Sundara Kanda: Chapter 32

ततः शाखान्तरे लीनं दृष्ट्वा चलितमानसा। वेष्टितार्जुनवस्त्रं तं विद्युत्संघातपिङ्गलम्॥ सा ददर्श कपि तत्र प्रश्रितं प्रियवादिनम्। फुल्लाशोकोत्कराभासं तप्तचामीकरेक्षणम्॥
And beholding that tawny-coloured monkey like to a mass of lightnings and wearing a white cloth, hidden on the tree Sītā's mind was greatly agitated. And she saw there the humble, sweetspeeched monkey, appearing graceful like to a collection of full-blown Asoka flowers and having eyes resembling burning gold.

साऽथ दृष्ट्वा हरिश्रेष्ठं विनीतवदवस्थितम्। मैथिली चिन्तयामास विस्मयं परमं गता॥
And observing that foremost of the monkeys, sitting humbly, that daughter of the king of Mithilā, again greatly amazed, thought.

अहो भीममिदं सत्त्वं वानरस्य दुरासदम्। दुर्निरीक्ष्यमिदं मत्वा पुनरेव मुमोह सा ॥
“This monkey is the most terrible of his race and therefore hard to be got at and looked at." Thinking this she again sank in fear.

विललाप भृशं सीतां करुणं भयमोहिता। रामरामेति दुःखार्ता लक्ष्मणेति च भामिनी॥
And stricken with grief she again bewailed in piteous accents exclaiming, “O Rāma! O Laksmana!"

रुरोद सहसा सीता मन्दमन्दस्वरा सती। साऽथ दृष्ट्वा हरिवरं विनीतवदुपागतम्। थिली चिन्तयामास स्वप्नोऽयमिति भामिनी॥
She wept silently and lowly. And then beholding that best of monkeys approach her humbly, the fair daughter of the Mithila's king, thought, "Is this a dream mine eyes have seen?”

सा वीक्षमाणा पृथुभग्नवक्त्रं शाखामृगेन्द्रस्य यथोक्तकारम्। ददर्श पिङ्गप्रवरं महाहँ वातात्मजं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम्॥
And she again looked towards that Windgod's son, the foremost of the monkeys, the best of those gifted with intelligence, having a huge disfigured countenance, highly accomplished and wearing a dress mentioned before.

सा तं समीक्ष्यैव भृशं विपन्ना गतासुकल्पेव बभूव सीता। चिरेण संज्ञां प्रतिलभ्य चैवं विचिन्तयामास विशालनेत्रा॥
And beholding him Sītā was almost out of breath with fear. And regaining soon her sense the large-eyed damsel again thought.

स्वप्नो मयायं विकृतोऽद्य दृष्टः शाखामृगः शास्त्रगणैर्निषिद्धः। स्वस्त्यस्तु रामाय सलक्ष्मणाय तथा पितुर्मे जनकस्य राज्ञः॥
I have seen a very inauspicious dream to-dayto see a monkey in a dream is reckoned inauspicious by the sages. May good betide Rāma, Lakşmaņa and my Sire the king of Janaka.

स्वप्नो हि नायं नहि मेऽस्ति निद्रा शोकेन दुःखेन च पीडितायाः। सुखं हि मे नास्ति यतो विहीना तेनेन्दुपूर्णप्रतिमाननेन॥
It is not dream, I have not slept, worn with grief and trouble as I am. Apart form my lord having the countenance of the full-moon, I have no happiness.

रामेति रामेति सदैव बुद्ध्या विचिन्त्य वाचा ब्रुवती तमेव। तस्यानुरूपं च कथां तदर्था मेवं प्रपश्यामि तथा शृणोमि॥
Thinking of Rāma always and uttering his name, each sight I see and each sound I hear brings him to my eye or ear.

अहं हि तस्याद्य मनोभवेन सम्पीडिता तद्गतसर्वभावा। विचिन्तयन्ती सततं तमेव तथैव पश्यामि तथा शृणोमि ॥
And therefore his form appearing in my mind is distressing me to-day, who am entirely sunk in his thoughts. And thinking of him always I see him before me and hear his words.

मनोरथः स्यादिति चिन्तयामि तथापि बुद्ध्यापि वितर्कयामि। किं कारणं तस्य हि नास्ति रूपं सुव्यक्तरूपश्च वदत्ययं माम्॥
Methinks this is but a phantom of the mind. And thinking this I still behold the same. But an imaginary object can never have a form. And I still find a distinct form addressing me.

नमोऽस्तु वाचस्पतये सवज्रिणे स्वयम्भुवे चैव हुताशनाय। अनेन चोक्तं यदिदं ममाग्रतो वनौकसा तच्च तथास्तु नान्यथा॥
Be glory to Vācaspati, Indra, the self existent Brahmā, the lord of fire and may they so grant that the creature who has spoken before me, be real and not imaginary.