Kishkinda Kanda: Chapter 33

अथ प्रतिसमादिष्टो लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा। प्रविवेश गुहां रम्यां किष्किन्धां रामशासनात्॥
Thereupon, Laksmana, the slayer of foes, commanded, entered, at the behest of Rāma, the pleasant city of Kişkindhā situated in the centre of caves.

द्वारस्था हरयस्तत्र महाकाया महाबलाः। बभूवर्लक्ष्मणं दृष्ट्वः सर्वे प्राञ्जलयः स्थिताः॥
Beholding Lakşınaņa, the highly powerful monkeys, having huge persons and waiting at the gate, stood all with folded hands.

निःश्वसन्तं तु तं दृष्ट्वा क्रुद्धं दशरथात्मजम्। बभूवुर्हरयस्त्रास्ता न चैनं पर्यवारयन्॥
And seeing Dasaratha's son highly enraged and sighing again and again, the monkeys stood silent and did not interrupt him.

स तां रत्नमयीं दिव्यां श्रीमान् पुष्पितकाननाम्। रम्यां रत्नसमाकीर्णां ददर्श महतीं गुहाम्॥ हर्म्यप्रासादसम्बाधां नानारत्नोपशोभिताम् सर्वकामफलैर्वृक्षैः पुष्पितैरुपशोभिताम्॥ देवगन्धर्वपुत्रैश्च वानरैः कामरूपिभिः। दिव्यमाल्याम्बरधरैः शोभितां प्रियदर्शनैः॥
The graceful Lakşmaņa espied that huge picturesque and celestial cave adorned with jewels and flowery gardens. It was filled with palatial buildings, various jewels and flowery trees, producing at all times wished for fruits. It was beautified with good-looking monkeyschildren of the celestials and Gandharabas wearing celestial garlands and clothes and assuming shapes at will.

चन्द्रनागुरुपद्मानां गन्धैः सुरभिगन्धिताम्। : मैरेयाणां मधूनां च सम्मोहितमहापथाम्॥
It was fragrant with the sweet smell of sandal wood, Aguru and lotuses and its highway were equally fragrant with the smell of honey.

विन्ध्यमेरुगिरिप्रख्यैः प्रासादै कभूमिभिः। ददर्श गिरिनद्यश्च विमलास्तत्र राघवः॥
And Lakşmaņa beheld there many spacious buildings like to the hills Vindhya and Meru and rivers of clear water.

अङ्गदस्य गृहं रम्यं मैन्दस्य द्विविदस्य च। गवयस्य गवाक्षस्य गजस्य शरभस्य च॥ विद्युन्मालेश्च सम्पातेः सूर्याक्षस्य हनूमतः। वीरबाहोः सुबाहोश्च नलस्य च महात्मनः॥ कुमुदस्य सुषेणस्य तारजाम्बवतोस्तथा। दधिवक्त्रस्य नीलस्य सुपाटलसुनेत्रयोः॥ एतेषां कपिमुख्यानां राजमार्गे महात्मनाम्। ददर्श गृहमुख्यानि महासाराणि लक्ष्मणः॥ पाण्डुराभ्रप्रकाशानि गन्धमाल्ययुतानि च। प्रभूतधनधान्यानि स्त्रीरत्नैः शोभितानि च॥
And he also surveyed the picturesque dwellings of Angada, Mainda, Divida, Gavaya, Gavaksa, Gaja, Sarava, Vidhutmali, Sampati Suryakşa, Hanumāna, Beerabāhu, Subāhu, Nala, Kumuda, Susena, Tara, Jambavan, Dadhivaktra, Neela, Sunetra and Supātala like to sable clouds adorned with excellent garlands, filled with rice and jewels and beautiful damsels.

पाण्डुरेण तु शैलेन परिक्षिप्तं दुरासदम्। वानरेन्द्रगृहं रम्यं महेन्द्रसदनोपमम्॥ शुक्लैः प्रासादशिखरैः कैलासशिखरोपमैः। सर्वकामफलैर्वृक्षैः पुष्पितैरुपशोभितम्॥ महेन्द्रदत्तैः श्रीमद्भिर्नीलजीमूतसंनिभैः। दिव्यपुष्पफलैर्वृक्षैः शीतच्छायैर्मनोरमैः॥ हरिभिः संवृतद्वारं बलिभिः शस्त्रपाणिभिः। दिव्यमाल्यावृतं शुभ्रं तप्तकाञ्चनतोरणम्॥ सुग्रीवस्य गृहं रम्यं प्रविवेश महाबलः। अवार्यमाणः सौमित्रिर्महाभ्रमिव भास्करः॥
Unobstructed the highly powerful Saumitri entered the picturesque abode of Sugrīva like to the Sun entering into a collection of dense clouds. The abode of this lord of monkeys was like to the palace of the Lord of celestials, ornamented with the tops of white buildings resembling the summits of the Kailasa hill and flowery trees producing at all times, wished-for fruits, covered with beautiful trees having cool shades and bearing celestial fruits and flowers resembling the molten-god.

स सप्त कक्ष्या धर्मात्मा यानासनसमावृताः। ददर्श सुमहद्गुप्तं ददर्शान्त:पुरं महत्॥ हैमराजतपर्यकैर्बहुभिश्च वरासनैः। महार्हास्तरणोपेतैस्तत्र तत्र समावृतम्॥
And that virtuous-souled one, crossing the seven rooms filled with conveyances and seats beheld the secret apartment (of that monkeychief), having many a gold and silver bed-steads with excellent coverlets and fine seats.

प्रविशन्नेव सततं शुश्राव मधुरस्वनम्। तन्त्रीगीतसमाकीर्णं समतालपदाक्षरम्॥
No sooner had he entered the inner apartment than he heard a musical sound, well-measured and accompanied by the music of the stringed instrument.

बह्वीश्च विविधाकारा रूपयौवनगर्विताः। स्त्रियः सुग्रीवभवने ददर्श स महाबलः॥
And that highly powerful one beheld in the abode of Sugrīva many a beautiful damsel proud of their youth and beauty sprung from respectable families, adorned with splendid ornaments, engaged in stringing excellent garlands.

दृष्ट्वाभिजनसम्पन्नास्तत्र माल्यकृतस्रजः। वनमाल्यकृतव्यग्रा भूषणोत्तमभूषिताः॥ नातृप्तान् नाति चाव्यग्रान् नानुदात्तपरिच्छदान्। सुग्रीवानुचरांश्चापि लक्षयामास लक्ष्मणः॥
And he observed Sugrīva's servants, well fed, contented, not hurry in offering their services and without splendid ornaments.

कूजितं नू पुराणां च काञ्चीनां निःस्वनं तता स निशम्य ततः श्रीमान् सौमित्रिर्लज्रितोऽभवत्॥
Hearing the sounds of women's girdles and their Nupurs*, the graceful Lakşınaņa became highly ashamed. *An ornament for their toes or feet.

रोषवेगप्रकुपितः श्रुत्वा चाभरणस्वनम्। चकार जायास्वनं वीरो दिशः शब्देन पूरयन्॥
And highly enraged at the sound of the ornaments, the hero filled all the quarters with the twang of his bow.

चारित्रेण महाबाहुरपकृष्टः स लक्ष्मणः। तस्थावेकान्तमाश्रित्य रामकोपसमन्वितः॥
Lakşmaņa of mighty arms stood silent in a nook, thinking of his improper conduct of entering into (Sugriva's) seraglio, albeit he was wrought up with ire in consequence of Sugrīva's neglecting Rama's service.

तेन चापस्वनेनाथ सुग्रीवः प्लवगाधिपः। विज्ञायागमनं त्रस्तः स चचाल वरासनात्॥
Thereupon Sugrīva, the lord of monkeys, being apprised of Laksmana's approach by the twang of his bow and terrified, trembled on his throne, and thought aside.

अङ्गदेन यथा मह्यं पुरस्तात् प्रतिवेदितम्। सुव्यक्तमेव सम्प्राप्तः सौमित्रिर्धातृवत्सलः॥
Forsooth has Saumitri, fond of his brother, come, whose approach was announced by Argada before,

अङ्गदेन समाख्यातो ज्यास्वनेन च वानरः। बुबुधे लक्ष्मणं प्राप्तं मुखं चास्य व्यशुष्यत॥
Informed before by Angada of his approach, and made doubly sure by the twang of the bow, that monkey came to know of Lakşmaņa's arrival and turned pale.

ततस्तारां हरिश्रेष्ठः सुग्रीवः प्रियदर्शनाम्। उवाच हितमव्यग्रस्त्राससम्भ्रान्तमानसः॥
Thereupon Sugrīva, the foremost of monkeys, wrought up with fear, addressed the fine looking Tārā with the following well-meaning words.

किं नु रुट्कारणं सुभ्र प्रकृत्या मृदुमानसः। सरोष इव सम्प्राप्तो येनायं राघवानुजः॥
O beautiful lady, did you know, why has the mild-natured younger brother of Rāma, arrived here enraged?

किं पश्यसि कुमारस्य रोषस्थानमनिन्दिते। न खल्वकारणे कोपमाहरेन्नरपुङ्गवः॥
O blameless lady, did you perceive any cause of the Prince's wrath? Forsooth, that best of men, is not enraged for a slight cause.

यद्यस्य कृतमस्माभिर्बुध्यसे किंचिदप्रियम्। तद्बुद्ध्या सम्प्रधाशु क्षिप्रमेवाभिधीयताम्॥
Considering aright, did you speedily inform me if I have performed any improper act towards Rāma.

अथवा स्वयमेवैनं द्रष्टुमर्हसि भामिनि। वचनैः सान्त्वयुक्तैश्च प्रसादयितुमर्हसि॥
O fine lady, do you approach him in person and pacify him with soothing words.

त्वद्दर्शने विशुद्धात्मा न स्म कोपं करिष्यति। नहि स्त्रीषु महात्मानः क्वचित् कुर्वन्ति दारुणम्॥
Beholding you, that pure-souled one shall not be worked with ire; great men do never behave roughly towards the females.

त्वया सान्त्वैरुपक्रान्तं प्रसन्नेन्द्रियमानसम्। ततः मलपत्राक्षं द्रक्ष्याम्यहमरिंदमम्॥
Approaching him do you console him and thereafter I shall see that conqueror of foes having eyes resembling lotus-petals.

सा प्रस्खलन्ती मदविह्वलाक्षी प्रलम्बकाञ्चीगुणहेमसूत्रा। सलक्षणा लक्ष्मणसंनिधानं जगाम तारा नमिताङ्गयष्टिः॥
Thereupon Tārā, with faltering feet and eyes wild with wine, the golden chains of her zone flowing (about her her hips),-graced with auspicious marks, saught Laksmana's presence with downcast looks.

स तां समीक्ष्यैव हरीशपत्नी तस्थावुदासीनतया महात्मा। अवाङ्मुखोऽभून्मनुजेन्द्रपुत्रः स्त्रीसंनिकर्षाद् विनिवृत्तकोपः॥
Beholding Tărā, the queen of the lord of monkeys, Laksmana, the high-souled son of a king, restraining his anger on the approach of a female, stood with his head hung down, conducting himself like an ascetic.

सा पानयोगाच्च निवृत्तलज्जा दृष्टिप्रसादाच्च सरेन्द्रसूनोः। वाक्यं महार्थं परिसान्त्वरूपम्॥
Renouncing modesty under the influence of liquor, and finding the king's son well pleased, Tārā spoke to Lakşmaņa, bold and loving words, in order to console him.

किं कोपमूलं मनुजेन्द्रपुत्र कस्ते न संतिष्ठति वानिदेशे। कः शुष्कवृक्षं वनमापतन्तं दावाग्निमासीदति निर्विशङ्कः॥
O son of a king, what is the cause of your wrath? Who is there who has not abode by your commands? Who can remain without anxiety, beholding fire in a forest filled with dried trees?

स तस्या वचनं श्रुत्वा सान्त्वपूर्वमशङ्कितः। भूयः प्रणयदृष्टार्थं लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the soothing words of Tārā, Laks maņa, undaunted, spoke again, greatly manifesting his friendship.

किमयं कामवृत्तस्ते लुप्तधर्मार्थसंग्रहः। भर्ता भर्तहिते युक्ते न चैनमवबुध्यसे॥
O you intent on your husband's welfare, did you not perceive that your husband is by and by losing piety and wealth, being addicted to amorcus enjoyments.?

न चिन्तयति राज्यार्थं सोऽस्माशोकपरायणान्। सामान्यपरिषत्तारे काममेवोपसेवते॥
O Tāră, your husband does not think of us who are moved with sorrow—but is addicted to sensual enjoyments only, being surrounded by parasites.

स मासांश्चतुरः कृत्वा प्रमाणं प्लवगेश्वरः। व्यतीतांस्तान् मदोदग्रो विहरन् नावबुध्यते॥
(Having promised that he would institute enquiries about Sītā after four months), that lord of monkeys has well-nigh spent the entire period, being influenced by liquor and addicted to enjoyments along with you.

नहि धर्मार्थसिद्ध्यर्थं पानमेवं प्रशस्यते। पानादर्थश्च कामश्च धर्मश्च परिहीयते॥
For the attainment of piety and wealth, drinking is not a proper course. It is by drinking that people lose piety, wealth and desire.

धर्मलोपो महांस्तावत् कृते ह्यप्रतिकुर्वतः। अर्थलोपश्च मित्रस्य नाशे गुणवतो महान्॥
He who does not return the services of his benefactor, loseth piety. He who who loseth friendship with a qualified friend, loseth wealth.

मित्रं ह्यर्थगुणश्रेष्ठं सत्यधर्मपरायणम्। तद्वयं तु परित्यक्तं न तु धर्मे व्यवस्थितम्॥
He is the best friend who is gifted with wealth and is truthful; and your husband has relinquished such a friend gifted with these two qualities.

तदेवं प्रस्तुते कार्ये कार्यमस्माभिरुत्तरम्। तत् कार्यं कार्यतत्त्वज्ञे त्वमुदाहर्तुमर्हसि ॥
And, therefore, he does not abide by the virtue of preserving friendship. O you expert in business, this being the case, do you advice us as to what we should do.

सा तस्य धर्मार्थसमाधियुक्तं निशम्य वाक्यं मधुरस्वभावम्। तारा गतार्थे मनुजेन्द्रकार्ये विश्वासयुक्तं तमुवाच भूयः। ५०॥
Hearing the sweet words of Lakşmaņa consonant with piety and wealth, Tārā again addressed him about Räma's business, yet remaining unaccomplished with words inspiring confidence.

न कोपकालः क्षितिपालपुत्र न चापि कोपः स्वजने विधेयः। त्वदर्थकामस्य जनस्य तस्य प्रमादमप्यर्हसि वीर सोढुम्॥
O son of a king, this is not the time for displaying your wrath; it is not proper to be angry with one's own friends. O hero, it behoveth you to put up with the error of him who has your welfare in view.

कोपं कथं नाम गुणप्रकृष्टः कुमार कुर्यादपकृष्टसत्त्वे। कस्त्वद्विधः कोपवशं हि गच्छेत् सत्त्वावरुद्धस्तपसः प्रसूतिः॥
O prince, who, accomplished with excellent virtues, gets enraged with one of inferior merits? O prince, who, like you, an offspring of asceticism, is worked up with ire against the virtue of forgiveness?

र्जानामि कार्यस्य च कालसङ्गम्। स्तच्चापि जानामि यदत्र कार्यम् ॥
I know the cause of the) wrath of that heroic monkey's friend. I know the time for action. I know what you had done for us. I know what is due from us to you.

तच्चापि जानामि तथाविषा बलं नरश्रेष्ठ शरीरजस्य। जानामि यस्मिंश्च जनेऽवबद्धं कामेन सुग्रीवमसक्तमद्य ॥
And, O foremost of men, I also know the irresistible force of Kāma. I know by whom Sugrīva has been taken captive, and that his heart is not now in the work.

न कामतन्त्रे तव बुद्धिरस्ति त्वं वै यथा मन्युवर्श प्रपन्नः। ववेक्षते कामरतिर्मनुष्यः॥
As you had come under the governance of anger, your mind has not felt the influence of desire. Even a human being that has conceived love, does not stay for place or time or interest

तं कामवृत्तं मम संनिकृष्टं कामाभियोगाच्च विमुक्तलज्जम्। स्त्वद्भातरं वानरवंशनाथम्॥
Do you forgive that lord of the monkey race, your brother influenced by carnality, who is by you, and who through the urgency of lust, has banished shame.

महर्षयो धर्मतपोऽभिरामाः कामानुकामाः प्रतिबद्धमोहाः। अयं प्रकृत्या चपलः कपिस्तु कथं न सज्जेत सुखेषु राजा॥
Even Maharșis finding delight in religion and asceticism, setting their hearts upon satisfying lust, (ultimately) become fast bound by ignorance. But this is a monkey, volatile by nature, and has, further more, been enjoying regal state-why should he not act thus?

इत्येवमुक्त्वा वचनं महार्थं सा वानरी लक्ष्मणमप्रमेयम्। पुनः सखेदं मदविह्वलाक्षी भर्तुर्हितं वाक्यमिदं बभाषे॥
Having thus said Lakşmaņa of immeasurable intelligence words fraught with high import, that female monkey, her eyes drooping with languor, again sadly spoke in this wise for the behoof of her husband.

उद्योगस्तु चिराज्ञप्तः सुग्रीवेण नरोत्तम। कामस्यापि विधेयेन तवार्थप्रतिसाधने । ५९।।
O foremost of men, although Sugrīva has come under the sway of desire, he has, to secure your good, ere this issued orders for preparations to be made.

आगता हि महावीर्या हरयः कामरूपिणः। कोटी: शतसहस्राणि नानाजगनिवासिनः॥
And monkeys by hundreds and thousands and koțis, inhabiting various mountains, possessed of exceeding prowess, have already arrived (here). to

तदागच्छ महाबाहो चारित्रं रक्षितं त्वया। अच्छलं मित्रभावेन सतां दारावलोकनम्॥
Do you therefore, O mighty-armed one, come. (Having rushed towards the inner apartment), you had not suffered in character. For the good to behold others' wives in a friendly spirit, cannot bring on unrighteousness.

तारया चाभ्यनुज्ञातस्त्वरया वापि चोदितः। प्रविवेश महाबाहुरभ्यन्तरमरिंदमः॥
Permitted by Tārā, that long-arined repressor of urged on by (the required) speed, entered the inner apartment.

ततः सुग्रीवमासीनं काञ्चने परमासने। महार्हास्तरणोपेते ददर्शादित्यसंनिभम्॥ दिव्याभरणचित्राङ्गं दिव्यरूपं यशस्विनम्। दिव्यामाल्याम्बरधरं महेन्द्रमिव दुर्जयम्॥
There seated on a superb seat spread with a costly carpet, he found Sugrīva resembling the sun himself, his person decked with noble ornaments, of a dignified presence, famous, wearing gay garlands and attire, invincible like to the great Indra.

दिव्याभरणमालाभिः प्रसादाभिः समावृतम्। संरब्धतररक्ताक्षो बभूवान्तकसंनिभः॥
And surrounded by dames adorned with elegant ornaments and wreaths, Sugrīva with his eyes still more reddened in wrath, looked like the destroyer himself.

रुमां तु वीरः परिरभ्य गाढं वरासनस्थो वरहेमवर्णः। ददर्श सौमित्रिमदीनसत्त्वं विशालनेत्रः स विशालनेत्रम्॥
Then deeply embracing Umā, the large-eyed hero of the hue of fine gold, seated on an excellent seat, saw the powerful Saumitri having expansive eyes.