Kishkinda Kanda: Chapter 29

समीक्ष्य विमलं व्योम गतविद्युबलाहकम्। सारसाकुलसंधुएं रम्यज्योत्स्नानुलेपनम्॥ समृद्धार्थं च सुग्रीवं मन्दधर्मार्थसंग्रहम्। अत्यर्थं चासतां मार्गमेकान्तगतमानसम्॥ निवृत्तकार्यं सिद्धार्थं प्रमदाभिरतं सदा। प्राप्तवन्तमभिप्रेतान् सर्वानेव मनोरथान्॥ स्वां च पत्नीमभिप्रेतां तारां चापि समीप्सिताम्। विहरन्तमहोरात्रं कृतार्थं विगतज्वरम्॥ क्रीडन्तमिव देवेशं गन्धर्वाप्सरसां गणैः। मन्त्रिषु न्यस्तका च मन्त्रिणामनवेक्षकम्॥ उच्छिन्नराज्यसंदेहं कामवृत्तमिव स्थितम्। निश्चितार्थोऽर्थतत्त्वज्ञः कालधर्मविशेषवित्॥ प्रसाद्य वाक्यैर्विविधैर्हेतुमद्भिमनोरमैः। वाक्यविद् वाक्यतत्त्वज्ञं हरीशं मारुतात्मजः॥ हितं तथ्यं च पथ्यं च सामधर्मार्थनीतिमत्। प्रणयप्रीतिसंयुक्तं विश्वासकृतनिश्चयम्॥ हरीश्वरमुपागम्य हनूमान् वाक्यमब्रवीत्।
Beholding the clear welkin, void of clouds and lightnings, filled with Sarasas and sprinkled with the charmings rays of the Moon, Hanumān, the son of Marut, versed in religious lore and political economy, and conversant with effects proper to the time or season, approaching the Lord of monkeys, addressed him with various sound, reasonable and pleasant words, wellmeaning, true and teaching the means of acquiring forgiveness, piety and wealth. Acquiring riches Sugriva has grown careless for the collection of righteousness and wealth, is following the track of the vicious, and is addicted to the satisfaction of sensual appetites having all his actions stopped and desires attained-and given to enjoyments with damsels. Having attained all his desires and wishes, his own wife and the much-desired-for Tārā, Sugrīva is sporting with them, day and night, without any affliction, like to the Lord of celestials with Gandharvas and Apsarās. Placing all the royal affairs at the hands of the counsellors, without looking to them, and confiding fully in their abilities he is living like one under the influence of passions.

राज्यं प्राप्तं यशश्चैव कौली श्रीरभिवर्धिता।।९ मित्राणां संग्रहः शेषस्तद् भवान् कर्तुमर्हति।
You have attained your kingdom, fame, and your vast ancestral wealth. It now behoveth you to perform your duties by your friends.

यो हि मित्रेषु कालज्ञः सततं साधु वर्तते॥ तस्य राज्यं च कीर्तिश्च प्रतापश्चापि वर्धते।
Truly does his kingdom, fame and prowess increase who is cognizant of the seasonableness of time and does good to his friends.

यस्य कोशश्च दण्डश्च मित्राण्यात्मा च भूमिप। समान्येतानि सर्वाणि स राज्यं महदश्नुते॥
O king, truly does he attain to a vast kingdom, who has the same wealth, soldiery and body with his friends.

तद् भवान् वृत्तसम्पन्नः स्थितः पथि निरत्यये। मित्रार्थमभिनीतार्थं यथावत् कर्तुमर्हति ॥
It becometh you, therefore, who are crowned with a good character, and who did wend a blameless track, to work out your friend's well being (as promised by you).

संत्यज्य सर्वकर्माणि मित्रार्थे यो न वर्तते। सम्भ्रमाद् विकृतोत्साहः सोऽनर्थेनावरुद्यते॥
He, who does not engage in the service of his friends renouncing all business, becometh void of all energy and involved in unnecessary troubles.

यो हि कालव्यतीतेषु मित्रकार्येषु वर्तते। स कृत्वा महतोऽप्यान्न मित्रार्थेन युज्यते॥
He, who engage in his friend's service after the proper season is over, does nothing to his well-being, though he performs a great thing.

तदिदं मित्रकार्यं नः कालातीतमरिंदम। क्रियतां राघवस्यैतद् वैदेह्याः परिमार्गणम्॥
O slayer of foes, soon shall the time for performing your friend's service, be over; do you therefore encompass Rāghava's good, namely the searching out of Vaidehī.

न च कालमतीतं ते निवेदयति कालवित्। त्वरमाणोऽपि स प्राज्ञस्तव राजन् वशानुगः॥
o king, Rāma, conversant with the scasonableness of time and wise as he is, is not inforining you of it, though the proper time is past; and though he is in hurry, he is waiting for you.

कुलस्य हेतुः स्फीतस्य दीर्घबन्धुश्च राघवः। अप्रमेयप्रभावश्च स्वयं चाप्रतिमो गुणैः॥ कुरु वै कार्य पूर्वं तेन कृतं तव। हरीश्वर कपिश्रेष्ठानाज्ञापयितुमर्हसि ॥
Rāghava, as well as Lakşmaņa, who are the instruments of your attaining to this vast kingdom, and your friends for so long a time, are persons of incomparable prowess by virtue of their unequalled accomplishments. He has already performed your service, and it behoveth you now, O lord of monkeys, to command the foremost of monkeys to engage in his service.

नहि तावद् भवेत् कालो व्यतीतश्चोदनादृते। चोदितस्य हि कार्यस्य भवेत् कालव्यतिक्रमः॥ तस्य त्वं
T To engage, out of season, in a service, uncalled for, is not blameable; but to defer the performance of an action in proper time after promising is indeed an object of censure.

अकर्तुरपि कार्यस्य भवान् कर्ता हरीश्वर। किं पुनः प्रतिकर्तुस्ते राज्येन च वधेन च॥
O lord of monkeys, you did engage even in the service of one who does you no good, then why shall you not engage in the benefit of Rāma who has favoured you by encompassing the destruction (of Vāli) and securing for you your kingdom.

शक्तिमानतिविक्रान्तो वानरसंगणेश्वर। कर्तुं दाशरथे: प्रीतिमाज्ञायां किं नु सज्जसे॥
O lord of monkeys and bears, truly you are gifted with prowess and strength, why did you not prepare yourself for satisfying Dāśarathee's commands?

कामं खलु शरैः शक्तः सुरासुरमहोरगान्। वशे दाशरथिः कर्तुं त्वत्प्रतिज्ञामवेक्षते॥
Dāśarathee himself is capable of subduing the celestials, Asuras and great serpents-he is simply awaiting the fulfilment of your promise.

प्राणत्यागविशङ्केन कृतं तेन महत् प्रियम्। तस्य मार्गाम वैदेहीं पृथिव्यामपि चाम्बरे॥
He has performed a great service at the risk of his life-we shall therefore find out Vaidehī whether she is in this earth or in the welkin,

देवदानवगन्धर्वा असुराः समरुद्गणाः। न च यक्षा भयं तस्य कुर्युः किमिव राक्षसाः॥
Even the celestials, Dānavas, Gandharabas, Asuras, Mārutas, Yakşas are afraid of him in the battle-field-what of the insignificant Raksasas.

तदेवं शक्तियुक्तस्य पूर्वं प्रतिकृतस्तथा। रामस्यार्हसि पिङ्गेश कर्तुं सर्वात्मना प्रियम्॥
O lord of monkeys, it therefore behoveth you to do good by all means to the powerful Rāma, who benefited you before.

नाधस्तादवनौ नाप्सु गतिर्नोपरि चाम्बरे। कस्यचित् सज्जतेऽस्माकं कपीश्वर तवाज्ञया॥
O lord of monkeys, who is there among us, who shall not at your command proceed to : water, sky or the region under the earth?

तदाज्ञापय कः किं ते कुतो वापि व्यवस्यतु। हरयो ह्यप्रधृष्यास्ते सन्ति कोट्यग्रतोऽनघ ॥
O blameless one, there are more than one koți of invincible monkeys under you, do you command, who shall proceed and to what quarter?

तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा काले साधु निरूपितम्। सुग्रीवः सत्त्वसम्पन्नश्चकार मतिमुत्तमाम्॥
Hearing these words of Hanumān, said on a very proper occasion, the intelligent Sugrīva, made up his mind for a worthy end.

संदिदेशातिमतिमान् नीलं नित्यकृतोद्यमम्। दिक्षु सर्वासु सर्वेषां सैन्यानामुपसंग्रहे॥ यथा सेना समग्रा मे यूथपालाश्च सर्वशः। समागच्छन्त्यसङ्गेन सेनाग्र्येण तथा कुरु॥
Thereupon the highly intelligent Sugrīva ordered the ever active Neela, to collect soldiers from various quarters. Do you so arrange as all my hosts and soldiers with their commanders soon come here.

ये त्वन्तपालाः प्लवगाः शीघ्रगा व्यवसायिनः। समानयन्तु ते शीघ्रं त्वरिताः शासनान्मम। स्वयं चानन्तरं कार्ये भवानेवानुपश्यतु ॥
Do you soon bring here at my behest all the energetic and quick-coursing monkeys and commanders spreading their conquests to the end of the earth.

त्रिपञ्चरात्रादूर्ध्वं यः प्राप्नुयादिह वानरः। तस्य प्राणान्तिको दण्डो नात्र कार्याविचारणा॥
(After their arrival) do you yourself inspect and count all those monkeys. He who shall not reach here within fifteen days shall be punished with the loss of his life.

हरीश्च वृद्धानुपयातु साङ्गदो भवान् ममाज्ञामधिकृत्य निश्चितम्। इति व्यवस्थां हरिपुंगवेश्वरो विधाय वेश्म प्रविवेश वीर्यवान्॥
There is no need of scrutinizing my orders. Abiding by my order, do you see along with Angada all the elderly monkeys. having thus arranged, that best of monkeys entered the inner apartment.