Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 17

स रामो रथमास्थाय सम्प्रहृष्टसुहृज्जनः। पताकाध्वजसम्पन्नं महार्हागुरुधूपितम्॥ अपश्यनगरं श्रीमान् नानाजनसमन्वितम्। स गृहैरभ्रसंकाशैः पाण्डुरैरुपशोभितम्॥
Rāma, having his friends delighted, ascending the car, and viewing the city adorned with pennons and flags and incensed with Dhūpa and Agaru, entered the high way, crowded with people and containing houses coloured as the pale white clouds, and the place between the two rows whereof scented with Dhūpa and Agaru.

राजमार्गे ययौ रामो मध्येनागुरुधूपितम्। चन्दनानां च मुख्यानामगुरुणां च संचयैः॥ उत्तमानां च गन्धानां क्षौमकौशाम्बरस्य च। अविद्धाभिश्च मुक्ताभिरुत्तमैः स्फाटिकैरपि॥ शोभमानमसम्बाधं तं राजपथमुत्तमम्। संवृतं विविधैः पुष्पैर्भक्ष्यैरुच्चावचैरपि॥ ददर्श तं राजपथं दिवि देवपतिर्यथा। दध्यक्षतहविलाजैधूपैरगुरुचन्दनैः॥
It was a splendidly spacious road decorated with a coilection of sandal, Agaru and other fine scents, with silk and red cloth, with pearls holed and other valuable crystals and strewn with various flowers and filled with edibles multiform. Like to the lord of celestials in heaven he saw this high way and the court-yard covered with curd, clarified butter, fried paddy, Dhüpa, Agaru and sandal, and embellished with garlands and other scents.

नानामाल्योपगन्धैश्च सदाभ्यर्चितचत्वरम्। आशीर्वादान् बहूशृण्वन् सुहृद्भिः समुदीरितान्॥ यथार्ह चापि सम्पूज्य सर्वानेव नरान् ययौ।
Having heard benedictions uttered by many in the following strain and paying proper respects to all, he wended his way.

पितामहैराचरितं तथैव प्रपितामहैः॥ अद्योपादाय तं मार्गमभिषिक्तोऽनुपालय।
Being installed this day do you following in the footsteps of your fathers and grand-fathers cherish and protect us.

यथा स्म पोषिताः पित्रा यथा सर्वैः पितामहैः। ततः सुखतरं सर्वे रामे वत्स्याम राजनि॥
You taking the reins of government we shall live more happily than what we were under your ancestors.

अलमद्य हि भूक्तेन परमार्थैरलं च नः। यदि पश्याम निर्यान्तं रामं राज्य प्रतिष्ठितम्॥ ततो हि नः प्रियतरं नान्यत् किंचिद् भविष्यति। यथाभिषेको रामस्य राज्येनामिततेजसः॥
Seek not we earthly comforts or the highest things (in the life to come), if we can only see. Rāma installed in the kingdom issuing out from his father's abode. There is nothing more pleasant to us than the installation of the highly energetic Rāma on the throne.

एताश्चान्याश्च सुहृदामुदासीनः शुभाः कथाः। आत्मसम्पूजनीः शृण्वन् ययौ रामो महापथम्॥
Rāma, hearing these and other auspicious words from his friends eulogising his own self, went on his way without being moved.

न हि तस्मान्मनः कश्चिच्चक्षुषी वा नरोत्तमात्। नरः शक्नोत्यपाक्रष्टुमतिक्रान्तेऽपि राघवे॥
Rāghava passed away, but not a single person could withdraw his eyes and mind from that best of men.

यश्च राम न पश्येत्तु यं च रामो न पश्यति। निन्दितः सर्वलोकेषु स्वात्माप्येनं विगर्हते॥
In fact he who did not see Ráma, and whom Rāma did not see, was looked down by all, and he considered himself contemptible.

सर्वेषु स हि धर्मात्मा वर्णानां कुरुते दयाम्। चतुर्णां हि वयःस्थानां तेन ते तमनुव्रताः॥
That righteous one showed mercy to all, old and young, of the four castes, and hence, they were all obedient to him.

चतुष्पथान् देवपथांश्चैत्यांश्चायतनानि च । प्रदक्षिणं परिहरञ्जगाम नृपतेः सुतः॥ स राजकुलमासाद्य मेघसङ्गोपमैः शुभैः। प्रासादशृङ्गैर्विविधैः कैलासशिखरोपमैः॥ आवारयद्भिर्गगनं विमानैरिव पाण्डुरैः। वर्धमानगृहैश्चापि रत्नजालपरिष्कृतैः॥ तत् पृथिव्यां गृहवरं महेन्द्रसदनोपमम्। राजपुत्रः पितुर्बेश्म प्रविवेश श्रिया ज्वलन्॥
He proceeded leaving on his left side the junctions of four roads, the path leading to temples, the religious fig trees and altars, and reached after all the family dwelling of the king, with its palatial tops piercing the sky, looking beautiful, resembling mass of clouds, white as the celestial cars and high as the hill Kailāsa, and with sporting houses sporting with pearls. And the son of the monarch, shining in beauty, entered into the palace of his father, the best on earth resembling the abode of Mahendra.

स कक्ष्या धन्विभिर्गुप्तास्तिस्रोऽतिक्रम्य वाजिभिः। पदातिरपरे कक्ष्ये द्वे जगाम नरोत्तमः॥
Dasaratha's son, the best of men, crossed in his chariot three apartments guarded by warriors with bows in their hands, and other two of foot.

स सर्वाः समतिक्रम्य कक्ष्या दशरथात्मजः। संनिवर्त्य जनं सर्वं शुद्धान्तःपुरमत्यगात्॥
And in this way passing by all, and ordering his followers to go back, entered the inner apartment.

तस्मिन् प्रविष्टे पितुरन्तिकं तदा जनः स सर्वो मुदितो नृपात्मजे। प्रतीक्षते तस्य पुनः स्म निर्गमं यथोदयं चन्द्रमसः सरित्पतिः॥
That son of the king entering into the presence of his father, all were extremely gladdened and were eagerly expecting his return like to the lord of water expecting the appearance of the moon.