Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 15

ते तु तां रजनीमुष्य ब्राह्मणा वेदपारगाः। उपतस्थुरुपस्थानं सह राजपुरोहिताः॥ अमात्या बलमुख्याश्च मुख्या ये निगमस्य च। राघवस्याभिषेकार्थे प्रीयमाणाः सुसंगताः॥
The Brahmana, versed in in Veda, the counsellors, the commanders of military forces and the leading merchants, together with the royal priest, all brimming with joy on account of Rāma's installation, were waiting at the royal gate all night long

उदिते विमले सूर्ये पुष्ये चाभ्यागतेऽहनि। लग्ने कर्कटके प्राप्ते जन्म रामस्य च स्थिते॥ अभिषेकाय रामस्य द्विजेन्द्रैरुपकल्पितम्। काञ्चना जलकुम्भाश्च भद्रपीठं स्वलंकृतम्॥ रथश्च सम्यगास्तीर्णो भास्वता व्याघ्रचर्मणा। गङ्गायमुनयोः पुण्यात् संगमादाहृतं जलम्॥ याश्चान्याः सरितः पुण्या हृदाः कूपाः सरांसि च। प्राग्वहाश्चोर्ध्ववाहाश्च तिर्यग्वाहाश्च क्षीरिणः॥ ताभ्यश्चैवाहतं तोयं समुद्रेभ्यश्च सर्वशः। क्षौद्रं दधि घृतं लाजा दर्भाः सुमनसः पयः॥ अष्टौ च कन्या रुचिरा मत्तश्च वरवारणः। सजलाः क्षीरिभिश्छन्ना घटाः काञ्चनराजताः॥ पद्मोत्पलयुता भान्ति पूर्णाः परमवारिणा। चन्द्रांशुविकचप्रख्यं पाण्डुरं रत्नभूषितम्॥ सज्जं तिष्ठति रामस्य वालव्यजनमुत्तमम्। चन्द्रमण्डलसंकाशमातपत्रं च पाण्डुरम्॥ सज्जं द्युतिकरं श्रीमदभिषेकपुरस्सरम्। पाण्डुरश्च वृषः सज्जः पाण्डुराश्वश्च संस्थितः॥
On the appearance of the bright Sun, on the approach of the day under the astral influence of Puşya and on the ascension of Karkata, the presiding star of Rāma's birth, they brought all articles necessary for the installation and as ordered by the best of Brāhmaṇas, namely; gold, earthen jar (for preserving water), well ornamented excellent seats, chariot with a coverlet of splendid tiger-skin, water brought from the sacred confluence of the Ganges and Yamunā, from other holy streams, lakes, wells, ponds and rivers full of water flowing in the East, over mountains, and from the North to the South; and waters brought from all the oceans, honey, curd, clarified butter, fried paddy, sacrificial grass, milk, flowers, eight unmarried girls exquisitely beautiful, a mad elephant, gold and silver jars, adorned with fig leaves and lotuses and filled with holy water, a best yellow câmara for Råma crested with jewels and resembling the bright rays of the moon; a brilliantly ornamented beautiful umbrella of yellow colour, resembling the disc of the moon, and the most important of all the articles necessary for installation; a well adorned yellow ox and horse.

वादित्राणि च सर्वाणि वन्दिनश्च तथापरे। इक्ष्वाकूणां यथा राज्ये सम्झियेताभिषेचनम्॥ तथाजातीयमादाय राजपुत्राभिषेचनम्। ते राजवचनात् तत्र समवेता महीपतिम्॥
And all musical instruments, bringing these and all other things necessary for the installation of the descendants of Ikşvāku, in accordance with the king's permission, the panegyrists and other persons were assembled there.

अपश्यन्तोऽब्रुवन् को नु राज्ञो नः प्रतिवेदयेत्। न पश्यामश्च राजानमुदितश्च दिवाकरः॥ यौवराज्याभिषेकश्च सज्जो रामस्य धीमतः।
Not finding the king present there, they began to speak amongst themselves;, “Who will intimate the king of our arrival? The Sun is up and we do not see the king amongst us as yet. All articles necessary for the installation of the intelligent Rāma are ready."

इति तेषु ब्रुवाणेषु सर्वास्तांश्च महीपतीन्॥ अब्रवीत् तानिदं वाक्यं सुमन्त्रो राजसत्कृतः।
While they were thus conversing, the charioteer Sumantra, well respected by the king, reached there and spoke to all those persons and the kings the following words.

रामं राज्ञो नियोगेन त्वरया प्रस्थितो ह्यहम्।।१६। पूज्या राज्ञो भवन्तश्च रामस्य तु विशेषतः। अयं पृच्छामि वचनात् सुखमायुष्मतामहम्॥ राज्ञः सम्प्रतिबुद्धस्य चानागमनकारणम्। इत्युक्त्वान्तःपुरद्वारमाजगाम पुराणवित्॥ सदा सक्तं च तद् वेश्म सुमन्त्रः प्रविवेश ह। तुष्टावास्य तदा वंशं प्रविश्य स विशाम्पतेः॥ शयनीयं नरेन्द्रस्य तदासाद्य व्यतिष्ठत। सोऽत्यासाद्य तु तद्वेश्म तिरस्करणिमन्तरा॥ आशीर्भिर्गुणयुक्ताभिरभितुष्टाव राघवम्।
With the king's permission I am going to bring Rāma speedily here. Worshipful you are all to the king and specially to Rāma, I shall with your words, ask the king of his sound sleep, and then of the reasons for his not coming here as yet though up from the bed. Saying thus, Sumantra, versed in legends, arrived at the gate of the royal seraglio. And he entered the palace with its open gates; and having entered the apartment of the lord of earth he went into his sleeping room, and placing himself behind a screen near at hand, addressed the descendant of Raghu thus, pleasing him with blessings fraught with good to him.

सोमसूर्यौ च काकुत्स्थ शिववैश्रवणावपि ॥ वरुणश्चाग्निरिन्द्रश्च विजयं प्रदिशन्तु ते।
Oh! Kākutstha, may the moon, Sun, Siva, Vaisravana, (the god of wealth), Varuna, (the god of water), Agni and Indra grant you victory.

गता भगवती रात्रिरहः शिवमुपस्थितम् ॥ बुद्ध्यस्व राजशार्दूल कुरु कार्यमनन्तरम्।
The worshipful night is gone and blessed morn has arrived; arise, Oh! you great king, and perform morning ablutions.

ब्राह्मणा बलमुख्याश्च नैगमाश्चागतास्त्विह॥ दर्शनं तेऽभिकाङ्क्षन्ते प्रतिबुद्ध्यस्व राघव।
Brāhmaṇas, commanders and merchants are assembled at the palace gate, desirous of seeing you, do you therefore arise, Oh descendant of Raghu.

स्तुवन्तं तं तदा सूतं सुमन्त्रं मन्त्रकोविदम्॥ प्रतिबुद्ध्य ततो राजा इदं वचनमब्रवीत्।
Perceiving from the voice that it was charioteer Sumantra versed in good counsels, who was thus eulogising, the king rose up from his bed and thus addressed him:

राममानय सूतेति यदस्यभिहितो मया॥ किमिदं कारणं येन ममाज्ञा प्रतिवाद्यते। न चैव सम्प्रसुप्तोऽहमानयेहाशु राघवम्॥
Oh Charioteer, 'Bring Rāma here' was the order I gave you; what is it that makes you neglect my command? I am not asleep; go and bring up Rāma here instantly. Saying this, king Dasaratha despatched Sumantra again.

इति राजा दशरथः सूतं तत्रान्वशात् पुनः। स राजवचनं श्रुत्वा सिरसा प्रतिपूज्य तम्॥ निर्जगाम नृपावासान्मन्यमानः प्रियं महत्। प्रपन्नो राजमार्ग च पताकाध्वजशोभितम्॥ हृष्टः प्रमुदितः सूतो जगामाशु विलोकयन्। स सूतस्तत्र शुश्राव रामाधिकरणाः कथाः॥ अभिषेचनसंयुक्ताः सर्वलोकस्य हृष्टवत्।
Hearing the words of the king and bowing him with his head down, he issued out of the king's residence, thinking that some great good was awaiting. And having reached the public roads adorned with flags and pennons, he, filled with an excess of joy, began to wend his way, casting his look around. There on his way he heard the passers by, all talking about Rāma and his installation, as if brimming with joy on that account.

ततो ददर्श रुचिरं कैलाससदृशप्रभम्॥ रामवेश्म सुमन्त्रस्तु शक्रवेश्मसमप्रभम्। महाकपाटपिहितं वितर्दिशतशोभितम्॥ काञ्चनप्रतिमैकाग्रं मणिविदुमतोरणम्। शारदाभ्रघनप्रख्यं दीप्तं मेरुगुहासमम्॥
Then proceeding a little, Sumantra saw the beautiful palace of Rāma towering like the Kailāsa hill and resembling the abode of Sakra. It was closed with two big panels at the gate way (of which the trap-door was flung open), and adorned with hundreds of terraces, on its top were many idols made of gold, and arches crested with pearls and diamonds; its colour was white as the autumnal cloud and bright as the golden cave of Sumeru.

मणिभिर्वरमाल्यानां सुमहद्भिरलंकृतम्। मुक्तामणिभिराकीर्णं चन्दनागुरुभूषितम्॥ गन्धान्मनोज्ञान् विसृजद् दाई शिखरं यथा। सारसैश्च मयूरैश्च विनदद्भिर्विराजितम्॥
It was ornamented with highly brilliant jewels set in the garlands of gold flowers and strewn with pearls and diamonds and sprinkled with sandal and Agaru, the fragrance of which captivates the mind like the summit of the hill Dardura; it was graced with the presence of Sarasas and peacocks emitting pleasant sounds.

सुकृतेहामृगाकीर्णमुत्कीर्णं भक्तिभिस्तथा। मनश्चक्षुश्च भूतानामाददत् तिग्मतेजसा ॥ चन्द्रभास्करसंकाशं कुबेरभवनोपमम्। महेन्द्रधामप्रतिमं नानापक्षिसमाकुलम्॥
And covered with well-made figures of wolves and pictures of artistic excellence, the splendour of which captivates the mind and the eye as well; bright as the sun and moon, resembling the abode of Kuvera and the capital of the king of the celestials; filled with birds of various kinds and high as the summit of Sumeru.

मेरुशृङ्गसमं सूतो रामवेश्म ददर्श ह। उपस्थितैः समाकीर्णं जनैरञ्जलिकारिभिः॥ उपादाय समाक्रान्तैस्तदा जानपदैर्जनैः। रामाभिषेकसुमुखैरुन्मुखैः समलंकृतम्॥ महामेघसमप्रख्यमुदग्रं सुविराजितम्। नानारत्नसमाकीर्णं कुब्जकैरपि चावृतम्॥ स वाजियुक्तेन रथेन सारथिः समाकुलं राजकुलं विराजयन्। वरूथिना राजगृहाभिपातिना पुरस्य सर्वस्य मनांसि हर्षयन्॥
Sumantra saw the place filled with people coming from different quarters with clasped hands and adorned with citizens approaching with various presents and eager (to see the installations of Rāma) and (standing at the gate) being prevented by the warders to enter, resembling a huge cloud, of picturesque situation, spacious; strewn with pearls and diamonds and crowded with servants. That charioteer, in his chariot with its wooden ledge and horses, beautifying the crowded streets and pleasing the citizens, entered the abode of Rāma.

ततः समासाद्य महाधनं महत् प्रहृष्टरोमा स बभूव सारथिः। मृगैर्मयूरैश्च समाकुलोल्बणं गृहं वराहस्य शचीपतेरिव ॥
Thereupon arriving at this abode filled with wealth, and having its beauty greatly intensified with deer's and peacocks, moving to and fro, resembling the exquisitely splendid palace of the lord of the celestials, that charioteer was extremely enraptured, having the hairs of the body erect.

स तत्र कैलासनिभाः स्वलंकृताः प्रविश्य कक्ष्यास्त्रिदशालयोपमाः। प्रियान् वरान् राममते स्थितान् बहून् व्यपोह्य शुद्धान्तमुपस्थितो रथी।॥
Then that charioteer entering several apartments, well adorned and resembling the Kailāsa hill and the abode of the celestials and passing by many persons, dear to Rāma and abiding in his purpose, entered the apartment of the ladies.

स तत्र शुश्राव च हर्षयुक्ता रामाभिषेकार्थकृतां जनानाम्। नरेन्द्रसूनोरभिमङ्गलार्थाः सर्वस्य लोकस्य गिरः प्रहृष्टाः॥
And he became exceedingly pleased on hearing pleasant words, meaning well to the son of the king, from all persons, engaged in some sort of service for the installation.

महेन्द्रसद्मप्रतिमं च वेश्म रामस्य रम्यं मृगपक्षिजुष्टम्। ददर्श मेरोरिव शृङ्गमुच्चं विभ्राजमानं प्रभया सुमन्त्रः॥ उपस्थितैरञ्जलिकारिभिश्च सोपायनैर्जानपदैर्जनैश्च। कोट्या परार्धेश्च विमुक्तयानैः समाकुलं द्वारपदं ददर्श॥
He saw the pleasant abode of Rāma, resembling that of Mahendra, and filled with deers and birds, having its top high as the summit of Meru and situated well in splendour, and the gateway filled with millions of citizens with clasped hands keeping their conveyances outside and coming from various quarters with presents for Rāma.

ततो महामेघमहीधराभं प्रभिन्नमत्यङ्कुशमत्यसह्यम्। रामोपवाह्यं रुचिरं ददर्श शत्रुजयं नागमुदनकायम्॥
He saw there a wild elephant by the name of Śatruñjaya or the conqueror of foes having a huge body resembling a mountain enveloped in dark clouds, beautiful, capable of bearing the goading hook and intended Rāma's conveyance.

नमात्यमुख्यांश्च ददर्श वल्लभान्। व्यपोह्य सूतः सहितान् समन्ततः समृद्धमन्तः पुरमाविवेश ह।४७।। ततोऽद्रिकूटाचलमेघसंनिभं महाविमानोपमवेश्मसंयुतम्। अवार्यमाणः प्रविवेश सारथिः प्रभूतरत्नं मकरो यथार्णवम्॥
He saw well adorned ministers dear to the king with horses, chariots and elephants; and leaving them all on either side, entered unprevented, like to the marine monster Makara entering the ocean containing many pearls and diamonds, the splendid apartment of the ladies, resembling the clouds that hover over the summit of the Hill Himadri, and having a number of beautiful houses comparing with great celestial cars. as