Aranya Kanda: Chapter 15

ततः पञ्चवटीं गत्वा नानाव्यालमृगायुताम्। उवाच लक्ष्मणं रामो भ्रातरं दीप्ततेजसम्॥
Then repairing to Pañcavațī filled with various animals and beasts of prey, Rāma remarked to his brother Laksmana of flaming energy,

आगताः स्म यथोद्दिष्टं यं देशं मुनिरब्रवीत्। अयं पञ्चवटीदेशः सौम्य पुष्पितकाननः॥
(Now) we have come to the place to which we had been directed by the ascetic This, O amiable one, is Pañcavați furnished with blossoming woods.

सर्वतश्चार्यतां दृष्टिः कानने निपुणो ह्यसि । आश्रमः कतरस्मिन् नो देशे भवति सम्मतः॥
Do you cast your eyes around this forest, and (ascertain) what spot shall suit our asylum.

रमते यत्र वैदेही त्वमहं चैव लक्ष्मणः। तादृशो दृश्यतां देशः संनिकृष्टजलाशयः॥ वनरामण्यकं यत्र जलरामण्यकं तथा। संनिकृष्टं च यस्मिस्तु समित्पुष्पकृशोदकम्॥
Do you find out such a place in the vicinity of a tank where yourself Sītā and I may dwell happily, which is graced with the garniture of woods and delightful with liquid lapses, and whose neighbourhood yields fuel, flowers, Kuća and water.

एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मणः संयताञ्जलिः। सीतासमक्षं काकुत्स्थमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Thus addressed by Rāma. Lakşmaņa with joined hands, said to Kākutstha in the presence of Sītā,

परवानस्मि काकुत्स्थ त्वयि वर्षशतं स्थिते। स्वयं तु रुचिरे देशे क्रियतामिति मां वद॥
O Kákutstha, even if I were to stay with you for an hundred years, I shall remain your servant. Thyself selecting some beauteous spot do you tell me-'Construct (an asylum)'.

सुप्रीतस्तेन वाक्येन लक्ष्मणस्य महाद्युतिः। विमृशन् रोचयामास देशं सर्वगुणान्वितम्॥ स तं रुचिरमाक्रम्य देशमाश्रमकर्मणि। हस्ते गृहीत्वा हस्तेन रामः सौमित्रिमब्रवीत्॥
Well pleased with the words of Lakşınana, that highly effulgent one, after dure reflection, selected a site having every recommendation. Going to that romantic spot for rearing an asylum, Rama, taking the hand of Sumitra's son in his, said to him.

अयं देशः समः श्रीमान् पुष्पितैस्तरुभिर्वृतः। इहाश्रमपदं रम्यं यथावत् कर्तुमर्हसि ॥
This place is level, graceful and surrounded with blossoming trees. Do you duly construct an asylum at this spot.

इयमादित्यसंकाशैः पद्मः सुरभिगन्धिभिः। अदूरे दृश्यते रम्या पद्मिनी पद्मशोभिता ॥
Hard by is seen a beautiful pool, embellished with lotuses, resembling the sun, and breathing balmy perfume.

यथाख्यातमगस्त्येन मुनिना भावितात्मना। १ इयं गोदावरी रम्या पुष्पितैस्तरुभिर्वृता॥ हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णा चक्रवाकोपशोभिता। नातिदूरे स चासन्ने मृगयूथनिपीडिता॥
And, as told by that pure-hearted ascetic, Agastya, this is the graceful Godåvarī, bordered by flowering trees; swarming with swans and Kārandavas, delighted with Cakravākas, thronged with herds of deer,* not far, yet not so very near.

मयूरनादिता रम्याः प्रांशवो बहुकन्दराः। दृश्यन्ते गिरयः सौम्य फुल्लैस्तरुभिरावृताः॥ सौवर्णं राजतैस्तारैर्देशे देशे तथा शुभैः। गवाक्षिता इवाभान्ति गजाः परमभक्तिभिः॥ सालैस्तालैस्तमालैश्च खजूरैः पनसैर्दुमैः। नीवारैस्तिनिशैश्चैव पुन्नागैश्चौपशोभिताः॥ चूतैरशोकैस्तिलकैः केतकैरपि चम्पकैः। पुष्पगुल्मलतोपेतैस्तैस्तैस्तरुभिरावृताः॥ स्यन्दनैश्चन्दनैपैः पनसैलकुचैरपि। धवाश्वकर्णखदिरैः शमीकिंशुकपाटलैः॥
And resounding with the cries of peacocks; charming; elevated; containing full many a cave; do you, O amiable one, behold these hills, covered with trees in full flower; and they are shining like elephants painted with diverse colours by persons with the utmost care; adorned with Salas, palmyras, Tamālas, dates, Panasas, Nīvāras, Tinišas, and Punnāgas. And covered with mangoes, Asokas, Tilakas, Ketakas, and Campakas, and trees entwined by flowers, herbs and plants; and containing Syandanas, sandals, Nīpas, Paņāsas, Lakucas, Dhavas, Ašvakarņas, Khadiras, Samls, Kinsukas and Patalas.

इदं पुण्यमिदं रम्यमिदं बहुमृगद्विजम्। इह वत्स्याम सौमित्रे सार्धमेतेन पक्षिणा॥
This spot is sacred-this spot is charmingthis spot abounds in beasts and birds. Here will I dwell, O Sumitra's son, in company with this birds.

एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा। अचिरेणाश्रमं भ्रातुश्चकार सुमहाबलः॥
Thus addressed by Rāma, the exceedingly powerful Lakşmaņa, slayer of hostile heroes, in a short time raised as asylum for his brother.

पर्णशालां सुविपुलां तत्र संघातमृत्तिकाम्। सुस्तम्भां मस्करैदीर्धेः कृतवंशां सुशोभनाम्॥ शमीशाखाभिरास्तीर्य दृढपाशावपाशिताम्। कुशकाशशरैः पर्णैः सुपरिच्छादितां तथा॥ समीकृततलां रम्यां चकार सुमहाबलः। निवासं राघवस्यार्थे प्रेक्षणीयमनुत्तमम्॥
And the exceedingly stout Lakşmaņa created there for Rāghava a spacious hut thatched with leaves made of clay, furnished with pillars, constructed with long bomboos, graceful-spread with Samī boughs; tightly fastened with strong cords; covered with Kusa reeds, and leaves; with its floor well levelled; and charming; beautiful to look at, and exceedingly excellent.

स गत्वा लक्ष्मणः श्रीमान् नदी गोदावरी तदा। स्नात्वा पद्मानि चादाय सफलः पुनरागतः॥
And then going to the river Godāvarī, the lovely Lakşmana, performing his bath, and securing lotuses and fruits, came back (to the asylum).

ततः पुष्पबलिं कृत्वा शान्तिं च स यथाविधि। दर्शयामास रामाय तदाश्रमपदं कृतम्॥
Then offering flowers, and duly performing rites for the peace (of the habitation), Lakşmaņa showed the asylum which he had made to Rāma.

स तं दृष्ट्वा कृतं सौम्यमाश्रमं सह सीतया। राघवः पर्णशालायां हर्षमाहारयत् परम्॥
Seeing the beautiful asylum along with Sitā, Rāghava experienced high raptures.

सुसंहृष्टः परिष्वज्य बाहुभ्यां लक्ष्मणं तदा। अतिस्निग्धं च गाढं च वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्॥
And joyfully embracing Lakṣmaṇa with his arms, Rāma said these exceedingly calm and solemn words.

प्रीतोऽस्मि ते महत् कर्म त्वया कृतमिदं प्रभो। प्रदेयो यन्निमित्तं ते परिष्वङ्गो मया कृतः॥
Pleased am I with you. You have done a great deed, my brother; for which I have granted you my embrace by way of reward.

भावज्ञेन कृतज्ञेन धर्मज्ञेन च लक्ष्मण। त्वया पुत्रेण धर्मात्मा स संवृतः पिता मम ॥
While you, his son skilled in reading thought, grateful, and cognizant of righteousness are alive, O Laksmana, my father is not dead.

एवं लक्ष्मणमुक्त्वा तु राघवो लक्ष्मिवर्धनः। तस्मिन् देशे बहुफले न्यवसत् स सुखं सुखी॥
Having said this to Lakşmana, Rāghava— the enhancer of auspiciousness experiencing felicity, began to dwell happily in that region filled with fruits.

कंचित् कालं स धर्मात्मा सीतया लक्ष्मणेन च। अन्वास्यमानो न्यवसत् स्वर्गलोके यथामरः॥
And ministered to by Sītā and Lakşmaņa that righteous one lived there, like the immortals in heaven.