Sundara Kanda: Chapter 47

सेनापतीन्पञ्च स तु प्रमापितान् हनूमता सानुचरान्सवाहनान्। निशम्य राजा समरोद्धतोन्मुखं कुमारमक्ष प्रसमैक्षताक्षम्॥
Hearing that the five generals had been slain by Hanumān alone with their vehicles and followers, the king, gazing at prince Aksa, who was ready and eager to go to battle, commanded him to take the field.

स तस्य दृष्ट्यर्पणसम्प्रचोदितः प्रतापवान् काञ्चनचित्रकार्मुकः। समुत्पपाताथ सदस्युदीरितो द्विजातिमुख्यैर्हविषेव पावकः॥
That puissant one of a bow decked with gold, on being commanded (by Rāvana) with a glance started up, like to fire on being fed by clarified butter by foremost regenerate persons on the sacrificial ground.

ततो महान्बालदिवाकरप्रभं प्रतप्तजाम्बूनदजालसंततम्। रथं समास्थाय ययौ स वीर्यवान् महाहरिं तं प्रति नैर्ऋतर्षभः॥
That best of Naiſtas (Rākṣasas) possessed of prowess, ascending a car resembling the infant sun in effulgence, and surrounded all round with networks of burnished gold, sallied forth in quest of that mighty monkey.

ततस्तप:संग्रहसंचयार्जितं प्रतप्तजाम्बूनदजालचित्रितम्। पताकिनं रत्नविभूषितध्वजं मनोजवाष्टाश्ववरैः सुयोजितम्॥ सुरासुराधृष्यमसङ्गचारिणं तडित्प्रभं व्योमचरं समाहितम्। सतूणमष्टासिनिबद्धबन्धुरं यथाक्रमावेशितशक्तितोमरम्॥ विराजमानं प्रतिपूर्णवस्तुना सहेमदाम्ना शशिसूर्यवर्चसा। दिवाकराभं रथमास्थितस्ततः स निर्जगामामरतुल्यविक्रमः॥
And (that warrior)in prowess resembling an immortal, sallied out ascending that car, obtained with long-continued asceticism, embellished with a network of glowing gold, furnished with pennons, having a standard studded with gems, nicely yoked with eight excellent steeds having the fleetness of thought, incapable of being overpowered either by celestials or Asuras, competent to course over uneven ground, of the lustre of lightning, sky-ranging, completely garnished, equipped with quivers, with swords fastened to the banners in eight directions, with darts and lances arranged in proper places, splendid with every object in full measure, bearing golden threads, wearing the brilliancy of the sun and moon, and possessing the effulgence of the sun.

स पूरयन्खं च महीं च साचला तुरङ्गमातङ्गमहारथस्वनैः। बलैः समेतैः सहतोरणस्थितं समर्थमासीनमुपागमत्कपिम्॥
And filling the firmament and the earth containing mountains with sounds proceeding from steeds, elephants and mighty cars, he, accompanied by his forces, presented himself before the capable monkey, who was seated at the gate.

स तं समासाद्य हरि हरीक्षणो युगान्तकालाग्निमिव प्रजाक्षये। अवस्थितं विस्मिजातसम्भ्रमं समैक्षताक्षो बहुमानचक्षुषा ॥
Coming before the monkey, Akşa, having the gaze of a lion, with eyes betokening regard, gazed at Hanumān resembling the Fire on the occasion of the universal dissolution at the end of a Yuga, intent on destroying creatures, and who was seated and was influenced alike by surprise and regard.

स तस्य वेगं च कपेर्महात्मनः पराक्रमं चारिषु रावणात्मजः। विचारयन्स्वं च बलं महाबलो युगक्षये सूर्य इवाभिवर्धत॥
And seriously considering the impetuosity of the high-souled monkey as well as his prowess in relation to a foe, as also his own strength, he increased in strength) like the Sun on the expiration of a Yuga.

स जातमन्युः प्रसमीक्ष्य विक्रम स्थितः स्थिरः संयति दुर्निवारणम्। समाहितात्मा हनुमन्तमाहवे प्रचोदयामास शितैः शरैस्त्रिभिः॥
And growing enraged, (Aksa), staying calmly in the field, with concentrated soul, challenged Hanumān difficult to resist in conflict and of prowess worthy to witness, with three whetted shafts.

ततः कपि तं प्रसमीक्ष्य गर्वितं जितश्रमं शत्रुपराजयोचितम्। अवैक्षताक्ष: समुदीर्णमानसं सबाणपाणिः प्रगृहीतकार्मुकः॥
And finding the monkey proud and untiring, capable of vanquishing his foe, and possessed of exalted spirits, Akșa took up his bow and held his arrows in his hands.

स हेमनिष्काङ्गदचारुकुण्डलः समाससादाशुपराक्रमः कपिम्। तयोर्बभूवाप्रतिमः समागम्: सुरासुराणामपि संभ्रमप्रदः॥
And wearing a golden corslet, Angadas, and earrings, and possessed of fiery vigour, he closed with the monkey; and their meeting was something unparalleled on this earth, and was calculated to raise the respect (Sambhramaprada according to Rāmānuja means, capable of exciting fear) even of the celestials and the Asuras.

ररास भूमिर्न तताप भानुमान् ववौन न वायुः प्रचचाल चाचलः। कपेः कुमारस्य च वीर्यसंयुगं ननाद च द्यौरुदधिश्च चुक्षुभे॥
And witnessing the mighty conflict of the prince and the monkey, Earth emitted cries, and the Sun did not burn, and the Wind did not blow, and the mountains shook, and the welkin sounded, and the main was vexed.

स तस्य वीरः सुमुखान्पतत्रिणः सुवर्णपङ्खान्सविषानिवोरगान्। च्छरानथ त्रीन्कपिमूर्ध्यताडयत्॥
That hero, skilled in aiming, fixing and discharging arrows, shot at the monkey's head three fine-headed feathered shafts plated with gold near the feathers, and resembling venomous serpents.

स तैः शरैर्मूलि समं निपातितैः क्षरन्नसृग्दिग्धविवृत्तनेत्रः। नवोदितादित्यनिभः शरांशुमान् व्यराजतादित्य इवांशुमालिकः॥
And with his rolling eyes washed with blood in consequence of the shafts having alighted at his head, Hanumān, resembling a new-risen Sun having arrows for its rays, looked splendid like the light-engarlanded Sun.

ततः प्लवङ्गाधिपमन्त्रिसत्तमः समीक्ष्य तं राजवरात्मजं रणे। उदग्रचित्रायुधचित्रकार्मुकं जहर्ष चापूर्यत चाहवोन्मुखः॥
Seeing in battle that son of the foremost of monarchs, with his excellent weapons upraised and his beautiful bow, that best of the counsellors of the lord of monkeys, rejoiced, and intent on encounter, increased himself.

स मन्दराग्रस्त इवांशुमाली विवृद्धकोपो बलवीर्यसंवृतः। कुमारमक्षं सबलं सवाहनं ददाह नेत्राग्निमरीचिभिस्तदा॥
And with his ire heightened, that one endowed with energy and prowess, like to the ray-decorated (Sun) on the crest of Mandara,* The Sun is on Mandara in mid-day: therefore the meridian Sun is meant here, began to burn with the fiery rays of his eyes, Akşa, along with his forces and vehicles.

ततः स बाणासनशक्रकार्मुकः शरप्रवर्षो युधि राक्षसाम्बुदः। शरान्मुमोचाशु हरीश्वराचले बलाहको वृष्टिमिवाचलोत्तमे॥
As a mass of clouds shower rain on a high hill, the arrow-showering Rākşasa resembling clouds, having the bow for his rain-bow, discharged shafts at that foremost of monkeys, representing a mountain.

कपिस्ततस्तं रणचण्डविक्रम प्रवृद्धतेजोबलवीर्यसायकम्। कुमारमक्षं प्रसमीक्ष्य संयुगे ननाद हर्षाद्धनतुल्यनिःस्वनः॥
Then the monkey, having sounds like those of clouds, beholding in battle Akşa of terrific prowess in conflict, and strong in energy, strength and shafts, sent up shouts from elation of spirits.

स बालभावाद् युधि वीर्यदर्पतः प्रवृद्धमन्युः क्षतजोपमेक्षणः। समाससादाप्रतिमं रणे कपिं गजो महाकूपमिवावृतं तृणैः॥
As an elephant approach a deep pit covered over with grass, (Aksa) from a spirit of childishness elated in conflict with his prowess, with his ire heightened, and eyes resembling blood, drew near the monkey in the fleld.

श्चकार नादं घननादनिःस्वनः। समुत्सहेनाशु नभः समारुजन् भुजोरुविक्षेपणघोरदर्शनः॥
As Akşa went on hastily pouring shafts, that one uttering roars resembling the rumbling of clouds, looking terrible in consequence of his arms and thighs flung about, darted into the sky with exuberant energy.

तमुत्पतन्तं समभिद्रवद् बली स राक्षसानां प्रवरः प्रतापवान्। रथी रथश्रेष्ठतरः किरञ्छरैः पयोधरः शैलमिवाश्मवृष्टिभिः॥
As he leapt up, that strong and powerful one-foremost of Raksasas-that car-warrior and the best of choice car warriors-rushed at (Hanuman), showering arrows on him, like a cloud showering hail-stones on a mountain.

श्वचार वीरः पथि वायुसेविते। शरान्तरे मारुतवद् विनिष्पतन् मनोजवः संयति भीमविक्रमः॥
And dashing in the midst of the arrows like the wind, and thus baffling them, the heroic monkey of dreadful 'prowess in conflict, and endowed with the speed of thought, began to range the path of the air.

तमात्तबाणासनमाहवोन्मुखं खमास्तृणन्तं विविधैः शरोत्तमैः। अवैक्षताक्षं बहुमानचक्षुषा जगाम चिन्तां स मारुतात्मजः॥
And witness Akșa with regardful eyes, as that one intent on contest, taking his bow, was covering the sky with various excellent arrows, the Wind-god's offspring was plunged in thought.

ततः शरैर्भिन्नभुजान्तरः कपिः कुमारवर्येण महात्मना नदन्। महाभुजः कर्मविशेषतत्त्वविद् विचिन्तयामास रणे पराक्रमम्॥
Wounded in the arm with shafts by that highsouled, noble prince, that mighty-armed one, capable of adequately appreciating the nature of actions, thought on (Aksa's) prowess in battle.

अबालवद्वालदिवाकरप्रभः करोत्ययं कर्म महन्महाबलः। न चास्य सर्वाहवकर्मशालिनः प्रमापणे मे मतिरत्र जायते॥
This exceedingly powerful one, endowed with the splendour of the infant sun, is doing dire deeds incapable of being done by a boy; and I am loth to slay one that has shown himself equal to every martial feat.

अयं महात्मा च महांश्च वीर्यतः समाहितश्चातिसहश्च संयुगे। असंशयं कर्मगुणोदयादयं सनागयज्ञैर्मुनिभिश्च पूजितः॥
This one is high-souled, mighty in energy, of concentrated self, and capable of bearing extreme hardships in war; without doubt, by virtue of his actions, he is worthy of being honoured by Nagas, Yaksas and ascetics.

पराक्रमोत्साहविवृद्धमानसः समीक्षते मां प्रमुखोऽग्रतः स्थितः। पराक्रमो ह्यस्य मनांसि कम्पयेत् सुरासुराणामपि शीघ्रकारिणः॥
With his mind braced by prowess and hope, that foremost of heroes eye me staying in the fore-front. The prowess of this light-handed (one), I were, make even the hearts of the celestials and Asuras tremble.

न खल्वयं नाभिभवेदुपेक्षितः पराक्रमो ह्यस्य रणे विवर्धते। प्रमापणं ह्यस्य ममाद्य रोचते न वर्धमानोऽग्निरुपेक्षितुं क्षमः॥
If I disregard him, he shall certainly vanquish me, for his prowess in battle increase (fast). Therefore I must even slay him: it is not proper to suffer an increasing fire.

इति प्रवेगं तु परस्य तर्कयन् स्वकर्मयोगं च विधाय वीर्यवान्। चकार वेगं तु महाबलस्तदा मतिं च चक्रेऽस्य वधे तदानीम्॥
Thus reflecting on the strength of his foe and having ascertained his line of action, that puissant one endowed with great strength, summoned energy and set his heart on slaying him (his antagonist).

स तस्य तानष्ट वरान् महाहयान् समाहितान्भारसहान् विवर्तने। जघान वीरः पथि वायुसेविते तलप्रहारैः पवनात्मजः कपिः॥
And remaining in the path coursed by the air, that heroic monkey, the offspring of the Windgod, with his slaps slew his eight powerful and excellent steeds, capable of bearing pressure and trained to diverse circular movements.

ततस्तलेनाभिहतो महारथः स तस्य पिङ्गाधिपमन्त्रिनिर्जितः। स भग्ननीडः परिवृत्तकूबरः पपात भूमौ हतवाजिरम्बरात्॥
And successfully assailed by the councillor of that lord of monkey, the car with its seat smashed, and its pole broken, and deprived of its steeds, fell to the earth from the sky.

स तं परित्यज्य महारथो रथं सकार्मुकः खङ्गधरः खमुत्पतन्। ततोऽभियोगादृषिरुग्रवीर्यवान् विहाय देहं मरुतामिवालयम्॥
Thereat, forsaking that car, the mighty car warrior sprang up into sky with his bow and holding his sabre, and (resembled) an ascetic of fierce energy consequent on austerities, going up to heaven, renouncing his body.

कपिस्ततस्तं विचरन्तमम्बरे पतत्रिराजानिलसिद्धसेविते। समेत्य तं मारुतवेगविक्रमः क्रमेण जग्राह च पादयोर्दृढम्॥
Then the monkey possessed of the energy and vigour of the Wind, approaching him as he was ranging the air coursed by the king of birds, the Wind and the Siddhas, at length fast caught hold of his legs.

महोरगं गृह्य इवाण्डजेश्वरः। मुमोच वेगात् पितृतुल्यविक्रमो महीतले संयति वानरोत्तमः॥
As the foremost of birds, Garuda taking a mighty serpent, whirls it, that foremost of monkeys, resembling his sire in prowess, whirling Akşa in the conflict, violently dropped him on the earth.

स भग्नबाहरुकटीपयोधरः क्षरनसृनिर्मथितास्थिलोचनः। सम्भिन्नसंधिः प्रविकीर्णबन्धनो हतः क्षितौ वायुसुतेन राक्षसः॥
And with his arms, thighs and chest crushed, bleeding, (having his bones and eyes smashed, his joints riven, and his tendons snapped, the Rākṣasa lay on the earth, slain by the offspring of the Wind-god.

महाकपिभूमितले निपीड्य तं चकार रक्षोऽधिपतेर्महद्भयम्। महर्षिभिश्चक्रचरैः समागतैः समेत्य भूतैश्च सयक्षपन्नगैः। हते कुमारे स कपिर्निरीक्षितः॥
And tormenting him (Akşa) on the earth, that mighty monkey caused great fright to the ruler of the Rākşasas; and he was gazed at by the assembled Maharsis and the orbit-coursing ones and all beings with Yakşas and Pannāgas, come to see him. And on the prince being slain, that monkey was gazed at by the celestials with Indra, who had been seized with extreme wonderment.

निहत्य तं वज्रिसुतोपमं रणे कुमारमक्षं क्षतजोपमेक्षणम्। तदेव वीरोऽभिजगाम तोरणं कृतक्षणः काल इव प्रजाक्षये॥
And having slain in battle prince Akşa resembling a son of the celestials and possessed of blood-red eyes, the hero (again) neared the same gate, and waited there like Kāla bent upon destroying all creatures.