Sundara Kanda: Chapter 23

इत्युक्त्वा मैथिली राजा रावणः शत्रुरावणः। संदिश्य च ततः सर्वा राक्षसीर्निर्जगाम ह॥
Having spoken thus Maithili and commanded the host of the Räksasīs, Rāvana, a terror to his enemies, went away.

निष्क्रान्ते राक्षसेन्द्रे तु पुनरन्तःपुरं गते। राक्षस्यो भीमरूपास्ताः सीतां समभिदुद्रुवुः॥
And after that lord of Rākşasas had gone away and entered his inner apartment, the hideous Rākşasīs drew near Sitä.

ततः सीतामुपागम्य राक्षस्यः क्रोधमूर्छिताः। परं परुषया वाचा वैदेहीमिदमब्रुवन्॥
And approaching Sītā that terrible host, almost faint with ire, addressed Vaidehī with the following harsh words.

पौलस्त्यस्य वरिष्ठस्य रावणस्य महात्मनः। दशग्रीवस्य भार्यात्वं सीते न बहु मन्यसे॥
You do not regard it highly, Sītā, that you shall become the chosen wife of that highsouled, and great Ravana, the Ten-necked son of Paulastya.

ततस्त्वेकजटा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत्। आमन्त्र्य क्रोधताम्राक्षी सीतां करतलोदरोम्॥
Thereupon another Rākṣasī named Ekjatä, with eyes rendered coppery with ire, addressing Sītā, having a small navel, said.

प्रजापतीनां षण्णां तु चतुर्थोऽयं प्रजापतिः। मानसो ब्रह्मणः पुत्रः पुलस्त्य इति विश्रुतः॥
Pulastya is the fourth of the six Prajāpatīs, (Prajāpatis are the lords of the created being first created by Brahmā.) a mind-born son of Brahmā and celebrated in the world.

पुलस्त्यस्य तु तेजस्वी महर्षिर्मानसः सुतः। नाम्ना स विश्रवा नाम प्रजापतिसमप्रभः॥
The glorious ascetic, by name Vishravā was the mind-born son to Pulastya, effulgent like to Prajāpatis.

तस्य पुत्रो विशालाक्षि रावणः शत्रुरावणः। तस्य त्वं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य भार्या भवितुमर्हसि॥ मयोक्तं चारुसर्वाङ्गि वाक्यं किं नानुमन्यसे।
O large-eyed damsel! Of Visravā came Rāvana terrible to his enemies. And it behove you to become the consort of that lord of Raksasas. Scorn not the words I say to you, O you of comely presence.”

ततो हरिजटा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ विवृत्य नयने कोपान्मार्जारसदृशेक्षणा। येन देवास्त्रयस्त्रिंशद् देवराजश्च निर्जितः॥ तस्य त्वं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य भार्या भवितुमर्हसि।
Thereupon another Rākşasī named Harijatā, having the eyes of a cat, and whirling them with ire, said It become you to be the wife of that lord of Rākşasas who smote the thirty three celestials and their lord in battle.

वीर्योत्सिक्तस्य शूरस्य संग्रामेष्वनिवर्तिनः। बलिनो वीर्ययुक्तस्य भार्यात्वं किं न लिप्ससे॥
Do you not desire to be his wife, who is heroic, of indomitable prowess and who dose not turn back in battle?

प्रियां बहुमतां भार्यां त्यक्त्वा राजा महाबलः। सर्वासां च महाभागां त्वामुपैष्यति रावणः॥ समृद्धं स्त्रीसहस्रेण नानारत्नोपशोभितम्। अन्तःपुरं तदुत्सृज्य त्वामुपैष्यति रावणः॥
And turning away in scorn from his beloved wife, highly esteemed, the mighty king Ravana, desire for you. And leaving his inner apartment enriched with thousand of females and adorned with various jewels, Rāvana shall adore you.

अन्या तु विकटा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत्। असकृद् भीमवीर्येण नागा गन्धर्वदानवाः। निर्जिताः समरे येन स ते पार्श्वमुपागतः॥ तस्य सर्वसमृद्धस्य रावणस्य महात्मनः। किमर्थं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य भार्यात्वं नेच्छसेऽधमे ॥
And then followed another Rākşasī by name Vikatā, “The king, who by his terrible prowess subdued the Gandharvas (Heavenly singers and musicians who belong to the heaven of Indra.) and Nāgas, (Serpent-gods who dwell in the regions under the carth.) in battle, has stood by you. O foolish damsel, why do you not wish to be the consort of that high-souled lord of Rākşasas-Rāvana, gifted with wealth and riches."

ततस्तां दुर्मुखी नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत्। यस्य सूर्यो न तपति भीतो यस्य स मारुतः। न वाति स्मायतापाङ्गि किं त्वं तस्य न तिष्ठसे॥
Then followed another Rākşaşī named Durmukhi. “Why dose you not approach him, O you having expansive eyes, by whose fear, the sun dose not shine, and the wind dose not blow."

पुष्पवृष्टिं च तरवो मुमुचुर्यस्य वै भयात्। शैलाः सुनुवुः पानीयं जलदाश्च यदेच्छति॥ तस्य नैऋतराजस्य राजराजस्य भामिनि। किं त्वं न कुरुषे बुद्धिं भार्यार्थे रावणस्य हि॥
O dame, why do you not wish to be the consort of Rāvana, the lord of Rākṣasas, at whose command the trees shower blossoms and the hills and clouds pour down water. Why do you not make up your mind to be the wife of Rāvana?

साधु ते तत्त्वतो देवी कथितं साधु भामिनि। गृहाण सुस्मिते वाक्यमन्यथा न भविष्यसि ॥
O damsel, O worshipful dame, we have spoken thus for your welfare. Do you comply with our request or you shall surely die. CECTION 24

ततः सीतां समस्तास्ता राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः। परुषं परुषानर्हामूचुस्तद्वाक्यमप्रियम्॥
Thereupon all those Rākşasīs, having terrible faces again and again pursued Sitä with reproaches rough and rude.

किं त्वमन्तःपुरे सीते सर्वभूतमनोरमे। महार्हशयनोपेते न वासमनुमन्यसे॥
Why do you not desire, O Sītā, to live in his inner apartment, liked by all and abounding in costly bed-steads.

मानुषे मानुषस्यैव भार्यात्वं बहु मन्यसे। प्रत्याहर मनो रामानैवं जातु भविष्यति॥
O woman, you regardest highly to be the wife of a man. Do you turn back from Rāma-your desire shall never be satisfied.

त्रैलोक्यवसुभोक्तारं रावणं राक्षसेश्वरम्। भर्तारमुपसंगम्य विहरस्व यथासुखम्॥
Do you spend happily your days with our lord-Rāvaņa, the Rākşasa chief, who makes his own the treasures of the three worlds.

मानुषी मानुषं तं तु राममिच्छसि शोभने। राज्याद् भ्रष्टमसिद्धार्थं विक्लवन्तमनिन्दिते॥
You are a woman, O you of comely presence, and therefore dose your fancy cling to Rāma, O you of a blameless countenance, who is a man, deprived of his kingdom, overwhelmed with disasters and has his desires frustrated.

राक्षसीनां वचः श्रुत्वा सीता पद्मनिभेक्षणा। नेत्राभ्यामश्रुपूर्णाभ्यामिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the words of those Rākşasīs, the lotus-eyed Sītā, with her eyes full of tears said.

यदिदं लोकविद्विष्टमुदाहरत संगताः। नैतन्मनसि वाक्यं मे किल्विषं प्रतितिष्ठति॥
What you have all said and which is against human usage and vicious, dose not find place in my mind.

न मानुषी राक्षसस्य भार्या भवितुमर्हति। कामं खादत मां सर्वा न करिष्यामि वो वचः॥
A woman cannot be the wife of a Rākşasa. Eat me up if you will, I will never follow your words.

दीनो वा राज्यहीनो वा यो मे भर्ता स मे गुरुः। तं नित्यमनुरक्ताऽस्मि यथा सूर्यं सुवर्चला॥
Poor or deprived of kingdom, he who is my husband, is my preceptor. I am ever devoted to him, like Suvarcalā (The wife of the sun) to the Sun.

यथा शची महाभागा शक्रं समुपतिष्ठति। अरुन्धती वसिष्ठं च रोहिणी शशिनं यथा॥ लोपामुद्रा यथाऽगस्त्यं सुकन्या च्यवनं यथा। सावित्री सत्यवन्तं च कपिलं श्रीमती यथा॥ सौदासं मदयन्तीव केशिनी सगरं यथा। नैषधं दमयन्तीव भैमी पतिमनुव्रता॥ तथाहमिक्ष्वाकुवरं रामं पतिमनुव्रता।
Like to the great ſacī standing by Sakra, Arundhati by Vasista, Rohini by the Moon, Lopamudrā by Agastya, Sukanyā by Cyavana, Sāvitrī by Satyavana, Śrīmatī by Kapila, Madayanti by Saudāsa, Kešinī by Sagara and Damayantī the daughter of the king Bhaimnī by her husband Nala, I shall ever remain devoted to my husband Rāma, the foremost of the descendants of lksvaku.

सीताया वचनं श्रुत्वा राक्षस्यः क्रोधमूर्च्छिताः। भर्ल्सयन्ति स्म परुषैर्वाक्यै रावणचोदिताः॥
Hearing the words of Sītā, all those Rākşasīs despatched by Rāvana, almost beside themselves with ire, again covered her with reproaches rough and rude.

अवलीनः स निर्वाक्यो हनुमाशिशपादुमे। सीतां संतर्जयन्तीस्ता राक्षसीरशृणोत् कपिः॥
Hanumān remained all along speechless and hidden on the ſinsapā tree. And that monkey heard all those demons remonstrate with Sītā in this way.

तामभिक्रम्य संरब्धा वेपमानां समन्ततः। भृशं संलिलिहुर्दीप्तान् प्रलम्बान् दशनच्छदान्॥
Those, influenced with ire, approached the trembling Sītā and encircling her, licked again and again their long a burning lips.

ऊचुश्च परमक्रुद्धाः प्रगृह्याशु परश्वधान्। नेयमर्हति भर्तारं रावणं राक्षसाधिपम्॥
Taking up instantly spears, they exceedingly wroth, menaced her, saying— "she is not worthy of having Rāvana, the lord of the Rākşasas, as her lord."

सा भय॑माना भीमाभी राक्षसीभिर्वराङ्गना। सा वाष्पमपमार्जन्ती शिंशपां तामुपागमत्॥
Being thus remonstrated with by those terrible Raksasis, that excellent damsel, shedding tears, neared the ſinsapa tree.

ततस्तां शिंशपां सीता राक्षसीभिः समावृता। अभिगम्य विशालाक्षी तस्थौ शोकपरिप्लुता॥ तां कृशां दीनवदनां मलिनाम्बरवासिनीम्। भर्त्सयांचक्रिरे भीमा राक्षस्यस्ताः समन्ततः॥
The large eyed Sītā, encircled by the Rākşasīs, remained there sunk in grief. And all those hideous demons, showered reproaches, from all sides, on her, greatly reduced, of a poorly countenance, and wearing a soiled cloth.

ततस्तु विनता नाम राक्षसी भीमदर्शना। अब्रवीत् कुपिताकारा कराला निर्णतोदरी॥
Thereupon a grim-visaged demon, angry, having hideous teeth and a huge belly extending downwards, by name Vinatā, spoke, saying:

सीते पर्याप्तमेतावद् भर्तुः स्नेहः प्रदर्शितः। सर्वत्रातिकृतं भद्रे व्यसनायोपकल्पते॥
O Sītā, you had shown enough of attachment towards your husband. But, O gentle dame, excess of any thing tends to evil.

परितुष्टास्मि भद्रं ते मानुषस्ते कृतो विधिः। ममापि तु वचः पथ्यं ब्रुवन्त्याः कुरु मैथिलि॥
We are satisfied. And may good betide you! You had acted worthily like a woman. do you hear, O Maithili, what I say for your welfare.

रावणं भज भर्तारं भर्तारं सर्वरक्षसाम्। विक्रान्तमापतन्तं च सुरेशमिव वासवम्॥ दक्षिणं त्यागशीलं च सर्वस्य प्रियवादिनम्। मानुषं कृपणं रामं त्यक्त्वा रावणमाश्रय॥
Do you accept, Rāvana, the lord of the Rākşasa host, as your husband. He withstands powerfully his enemies like to Vāsava, the lord of the celestials, charitable, kind to all, and sweet-speeched. And forsaking Rāma, a poor wight, do you take Rāvana (as your husband)

दिव्याङ्गरागा वैदेहि दिव्याभरणभूषिता। अद्यप्रभृति लोकानां सर्वेषामीश्वरी भव॥ अग्नेः स्वाहा यथा देवी शची वेन्द्रस्य शोभने। किं ते रामेण वैदेहि कृपणेन गतायुषा॥
Having your person sprinkled with celestial paste and adorned with excellent ornaments, do you from today O Vaidehī, O you of comely presence, become the queen of all the worlds, like to Sachee of the lord of the celestials and svāhā (An exclamation used in making an oblation to the Gods. A personification of the preceding as the wife of fire and Goddess presiding over burnt offerings.) of the fire. What shall you do with Rama, O Vaidehi, poor and of limited life?

एतदुक्तं च मे वाक्यं यदि त्वं न करिष्यसि। अस्मिन् मुहूर्ते सर्वास्त्वां भक्षयिष्यामहे वयम्॥
This is what I say and if do you not follow it we shall all instantly banquet on you.

अन्या तु विकटा नाम लम्बमानपयोधरा। अब्रवीत् कुपिता सीतां मुष्टिमुद्यम्य तर्जती॥
Thereupon another Rākşasi named Vikață. having her breast hanging long, exercised with ire, and clinching her fist, addressed, roaring, Sita.

बहून्यप्रतिरूपाणि वचनानि सुदुर्मते। अनुक्रोशान्मृदुत्वाच्च सोढानि तव मैथिलि॥
O foolish daughter of the king of Mithilā, we have put up with all your foolish words only out of compassion, and because you are a feeble being.

न च नः कुरुषे वाक्यं हितं कालपुरस्कृतम्। आनीतासि समुद्रस्य पारमन्यैर्दुरासदम्॥ रावणान्तःपुरे घोरे प्रविष्टा चासि मैथिलि। रावणस्य गृहे रुद्धा अस्माभिस्त्वभिरक्षिता॥
It will not lead to your well-being if you do not hear our words. You had been brought here, the other side of the ocean, difficult of being approached by others. You had come within the terrible abode of Rāvana O Maithili, and had been shut up in his room guarded by us all.

न त्वां शक्तः परित्रातुमपि साक्षात् पुरंदरः। कुरुष्व हितवादिन्या वचनं मम मैथिलि।॥
And even, Purandara's (Another name of Indra-the lord of the celestials.) self cannot save yoll. Do you therefore hear, O Maithili, my well-mcaning words.

अलमश्रुनिपातेन त्यज शोकमनर्थकम्। भज प्रीतिं प्रहर्षं च त्यजन्ती नित्यदैन्यताम्॥
Why do you shed tears? Renounce your useless grief. Do you become happy and delighted, renouncing your continued melancholy.

सीते राक्षसराजेन परिक्रीड यथासुखम्। जानीमहे यथा भीरु स्त्रीणां यौवनमध्रुवम्॥
Do you sport, O Sītā, at your pleasure, with the lord of the Rākşasas. We know, for certain, O timid damsel, that the youth of the females, is very transient.

यावन्न ते व्यतिक्रामेत् तावद् सुखमवाप्नुहि। उद्यानानि च रम्याणि पर्वतोपवनानि च॥ सह राक्षसराजेन चर त्वं मदिरेक्षणे। स्त्रीसहस्राणि ते देवि वशे स्थास्यन्ति सुन्दरि॥ रावणं भज भर्तारं भर्तारं सर्वरक्षसाम्।
And so long as your youth dose not fade, do you pass your days happily, O you having inebriate eyes, with the lord of Rākşasas, in picturesque gardens, and mountain forests. Do you take, O fair damsel, Ravana, the lord of the Rākşasas, for your husband, and thousands of females shall be placed at your service.

उत्पाट्य वा ते हृदयं भक्षयिष्यामि मैथिलि॥ यदि मे व्याहृतं वाक्यं न यथावत् करिष्यसि।
If do you not follow, what I say, O Maithili, I shall taking out your heart, banquet on it.

ततश्चण्डोदरी नाम राक्षसी क्रूरदर्शना॥ भ्रामयन्ती महच्छूलमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्। इमां हरिणशावाक्षीं त्रासोत्कम्पपयोधराम्॥ रावणेन हतां दृष्ट्वा दौर्हदो मे महानयम्। यकृत्प्लीहं महत् क्रोडं हृदयं च सबन्धनम्॥ गावाण्यपि तथा शीर्षं खादेयमिति मे मतिः।
Thereupon another grim-visaged Rākşasī, named, Candodarī, shaking her terrible spear, said-“Beholding this Sitā having the eyes of a young antelope and her breast trembling with fear, my earnest desire, as I am enciente, has been to banquet on her large eyes, lever, spleen, her plump hands, heart, other limbs and head."

ततस्तु प्रघसा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ कण्ठमस्या नृशंसायाः पीडयामः किमास्यते। निवेद्यतां ततो राज्ञे मानुषी सा मृतेति ह।॥ नात्र कश्चन संदेहः खादतेति स वक्ष्यति।
Thereupon another Rākşasī named Praghasă and-"I shall grind the throat of this cruel woman. What are you doing, sitting here? You shall then relate to the king that the woman is dead. And undoubtedly he shall say 'Do you eat her up."

ततस्त्वजामुखी नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ विशस्येमां ततः सर्वान् समान् कुरुत पिण्डकान्। विभजाम ततः सर्वा विवादो मे न रोचते॥ पेयमानीयतां क्षिप्रं माल्यं च विविधं बहु।
And thereupon another Räkşasi named Ajāmukhi said, “I do not like quarrels. Let us all divide her into equal portions. Bring soon our favourite drink and various garlands."

ततः शूर्पणखा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ अजामुख्या यदुक्तं वै तदेव मम रोचते। सुरा चानीयतां क्षिप्रं सर्वशोकविनाशिनी॥ मानुषं मांसमास्वाद्य नृत्यामोऽथ निकुम्भिलाम्।
Then followed another Rākşasí by name Śūrpanakha, I do fully concur with what Ajāmukhi has said. Bring soon wine, the remover of all griefs. Banqueting on human flesh I shall dance before the queen Nikumbhilă.

एवं निर्भय॑माना सा सीता सुरसुतोपमा। राक्षसीभिर्विरूपाभिधैर्यमुत्सृज्य रोदिति ॥
Being thus threatened by those grim-visaged Rākṣasīs Sītā, resembling the daughter of a celestial, renouncing patience, began to weep.