Kishkinda Kanda: Chapter 67

तं दृष्ट्वा जृम्भमाणं ते क्रमितुं शतयोजनम्। वेगेनापूर्यमाणं च सहसा वानरोत्तमम्॥ सहसा शोकमुत्सृज्य प्रहर्षेण समन्विताः। विनेदुस्तुष्टुवुश्चापि हनूमन्तं महाबलम्॥
Seeing that foremost of monkeys enlarge his person for bossing over an hundred Yojanas, and suddenly filled with energy, (the monkeys) at once renounced sorrow, and, filled with light, set up ululations and fell to eulogizing the mighty Hanuman.

प्रहृष्टा विस्मिताश्चापि ते वीक्षन्ते समन्ततः। त्रिविक्रमं कृतोत्साहं नारायणमिव प्रजाः॥ संस्तूयमानो हनुमान् व्यवर्धत महाबलः। समाविद्ध्य च लालं हर्षाद् बलमुपेयिवान्॥
And, struck with amazement, they, (staying) all round, joyfully gazed (at him); even as creatures beheld Nārāyaṇa, then stretching forth his three steps, he prepared him (for the succeeding feat). And, eulogized by them, the odorous mighty Hanuman increased; and, flourishing his tail me joy, attained strength.

तस्य संस्तूयमानस्य वृद्धैर्वानरपुङ्गवैः। तेजसाऽऽपूर्यमाणस्य रूपमासीदनुत्तमम्॥
As, extolled by the principal derly monkeys, he became fraught with effulgence, his beauty as great. .

यथा विजृम्भते सिंहो विवृते गिरिगह्वरे। मारुतस्यौरसः : पुत्रस्तथा सम्प्रति जृम्भते॥
As a lion fills himself with vigour in an open we, so the son of the Wind-god filled himself with energy.

अशोभत मुखं तस्य जृम्भमाणस्य धीमतः। अम्बरीषोपमं दीप्तं विधूम इव पावकः॥
The face of him, as that intelligent one was filling, himself has force was aflame like a frying-pan, or like to themeless fire.

हरीणामुत्थितो मध्यात् सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः। अभिवाद्य हरीन् वृद्धान् हनूमानिदमब्रवीत्॥
Rising in the midst of the monkeys, Hanumān has his down standing on end through joy, saluting the monkeys, said,

आरुजन् पर्वताग्राणि हुताशनसखोऽनिलः। बलवानप्रमेयश्च वायुराकाशगोचरः॥ तस्याहं शीघ्रवेगस्य शीघ्रगस्य महात्मनः। मारुतस्यौरसः पुत्रः प्लवनेनास्मि तत्समः॥
Wind, the friend of Fire, shattereth summits; and, [ever blowing in the eye of the sky, he is possessed of strength, and is of immeasure (might). Begot from his loins, I am the son of fast-coursing and high-souled Wind, coursing swiftly am his equal in all these accomplishments.* *i.e. pertaining to leaping.

उत्सहे य हि विस्तीर्णमालिखन्तमिवाम्बरम्। मेहं गिरिमसङ्गेन परिगन्तुं सहस्रशः॥ बाहुवेगप्रणुन्नेन सागरेणाहमुत्सहे। समाप्लावयितुं लोकं सपर्वतनदीह्रदम्॥
I without once stopping, circumambulate the extensive heaven-cleaving mountain, Meru, for a thousand tin And, dashing the ocean with my arms, I can del the world with its mountains, rivers and lakes.

ममोरुजवावेगेन भविष्यति समुत्थितः। समुत्थितमहाग्राहः समुद्रो वरुणालयः॥
Las by the force of my legs and thighs, that abode of Varuņa the sea, out which have sprung the ferocious aqua animals, overleaps its continents.

पन्नागाशनमाकाशे पतन्तं पक्षिसेवितम्। वैनतेयमहं शक्तः परिगन्तुं सहस्रशः॥
And for once that lor birds, Vinata's offspring, living on serpents, courseth through the welkin, I can course through it a thousand times.

उदयात् प्रस्थितं वापि ज्वलन्तं रश्मिमालिनम्। अनस्तमितमादित्यमहं गन्तुं समुत्सहे॥ ततो भूमिमसंस्पृष्ट्वा पुनरागन्तुमुत्सहे। प्रवेगेनैव महता भीमेन प्लवगर्षभाः॥
And can touch the flaming effulgent Sun ere, beginning his jour from the Rising hill, he ascends the Setting hill. And, foremost of monkeys, I can, fiercely rushing on, come as without touching the earth.

उत्सहेयमतिक्रान्तुं सर्वानाकाशगोचरान्। सागरान् शोषयिष्यामि दारयिष्यामि मेदिनीम्॥ पर्वतांश्चूर्णयिष्यामि प्लवमानः प्लवङ्गमः। हरिष्याम्युरुवेगेन प्लवमानो महार्णवम्॥
And I can bound beyound's and planets, suck up the oceans, and rive the earth. And a monkey, I can, leaping, crush mountains; and, leaping can drain the mighty ocean dry.

लतानां विविधं पुष्पं पादपानां च सर्वशः। अनुयास्यति मामद्य प्लवमानं विहायसा॥
When I shall learing the sky, flowers from various shrubs and trees shall follow me to-day.

भविष्यति हि मे पन्थाः स्वातेः पन्था इवाम्बरे। चरन्तं घोरमाकाशमुत्पतिष्यन्तमेव च॥ द्रक्ष्यन्ति निपतन्तं च सर्वभूतानि वानराः।
And then my course, flecked with flowers), resemble even they sky (studded with stars). And, monkeys, then all creatures shall see me now ranging through the profound firmament, now shooting up, and now descending (on the other shore).

महामेरुप्रतीकाशं मां द्रक्ष्यध्वं प्लवङ्गमाः॥ दिवमावृत्य गच्छन्तं ग्रसमानमिवाम्बरम्। विधमिष्यामि जीमूतान् कम्पयिष्यामि पर्वतान्। सागरं शोषयिष्यामि प्लवमानः समाहितः॥
Resembling Mahāmeru, me shall behold, you monkeys, making my way, covering up sky, as if devouring up the heavens. I shall, leaping concentrating my energy, scatter the clouds, shake the I and suck up the ocean.

वैनतेयस्य वा शक्तिर्मम वा मारुतस्य वा। ऋते सुपर्णराजानं मारुतं वा महाबलम्। न तद् भूतं प्रपश्यामि यन्मां प्लुतमनुव्रजेत्॥
The strength of Vinata's son the Wind-god's, or mine, (surpasses that of every creature). None save the sovereign of birds, or the exceeding mighty Wind, can follow me in flight.

निमेषान्तरमात्रेण निरालम्बनमम्बरम्। सहसा निपतिष्यामि घनाद् विद्युदिवोत्थिता॥
In the twing an eye I shall spread through the unsupported lightning darting from clouds.

भविष्यति हि मे रूपं प्लवमानस्य सागरम्। विष्णोः प्रक्रममाणस्य तदा त्रीन् विक्रमानिव ॥
And at the time of leaping over the ocean, my form shall resemble that of the energizing Vişņu, when He had assumed the triune energy.

बुद्ध्या चाहं प्रपश्यामि मनश्रेष्ठा च मे तथा। अहं द्रक्ष्यामि वैदेही प्रमोदध्वं प्लवङ्गमाः॥
I perceive through my intelligence, (and my mental motion tallies), that I shall behold Vaidehi. Therefore, you monkeys, rejoice.

मारुतस्य समो वेगे गरुडस्य समो जवे। अयुतं योजनानां तु गमिष्यामीति मे मतिः॥
In vehemence like to Garura, I shall, I conceive, go an Ayuta yojanas.

वासवस्य सवज्रस्य ब्रह्मणो वा स्वयम्भुवः। विक्रम्य सहसा हस्तादमृतं तदिहानये॥ लङ्कां वापि समुत्क्षिप्य गच्छेयमिति मे मतिः।
I can, suddenly summoning energy, bring hither ambrosia from the very grasp of Vāsava or Brahmā himself. I shall leap sheer over Lankā. Even this is my impression.

तमेवं वानरश्रेष्ठं गर्जन्तममितप्रभम्॥ प्रहृष्टा हरयस्तत्र समुदैक्षन्त विस्मिताः।
Filled with delight, the monkeys there amazed see that foremost of monkeys, endued with immeasurable might, storming.

तच्चास्य वचनं श्रुत्वा ज्ञातीनां शोकनाशनम्॥ उवाच परिसंहृष्टो जाम्बवान् प्लवगेश्वरः।
And, hearing his speech capable of removing the grief of kindred, that best of monkeys Jambavān, transported with joy, said,

वीर केसरिणः पुत्र वेगवन् मारुतात्मज॥ ज्ञातीनां विपुलः शोकस्त्वया तात प्रणाशितः।
O hero! O son of Kesari! O offspring of the Wind! the huge sorrow of your kindred has, my child, been destroyed by you.

तव कल्याणरुचयः कपिमुख्याः समागताः॥ मङ्गलान्यर्थसिद्ध्यर्थं करिष्यन्ति समाहिताः।
These foremost of monkeys assembled, who wish for your welfare, shall, with intent mind, perform acts tending to your weal,-so that you mayst succeed in your undertaking.

ऋषीणां च प्रसादेन कपिवृद्धमतेन च॥ गुरूणां च प्रसादेन संप्लव त्वं महार्णवम्।
By the grace of the saints, and with the permission of the aged monkeys, and by the blessing of the superiors, do you bound over the mighty main.

स्थास्यामश्चैकपादेन यावदागमनं तव॥ त्वद्गतानि च सर्वेषां जीवनानि वनौकसाम्।
Till you return, we shall stay on one leg. The lives of all these rangers of the forest shall go along with you. *i.e. practise austerities on your behalf.

ततश्च हरिशार्दूलस्तानुवाच वनौकसः॥ कोऽपि लोके न मे वेगं प्लवने धारयिष्यति।
Then that tiger-like monkey said to those rangers of the woods, None in this world would be able to sustain my impetus in the act of bounding.

एतानीह नगस्यास्य शिलासंकटशालिनः॥ शिखराणि महेन्द्रस्य स्थिराणि च महान्ति च। येषु वेगं गमिष्यामि महेन्द्रशिखरेष्वहम्॥ नानादुमविकीर्णेषु धातुनिष्पन्दशोभिषु।
Here are these summits, firm and spacious, of this mountain, Mahendra, thronged with crags. I shall rush forward from these summits of Mahendra, interspersed with trees and adorned with masses of ore.

एतानि मम वेगं हि शिखराणि महान्ति च॥ प्लवतो धारयिष्यन्ति योजनानामितः शतम्।
As I leap over a hundred Yojanas, these mighty summits shall sustain my impetus.

ततस्तु मारुतप्रख्यः स हरिर्मारुतात्मजः। आरुरोह नगश्रेष्ठं महेन्द्रमरिमर्दनः॥ वृतं नानाविधैः पुष्पैर्मृगसेवितशाद्वलम्। लताकुसुमसम्बाधं नित्यपुष्पफलद्रुमम्॥ सिंहशार्दूलसहितं मत्तमातङ्गसेवितम्। मत्तद्विजगणोद्धृष्टं सलिलोत्पीडसंकुलम्॥ महद्भिरुच्छ्रितः शृङ्गैर्महेन्द्रस्य महाबलः। विचचार हरिश्रेष्ठो महेन्द्रसमविक्रमः।॥
Then he equalling the Wind, that monkey, the son of the Wind-god, pounder of enemies, ascended that best of mountains, Mahendra; covered with with various trees and flowers, furnished with swards; ranged by deer; containing plants and blossoms with trees bearing fruits and flowers daily; having tigers and lions and infuriated elephants; swarming with maddened birds; and abounding with fountains. Ascending (Mahendra), that foremost of monkeys endued with exceeding strength, and resembling Mahendra himself in prowess, began to range from one mighty summit to another.

बाहुभ्यां पीडितस्तेन महाशैलो महात्मना। ररास सिंहाभिहतो महान् मत्त इव द्विपः॥
Thereat, hurt by the arms of that high-souled one, the mighty mountain began to cry,* like a mighty mad elephant tormented by a lion. *Through the voices of the animals inhabiting it.

मुमोच सलिलोत्पीडान् विप्रकीर्णशिलोच्चयः। वित्रस्तमृगमातङ्गः प्रकम्पितमहाद्रुमः॥ नानागन्धर्वमिथुनैः पानसंसर्गकर्कशैः। उत्पतद्भिर्विहङ्गैश्च विद्याधरगणैरपि॥ त्यज्यमानमहासानुः संनिलीनमहोरगः। शैलशृङ्गशिलोत्पातस्तदाभूत् स महागिरिः॥
And water rushed out of masses of rocks scattered around. And that mighty mountain had its deer and elephants afflicted with affright; and its giant trees shaken; and its spacious uplands deserted by various Gandharva couples engaged in drinking and dalliance, and by birds-flying away, and by bevies of Vidyadharas; and its huge serpents distressed, and its cliffs and peaks toppling down.

निःश्वसद्भिस्तदा तैस्तु भुजगैरर्धनिःसृतैः। सपाताक इवाभाति स तदा धरणीधरः॥ ऋषिभिस्त्रासम्भ्रान्तैस्त्यज्यमानः शिलोच्चयः। सीदन्महति कान्तारे सार्थहीन इवाध्वगः॥
With its serpents hissing, with their bodies half issuing (from their holes), the mountain seemed as if it shone with pennons displayed. And the heap of crags forsaken by saints exercised with fear and agitation, looked doleful, like a wayfarer left in a vast forest by his companions.

स वेगवान् वेगसमाहितात्मा हरिप्रवीरः परिवीरहन्ता। मनः समाधाय महानुभावो जगाम लङ्कां मनसा मनस्वी ॥
That intelligent, magnanimous and heroic monkey-destroyer of hostile heroes, endowed with speed, concentrating his soul on his energy, mentally went to Lankā.