking of her lord; her limbs discoloured by lying down on the ground, like to a lotus on the approach of winter, having eyes resembling those of a young deer, who had turned her face away from all the enjoyments offered by Rāvaņa, and who had resolved to put a period to her existence.

तां दृष्ट्वा तादृशीं नारी रामपत्नी यशस्विनीम्। तत्रैव शिंशपावृक्षे पश्यन्नहमवस्थितः॥ ततो हलहलाशब्दं काञ्चीनूपुरमिश्रितम्। शृणोम्यधिकगम्भीरं रावणस्य निवेशने॥
Seeing that lady the illustrious wife of Rāma in that condition, I seeing her remained even on that Sinsapa tree. Then I heard in Ravana's mansion loud and solemn sounds mixed with the tinklings of zones and bangles.

ततोऽहं परमोद्विग्नः स्वरूपं प्रत्यसंहरम्। अहं च शिंशपावृक्षे पक्षीव गहने स्थितः॥
Thereat exceedingly agitated, I changed my proper shape; and remained like a bird in a dark part of the Sinsapā tree.

ततो रावणदाराश्च रावणश्च महाबलः। तं देशमनुसम्प्राप्तो यत्र सीताभवत्स्थिता॥
Then the wives of Rāvana along with Rāvana himself of exceeding strength came to that place where Sītā was.

तं दृष्ट्वाथ वरारोहा सीता रक्षोगणेश्वरम्। संकुच्योरू स्तनौ पीनौ बाहुभ्यां परिरभ्य च॥
And seeing the lord of Rākşasas the exceedingly beauteous Sītā contracted her thighs and covered her full breasts with her arms.

वित्रस्तां परमोद्विग्नां वीक्ष्यमाणामितस्ततः। त्राणं कंचिदपश्यन्ती वेपमानां तरस्विनीम्॥ तामुवाच दशग्रीवः सीतां परमदुःखिताम्। अवाक्शिराः प्रपतितो बहुमन्यस्व मामिति॥
Seeing Sītā flurried and extremely excited and casting about her gladness up and down, not finding any relief and trembling forlorn, the Tennecked one said to her undergoing extreme anguish, “Without saying anything, I fall down (here). O fair one, do you regard me.”

यदि चेत्त्वं तु मां दर्पान्नाभिनन्दसि गर्विते। द्विमासानन्तरं सीते पास्यामि रुधिरं तव॥
If, O haughty one, you do not honour me from pride of heart, I shall, O Sītā, two months hence, see your blood.

एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचस्तस्य रावणस्य दुरात्मनः। उवाच परमकुद्धा सीता वचनमुत्तमम्॥
Hearing these words of the wicked Rāvana, Sītā, growing exceeding wroth, spoke these excellent words.

राक्षसाधम रामस्य भार्याममिततेजसः। इक्ष्वाकुवंशनाथस्य स्नुषां दशरथस्य च ॥
O worst of Rākşasas, having used improper speech towards the wife of Rāma of measureless prowess, and the daughter-in-law of Dasaratha, lord of the Ikşvāku line, why had you not your tongue fallen off?

अवाच्यं वदतो जिह्वा कथं न पतिता तव। किंस्विद्वीर्यं तवानार्य यो मां भर्तुरसंनिधौ॥ अपहृत्यागतः पाप तेनादृष्टो महात्मना।
Fie upon the prowess of you that, O wretch, had carried me off while my husband was away; and not being seen of that high-souled one.

न त्वं रामस्य सदृशो दास्येऽप्यस्य न युज्यसे॥ अजेयः सत्यवाक् शूरो रणश्लाघी च राघवः।
You are never like Rama, you are not even fit to be his slave. Rāghava is invincible, truthful, heroic and (even) hungering for warfare.

जानक्या परुषं वाक्यमेवमुक्तो दशाननः॥ जज्वाल सहसा कोपाच्चितास्थ इव पावकः। विवृत्य नयने क्रूरे मुष्टिमुद्यम्य दक्षिणम्॥ मैथिले हन्तुमारब्धः स्त्रीभिर्हाहाकृतं तदा। स्त्रीणां मध्यात्समुत्पत्य तस्य भार्या दुरात्मनः।७६ ।। वरा मन्दोदरी नाम तया स प्रतिषेधितः। उक्तश्च मधुरां वाणीं तया स मदनार्दितः॥
Thus addressed in harsh speech by Jānakī, the Ten-necked one flamed up in wrath, like Fire in a funeral pyre. And with his wicked eyes whirling in rage, he raised the clenched fist of his right hand to slay Mithilā's daughter; but then the females set up a cry of "Oh" and "Alas.” And rising up in the midst of the females, the wife of the wicked-minded one, the excellent one, named Mandodarī, prevented him. And she spoke soft words to him influenced by lust.

सीतया तव किं कार्य महेन्द्रसमविक्रम। मया सह रमस्वाद्य मद्विशिष्टा न जानकी।७८।।
O you that resemblest Indra the Great in prowess. Do you to-day sport with me. Janaki is not superior to me.

देवगन्धर्वकन्याभिर्यक्षकन्याभिरेव च। सार्धं प्रभो रमस्वेति सीतया किं करिष्यसि ॥
And, O lord, do you sport with the daughters of celestials and Gandharvas, and with the daughters themselves of Yakşas. What will you do with Sītā?

ततस्ताभिः समेताभिर्नारीभिः स महाबलः। उत्थाप्य सहसा नीतो भवनं स्वं निशाचरः॥
Then that exceedingly powerful ranger of the night was speedily raised up and taken (back) to his residence.

याते तस्मिन्दशग्रीवे राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः। सीतां निर्भर्त्सयामासुर्वाक्यैः क्रूरैः सुदारुणैः॥
On the Ten-necked one having departed, the Rákşasis of fearful faces fell to railing at Sītā in cruel and rough words.

तृणवद् भाषितं तासां गणयामास जानकी। गर्जितं च तथा तासां सीतां प्राप्य निरर्थकम्।॥
But Jänakī heeded their speech as a straw; and their fury was lost upon Sītā.

वृथा गर्जितनिश्चेष्टा राक्षस्यः पिशिताशनाः। रावणाय शशंसुस्ताः सीताव्यवसितं महत्॥
Desisting from their unavailing railing, the flesh-feasting Rākṣasi imparted to Rivaņa the mighty intent of Sītā.

ततस्ताः सहिताः सर्वा विहताशा निरुद्यमाः। परिक्लिश्य समस्तास्ता निद्रावशमुपागताः॥
Then, they all failing in their hope and deprived of energy, and tired, caine under the sway of sleep.

तासु चैव प्रसुप्तासु सीता भर्तृहिते रता। विलप्य करुणं दीना प्रशुशोच सुदुःखिता॥
And on their sleeping, Sītā intent on the welfare of her lord, lamenting piteously, in forlorn guise, and stricken with extreme sorrow, mourned profusely.

तासां मध्यात् समुत्थाय त्रिजटा वाक्यमब्रवीत्। आत्मानं खादत क्षिप्रं न सीतामसितेक्षमाम्॥ जनकस्यात्मजां साध्वीं स्नुषां दशरथस्य च।
Then sitting up in their midst, Trijatā spoke, “Do you without delay fall to your own selves; but never (eat up) the dark-eyed Sītā, the chaste daughter to Janaka and the daughter-in-law of Dasaratha."

स्वप्नो ह्यद्य मया दृष्टो दारुणो रोमहर्षणः॥ रक्षसां च विनाशाय भर्तुरस्या जयाय च।
In truth I have seen a dismal dream capable of making one's hair stand on end; (presaging) destruction to Rākşasas and victory to the husband of this one.

अलमस्मान् परित्रातुं राघवाद् राक्षसीगणम्॥ अभियाचाम वैदेहीमेतद्धि मम रोचते।
For protecting us, Rākşasīs from Rāghava, let us solicit Vaidehi. Even this is relished by me.

यदि ह्येवंविधः स्वप्नो दुःखितायाः प्रदृश्यते॥ सा दुःखैर्विविधैर्मुक्ता सुखमाप्नोत्यनुत्तमम्।
If we relate such a dream to the aggrieved one, she being freed from her diverse woes, shall attain the height of joy.

प्रणिपातप्रसन्ना हि मैथिली जनकात्मजा॥ अलमेषा परित्रातुं राक्षस्यो महतो भयात्।
Propitiated by our bowing down, Janaka's daughter, Maithili, shall rescue the Raksasis from a mighty fear."

ततः सा ह्रीमती बाला भर्तुविजयहर्षिता॥ अवोचद् यदि तत्तथ्यं भवेयं शरणं हि वः।
Thereat, that bashful maiden, rejoiced at the prospect of her husband's victory, said, If all this prove true, then for certain, (you shall) meet with succour at my hands.

तां चाहं तादृशीं दृष्ट्वा सीताया दारुणां दशाम्॥ चिन्तयामास विश्रान्तो न च मे निर्वृतं मनः। सम्भाषणार्थे च मया जानक्याश्चिन्तितो विधिः॥
Witnessing such a hard condition of Sītā I began to reflect; nor did my mind attain ease or freedom from thought. And I cast about for finding means of addressing Jānaki.

इक्ष्वाकुकुलवंशस्तु स्तुतो मम पुरस्कृतः। श्रुत्वा तु गदिमां वाचं राजर्पिगणभूषिताम्॥ प्रत्यभाषत मां देवी बाष्पैः पिहितलोचना।
I began by extolling the Ikşvāku race. Hearing the words that I uttered, embellished with descriptions of the virtues of Rajarşis, that exalted lady replied with her eyes covered with tears.

कस्त्वं केन कथं चेह प्राप्तो वानरपुङ्गव॥ का च रामेण ते प्रीतिस्तन्मे शंसितुमर्हसि।
Who are you? And how had you, O foremost of monkeys, found they way here? And what is your delight in Rāma? This it behove you to relate to me.

तस्यास्तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा अहमप्यब्रुवं वचः॥ देवि रामस्य भर्तुस्ते सहायो भीमविक्रमः। सुग्रीवो नाम विक्रान्तो वानरेन्द्रो महाबलः॥
Hearing her speech, I too said, O revered one, your husband, Rāma, has found a helpmate in a one endowed with terrific strength, named Sugrīva— redoubtable, the highly powerful lord of the monkeys.

तस्य मां विद्धि भृत्यं त्वं हनूमन्तमिहागतम्। भर्ना सम्प्रहितस्तुभ्यं रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा ॥
Do you know me as Hanumăn his servant despatched here by your spouse-Räma of unwearied actions.

इदं तु पुरुषव्याघ्रः श्रीमान् दाशरथिः स्वयम्। अङ्गुलीयमभिज्ञानमदात् तुभ्यं यशस्विनि॥
O famed damsel, that highly effulgent son of Dasaratha-the foremost of men, has sent as a token this ring.

तदिच्छामि त्वयाज्ञप्तं देवि किं करवाण्यहम्। रामलक्ष्मणयोः पार्श्व नयामि त्वां किमुत्तरम्॥
I desire to know, O worshipful dame, what behest of yours may I obey now. Shall I carry you to Rāma and Lakşmaņa on the northern shore of the Ocean?”

एतच्छ्रुत्वा विदित्वा च सीता जनकनन्दिनी। आह रावणमुत्पाट्य राघवो मां नयत्विति॥ . प्रणम्य शिरसा देवीमहमार्यामनिन्दिताम्। राघवस्य मनोह्लादमभिज्ञानमयाचिषम् ॥
Hearing this and revolving within herself Sītā, Janaka's daughter, replied.-Discomfiting Rāvaņa, may Rāghava himself carry me hence,' And bowing my head to that worshipful and blameless dame, I wanted of her a token as might conduce to Rāghava's pleasure.

अथ मामब्रवीत् सीता गृह्यतामयमुत्तमः। मणिर्येन महाबाहू रामस्त्वां बहु मन्यते ॥
Whereto replied Sita-'o you of mightyarms do you take this excellent jewel for which you shall be highly regarded by Rāma.'

इत्युक्त्वा तु वरारोहा मणिप्रवरमुत्तमम्। प्रायच्छत् परमोद्विग्ना वाचा मां संदिदेश ह॥
Having said this, that best of fair ones gave me the excellent jewel, and wrought up with anxiety, related to me the story of crow (for Rāma's information).

ततस्तस्यै प्रणम्याहं राजपुत्र्यै समाहितः। प्रदक्षिणं परिक्राममिहाभ्युद्गतमानसः॥
Thereupon bent on returning here I, with a fixed mind, circumambulated and bowed to that worshipful dame.

उत्तरं पुनरेवाह निश्चित्य मनसा तदा। हनूमन् मम वृत्तान्तं वक्तुमर्हसि राघवे॥ यथा श्रुत्वैव नचिरात् तावुभौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। सुग्रीवसहितौ वीरावुपेयातां तथा कुरु॥
And revolving within herself she again replied 'Hanumān, do you relate this to Rāghava in such a wise that the heroes Rāma and Lakşmaņa, along with Sugrīva might instantly come here.

यदन्यथा भवेदेतद् द्वौ मासौ जीवितं मम। न मां द्रक्ष्यति काकुत्स्थो म्रिये साहमनाथवत्॥
Or else there remain two months more of my me. Rāghava shall not see me and I shall quit my life like one having no husband.

तच्छ्रुत्वा करुणं वाक्यं क्रोधो मामभ्यवर्तत। उत्तरं च मया दृष्टं कार्यशेषमनन्तरम्॥
Hearing those piteous accents I was worked up with ire and at once resolved upon destroying the city of Lankā.

ततोऽवर्धत मे कायस्तदा पर्वतसंनिभः। युद्धाकाङ्क्षी वनं तस्य विनाशयितुमारभे॥
Thereupon my body increased like to a mountain and desirous of entering into conflict I began to lay waste the forest.

तद् भग्नं वनखण्डं तु भ्रान्तत्रस्तमृगद्विजम्। प्रतिबुद्ध्य निरीक्षन्ते राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः॥
The whole forest was devastated the birds and deer strayed away in fear and the Rākşasīs, having terrible faces, awaking, beheld all that.

मां च दृष्ट्वा वने तस्मिन् समागम्य ततस्ततः। ताः समभ्यागताः क्षिप्रं रावणायाचचक्षिरे॥
And beholding me in the forest, they all, gathering, instantly conveyed the message to Ravana.

राजन् वनमिदं दुर्गं तव भग्नं दुरात्मना। वानरेण ह्यविज्ञाय तव वीर्यं महाबल॥
O king, O you of mighty prowess, this your forest and castle has been broken down by the vicious-souled monkey not knowing your strength.

तस्य दुर्बुद्धिता राजंस्तव विप्रियकारिणः। वधमाज्ञापय क्षिप्रं यथासौ न पुनव्रजेत्॥
O king, he has been impelled by his vicious sense, to do they mischief. Do you order for his head so that he might not return.

तच्छ्रुत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रेण विसृष्टा बहुदुर्जयाः। राक्षसाः किंकरा नाम रावणस्य मनोऽनुगाः॥
Hearing this the lord of the Rākşasas despatched a chosen band of demons named Kinkaras. (Literally it means servants—hero it means his own personal attendants who were brave and heroic.)

तेषामशीतिसाहस्रं शूलमुद्गरपाणिनाम्। मया तस्मिन् वनोद्देशे परिघेण निषूदितम्॥
I despatched with my inace in no time eighty thousand of them no sooner than they entered the forest with darts and maces.

तेषां तु हतशिष्या ये ते गता लघुविक्रमाः। निहतं च मया सैन्यं रावणायाचचक्षिरे॥
And the few, who were saved, proceeded very quickly to Rāvana and related to him the destruction of the soldiers by me.

ततो मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्ना चैत्यप्रासादमुत्तमम्। तत्रस्थान् राक्षसान् हत्वा शतं स्तम्भेन वै पुनः॥ ललामभूतो लङ्काया मया विध्वंसितो रुषा।
Thereupon I thought of destroying the Caitya (A place of sacrifice or religious worship) palace and destroyed with the pillar, all the Rākşasas stationed there. Excited with wrath I destroyed that palace the best in the whole city of Lanka.

ततः प्रहस्तस्य सुतं जम्बुमालिनमादिशत्॥ राक्षसैर्बहुभिः सार्धं घोररूपैर्भयानकैः।
Thereupon (Rāvana) despatched Jambumāli, the son of Prahasta.

तमहं बलसम्पन्नं राक्षसं रणकोविदम्॥ परिघेणातिधोरेण सूदयामि सहानुगम्।
With my fierce mace I destroyed that mighty Rākşasa, versed in the art of war, along with his retinue and surrounded by a band of terrible and grim-visaged demons.

तच्छ्रुत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रस्तु मन्त्रिपुत्रान् महाबलान्॥ पदातिबलसम्पन्नान् प्रेषयामास रावणः। परिघेणैव तान् सर्वान् नयामि यमसादनम्॥
Hearing this, Ravana, the lord of Raksasas sent the highly powerful sons of the ministers followed by a regiment of infantry. But I despatched them to the abode of Death by means of my dart.

मन्त्रिपुत्रान् हताश्रुत्वा समरे लघुविक्रमान्। पञ्च सेनाग्रगाञ्छूरान् प्रेषयामास रावणः॥
Hearing of the destruction in battle of the ministers' sons of feeble prowess Rāvana sent five heroic commanders,

तानहं सहसैन्यान् वै सर्वानेवाभ्यसूदयम्। ततः पुनर्दशग्रीवः पुत्रमक्षं महाबलम्॥ बहुभी राक्षसैः सार्धं प्रेषयामास संयुगे।
But I slew all of them along with their hosts. Thereupon the Ten necked demon sent his highly powerful son Aksa in the battle followed by a number of Rākşasas.

तं तु मन्दोदरीपुत्रं कुमारं रणपण्डितम्॥ सहसा खं समुद्यन्तं पादयोश्च गृहीतवान्। तमासीनं शतगुणं भ्रामयित्वा व्यपेषयम्॥
No sooner the princely son of Mandodarī, versed in the art of war, rose high up in the welkin than I got hold of his legs and whirling him for hundred times ground him to the dust.

तमक्षमागतं भग्नं निशम्य स दशाननः। ततश्चेन्द्रजितं नाम द्वितीयं रावणः सुतम्॥ व्यादिदेश सुसंक्रुद्धो बलिनं युद्धदुर्मदम्।
Hearing of the discomfiture of Aksa, Ravana, exercised with ire sent his second son, the highly a rope and powerful Indrajit incapable of being repressed in battle.

तच्चाप्यहं बलं सर्वं तं च राक्षसपुङ्गवम्॥ नष्टौजसं रणे कृत्वा परं हर्षमुपागतः।
And discomfiting that best of Rākşasas, with his host I attained to an excess of delight.

महतापि महाबाहुः प्रत्ययेन महाबलः॥ प्रहितो रावणेनैष सह वीरैर्मदोद्धतैः।
That hero of great prowess and mighty-arms with a number of other proud heroes was despatched by Rāvana in great confidence.

सोऽविषह्यं हि मां बुद्ध्वा स्वसैन्यं चावमर्दितम्।।१३०। ब्रह्मणोऽस्त्रेण स तु मां प्रबद्ध्वा चातिवेगिनः। रज्जुभिश्चापि बध्नन्ति ततो मां तत्र राक्षसाः॥
Beholding my unbearable prowess and his own soldiers slain, speedily he went away fettering me with his Brahma weapon. Thereat the other Rākşasas bound me up with carried me to Rāvana.

रावणस्य समीपं च गृहीत्वा मामुपागमन्। दृष्ट्वा सम्भाषितश्चाहं रावणेन दुरात्मना॥ पृष्टश्च लङ्कागमनं राक्षसानां च तं वधम्। तत्सर्वं च रणे तत्र सीतार्थमुपजल्पितम्॥
Thereupon I was welcomed by the vicioussouled Rāvana and was asked why I did come to Lankă and slay the Rākşasas. Whereto I replied, "I have done all this for Sītā."

तस्यास्तु दर्शनाकाङ्क्षी प्राप्तस्त्वद्भवनं विभो। मारुतस्यौरसः पुत्रो वानरो हनुमानहम्॥ रामदूतं च मां विद्धि सुग्रीवसचिवं कपिम्। सोऽहं दौत्येन रामस्य त्वत्सकाशमिहागतः॥
To behold her I have come here, O hero. I am the monkey Hanumān, the own begotten son of Māruta. Do you know me as Rāma's ambassador and the minister of Sugrīva. And on Rāma's embassy have I come here before you.

शृणु चापि समादेशं यदहं प्रब्रवीमि ते। राक्षसेश हरीशस्त्वां वाक्यमाह समाहितम्॥
Do you hear of my mission-I do relate to you, O lord of Räkşasas, the message which the monkey chief has commanded me to communicate to you.

सुग्रीवश्च महाभागः स त्वां कौशलमब्रवीत्। धर्मार्थकामसहितं हितं पथ्यमुवाच ह॥
O great hero, Sugrīva has asked of your welfare and has desired me to communicate to you these well meaning words, conducing to the acquirement of piety, wealth and desires.

वसतो ऋष्यमूके मे पर्वते विपुलद्रुमे। राघवो रणविक्रान्तो मित्रत्वं समुपागतः॥
While I lived on the mount Rşyamūka covered with huge trees I made friends with Rāghava dreadful in conflict.

तेन मे कथितं राजन् भार्या मे रक्षसा हृता। तत्र साहाय्यहेतोर्मे समयं कर्तुमर्हसि ॥
He has spoken to me, O king, ‘My spouse has been taken away by a Rākşasa. It behove you to promise me your help in this.'

वालिना हृतराज्येन सुग्रीवेण सह प्रभुः। चक्रेऽग्निसाक्षिकं सख्यं राघवः सहलक्ष्मणः॥
And in the presence of fire, Rāma, along wi Lakşmaņa, contracted friendship with me who had been deprived of his kingdom by Vāli.

तेन वालिनमाहत्य शरेणैकेन संयुगे। वानराणां महाराजः कृतः सम्प्लवतां प्रभुः॥
And he has made me lord over all the monkeys after slaying Vāli in conflict with a single shaft.

तस्य साहाय्यमस्माभिः कार्यं सर्वात्मना त्विह। तेन प्रस्थापितस्तुभ्यं समीपमिह धर्मतः॥
It therefore behove us to assist him by all means. And by virtue of this contract I have despatched Hanumān to you as an envoy.

क्षिप्रमानीयतां सीता दीयतां राघवस्य च। यावन हरयो वीरा विधमन्ति बलं तव ॥
Do you therefore speedily bring back Sīta and return her to Rāghava before the heroic monkeys discomfit you.

वानराणां प्रभावोऽयं न केन विदितः पुरा। देवतानां सकाशं च ये गच्छन्ति निमन्त्रिताः॥
Who know not the prowess of the monkeys who in the days of yore used to visit the celestials invited?

इति वानरराजस्त्वामाहेत्यभिहितो मया। मामैक्षत ततो रुष्टश्चक्षुषा प्रदहनिव॥
With these words the king of the monkeys has despatched me to you. And thereupon he eyed me as if burning me with the looks of his angry eyes.

तेन वध्योऽहमाज्ञप्तो रक्षसा रौद्रकर्मणा। मत्प्रभावमविज्ञाय रावणेन दुरात्मना ॥
And the vicious-souled demon-Rāvana, of terrible deeds, ordered for my destruction, not knowing my prowess.

ततो विभीषणो नाम तस्य भ्राता महामतिः। तेन राक्षसराजश्च याचितो मम कारणात्॥
thereupon Vibhīşaņa, the high-souled brother of that lord of the Räkşasas interceded on my behalf in the following strain

नैवं राक्षसशार्दूल त्यज्यतामेष निश्चयः। राजशास्त्रव्यपेतो हि मार्गः संलक्ष्यते त्वया॥
O you foremost of the Rākṣasas, do you alter your resolution. The way, you are following, is beyond the pale of royal policy.

दूतवध्या न दृष्टा हि राजशास्त्रेषु राक्षस। दूतेन वेदितव्यं च यथाभिहितवादिना॥
The destruction of an envoy is not sanctioned by the royal morality, O Raksasa. They communicate simply the mandate of their masters.

सुमहत्यपराधेऽपि दूतस्यातुलविक्रम। विरूपकरणं दृष्टं न बधोऽस्ति हि शास्त्रतः॥
O you of incomparable prowess, there is no sanction for the destruction of a messenger albeit he prepare a mighty iniquity Sometimes they have however been disfigured.

विभीषणेनैवमुक्तो रावणः संदिदेश तान्। राक्षसानेतदेवाद्य लाङ्गूलं दह्यतामिति ॥
Being thus accosted by Vibhīșana, Rāvana ordered all the demons, saying "Burn down this monkey's tail.”

ततस्तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा मम पुच्छं समन्ततः। वेष्टितं शणवल्कैश्च पट्टैः कार्पासकैस्तथा॥ राक्षसाः सिद्धसंनाहास्ततस्ते चण्डविक्रमाः। तदादीप्यन्त मे पुच्छं हनन्तः काष्ठमुष्टिभिः॥
Hearing his mandate, the Raksasas, of wellprotected armour and terrible prowess, enveloped my tail with the fibres of cotton, silk and jute. And then striking me with their clenched fists they put fire to my tail.

बद्धस्य बहुभिः पाशैर्यन्त्रितस्य च राक्षसैः। न मे पीडाभवत् काचिद् दिक्षोर्नगरी दिवा॥
Although bound and fettered with many ropes I did not feel the least anguish for I was very much anxious to behold the city during the day.

ततस्ते राक्षसाः शूरा बद्धं मामग्निसंवृतम्। अघोषयन् राजमार्गे नगरद्वारमागताः॥
Thereupon fettering me and putting fire to my tail and announcing me in the public streets those heroic Rākșasas got at the city gate.

ततोऽहं सुमहदूपं संक्षिप्य पुनरात्मनः। विमोचयित्वा तं बन्धं प्रकृतिस्थः स्थितः पुनः॥
Thereupon contracting again my huge person and relieving myself of the fetters I stood again in my pristine state.

आयसं परिघं गृह्य तानि रक्षांस्यसूदयम्। ततस्तन्नगरद्वारं वेगेन प्लुतवानहम्॥ पुच्छेन च प्रदीप्तेन तां पुरी साट्टगोपुराम्। दहाम्यहमसम्भ्रान्तो युगान्ताग्निरिव प्रजाः॥
Taking up iron darts I slew all the Rāks asas there. And leaping over with great velocity the city gate, I, with my burning tail, burnt down the whole city from the palace to its outer gate like to the fire of dissolution devastating the entire creation.

विनष्टा जानकी व्यक्तं न ह्यदग्धः प्रदृश्यते। लङ्कायाः कश्चिदुद्देशः सर्वा भस्मीकृता पुरी॥ दहता च मया लङ्कां दग्धा सीता न संशयः। रामस्य च महत्कार्यं मयेदं विफलीकृतम्॥
I was not the least flurried at it. Forsooth has Jānaki been destroyed for behold I nothing in Lankā which has not been burnt down— indeed the whole city has been reduced to ashes. For certain have I burnt down Sītă while burning the city Lankā-and I have thus baffled the great work of Rāma.

इति शोकसमाविष्टश्चिन्तामहमुपागतः। ततोऽहं वाचमश्रौषं चारणानां शुभाक्षराम्॥ जानकी न च दग्धेति विस्मयोदन्तभाषिणाम्।
While I reflecting thus, being overwhelmed with grief, I heard the auspicious was accents of the Caranas, exciting my wonder, Jänaki has not been burnt down.

ततो मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्ना श्रुत्वा तामद्भुतां गिरम्॥ अदग्धा जानकीत्येव निमित्तैश्चोपलक्षितम्। दीप्यमाने तु लाङ्गुले न मां दहति पावकः॥ हृदयं च प्रहृष्टं मे वाताः सुरभिगन्धिनः।
Hearing those wonderful words I regained my sense. I was then convinced by an auspicious sign that Jänaki was not burnt down, for I was not reduced to ashes albeit my tail was burning. My heart was excited with joy and the wind spread its delicious fragrance.

तैर्निमित्तैश्च दृष्टाथैः कारणैश्च महागुणैः॥ ऋषिवाक्यैश्च दृष्टार्थैरभवं हृष्टमानसः। पुनदृष्टा च वैदेही विसृष्टश्च तया पुनः॥ ततः पर्वतमासाद्य तत्रारिष्टमहं पुनः। प्रतिप्लवनमारेभे युष्मदर्शनकाङ्क्षया॥
By virtue of those manifest omens, by my confidence in the prowess of Rāma, and Sītā, and the voice of ascetics, I was greatly delighted at heart. And beholding Vaidehi again, I left her. And thereupon ascending the mount Arista I began to leap, desirous of beholding you.

ततः श्वसनचन्द्रार्कसिद्धगन्धर्वसेवितम्। पन्थानमहमाक्रम्य भवतो दृष्टवानिह ॥
And following the track of the Wind, the son, the Moon, Gandharvas, and Siddhas I have beheld you all.

राघवस्य प्रसादेन भवतां चैव तेजसा। सुग्रीवस्य च कार्यार्थं मया सर्वमनुष्ठितम्॥
By virtue of Rāma's grace and your prowess I have satisfied the charge of Sugrīva.

एतत् सर्वं मया तत्र यथावदुपपादितम्। तत्र यन्न कृतं शेषं तत् सर्वं क्रियतामिति ॥
I have thus related to you, what I had performed in Lankā, and it now remains with you to fulfill the rest.