Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 16

स तदन्तःपुरद्वारं समतीत्य जनाकुलम्। प्रविविक्तां ततः कक्ष्यामाससाद पुराणवित्॥
Sumantra, well versed in legends, after passing by the gateways crowded with people, reached the solitary apartment (of Rāma).

प्रासकार्मुकबिभ्रद्भिर्युवभिर्मुष्टकुण्डलैः। अप्रमादिभिरेकाग्रैः स्वानुरक्तैरधिष्ठिताम्॥ तत्र काषायिणो वृद्धान् वेत्रपाणीन् स्वलंकृतान्। ददर्श विष्ठितान् द्वारि स्त्र्यध्यक्षान् सुसमाहितान्॥
Having youthful warders, carrying dares and bows, wearing ear-rings, cautious, attentive and devoted and saw (seated at the gate) several old men commanding female warders, mindful of duty, wearing red cloths and excellent ornaments, and having rattans in their hands.

ते समीक्ष्य समायान्तं रामप्रियचिकीर्षवः। सहसोत्पतिताः सर्वे ह्यासनेभ्यः ससम्भ्रमाः॥
They all seeing Sumantra, ever wishing good to Rāma, approach, rose suddenly up from their seats with due respect.

तानुवाच विनीतात्मा सूतपुत्रः प्रदक्षिणः। क्षिप्रमाख्यात रामाय सुमन्त्रो द्वारि तिष्ठति॥ ते राममुपसङ्गम्य भर्तुः प्रियचिकीर्षवः। सहभार्याय रामाय क्षिप्रमेवाचचक्षिरे॥
The humble minded charioteer then said to them, Go and speedily communicate to Rāma that Sumantra is waiting at the gate. At this the warders, desirous of doing good to their master, nearing Rāma, speedily communicated these words to him who was in the company of his wife.

प्रतिवेदितमाज्ञाय सूतमभ्यन्तरं पितुः। तत्रैवानाययामास राघवः प्रियकाम्यया॥
Rāma hearing of the arrival of his father's charioteer, ordered him to enter into the apartment, having his father's pleasure in view.

तं वैश्रवणसंकाशमुपविष्टं स्वलंकृतम्। ददर्श सूतः पर्यङ्के सौवर्णे सोत्तरच्छदे॥
He (on entering) saw Rāma resembling Vaiśravaņa, will adorned and seated on a rolled sofa, with a beautiful coverlet on.

वराहरुधिराभेण शुचिना च सुगन्धिना। अनुलिप्तं परायेन चन्दनेन परंतपम्॥ स्थितया पार्श्वतश्चापि वालव्यजनहस्तया। उपेतं सीतया भूयश्चित्रया शशिनं यथा॥
Having his body sprinkled with holy and fragrant sandal of the best kind, red as the blood of a hog; and having by him Sītā with a chowry in her hand, like moon himself in the company of citra.

तं तपन्तमिवादित्यमुपपन्नं स्वतेजसा। ववन्दे वरदं वन्दी विनयज्ञो विनीतवत्॥
Whereupon Sumantra, acquainted with decorum, humbly saluted him (Rāma), the conferrer of great boons, and resplendent like the mid-day sun.

प्राञ्जलिः सुमुखं दृष्ट्वा विहारशयनासने। राजपुत्रमुवाचेदं सुमन्त्रो राजसत्कृतः।।१२।
And he well honoured by the king, seeing the king's son seated on the sleeping sofa with a delighted countenance, spoke these words to him with clasped hands.

कौसल्या सुप्रजा राम पिता त्वां द्रष्टुमिच्छति। महिष्यापि हि कैकेय्या गम्यतां तत्र मा चिरम्॥
Oh, Rāma, great son of Kausalyā, your father and the queen Kaikeyi want to see you; so it behove you to go there without delay.

एवमुक्तस्तु संहृष्टो नरसिंहो महाद्युतिः। ततः सम्मानयामास सीतामिदमुवाच ह॥
Being pleased with these words the mighty hero of great effulgence, honoured his father's behest and spoke to Sītā thus.

देवि देवश्च देवी च समागम्य मदन्तरे। मन्त्रयेते ध्रुवं किंचिदभिषेचनसंहितम्॥
Oh, darling, doubt there is none that my father, going to Kaikeyi. is parleying with her regarding my installation.

लक्षयित्वा ह्यभिप्राय प्रियकामा सुदक्षिणा। संचोदयति राजानं मदर्थमसितेक्षणा॥ सा प्रहृष्टा महाराजं हितकामानुवर्तिनी। जननी चार्थकामा मे केकयाधिपतेः सुता॥
Conceiving the king's intention that clever lady, of dark eyes and desirous of doing good to the king, that mother, the daughter of the king of Kekaya, pleased and intent upon king's welfare as will as upon that of mine, is hastening the monarch for my installation.

दिष्ट्या खलु महाराजो महिष्या प्रियया सह। सुमन्त्रं प्राहिणोद् दूतमर्थकामकरं मम॥
Fortunately for me, the monarch in the company of his queen has despatched Sumantra, intent upon my welfare.

यादृशी परिषत् तत्र तादृशो दूत आगतः। ध्रुवमद्यैव मां राजा यौवराज्याभिषेक्ष्यति॥
Worthy of the meeting at the inner apartment, the messenger has come, and I doubt not that the monarch shall install me to-day as the heirapparent of his throne.

हन्त शीघ्रमितो गत्वा द्रक्ष्यामि च महीपतिम्। सह त्वं परिवारेण सुखमास्व रमस्व च ॥
Therefore I shall speedily go hence and see my father. Do you remain and enjoy here the company of your friends.

पतिसम्मानिता सीता भर्तारमसितेक्षणा। आ द्वारमनुवव्राज मङ्गलान्यभिदध्युषी॥
Regarded by her husband, Sītā of dark eyes and intent upon her husband's welfare, followed him to the entrance and said.

राज्यं द्विजातिभिर्जुष्टं राजसूयाभिषेचनम्। कर्तुमर्हति ते राजा वासवस्येव लोककृत्॥
May the great monarch bestow upon you first the heir-apparentship, and afterwards the dignity of the Paramount power like Brahma granting kingdom to Vāsava.

दीक्षितं व्रतसम्पन्नं वराजिनधरं शुचिम्। कुरङ्गशृङ्गपाणिं च पश्यन्ती त्वां भजाम्यहम्॥
I shall be ministering to you, seeing you initiated, engaged in ceremonies, wearing excellent deer skin for cloth and carrying horns in the hands.

पूर्वां दिशं वज्रधरो दक्षिणां पातु ते यमः। वरुणः पश्चिमामाशां धनेशस्तूत्तरां दिशम्॥
May Indra protect you on the East, may Yama (Death) protect you on the South and Varuņa (god of water) on the West and Kuvera (God of wealth) on the North.

अथ सीतामनुज्ञाप्य कृतकौतुकमङ्गलः। निश्चक्राम सुमन्त्रेण सह रामो निवेशनात्॥ पर्वतादिव निष्क्रम्य सिंहो गिरिगुहाशयः। लक्ष्मणं द्वारि सोऽपश्यत् प्रह्वाञ्जलिपुटं स्थितम्॥
Being greeted with benedictory ceremonies, Rāma, bidding farewell to Sītā, issued out of his house like to a lion, living in the den of a mountain. He saw Lakşmaņa standing at the gate with clasped hands.

अथ मध्यमकक्ष्यायां समागच्छत् सुहृज्जनैः। स सर्वानर्थिनो दृष्ट्वा समेत्य प्रतिनन्द्य च ॥ ततः पावकसंकाशमारुरोह रथोत्तमम्। वैयाघ्रं पुरुषव्याघ्रो राजितं राजनन्दनः॥
And met all his friends assembled at the middle apartment. Then that great son of the king, casting a glance upon them all who were present there to see him and pleasing them with sweet words ascended, like to the thousand-eyed Indra.

मेघनादमसम्बाधं मणिहेमविभूषितम्। मुष्णन्तमिव चयूंषि प्रभया मेरुवर्चसम्॥
The splendid chariot, made of silver and coated with tiger-skin, and bright like the fire itself, making a noise (when going) like the roaring of clouds. defying all obstacles, adorned with jewels, and gold, dazzling the eye-sight and bright like the golden peaks of Sumeru.

करेणुशिशुकल्पैश्च युक्तं परमवाजिभिः। हरियुक्तं सहस्राक्षो रथमिन्द्र इवाशुगम्॥
It had two excellent horses tied to it like to two young elephants, and was of quick motion, resembling that of Indra's chariot carried by his horses.

प्रययौ तूर्णमास्थाय राघवो ज्वलितः श्रिया। स पर्जन्य इवाकाशे स्वनवानभिनादयन्॥
Ascending the car, Raghava, of great effulgence, went speedily on, making (the space) resounded like to the muttering cloud on the sky. He issued out of his abode like the beautiful moon passing through a huge cloud.

निकेतानिर्ययौ श्रीमान् महाभ्रादिव चन्द्रमाः। चित्रचामरपाणिस्तु लक्ष्मणो राघवानुजः॥ जुगोप भ्रातरं भ्राता रथमास्थाय पृष्ठतः।
Lakşmaņa, the younger brother of Rāghava, standing behind him on the car with a splendid Chowry in his hand, began to guard his body.

ततो हलहलाशब्दस्तुमुलः समजायत॥ तस्य निष्क्रममाणस्य जनौघस्य समन्ततः।
And there was caused a great tumult by the crowd gathering around on the issuing out of Rāma.

ततो हयवरा मुख्या नागाश्च गिरिसंनिभाः॥ अनुजग्मुस्तथा रामं शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः। अग्रतश्चास्य संनद्धाश्चन्दनागुरुभूषिताः॥ खङ्गचापधराः शूरा जग्मुराशंसवो जनाः।
Then followed in his train many hundreds and thousands of beautiful horses and elephants resembling hills in their appearance; and went before him hundreds of heroes, well accoutred, and having their bodies sprinkled with sandal and Agaru and holding swords and arms in their hands, and other persons uttering benedictions.

ततो वादित्रशब्दाश्च स्तुतिशब्दाश्च वन्दिनाम्॥ सिंहनादाश्च शूराणां ततः शुश्रुविरे पथि। हर्म्यवातायनस्थाभिर्भूषिताभिः समन्ततः॥ कीर्यमाणः सुपुष्पौधैर्ययौ स्त्रीभिररिंदमः। रामं सर्वानवद्याङ्गयो रामपिप्रीषया ततः॥ वचोभिरग्र्यैर्हर्म्यस्थाः क्षितिस्थाश्च ववन्दिरे।
He heard on the way sounds of musical instruments, eulogy of the panegyrists and lionlike roars of the heroes. Exquisitely beautiful damsels, adorned with various ornaments and dresses, standing by the windows began to shower flowers upon the head of the foedestroyer Rāma, and those spotless beauties with a view to please Rāma, some standing on the buildings and some on the ground, began to praise him:

नूनं नन्दति ते माता कौसल्या मातृनन्दन॥ पश्यन्ती सिद्धयात्रं त्वां पित्र्यं राज्यमुपस्थितम्।
Oh you, delight of your mother, surely has mother Kausalyā become exceedingly gratified, on seeing you of successful journey to accept the heir-apparentship of the throne.

सर्वसीमन्तिनीभ्यश्च सीतां सीमन्तिनी वराम्॥ अमन्यन्त हि ता नार्यो रामस्य हृदयप्रियाम्। तया सुचरितं देव्या पुरा नूनं महत् तपः॥ रोहिणीव शशाङ्केन रामसंयोगमाप या।
Those ladies thought that Sītā, the captivater of Rāma's heart was surely the best of all women and for certain had she performed some great austerities in her past life or else she would not have been the companion of Răma, like to Rohini, the companion of Moon.

इति प्रासादशृङ्गेषु प्रमदाभिर्नरोत्तमः। शुश्राव राजमार्गस्थः प्रिया वाच उदाहृताः।॥
That best among men heard these pleasant words from those ladies standing on the buildings and on high ways.

शुश्राव लोकस्य समागतस्य। आत्माधिकारा विविधाश्च वाचः प्रहृष्टरूपस्य पुरे जनस्य॥
Rāghava then heard the people coming from different quarters and the well-pleased citizens, talking amongst themselves regarding him in the following strain.

एष श्रियं गच्छति राघवोऽद्य राजप्रसादाद् विपुलां गमिष्यन्। एते वयं सर्वसमृद्धकामा येषामयं नो भविता प्रशास्ता॥
This Rāghava going shall obtain through the grace of the king great wealth, and all our desires will be gratified when he will become our governor.

लाभो जनस्यास्य यदेष सर्वं प्रपत्स्यते राष्ट्रमिदं चिराय। न ह्यप्रियं किंचन जातु कश्चित् पश्येन दुःखं मनुजाधिपेऽस्मिन्॥
It is a great gain to the subjects that he is going to get for ever the entire empire at once; he being the lord of the people no body shall witness any misfortune or unpleasant thing.

स घोषवद्भिश्च हयैः सनागैः पुर:सरैः स्वस्तिकसूतमागधैः। रभिष्टतो वैश्रवणो यथा ययौ॥
Like to Vaisravana he began to proceed, being dignified by the horses and elephants going before sending forth great sound, and eulogised in various metres by persons singing his glory, by the panegyrists and by men tracing his noble ancestry.

करेणुमातङ्गरथाश्वसंकुलं महाजनौधैः परिपूर्णचत्वरम्। प्रभूतरत्नं बहुपण्यसंचयं ददर्श रामो विमलं महापथम्॥
He saw the courtyard thronged with young and old elephants, horses, chariots, and the high ways crowded all over with people, many pearls and various merchandises.