Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 21

तथा तु विलपन्तीं तां कौसल्यां राममातरम्। उवाच लक्ष्मणो दीनस्तत्कालसदृशं वचः॥
At this time Laksmana, sorely distressed, addressed the weeping Kausalyā, the mother of Rāma with the following words suitable to that occasion.

न रोचते ममाप्येतदार्ये यद् राघवो वनम्। त्यक्त्वा राज्यश्रियं गच्छेत् स्त्रिया वाक्यवशंगतः॥ विपरीतश्च वृद्धश्च विषयैश्च प्रधर्षितः। नृपः किमिव न ब्रूयाच्चोद्यमानः समन्मथः॥
I like it not, Oh worshipful one, that Räghava, should repair to the forest, renouncing this grandeur of sovereignty. The king is uxorious, old and therefore of perverted judgement and is addicted to worldly affairs; being under the influence of his wife and passion what could he not speak?

नास्यापराधं पश्यामि नापि दोषं तथाविधम्। येन निर्वास्यते राष्ट्राद् वनवासाय राघवः॥
I do not see any such fault or sin in Rāma that he should be banished from the kingdom to range in the wood.

न तं पश्याम्यहं लोके परोक्षमपि यो नरः। स्वमित्रोऽपि निरस्तोऽपि योऽस्य दोषमुदाहरेत्॥
I do not find any such man in this world, even amongst great enemies, who, forsaken for heinous sins, can cite, even in his absence, any fault of him.

देवकल्पमृगँ दान्तं रिपूणामपि वत्सलम्। अवेक्षमाणः को धर्मं त्यजेत् पुत्रमकारणात्॥
Observing what law of righteousness does the monarch, without any cause, renounce such a son who is like to celestials, simple, well disciplined and beloved even of the enemies?

तदिदं वचनं राज्ञः पुनर्बाल्यमुपेयुषः। पुत्रः को हृदये कुर्याद् राजवृत्तमनुस्मरन्।७।।
What son, remembering his father's conduct, shall carry in his heart these words of the king, who has again gone back to childhood?

यावदेव न जानाति कश्चिदर्थमिमं नरः। तावदेव मया सार्धमात्मस्थं कुरु शासनम् ॥
Ere people come to know this proposal of exile, do you secure the government of the kingdom to yourself with me.

मया पार्श्वे सधनुषा तव गुप्तस्य राघव। कः समर्थोऽधिकं कर्तुं कृतान्तस्येव तिष्ठतः॥
Who can disturb the installation, Oh Rāghava, myself protecting you by your side with my bows, like to Death himself.

निर्मनुष्यामिमां सर्वामयोध्यां मनुजर्षभ। करिष्यामि शरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्यदि स्थास्यति विप्रिये॥
If any body stands here as an enemy, surely shall I, Oh best of men, depopulate the whole city of Ayodhyā with sharp arrows.

भरतस्याथ पक्ष्यो वा यो वास्य हितमिच्छति। सर्वास्तांश्च वधिष्यामि मृदुर्हि परिभूयते॥
I shall immolate all who shall stand by Bharata or wish him well, certainly mildness brings about discomfiture.

प्रोत्साहितोऽयं कैकेय्या संतुष्टो यदि नः पिता। अमित्रभूतो निःसङ्गं वध्यतां वध्यतामपि॥
If father being propitiated and excited by Kaikeyi, turns out to be our enemy, he shall be slain, without any hesitation.

गुरोरप्यवलिप्तस्य कार्याकार्यमजानतः। उत्पथं प्रतिपन्नस्य कार्य भवति शासनम्॥
Even a spiritual leader deserves chastisement if he is puffed up with pride, and is devoid of the power of judging good actions and bad, and when he is gone astray.

बलमेष किमाश्रित्य हेतुं वा पुरुषोत्तम। दातुमिच्छति कैकेय्यै उपस्थितमिदं तव॥
Tell me, Oh best of men, by what law of virtue and what reason does he purpose to confer this kingdom upon Kaikeyi, which has devolved upon you (by the law of inheritance).

त्वया चैव मया चैव कृत्या वैरमनुत्तमम्। कास्य शक्तिः श्रियं दातुं भरतायारिशासन ॥
Who dares conferring on on Bharata the kingdom, carrying hostility with me and you?

अनुरक्तोऽस्मि भावेन भ्रातरं देवि तत्त्वतः। सत्येन धनुषा चैव दत्तेनेष्टेन ते शपे॥
Oh worshipful one, verily am I attached at heart to my brother.

दीप्तमग्निमरण्यं वा यदि रामः प्रवेक्ष्यति। प्रविष्टं तत्र मां देवि त्वं पूर्वमवधारय॥
By truth, bow, gifts and things dear to me, do I swear to you; if Rāma shall enter into the wood, know me, Oh worshipful one, to have entered into the fire before that.

हरामि वीर्याद् दुःखं ते तमः सूर्य इवोदितः। देवी पश्यतु मे वीर्यं राघवश्चैव पश्यतु॥ हनिष्ये पितरं वृद्धं कैकेय्यासक्तमानसम्। कृपणं च स्थितं बाल्ये वृद्धभावेन गर्हितम्॥
Like to the sun dispelling darkness, shall I remove your sorrow by dint of my power; may your worshipful self and Rāghava witness it. Readily shall I despatch my father, whose heart is unduly attached to Kaikeyſ and who is therefore vile and being old contemptibly playing the child.

एतत् तु वचनं श्रुत्वा लक्ष्मणस्य महात्मनः। उवाच रामं कौसल्या रुदती शोकलालसा॥
Hearing these words of the high-souled Laks maņa, Kausaly, weeping and being pressed with sorrow spoke these words to Rāma.

भ्रातुस्ते वदतः पुत्र लक्ष्मणस्य श्रुतं त्वया। यदत्रानन्तरं तत्त्वं कुरुष्व यदि रोचते॥
You have heard, Oh my son, what your brother Laksmana said; and if you like, do what seems reasonable to you.

न चाधर्म्यं वचः श्रुत्वा सपत्न्या मम भाषितम्। विहाय शोकसंतप्ता गन्तुमर्हसि मामितः॥
It does not behove you, hearing the sinful words given vent to by the co-wife, to repair hence, leaving me who is sore distressed with sorrow.

धर्मज्ञ इति धर्मिष्ठ धर्मं चरितुमिच्छसि। शुश्रूष मामिहस्थस्त्वं चर धर्ममनुत्तमम्॥
Oh you pious one, having knowledge of religion, if do you wish to acquire righteousness, serve me here and continue practising the best of all virtues.

शुश्रूषुर्जननीं पुत्र स्वगृहे नियतो वसन्। परेण तपसा युक्तः काश्यपस्त्रिदिवं गतः॥
Hear, Oh my son, the great ascetic Kasyapa, lived in his house, serving his mother continually and being crowned with best moral merit reached heaven.

यथैव राजा पूज्यस्ते गौरवेण तथा ह्यहम्। त्वां साहं नानुजानामि न गन्तव्यमितो वनम्॥
As the monarch is worshipful to you in veneration so am I. I do not permit you, to repair hence to the forest.

त्ववियोगान मे कार्य जीवितेन सुखेन च। त्वया सह मम श्रेयस्तृणानामपि भक्षणम्॥
Separated from you I do not need life or happiness; with you I would prefer faring on grass.

यदि त्वं यास्यसि वनं त्यक्त्वा मां शोकलालसाम्। अहं प्रायमिहासिष्ये न च शक्ष्यामि जीवितुम्॥
If do you depart to the forest leaving me troubled with sorrow, I shall resort to the vow of fasting and shall not be able to sustain my life.

ततस्त्वं प्राप्स्यसे पुत्र निरयं लोकविश्रुतम्। ब्रह्महत्यामिवाधर्मात् सपुद्रः सरितां पतिः॥
And then you shall receive the penalty of hell, well-known to the people, as did the ocean, the lord of rivers, for like unrighteousness, suffer the agony of Brahmanicide".* *The text has been here a little freely translated to make it compatible with the legend to which it refers. The ocean, thus goes the story, caused the grief of his mother. Upon which, Maharși Pippalāda, through magical power, subjected him to agony of hell. This agony the mother of Rāma relates as the same that follows the sin of Brahminicide.

विलपन्ती तथा दीनां कौसल्यां जननीं ततः। उवाच रामो धर्मात्मा वचनं धर्मसंहितम्॥
Whereupon to his mother Kausalyä, sorrowful and weeping, spoke Răma, virtuous-souled these words of righteousness.

नास्ति शक्तिः पितुर्वाक्यं समतिक्रमितुं मम। प्रसादये त्वां शिरसा गन्तुमिच्छाम्यहं वनम् ॥
There is no power in me to transgress my father's behest's; bend low I my head to you, I want to proceed to the forest.

ऋषिणा च पितुर्वाक्यं कुर्वता वनचारिणा। गौर्हता जानता धर्म कण्डुना च विपश्चिता।॥
The learned Rși Kandu, who lived in the forest keeping the word of his father, killed a cow, knowing it to be unrighteousness.

अस्माकं तु कुले पूर्व सगरस्याज्ञया पितुः। खनद्भिः सागरैर्भूमिमवाप्तः सुमहान् वधः॥
In our line the descendants of Sagara, at the command of their father, met with signal destruction, while digging the earth.

जामदग्न्येन रामेण रेणुका जननी स्वयम्। कृत्ता परशुनारण्ये पितुर्वचनकारणात्॥
Rāma the son of Jamadagni, at his father's words, decapitated his mother in the forest.

एतैरन्यैश्च बहुभिर्देवि देवसमैः कृतम्। पितुर्वचनमक्लीबं करिष्यामि पितुर्हितम्॥
These and other god-like personages, Oh worshipful one, obeyed heroically the orders of their father; and I shall do my father's welfare therefore,

न खल्वेतन्मयैकेन क्रियते पितृशासनम्। एतैरपि कृतं देवि ये मया परिकीर्तिताः॥
It is not I alone who am carrying out my father's command; those whom I have mentioned now, O worshipful one, have done so.

नाहं धर्ममपूर्वं ते प्रतिकूलं प्रवर्तये। पूर्वैरयमभिप्रेतो गतो मार्गोऽनुगम्यते॥
I am not introducing some such righteousness, unfavourable to you, that has been never practised before.

तदेतत् तु मया कार्य क्रियते भुवि नान्यथा। पितुर्हि वचनं कुर्वन् न कश्चिन्नाम हीयते॥
I am simply treading the path, that has been upheld and followed by worthies gone before. Surely shall I accomplish that which is worthy of being performed in this world and nothing else, one going by his father's behest's is not certainly degraded."

तामेवमुक्त्वा जननी लक्ष्मणं पुनरब्रवीत्। वाक्यं वाक्यविदां श्रेष्ठः श्रेष्ठः सर्वधनुष्मताम्॥
Saying these words to his mother, that best of men versed in speech and best of archers, again spoke to Lakşmaņa all these words.

तव लक्ष्मण जानामि मयि स्नेहमनुत्तमम्। विक्रमं चैव सत्त्वं च तेजश्च सुदुरासदम्॥
I know full well, Oh, Laksmana, your affection towards me and your power, strength • and unconquerable force.

मम मातुर्महद् दुःखमतुलं शुभलक्षण। अभिप्रायं न विज्ञाय सत्यस्य च शमस्य च॥
Not knowing my settled conviction in regard to truth and peace, my mother, Oh beautiful Lakşmaņa, is so disturbed with incomparable sorrow.

धर्मो हि परमो लोके धर्मे सत्यं प्रतिष्ठितम्। धर्मसंश्रितमप्येतत् पितुर्वचनमुत्तमम्॥
Righteousness is the prime object in this world and in righteousness is established truth, and this excellent utterance of my father is in keeping with righteousness.

संश्रुत्य च पितुर्वाक्यं मातुर्वा ब्राह्मणस्य वा। न कर्तव्यं वृथा वीर धर्ममाश्रित्य तिष्ठता॥
It does not become them, O hero, who abide in righteousness to fail to carry out the commands of father, mother or a Brahmin.

सोऽहं न शक्ष्यामि पुनर्नियोगमतिवर्तितुम्। पितुर्हिवचनाद् वीर कैकेय्याहं प्रचोदितः॥
While I have been, Oh warrior, ordered by Kaikeyi at my father's words, I shall not be able to transgress those behest's again.

तदेतां विसृजानार्यां क्षत्रधर्माश्रिता मतिम्। धर्ममाश्रय मा तैक्ष्ण्यं मद्बुद्धिरनुगम्यताम्॥
Do you relinquish therefore this unrighteous purpose of your consequent to the virtues of the Kșatriyas; do you abide by righteousness but not cruelty, and follow my decision.

तमेवमुक्त्वा सौहार्दाद् भ्रातरं लक्ष्मणाग्रजः। उवाच भूयः कौसल्यां प्राञ्जलिः शिरसा नतः॥
Saying these words to Lakşmaņa out of fraternal affection, spoke again Rāma to Kausalyā with clasped hands and with his head bending low.

अनुमन्यस्व मां देवि गमिष्यन्तमितो वनम्। शापितासि मम प्राणैः कुरु स्वस्त्ययनानि मे॥
I do bind you with an oath of my life, Oh venerable one, to allow me to wander away hence into the wood. Do you perform benedictory ceremonies for my welfare.

तीर्णप्रतिज्ञश्च वनात् पुनरेष्याम्यहं पुरीम्। ययातिरिव राजर्षिः पुरा हित्वा पुनर्दिवम्॥
Like to the royal saint Yayāti, in the days of yore once falling on earth going again to the abode of celestials, I shall, fulfilling my vows, again return home from the forest.

शोकः संधार्यतां मातर्हृदये साधु मा शुचः। वनवासादिहैष्यामि पुनः कृत्वा पितुर्वचः॥
Do you, Oh mother, assuage your grief within your heart; lament not you, I shall return home again from the wood after making good my father's words.

त्वया मया च वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणेन सुमित्रया। पितुर्नियोगे स्थातव्यमेष धर्मः सनातनः॥
Myself, Laksmana, Vaidehi, Sumitra and yourself shall abide by father's words, and this is the virtue eternal.

अम्ब सम्भृत्य सम्भारान् दुःखं हृदि निगृह्य च। वनवासकृता बुद्धिर्मम धानुवर्त्यताम् ॥
Desisting from the ceremonies of installation and allaying your sorrow in your heart do you, Oh my mother, follow my pious decision about retiring to the forest.

एतद् वचस्तस्य निशम्य माता सुधर्म्यमव्यग्रमविक्लवं च। मृतेव संज्ञां प्रतिलभ्य देवी समीक्ष्य रामं पुनरित्युवाच। ५१।।
Hearing those pious, sober and reasonable words of Rāma, the venerable mother, regaining her sense like to the dead, and casting her look upon him, spoke to him again the following words.

यथैव ते पुत्र पिता तथाहं गुरुः स्वधर्मेण सुहृत्तया च। न त्वानुजानामि न मां विहाय सुदुःखितामर्हसि पुत्र गन्तुम् ॥
I am equally worshipful to you, Oh my son, with your father, for like him have I brought you up with pains and like him do I love you. I shall not allow you to repair to the forest and it does not behove you to go leaving me behind sore distressed with grief.

किं जीवितेनेह विना त्वया मे लोकेन वा किं स्वधयामृतेन। श्रेयो मुहूर्तं तव संनिधानं ममेव कृत्स्नादपि जीवलोकात्॥
Without you, of what avail to me is my life, my relatives, the worship of the manes and the deities and the knowledge of divine truth on this earth? Prefer do I your company even for a moment to the presence of all creation.

नरैरिवोल्काभिरपोह्यमानो महागजो ध्वान्तमभिप्रविष्टः। भूयः प्रजज्वाल विलापमेवं निशम्य रामः करुणं जनन्याः॥ मार्तं च सौमित्रिमभिप्रतप्तम्। धर्मे स्थितो धर्म्यमुवाच वाक्यं यथा स एवार्हति तत्र वक्तुम् ॥
Hearing these sorrowful words of his mother, Rāma was again inflamed with ire, like to an clephant goaded with a fire-brand, when entering into darkness. He, abiding in righteousness spoke such pious words to his mother, almost insensible, and to the son of Sumitrā, bewailing and racked with sorrow, as he was justified to utter on that occasion.

अहं हि ते लक्ष्मण नित्यमेव जानामि भक्तिं च पराक्रमं च। मम त्वभिप्रायमसंनिरीक्ष्य मात्रा सहाभ्यर्दसिमा सुदुःखम्।५६।।
I know, Oh Laksmana, your deep respects to me and your power. It is not proper for you to pain me along with my mother, not being cognizant of my intention.

जीवलोके समाक्षिता धर्मफलोदयेषु। ये तत्र सर्वे स्युरसंशयं मे भार्येव वश्याभिमता सपुत्रा ॥
Righteousness, wealth, and the objects of desire are looked upon with great esteem in this world of the created, but when the occasion for obtaining the result consequent upon the virtuous deeds of a prior life appears, all these three, I have no doubt, are doubt, are fulfilled in righteousness, as the wife alone, obedient, charming and having a son (fulfils them all).

यस्मिंस्तु सर्वे स्युरसंनिविष्टा धर्मो यतः स्यात् तदुपक्रमेत। धर्मार्थकामाः खलु द्वेष्यो भवत्यर्थपरो हि लोके कामात्मता खल्वपि न प्रशस्ता॥
It is not becoming for us to perform all those things where these three do not combine, whence results righteousness that we should resort to. A man seeking wealth become despicable, and one subject to desires is not admired by any (why bereft of righteousness).

गुरुश्च राजा च पिता च वृद्धः क्रोधात् प्रहर्षादथवापि कामात्। यद् व्यादिशेत् कार्यमवेक्ष्य धर्म कस्तं न कुर्यादनृशंसवृत्तिः। ५९।।
Who of us, having no tendency to wickedness, shall not obey the command of our father knowing it to be righteousness, who is old, our monarch and preceptor in military training, be it an outcome of his desires, anger or joy.

मिमां न कर्तुं सकलां यथावत्। स ह्यावयोस्तात गुरुर्नियोगे देव्याश्च भर्ता स गतिश्च धर्मः॥
For this it is that I am unable to act against my father's vow, he is our father and therefore can command us both like a master; and he is the husband of this venerable one, therefore her stay and righteousness itself.

तस्मिन् पुनर्जीवति धर्मराजे विशेषतः स्वे पथि वर्तमाने। देवी मया सार्धमितोऽभिगच्छेत् कथंस्विदन्या विधवेव नारी॥
The righteousness monarch is still living and continues in his own path when ready to redeem his vow-even by renouncing me, how can this worshipful one accompany me like other insignificant widows?

सा मानुमन्यस्व वनं व्रजन्तं कुरुष्व नः स्वस्त्ययनानि देवि। यथा समाप्ते पुनराव्रजेयं यथा हि सत्येन पुनर्ययातिः॥
Do you permit me therefore, to repair to the forest and perform benedictory ceremonies for me so that I may again return home like to Yayāti regaining heaven by truth.

त्र पृष्ठतः कर्तुमलं महोदयम्। अदीर्घकालेन तु देवि जीविते वृणेऽवरामद्य महीमधर्मतः॥
I cannot neglect eminent fame being impelled by avarice for kingdom alone. Life is but of short duration, Oh worshipful one, and as such I do not long for acquiring this nether earth by means unrighteous.

प्रसादयन्नरवृषभः स मातरं पराक्रमाज्जिगमिषुरेव दण्डकान्। अथानुजं भृशमनुशास्य दर्शनं चकार तां हृदि जननीं प्रदक्षिणम्॥
Rāma, that foremost of men, with a view to range into the forest Dandaka after patiently propitiating his mother and instructing fully his younger brother the mysteries of righteousness, went round his mother with reverence and made up his mind to repair to the forest.