Sundara Kanda: Chapter 9

तस्यालयवरिष्ठस्य मध्ये विमलमायतम्। ददर्श भवनश्रेष्ठं हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः॥ अर्धयोजनविस्तीर्णमायतं योजनं महत्। भवनं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य बहुप्रासादसंकुलम्॥
And located within that excellent mansion, Hanumān, son to the Wind-god, saw a superior and grand structure, stainless and spacious; half a Yojana in width and one in lenght, belonging to the lord of the Rākşasas, and abounding with many a palace.

मार्गमाणस्तु वैदेहीं सीतामायतलोचनाम्। सर्वतः परिचक्राम हनूमानरिसूदनः॥
Searching for Videha's daughter, the large eyed Sītā, that slayer of enemies, Hanumān, ranged all through (this edifice).

उत्तमं राक्षसावासं हनुमानवलोकयन्। आससादाथ लक्ष्मीवान् राक्षसेन्द्रनिवेशनम्॥ चतुर्विषाणैर्द्विरदैस्त्रिविषाणैस्तथैव च। परिक्षिप्तमसम्बाधं रक्ष्यमाणमुदायुधैः।५।।
Hanumān beheld the goodly edifice where the Rāksasas used to dwell in common. And (at length) that one came upon the mansion itself of the lord of Rākşasas, having three-tusked and four-tusked elephants, and protected by persons with upraised arms, and covering a capacious area.

राक्षसीभिश्च पत्नीभी रावणस्य निवेशनम्। आहृताभिश्च विक्रम्य राजकन्या भरावृतम्॥ तन्नक्रमकराकीर्णं तिमिङ्गिलझषाकुलम्। वायुवेगसमाधूतं पन्नगैरिव सागरम्॥
And (Hanumān beheld) the residence of Rāvana thronged with his Rākṣasi wives, as well as with princesses forcibly brought thither (by him), like to the sea teeming with alligators and Makaras, abounding in timingilas and fishes and snakes, and agitated by the force of the wind.

या हि वैश्रवणे लक्ष्मीर्या चन्द्रे हरिवाहने। सा रावणगृहे रम्या नित्यमेवानपायिनी॥ या च राज्ञः कुबेरस्य यमस्य वरुणस्य च। तादृशी तद्विशिष्टा वा ऋद्धी रक्षोगृहेष्विह॥
The same enchanting splendour that is in Vaiśravaņa or the ray-riding Moon, remained ever constant and abiding in, Rāvana's abode. And the prosperity of king Kubera, or Yama, or Varuna, was here present in the house of the Rākşas, or even surpassed by the prosperity (of Rāvana).

तस्य हर्म्यस्य मध्यस्थवेश्म चान्यत् सुनिर्मितम्। बहुनिफूहसंयुक्तं ददर्श पवनात्मजः॥ ब्रह्मणोऽर्थे कृतं दिव्यं दिवि यद् विश्वकर्मणा। विमानं पुष्पकं नाम सर्वरत्नविभूषितम्॥
In the midst of that mansion the Wind-god's offspring found another.* excellently constructed, having innumerable mad elephants; that noble car embellished with all gems, entitled Pushpaka, which had been constructed in heaven by Viśvakarmă for Brahmā himself. *The car Puspaka, according to Tirtha, whose view is accepted by Rāmānuja. According to Kataka, Vesma means a bedchamber of husband and wife.

परेण तपसा लेभे यत् कुबेरः पितामहात्। कुबेरमोजसा जित्वा लेभे तद् राक्षसेश्वरः॥
Which Kubera obtained for the Great-father through high austerities, and which, vanquishing Kubera by his prowess, the Rākṣasa chief god possession of.

ईहामृगसमायुक्तैः कार्तस्वरहिरण्मयैः। सुकृतैराचितं स्तम्भैः प्रदीप्तमिव च श्रिया॥ मेरुमन्दरसंकाशैरुल्लिखद्भिरिवाम्बरम्। कूटागारैः शुभागारैः सर्वतः समलंकृतम्॥ ज्वलनार्कप्रतीकाशैः सुकृतं विश्वकर्मणा। हेमसोपानयुक्तं च चारुप्रवरवेदिकम्॥ जालवातायनैर्युक्तं काञ्चनैः स्फाटिकैरपि। इन्द्रनीलमहानीलमणिप्रवरवेदिकम्॥ विद्रुमेण विचित्रेण मणिभिश्च महाधनैः। निस्तुलाभिश्च मुक्ताभिस्तलेनाभिविराजितम्॥ चन्दनेन च रक्तेन तपनीयनिभेन च। सुपुण्यगन्धिना युक्तमादित्यतरुणोपमम्॥
And the mighty monkey ascended the splendid car Pushpaka, containing figures of wolves, made of Karttasvara and Hiranya; graced with ranges of goodly pillars; as if blazing in splendour; throughout garnished with narrow secret rooms and saloons, piercing the heavens, and resembling Meru of Mandara, and like to the flaming Sun; skilfully reared by Viswakarmā; with golden staircases and graceful and grand raised seats, rows of golden and crystal windows, and daises composed of sapphires, emeralds and other superb gems; embellished with noble vidrumas, costly stones, and round pearls, as also with plastered terraces; pasted with red sandal, like to gold, and furnished with a sacred aroma; and resembling the sun new risen.

विमानं पुष्पकं दिव्यमारुरोह महाकपिः। तत्रस्थः सर्वतो गन्धं पानभक्ष्यान्नसम्भवम्॥ दिव्यं सम्मूर्च्छितं जिघ्रन् रूपवन्तमिवानिलम्। स गन्धस्तं महासत्त्वं वन्धुर्बन्धुमिवोत्तमम्॥ इत एहीत्युवाचेव तत्र यत्र स रावणः।
And stationed thereon, Hanumān smelt the rich odour of viands and drinks that was spreading on all sides; and like one dear friend smelling another, he also smelt the mighty Air, impregnated with aroma, which seemed like embodied Odour. And (the Air) said to Hanumãn, "Come here, where that Rāvana is." 'i.e. on Puspaka.

ततस्तां प्रस्थितः शालं ददर्श महतीं शिवाम्॥ रावणस्य महाकान्तां कान्तामिव वरस्त्रियम्। मणिसोपानविकृतां हेमजालविराजिताम्॥ स्फाटिकैरावृततलां दन्तान्तरितरूपिकाम्। मुक्तावज्रप्रवालैश्च रूप्यचामीकरैरपि॥ विभूषितां मणिस्तम्भैः सुबहुस्तम्भभूषिताम्। समैर्ऋजूभिरत्युच्चैः समन्तात् सुविभूषितैः॥ स्तम्भैः पक्षैरिवात्युच्चैर्दिवं सम्प्रस्थितामिव। महत्या कुथयाऽऽस्तीर्णां पृथिवीलक्षणाङ्कया॥ पृथिवीमिव विस्तीर्णां स राष्ट्रगृहशालिनीम्। नादितां मत्तविहगैर्दिव्यगन्धाधिवासिताम्॥ पराास्तरणोपेतां रक्षोऽधिपनिषेविताम्। धूम्रामगुरुधूपेन विमलां हंसपाण्डुराम्॥ पत्रपुष्पोपहारेण कल्माषीमिव सुप्रभाम्। मनसो मोदजननी वर्णस्यापि प्रसाधिनीम्॥ तां शोकनाशिनी दिव्यां श्रियः संजननीमिव। इन्द्रियाणीन्द्रियाथैस्तु पञ्चपञ्चभिरुत्तमैः॥ तर्पयामास मातेव तदा रावणपालिता।
Then (descending form Pushpaka and repairing to that sleeping apartment of Rāvana), Hanuman saw the same grand and graceful; belonging to Ravana; of transcendent beauty; comely like to a lovely lady; diversified with jewelled staircases; illumined with heaps of gems; with its terraces constructed of crystal; having statues of ivory, pearls, diamonds, coral, silver and gold; aborned with jewelled pillars; and embellished all round with pilasters; and upheld on all sides by straight, elevated and gorgeously ornamented pillars of equal dimensions, resembling prodigious wings, (the mansion) appearing to tower to the sky; containing spacious and parti-coloured woollen cloths bearing the marks of the Earth;* extensive as the Earth is, with kingdoms and dwellings; resounding with the roars of infuriated elephants; redolent of divine fragrance; furnished with gay canopies; inhabited by the sovereign of the Rāks as; cloudy with aguru and dhupa; spotless; of a swan-like whiteness; engarlanded with flowers and leaves like to the dappled and brilliant cow (of Vasishtha); bringing delight to the heart; and enhancing the grace (of all creatures); removing sorrow; noble; and the generatrix of Grace herself. And as soon as Hanuman entered the mansion protected by Rāvaņa, it like a mother regaled his senses with their proper objects. *i.e. four-cornered, The Earth, in Hindu cosmogony, is a flat surface having four corners.

स्वर्गोऽयं देवलोकोऽयमिन्द्रस्यापि पुरी भवेत्। सिद्धिर्वेयं परा हि स्यादित्यमन्यत मारुतिः॥
This must be svarga, or the region of the immortals, or the city of Amarāvatī, or the supreme Siddhit thought the Wind-god's offspring Svarga is the region where persons reap the fruit of Jyotishtoma, etc. Siddhi is Illusion spread by Gandharvas.

प्रध्यायत इवापश्यत् प्रदीपांस्तत्र काञ्चनान्। धूर्तानिव महाधूतैर्देवनेन पराजितान्॥
And he saw the golden lamps (shorn of their brightness),* like to gamblers worsted at dice by others exceedingly skilful, and, in consequence, plunged in thought. * By the superior splendour of Rāvaņa.

दीपानां च प्रकाशेन तेजसा रावणस्य च। अर्चिभिभूषणानां च प्रदीप्तेत्यभ्यमन्यत ॥
And (Hanumān) conceived that (Rāvana's sleeping apartment) was in a conflagration, on account of the display of the lamps, Rāvana's energy, and the splendour of the ornaments.

ततोऽपश्यत् कुथासीनं नानावर्णाम्बरस्रजम्। सहस्रं वरनारीणां नानावेषविभूषितम्॥ परिवृत्तेऽर्धरात्रे तु पाननिद्रावसंगतम्। क्रीडित्वोपरतं रात्रौ प्रसुप्तं बलवत् तदा॥
And when the night had been half spent, (Hanuman) saw thousands of superb dames, adorned in various attires, and bearing apparels of diverse hues, and wreaths, who having given up sport, and come under the influence of wine and sleep, were fast asleep on woollen sheets.

तत् प्रसुप्तं विरुरुचे नि:शब्दान्तरभूषितम्। निःशब्दहंसभ्रमरं यथा पद्मवनं महत्॥
And in consequence of the silence that reigned (in the apartment) embellished with (ornaments), it resembled a large lotus-grove, where the swans and the black bees are silent.

तासां संवृतदान्तानि मीलिताक्षीणि मारुतिः। अपश्यत् पद्मगन्धीनि वदनानि सुयोषिताम्॥
And the Wind-god's offspring beheld the countenance of those beauteous women, with closed eyes, having their lashes shut through languor; and odorous with lotus-perfume.

प्रबुद्धानीव पद्मानि तासां भूत्वा क्षपाक्षये। पुनः संवृतपत्राणि रात्राविव बभुस्तदा॥
And their faces appeared like lotuses blowing on the expire of night and closing their petals by night.

इमानि मुखपद्मानि नियतं मत्तषट्पदाः। अम्बुजानीव फुल्लानि प्रार्थयन्ति पुनः पुनः॥ इति वामन्यत श्रीमानुपपत्त्या महाकपिः। मेने हि गुणतस्तानि समानि सलिलोद्भवैः॥
“These lotus-faces like to very lotuses themselves, ever the six-footed ones* seek once and again.” Thus thought with discrimination the graceful, mighty. monkey; and on account of their perfections, he confessed those countenances to be equal to water-sprung (lotuses). * Şatpadā—six-footed—a name of the black bee. "Salitodbhavas, water spiung—a name of the lotus.

सा तस्य शुशुभे शाला ताभिःस्त्रीभिर्विराजिता। शरदीव प्रसन्ना द्यौस्ताराभिरभिशोभिता॥
And that apartment, in consequence of being graced by those women, appeared splendid, like the autumnal, complacent sky decorated with the stars.

स च ताभिः परिवृतः शुशुभे राक्षसाधिपः। यथा झुडुपतिः श्रीमांस्ताराभिरिव संवृतः॥
And surrounded by them, the Rākṣasa chief resembled the fair Moon encircled by the stars.

याश्च्यवन्तेऽम्बरात् ताराः पुण्यशेषसमावृताः। इमास्ताः संगताः कृत्स्ना इति मेने हरिस्तदा॥
“Those stars that drop from the firmament on their virtue deteriorating, have assembled here in a body," thus thought the monkey at that time.

ताराणामिव सुव्यक्तं महतीनां शुभार्चिषाम्। प्रभावर्णप्रसादाश्च विरेजुस्तत्र योषिताम्॥
And the shine, form, and splendour of those females resembled, forsooth those of magnificently displayed, noble and lustrous stars.

व्यावृत्तकचपीनस्रक्प्रकीर्णवरभूषणाः। पानव्यायामकालेषु निद्रोपहतचेतसः।॥
And on account of their having been bereft of consciousness through sleep, induced by fatigue brought on by drink (and dance), their hair was dishevelled, and their full wreaths and goodly ornaments lay scattered about.

व्यावृत्ततिलकाः काश्चित् काश्चिदुद्भ्रान्तनूपुराः। पार्वे गलितहाराश्च काश्चित् परमयोषितः॥
And some of those paragons had got their beauty-spots, smudged; and some, their bangles loosening off, some, their chains running to one side.

मुक्ताहारवृताश्चान्याः काश्चित् प्रसस्तवाससः। व्याविद्धरशनादामाः किशोर्य इव वाहिताः॥
And others had their pearl necklaces burst, and their cloths getting away (from their persons), and the chains of their zones straying irregularly; resembling way-worn mares.

अकुण्डलधराश्चान्या विच्छन्नमृदितस्रजः। गजेन्द्रमृदिताः फुल्ला लता इव महावने॥
And others again were without their ear-rings, and had their garlands torn and crushed; and resembled blossoming creepers, trodden down in a vast forest by mighty elephants.

चन्द्रांशुकिरणाभाश्च हाराः कासांचिदुद्रताः। हंसा इव बभुः सुप्ताः स्तनमध्येषु योषिताम्॥
And the pearl chains of some shining females resembling moon beams, having got topsy-turvy, was lying like sleeping swans between the breasts of the damsels.

अपरासां च वैदूर्याः कादम्बा इव पक्षिणः। हेमसूत्राणि चान्यासां चक्रवाका इवाभवन्॥
And the lapis chains of some resembled water-crows;* and the fine golden chains turned upside down of other appeared like ruddy geese. *Kadamba-a drake; or, according to some, a teal; a gander; or the species gallinula porphyria.

हंसकारण्डवोपेताश्चक्रवाकोपशोभिताः। आपगा इव ता रेजूर्जघनैः पुलिनैरिव ॥
And those ladies resembled rivers having hips for banks; containing swans and Karandavas, and beautified with ruddy geese.

किङ्किणीजालसंकाशास्ता हेमविपुलाम्बुजाः। भावग्राहा यशस्तीराः सुप्ता नद्य इवाबभुः।५१।।
Those sleeping females appeared like streams; having Kinkiņis for their ripples; and large gold lotuses;* marks* of amorous encounter on their persons for ferocious aquatic animals; and perfections,** for their banks. 'i.e. the faces of the females are meant. Another meaning is, gold for large lotuses. *Vilasa, may also mean arch displays by way of ecquetry. **Yasa, according to some, here means grace.

मृदुष्वङ्गेषु कासांचित् कुचाग्रेषु च संस्थिताः। बभूबुर्भूषणानीव शुभा भूषणराजयः॥.
On the tender frames, as well as on the tops of the breasts, of graceful scratches consequent pressure, appeared like ornaments.

अंशुकान्ताश्च कासांचिन्मुखमारुतकम्पिताः। उपर्युपरि वक्त्राणां व्याधूयन्ते पुनः पुनः॥
The scarf-ends of some stirred by the air that some on was blowing about their faces, flapped on them again and again.

ताः पताका इवोद्धृताः पत्नीनां रुचिरप्रभाः। नानावर्णसुवर्णानां वक्त्रमूलेषु रेजिरे॥
At the nether part of the faces of Rāvana's wives, they (the scarf-ends) appeared beauteous like uplifted streamers of exceeding elegance, composed of many-hued golden yarn.

ववल्गुश्चात्र कासांचित् कुण्डलानि शुभार्चिषाम्। मुखमारुतसंकम्पैर्मन्दं मन्दं च योषिताम्॥
The ear-rings of some dames possessed of a pleasant sheen, stirred by the air that was breathing about their faces, were undulating gently.

शर्करासवगन्धः स प्रकृत्या सुरभिः सुखः। तासां वदननि:श्वासः सिषेवे रावणं तदा॥
The sweet breath of their faces, naturally fragrani, and redolent of sugar and asava, was then rogaling Rāvana.

रावणाननशङ्काश्च काश्चिद् रावणयोषितः। मुखानि च सपत्नीनामुपाजिघ्रन् पुनः पुनः॥
Out of fear sprung from sleep and intoxication, some of Rāvana's wives were again and again smelling the faces of those, co-wives with them, taking the faces to belong to Rāvaņa.

अत्यर्थं सक्तमनसो रावणे ता वरस्त्रियः। अस्वतन्त्राः सपत्नीनां प्रियमेवाचरंस्तदा॥
From their hearts being firmly fixed on Ravana, those excellent women, having their sense of separateness removed, (albeit thus dealt with), did what was dear to them.* *The sense is very imperspicusous only by reason of he unskilful use of the pronouns. The damsels kissed did not resent the act; but kissed the kissers in turn.

बाहू उपनिधायान्याः पारिहार्यविभूषिताः। अंशुकानि च रम्याणि प्रमदास्तत्र शिश्यिरे॥
Other females, making their gay scarf-ends (for their sheets), and making their arms, their pillows, were lying down there.

अन्या वक्षसि चान्यस्यास्तस्याः काचित् पुनर्भुजम्। अपरा त्वङ्कमन्यस्यास्तस्याश्चाप्यपरा कुचौ॥
And some were lying on others' bosoms; and others again, on the arms of the latter. And some lay on the laps of others; and others, again, on the breasts of the latter.

ऊरुपार्श्वकटीपृष्ठमन्योन्यस्य समाश्रिताः। परस्परनिविष्टाङ्गयो मदस्नेहवशानुगाः॥
They reposed on each other's thighs, flanks, waists, and backs; and coming under the influence of wine and amour, they lay on each other's persons.

अन्योन्यस्याङ्गसंस्पर्शात् प्रीयमाणाः सुमध्यमाः। एकीकृतभुजाः सर्वाः सुषुपुस्तत्र योषितः॥
Those females having elegant waists, receiving pleasure from the contact with others' persons, were sleeping there, with their hands fastened by each other.

अन्योन्यभुजसूत्रेण स्त्रीमाला ग्रथिता हि सा। मालेव ग्रथिता सूत्रे शुशुभे मत्तषट्पदा ॥
That garland of females strung by the threads of their hands, appeared beauteous, like a real wreath strung on a thread, with maddened black bees (seated thereon).

लतानां माधवे मासि फुल्लानां वायुसेवनात्। अन्योन्यमालाग्रथितं संसक्तकुसुमोच्चयम्॥ प्रतिवेष्टितसुस्कन्धमन्योन्यभ्रमराकुलम्। आसीद् वनमिवोद्धृतं स्त्रीवनं रावणस्य तत्॥
That multitude of females in a mediey appeared like an assemblage of blooming plants in the month of Caitra,* with its wreaths formed in consequence of their coming in contact with one another, and of its clusters touching each other, on account of the breeze blowing; with the plants encircling the graceful (necks of the trees), and rife with Bhramaras chasing each other. 'March-April.

उचितेष्वपि सुव्यक्तं न तासां योषितां तदा। विवेकः शक्यमाधातुं भूषणाङ्गाम्बरस्रजाम्॥
Although the ornaments of those women wearing ornaments, attires and wreaths, were put on proper places; yet (on account of the profusion of the ornaments themselves, as well as because of the circumstance of the dames sleeping, * it was difficult to ascertain which ornament belonged to one damsel and which to another. *In consequence also, remarks the commentator, of the uniformity running through the ornaments, as well as of the close contact of the persons of the ladies.

रावणे सुखसंविष्टे ताः स्त्रियो विविधप्रभाः। ज्वलन्तः काञ्चना दीपाः प्रेक्षन्तो निमिषा इव॥
It seemed as if, Rāvana having attained rest (through sleep), the flaming golden lamps furnished with various rays, were gazing at the girls with winkless eyes.

राजर्षिविप्रदैत्यानां गन्धर्वाणां च योषितः। रक्षसां चाभवन् कन्यास्तस्य कामवशंगताः॥
Daughters of Rajarsis, of Vipras, of Daityas, of Gandharvas, and of Rākşasas, having come under the influence of desire, had become his wives.

युद्धकामेन ताः सर्वा रावणेन हृताः स्त्रियः। समदा मदनेनैव मोहिताः काश्चिदागताः॥
And all those women had been procured by Rāvana because he sought fight (with their relations) and some haughty dames, rapt with desire, had of themselves come to this place.

न तत्र काश्चित् प्रमदाः प्रसह्य वीर्योपपन्नेन गुणेन लब्धाः। न चान्यकामापि न चान्यपूर्वा विना वराहाँ जनकात्मजां तु।७०।।
There was no woman there, who had been won by force by (Rāvana), possessed as he was of prowess; but they had all been subdued by his qualities. And save the surpassingly worthy daughter of Janaka, no female (had been brought), who had set her heart on another, or who had known any other before.

न चाकुलीना न च हीनरूपा नादक्षिणा नानुपचारयुक्ता। भार्याभवत् तस्य न हीनसत्त्वा न चापि कान्तस्य न कामनीया ॥
There was none who, being his wife, was not of high extraction; none who was defective in grace; none who was not an object of desire of her lover.

बभूव बुद्धिस्तु हरीश्वरस्य यदीदृशी राघवधर्मपत्नी। इमा महाराक्षसराजभार्याः सुजातमस्येति हि साधुबुद्धेः॥
as The lord of monkeys endowed with uprightness of sense, thought, “If the righteously wedded wife of Rāghava were one of the wives of the king of the Rākṣasas, it would well for him."

पुनश्च सोऽचिन्तयदात्तरूपो ध्रुवं विशिष्टा गुणतो हि सीता। अथायमस्यां कृतवान् महात्मा लङ्केश्वरः कष्टमनार्यकर्म॥
Again reflected he, “Sītā is crowned with chastity and other virtues; and the powerful lord of Lankā, assuming an illusory form, has with much ado perpetrated this ignominious act.” as The lord of monkeys endowed with uprightness of sense, thought, “If the righteously wedded wife of Rāghava were one of the wives of the king of the Rākṣasas, it would well for him."

पुनश्च सोऽचिन्तयदात्तरूपो ध्रुवं विशिष्टा गुणतो हि सीता। अथायमस्यां कृतवान् महात्मा लङ्केश्वरः कष्टमनार्यकर्म॥
Again reflected he, “Sītā is crowned with chastity and other virtues; and the powerful lord of Lankā, assuming an illusory form, has with much ado perpetrated this ignominious act.”