Sundara Kanda: Chapter 45

ततस्ते राक्षसेन्द्रेण चोदिता मन्त्रिणः सुताः। निर्ययुर्भवनात् तस्मात् सप्त सप्तार्चिवर्चसः॥
Then ordered by the lord of Rākşasas, the sons of his counsellors, seven (in number) in splendour reseinbling fire, issued forth that mansion.

महद्बलपरीवारा धनुष्मन्तो महाबलाः। कृतास्त्रास्त्रविदां श्रेष्ठाः परस्परजयैषिणः॥ हेमजालपरिक्षिप्तैर्ध्वजवद्भिः पताकिभिः। तोयदस्वननिर्घोषैर्वाजियुक्तैर्महारथैः॥ तप्तकाञ्चनचित्राणि चापान्यमितविक्रमाः। विस्फारयन्तः संहृष्टास्तडिद्वन्त इवाम्बुदाः॥ जनन्यस्तास्ततस्तेषां विदित्वा किंकरान् हतान्। बभूवुः शोकसम्भ्रान्ताः सबान्धवसुहृज्जनाः॥
And surrounded by a mighty army, furnished with bows, endowed with wondrous strength, and accomplished in arms— the foremost of those acquainted with weapons-each burning for victory, with mighty cars yoked with steeds, covered with golden net-works, bearing pennons and standards, and having sounds like those proceeding from clouds, exultingly stretching with immeasurable prowess bows decked with gold, resembling clouds surcharged with lightning, those warriors sallied out. Learning that the servants had been slain, their (i.e. the mothers of the sons of the councillors) mothers, along with their friends and kindred, were overpowered with grief.

ते परस्परसंघर्षास्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणाः। अभिपेतुर्हनूमन्तं तोरणस्थमवस्थितम्॥
And vieing with each other in eagerness, those (warriors) decked in ornaments of polished gold, confronted Hanumān staying at the gate.

सृजन्तो बाणवृष्टिं ते रथगर्जितनि:स्वनाः। प्रावृट्काल इवाम्भोदा विचेरुनैर्ऋताम्बुदाः॥
And with their cars sending roars, the Rākşasas, pouring showers of shafts, ranged (the field), resembling clouds during the rainy season.

अवकीर्णस्ततस्ताभिर्हनूमाञ्शरवृष्टिभिः। अभवत्संवृताकारः शैलराडिव वृष्टिभिः॥
Covered with those arrowy showers, Hanuman had his person concealed, like the monarch of mountains hidden by a downpour.

स शरान्वञ्चयामास तेषामाशुचरः कपिः। रथवेगांश्च वीराणां विचरन्विमलेऽम्बरे॥
That swift-speeding monkey, coursing the cloudless sky, evaded those shafts of those heroes, as well as the impetuosity of their cars.

स तैः क्रीडन्धनुष्मद्भिोम्नि वीरः प्रकाशते। धनुष्मद्भिर्यथा मेधैर्मारुतः प्रभुरम्बरे॥
That hero, playing pranks with those bowmen, appeared like the masterful Wind playing tricks with the bow-bearing clouds. (i.e. having the iris.)

स कृत्वा निनदं घोरं त्रासयंस्तां महाचमूम्। चकार हनूमान्वेगं तेषु रक्षःसु वीर्यवान्॥
Sending up a dreadful shout, and thereby filling that vast host with fright, the energetic Hanumān rushed on that Rākşasa army.

तलेनाभिहनत् कांश्चित्पादैः कांश्चित्परंतपः। मुष्टिभिश्चाहनत्कांश्चिन्नखैः कांश्चिद् व्यदारयत्॥ प्रममाथोरसा कांश्चिदूरुभ्यामपरानपि। केचित्तस्यैव नादेन तत्रैव पतिता भुवि॥
That subduer of enemies slew some with slaps, and some he rived with nails, and some he killed by blows, and others with (the pressure of) his chest. And some dropped down on the ground at the very same spot at the sounds that he emitted.

ततस्तेष्ववपन्नेषु भूमौ निपतितेषु च। तत्सैन्यमगमत्सर्वं दिशो दश भयादितम्॥
And on their being slain or falling on the earth, that army, afflicted with affright, began to fly in all directions.

विनेदुर्विस्वरं नागा निपेतुर्भुवि वाजिनः। भग्ननीडध्वजच्छत्रैर्भूश्च कीर्णाभवद् रथैः ॥
The elephants roared in frightful tones, and the steeds fell down on the earth. And the Earth was covered with broken boxes, flag-staffs, and umbrellas, (belonging to the cars), as also with the cars themselves.

स्त्रवता रुधिरेणाथ स्रवन्त्यो दर्शिताः पथि। विविधैश्च स्वनैर्लङ्का ननाद विकृतं तदा॥
And rivers running gore were seen on the way, and Lankā uttered various frightful cries.

स तान्प्रवृद्धान् विनिहत्य राक्षसान् महाबलश्चण्डपराक्रमः कपिः। स्तदेव वीरोऽभिजगाम तोरणम्॥
Having slain those overgrown Rākşasas, that exceedingly powerful and heroic monkey of terrific power, desirous of again coping with other Rākşasas, retraced his steps to the selfsame entrance.