Aranya Kanda: Chapter 20

ततः शूर्पणखा घोरा राघवाश्रममागता। राक्षसानाचचक्षे तौ भ्रातरौ सह सीतया॥
Then the grim Śūrpanakhā, coming to Rāghava's asylum pointed out to the Rākşasas those brother in company with Sītā.

ते रामं पर्णशालायामुपविष्टं महाबलम्। ददृशुः सीतया सार्धं लक्ष्मणेनापि सेवितम्॥
And they saw the mighty Rāma seated in the cottage in company with Sītā, and ministered to by Laksmana.

तां दृष्ट्वा राघवः श्रीमानागतांस्तांश्च राक्षसान्। अब्रवीद् भ्रातरं रामो लक्ष्मणं दीप्ततेजसम्॥
And seeing her, as well as the Rākşasas who had come, Rāma remarked to his brother, Lakşınaņa of flaming energy.

मुहूर्ते भव सौमित्रे सीतायाः प्रत्यनन्तरः। इमानस्या वधिष्यामि पदवीमागतानिह॥
O Sumitrā's son, do you for a while guard Sītā. I shall slay these that have come to this asylum here.

वाक्यमेतत् ततः श्रुत्वा रामस्य विदितात्मनः। तथेति लक्ष्मणो वाक्यं राघवस्य प्रपूजयन्।।५
Hearing these words of Rāma versed in the knowledge of self, Lakşmaņa honoured his speech by saying, So be it.

राघवोऽपि महच्चापं चामीकरविभूषितम्। चकार सज्यं धर्मात्मा तानि रक्षांसि चाब्रवीत्॥
And the righteous Rāghava strung his mighty bow decked with gold; and addressed the Raksasas.

पुत्रौ दशरथस्यावां भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। प्रविष्टौ सीतया सार्धं दुश्चरं दण्डकावनम्॥ फलमूलाशनौ दान्तौ तापसौ ब्रह्मचारिणौ। वसन्तौ दण्डकारण्ये किमर्थमुपहिंसथ॥
We that have entered into this untraceable forest of Dandaka in company with Sītā are the sons of Dasaratha, the brothers, Rama and Lakşmana. Why do you intend to do injury to us. Subsisting on fruits and roots, having our senses under control, carrying on asceticism and leading a Brahmacarya life, we are passing our days in the forest of Dandaka.

युष्मान् पापात्मकान् हन्तुं विप्रकारान् महाहवे। ऋषीणां तु नियोगेन सम्प्राप्तः सशरासनः॥
It is do destroy you, wicked, and troublesome that I equipped with the bow have come here at the desire of the saints.

तिष्ठतैवात्र संतुष्टा नोपवर्तितुमर्हथ। यदि प्राणैरिहार्थो वो निवर्तघ्नाः॥
Stay there content you should not move further. If you have a care for your lives, desist, you rangers of the night.

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राक्षसास्ते चतुर्दश। ऊचुर्वाचं सुसंक्रुद्धा ब्रह्मघ्नाः शूलपाणयः॥ संरक्तनयना घोरा रामं संरक्तलोचनम्। परुषा मधुराभाषं हृष्टा दृष्टपराक्रमम्॥
Hearing those words of his, those fourteen grim Rākşasas bearing darts in their hands, exceedingly enraged, with their eyes reddened, breathing high spirits, harshly said to the sweetspeeched Rāma, having his eyes reddened whose prowess they had not seen before.

क्रोधमुत्पाद्य नो भर्तुः खरस्य सुमहात्मनः। त्वमेव हास्यसे प्राणान् सद्योऽस्माभिर्हतो युधि ॥
Having excited there our lord. the high-souled Khara, it is you that shal: lose your life no later than this day, being slain by us in battle.

का हि ते शक्तिरेकस्य बहूनां रणमूर्धनि । अस्माकमग्रतः स्थातुं किं पुनर्यो माहवे॥
What power hast you, being one to stay before us many in the field, what shall I say of your coping with us in conflict?

एभिर्बाहुप्रयुक्तैश्च परिघैः शूलपट्टिशैः। प्राणांस्त्यक्ष्यसि वीर्यं च धनुश्च करपीडितम्॥
In consequence of the parighas (iron-clubs), darts, and pattisas (a kind of sharp-edged sword) discharged by our arms, you will surely lose your life, along with your prowess, and this bow which you press with your hand.

इत्येवमुक्त्वा संरब्धा राक्षसास्ते चतुर्दश। उद्यतायुधनिस्त्रिंशा राममेवाभिदुद्रुवुः॥
Having said this in wrath, those fourteen Rākşasas, uplifting their weapons and daggers rushed towards Rāma.

चिक्षिपुस्तानि शूलानि राघवं प्रति दुर्जयम्। तानि शूलानि काकुत्स्थः समस्तानि चतुर्दश॥
And discharged darts at the invincible Rāghava. Thereupon Kākutstha by means of shafts decked with gold, cut off those fourteen darts of theirs.

तावद्भिरेव चिच्छेद शरैः काञ्चनभूषितैः। ततः पश्यान्महातेजा नाराचान् सूर्यसंनिभान्॥ जग्राह परमकुद्धश्चतुर्दश शिलाशितान्। गृहीत्वा धनुरायम्य लक्ष्यानुद्दिश्य राक्षसान्॥ मुमोच राघवो बाणान् वज्रानिव शतक्रतुः।
Seeing this, that exceedingly cnergetic one, waxing highly enraged, look out fourteen darts with many golden arrows, whetted on stone, resembling the sun. And even as Satakratu hurls the thunder bolt, Rāghava drawing his bow and taking his aim at the Rākşasas, let go those shafts.

ते भित्वा रक्षसां वेगाद् वक्षांसि रुधिरप्लुताः॥ विनिष्पेतुस्तदा भूमौ वल्मीकादिव पन्नगाः।
And those Rākşasas, their breasts pierced with vehemence, and themselves bathed in blood, fell down to the carth, like snakes dropping down from an ant hill.

तैर्भग्नहदया भूमौ छिन्नमूला इव द्रुमाः॥ निपेतुः शोणितस्नाता विकृता विगतासवः।
And with their breasts pierced, they, dripping with blood, deformed and deprived of their lives, lay on the ground like trees whose roots have been severed.

तान् भूमौ पतितान् दृष्ट्वा राक्षसी क्रोधमूछिताः॥ उपगम्य खरं सा तु किंचित्संशुष्कशोणिता। पपात पुनरेवार्ता सनिर्यासेव वल्लरी॥
Seeing them fallen-on the ground, the Rākşasī, beyond herself in wrath, approaching Khara, with her blood a little dried up, again in distressful guise threw herself on the earth, like a plant exuding gum.

भ्रातुः समीपे शोकार्ता ससर्ज निनदं महत्। सस्वरं मुमुचे वाष्पं विवर्णवदना तदा॥
And in presence of her brother, she set up a mighty roar; and then her face grown pallid, she dropped tears, emitting cries.

निपातितान् प्रेक्ष्य रणे तु राक्षसान् प्रधाविता शूर्पणखा पुनस्ततः। वधं च तेषां निखिलेन रक्षसां शशंस सर्वं भगिनी खरस्य सा॥
Seeing those Rākşasas slain in battle, Śūrpanakhā again hastened (to his brother); and the sister of Khara, related in detail the slaughter of those Rākşasas.