Sundara Kanda: Chapter 3

स लम्बशिखरे लंबे लंबतोयदसंनिभे। सत्त्वमास्थाय मेधावी हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः॥ निशि लङ्कां महासत्त्वो विवेश कपिकुञ्जरः। रम्यकाननतोयाढ्यां पुरी रावणपालिताम्॥ शारदाम्बुधरप्रख्यैर्भवनैरुपशोभिताम्। सागरोपमनिर्घोषां सागरानिलसेविताम्॥ सुपुष्टबलसम्पुष्टां यथैव विटपावतीम्। चारुतोरणनिर्वृहां पाण्डुरद्वारतोरणाम्॥ भुजगाचरितां गुप्तां शुभां भोगवतीमिव। तां सविद्युद्घनाकीर्णा ज्योतिर्गणनिषेविताम्॥ चण्डमारुतनिर्हादां यथा चाप्यमरावतीम्।
Assuming the quality of goodness and energy on mount Lamba furnished with elevated summits, and resembling long masses of clouds, Hanuman, son to the Wind-god capable of concluding in harmony with season, possessed of exceeding strength an elephant among monkeys-entered Lańkā by night, affluent with charming woods and waters-the city governed by Rāvaņa; beautified with edifices resembling autumnal clouds; sounding like to Vitapāvati* herself with infuriated elephants (stationed) at her graceful gateways; containing white gates with ornainented arches; arches; resembling the handsome Bhogavatī inhabited and protected by serpents. And suddenly coming to that (city) resembling Amarāvatī, scattered with clouds charged with lightning, having hosts of luminaries, and tumultuous with the roars of blustering blasts, *Alakā, the city of Kubera, King of Yaksas.

शातकुम्भेन महता प्राकारेणाभिसंवृताम्॥ किङ्किणीजालघोषाभिः पताकाभिरलंकृताम्। आसाद्य सहसा हृष्टः प्राकारमभिपेदिवान्॥ विस्मयाविष्टहृदयः पुरीमालोक्य सर्वतः। जाम्बूनदमयैारैवैदूर्यकृतवेदिकैः॥ वज्रस्फटिकमुक्ताभिर्मणिकुट्टिमभूषितैः। तप्तहाटकनिषूहै राजतामलपाण्डुरैः॥ वैदूर्यकृतसोपानैः स्फाटिकान्तरपांसुभिः। चारुसंजवनोपैतैः खमिवोत्पतितैः शुभैः॥
Girt round by a mighty golden wall, ringing with the tinklings of tiny bells; and embellished with pennons, he growing exceedingly exhilarated, made towards the wall. And beholding the city all round, furnished with golden doors; having quadrangular courts composed of lapises; ornamented with plastered jewelled pavements studded with all gems, crystals, and pearls; with mad elephants of burnished gold and speckless white silver, with stairs of lapises, (doors) devoid of dust with their centres composed of crystal and with stately halls; elegant, and adjoining mansions seeming as if reaching up to the heavens.

क्रौञ्चबर्हिणसंघुष्टै राजहंसनिषेवितैः। तूर्याभरणनिर्घोषैः सर्वतः परिनादिताम्॥
Resounding with Krauñca as and peacocks; frequented by swans, and everywhere resonant with the sounds of trumpets and ornaments.

बस्वोकसारप्रतिमां समीक्ष्य नगरी ततः। खमिवोत्पतितां लङ्कां जहर्ष हनुमान् कपिः॥
And then beholding the city Lankā, resembling Vasvokasāra,* and appearing to mount to the welkin, the monkey Hanumān was filled with rapture. *Alaka.

तां समीक्ष्य पुरीं लङ्कां राक्षसाधिपतेः शुभाम्। अनुत्तमामृद्धिमतीं चिन्तयामास वीर्यवान्॥
And seeing the delightful, . divine and prosperous city of Lankā belonging to the lord of Rākşasas, that one endowed with prowess thought within himself,

नेयमन्येन नगरी शक्या धर्षयितुं बलात्। रक्षिता रावणबलैरुद्यतायुधपाणिभिः॥
This city protected by the forces of Rãvaņa with their hands holding upraised arms, is incapable of being forcibly subdued by any other.

कुमुदाङ्गदयोर्वापि सुषेणस्य महाकपेः। प्रसिद्धेयं भवेत् भूमिमॆन्दद्विविदयोरपि॥ विवस्वतस्तनूजस्य हरेश्च कुशपर्वणः। ऋक्षस्य कपिमुख्यस्य मम चैव गतिर्भवेत्॥
This place can be easily entered by Kumuda, and Angada, as well as by that mighty monkey, Suşeņa; and also by Mainda and Dvivida. And there is way also for the offspring of the Sun, and that monkey, Kuśaparva, as well as of that foremost of monkeys, Rksya, and myself."

समीक्ष्य च महाबाहो राघवस्य पराक्रमम्। लक्ष्मणस्य च विक्रान्तमभवत् प्रीतिमान् कपिः॥
Having witnessed the prowess of Rāghava, as well as the vigour of Lakşmaņa, the monkey was filled with joy.

तां रत्नवसनोपेतां गोष्ठागारवतंसिकाम्। यन्त्रागारस्तनीमृद्धां प्रमदामिव भूषिताम्॥ तां नष्टतिमिरां दीपै स्वरैश्च महाग्रहै:। नगरी राक्षसेन्द्रस्य स ददर्श महाकपिः॥ अथ सा हरिशार्दूलं प्रविशन्तं महाकपिम्। नगरी स्वेन रूपेण ददर्श पवनात्मजम्॥
And that redoubtable monkey beheld the metropolis of the monarch of the Räkşasas; having for her cloth the sea; for her pendants, cow-stalls and stables; for her breasts, turrets mounted on the walls for discharging missils, decked out like a damsel; with her darkness dispelled by bright lights and the mighty monkey son to the Wind-god was met by the city in her native shape.

सा तं हरिवरं दृष्ट्वा लङ्का रावणपालिता। स्वयमेवोत्थिता तत्र विकृताननदर्शना ॥ पुरस्तात् तस्य वीरस्य वायुसूनोरतिष्ठत। मुञ्चमाना महानादमब्रवीत् पवनात्मजम्॥
Seeing that best of monkeys, Lankā, ruled by Rāvana arising of herself with her countenance rendered deformed, stood before the heroic son of the Wind and, emitting a tremendous roar, addressed the offspring of the Wind-god, saying,

कस्त्वं केन च कार्येण इह प्राप्तो वनालय। कथयस्वेह यत् तत्त्वं यावत् प्राणा धरन्ति ते॥
O you that had the woods for the home, who are you? And on what errand had you come hither? Tell me while yet you had your vital powers left in you.

न शक्यं खल्वियं लङ्का प्रवेष्टुं वानर त्वया। रक्षिता रावणबलैरभिगुप्ता समन्ततः॥
O monkey, for certain you are unable to obtain entry into this Laňkā, protected by the forces of Rāvaņa, and carefully guarded on all sides.

अथ तामब्रवीत् वीरो हनुमानग्रतः स्थिताम्। कथयिष्यामि तत् तत्त्वं यन्मां त्वं परिपृच्छसे॥ का त्वं विरूपनयना पुरद्वारेऽवतिष्ठसे। किमर्थं चापि मां क्रोधान्निर्भर्त्सयसि दारुणे॥
Thereat, the heroic Hanumān spoke to her staying in front of him, “I shall tell you all about that anent which you questionest me. Who are you that having deformed eyes stayest at the gate of this city? And what for, O frightful one, do you rail at me in wrath?"

हनुमद्वचनं श्रुत्वा लङ्का सा कामरूपिणी। उवाच वचनं क्रुद्धा परुषं पवनात्मजम्॥
Hearing Hanumān's speech, Lankā, capable of wearing forms at will, waxing wroth addressed the Wind-god's offspring, saying,

अहं राक्षसराजस्य रावणस्य महात्मनः। आज्ञाप्रतीक्षा दुर्धर्षा रक्षामि नगरीमिमाम्॥
I, who am incapable of being repressed, abiding by the mandate of the high-souled sovereign of the Rākşasas, protect this city.

न शक्यं मामवज्ञाय प्रवेष्टुं नगरीमिमाम्। अद्य प्राणैः परित्यक्तः स्वप्स्यसे निहतो मया॥
You are unable to enter this city, passing me by. You shall to-day, losing your life and slain by me, sleep (the sleep of death).

अहं हि नगरी लङ्का स्वयमेव प्लवङ्गम। सर्वतः परिरक्षामि अतस्ते कथितं मया॥
O monkey, I am the City of Lankā myself. I every way guard (all that is here.) that I told you.

लङ्काया वचनं श्रुत्वा हनूमान् मारुतात्मजः। यत्नवान् स हरिश्रेष्ठः स्थितः शैल इवापरः॥
Hearing Lankā's words, Hanumān, son to the Wind-god, foremost of monkeys-exerting himself (to secure victory), stood like another hill.

स तां स्त्रीरूपविकृतां दृष्ट्वा वानरपुङ्गवः। आबभाषेऽथ मेधावी सत्त्ववान् प्लवगर्षभः॥
Seeing her appear in the form of a deformed female, that foremost and best-of monkeys endued with intelligence, possessed of prowess, said.

द्रक्ष्यामि नगरी लङ्कां साट्टप्राकारतोरणाम्। इत्यर्थमिह सम्प्राप्तः परं कौतूहलं हि मे॥
I will behold the city of Lanká, crowned with turrets, walls and ornamented arches. It is for this that I have come here, Great is my curiosity.

वनान्युपवनानीह लङ्कायाः काननानि च। सर्वतो गृहमुख्यानि द्रष्टुमागमनं हि मे॥
I come forsooth to see the woods and groves and gardens of Lankā here, as well as her principle edifices.

तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा लङ्का सा कामरूपिणी। भूय एव पुनर्वाक्यं बभाषे परुषाक्षरम् ॥
Hearing these words of his, Lankā capable of wearing forms at will, again addressed him in a speech fraught with dissonant letters:

मामनिर्जित्य दुर्बुद्धे राक्षसेश्वरपालिताम्। न शक्यं ह्यद्य ते द्रष्टुं पुरीयं वानराधम॥
you of perverse understanding, O worst of monkeys, without in the first instance) vanquishing me, you cannot to-day behold this city ruled by the monarch of the Rākşasas.

ततः स हरिशार्दूलस्तामुवाच निशाचरीम्। दृष्ट्वा पुरीमिमां भद्रे पुनर्यास्ये यथागतम्॥
Thereat that tiger of a monkey said to that female ranger of the night. After seeing this city, O gentle one, I shall go away even a I have come.

वै ततः श्रुत्वा महानादं सा लङ्का भयंकरम्। तलेन वानरश्रेष्ठं ताडयामास वेगिता॥
Thereupon, setting up a mighty and terrible roar, Laikā filled with vehemence, struck at Hanumān with her palm.

ततः स हरिशार्दूलो लङ्कया ताडितो भृशम्। ननाद सुमहानादं वीर्यवान् मारुतात्मजः॥
That tiger-like monkey, the energetic offspring of the wind-god, on being lustily struck by Larkā, emitted a tremendous roars.

ततः संवर्तयामास वामहस्तस्य सोऽङ्गुलीः। मुष्टिनाभिजघानैनां हनुमान् क्रोधमूर्च्छितः॥
And (Hanuman) fastened the fingers of his left hand into a box, and transported with rage, dealt it to her.

स्त्री चेति मन्यमानेन नातिक्रोधः स्वयं कृतः। सा तु तेन प्रहारेण विह्वलाङ्गी निशाचरी। पपात सहसा भूमौ विकृताननदर्शना ॥
Considering that she was a female he did not give way to excessive wrath. And struck at (by Hanumān), that ranger of the night, of a deformed face, her body overcome, suddenly dropped to the earth.

ततस्तु हनुमान् वीरस्तां दृष्ट्वा विनिपातितम्। कृपां चकार तेजस्वी मन्यमानः स्त्रियं च ताम्॥
And the energetic and heroic Hanumān, seeing her measure her length, in consideration of her being a female, was filled with compassion.

ततो वै भृशमुद्विग्ना लङ्का सा गद्गदाक्षरम्। उवाचागर्वितं वाक्यं हनुमन्तं प्लवङ्गमम्।॥
Thereat, exceedingly agitated, Lanka addressed the monkey, Hanumān, in humble words, with their letters faltering,

प्रसीद सुमहाबाहो त्रायस्व हरिसत्तम । समये सौम्य तिष्ठन्ति सत्त्ववन्तो महाबलाः॥
O mighty-armed one, be propitious to me! Do you save me, O best of monkeys, O placid one. Those that are gifted with strength and are endued with exceeding vigour, ever bear regard to the dignity of the sceiptures.

अहं तु नगरी लङ्का स्वयमेव प्लवङ्गम। निर्जिताहं त्वया वीर विक्रमेण महाबल॥
By your prowess, O Monkey, had you, O hero, O you gifted with wondrous strength, vanquished me myself, who am the City of Lankā.

इदं च तथ्यं शृणु मे ब्रुवन्त्या वै हरीश्वर। स्वयं स्वयम्भुवा दत्तं वरदानं यथा मम ॥
Listen to this narration, which I, O foremost of monkeys, deliver to you; as to how the selfcreate Himself conferred a boon on me.

यदा त्वां वानरः कश्चिद् विक्रमाद् वशमानयेत्। तदा त्वया हि विज्ञेयं रक्षसां भयमागतम्॥ स हि मे समयः सौम्य प्राप्तोऽद्य तव दर्शनात्। स्वयम्भूविहितः सत्यो न तस्यास्ति व्यतिक्रमः॥
When a certain monkey shall by his prowess, bring you under his sway, then shall you understand that a fear is come to me, in consequence of my meeting with you. The truth ordained by the self-create know no turning.

सीतानिमित्तं राज्ञस्तु रावणस्य दुरात्मनः। रक्षसां चैव सर्वेषां विनाशः समुपागतः। ४९ ।।
The destruction of the unrighteous king Rāvaņa together with all the Rākşasas, has come about in consequence of Şītā (having been carried away).

तत् प्रविश्य हरिश्रेष्ठ पुरीं रावणपालिताम्। विधत्स्व सर्वकार्याणि यानि यानीह वाञ्छसि ॥
Therefore, O best of monkeys, do you enter the city ruled by Rāvaņa; and accomplish such tasks as you wishest to.

प्रविश्य शापोपहतां हरीश्वरः पुरीं शुभां राक्षसमुख्यपालिताम्। यदृच्छया त्वं जनकात्मजां सतीं विमार्ग सर्वत्र गतो यथासुखम्॥
Entering this splendid city lying under an imprecation, governed by the chief of the Rāks asas, do you at your will happily repairing everywhere, search for the chaste daughter of Janaka. .