Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 14

पुत्रशोकार्दितं पापा विसंज्ञं पतितं भुवि। विचेष्टमानमुत्प्रेक्ष्य ऐक्ष्वाकमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Then that sinful woman, seeing the descendant of Ikşvāku distressed on account of his son, and deprived of consciousness, and lying inert on the ground, spoke to him, saying.

पापं कृत्वेव किमिदं मम संश्रुत्य संश्रवम्। शेषे क्षितितले सन्नः स्थित्यां स्थातुं त्वमर्हसि ॥
Having promised to grant me the boon, how distressed do you lie on the ground, as if you did commit some sin? It behove you to keep untainted your dignity by performing what you have promised.

आहुः सत्यं हि परमं धर्मं धर्मविदो जनाः। सत्यमाश्रित्य च मया त्वं धर्म प्रतिचोदितः॥
Truth, say persons cognizant of it, is the prime virtue. And it is in the interests of virtue, that I have been exhorting you.

संश्रुत्य शैब्यः श्येनाय स्वां तनुं जगतीपतिः। प्रदाय पक्षिणे राजा जगाम गतिमुत्तमाम्॥
Having promised his own person to the hawk, that lord of earth, Saivya, having granted the same to the bird, went the excellent way.

तथा डलर्कस्तेजस्वी ब्राह्मणे वेदपारगे। याचमाने स्वके नेत्रे उद्धृत्याविमना ददौ॥
In the same manner, Alarka, being asked, plucked out his eyes readily and bestowed them on a certain Brāhmana versed in the Vedas.

सरितां तु पतिः स्वल्पां मर्यादां सत्यमन्वितः। सत्यानुरोधात् समये वेलां स्वां नातिवर्तते॥
And the lord of rivers, having promised, even on occasions of Parvas, does not pass over his bounds for the sake of truth.

सत्यमेकपदं ब्रह्म सत्ये धर्मः प्रतिष्ठितः। सत्यमेवाक्षया वेदाः सत्येनावाप्यते परम्॥
The one syllable (Om signifying) Brahma is the truth itself. In truth is established righteousness. Truth is the undecaying Vedas, and through truth people attain the foremost state.

सत्यं समनुवर्तस्व यदि धर्मे धृता मतिः। स वरः सफलो मेऽस्तु वरदो ह्यसि सत्तम॥
If your mind is established in virtue, do you then follow truth. Since, O excellent one, you have promised the boon, let that boon bear fruit.

धर्मस्यैवाभिकामार्थं मम चैवाभिचोदनात्। प्रव्राजय सुतं रामं त्रिः खलु त्वां ब्रवीम्यहम्॥
Do you, incited by me with the view of maintaining virtue, banish Rāma. Thrice, do I tell you.

समयं च ममार्येमं यदि त्वं न करिष्यसि। अग्रतस्ते परित्यक्ता परित्यक्ष्यामि जीवितम्॥
If you did not fulfil this noble vow, O worshipful Lord, you have made to me, forsaken by you will I even in your very presence renounce my life.

एवं प्रचोदितो राजा कैकेय्या निर्विशङ्कया। नाशकत् पाशमुन्मोक्तुं बलिरिन्द्रकृतं यथा॥
Thus fearlessly urged by Kaikeyſ the king could not take off from himself the noose (of promise), even as Bali could not take off the noose that had been fixed upon him (by Upendra) at the instance of Indra.

उद्भ्रान्तहृदयश्चापि विवर्णवदनोऽभवत्। स धुर्यो वै परिस्पन्दन् युगचक्रान्तरं यथा॥
Thereupon, the king looked blank, and his heart became agitated, like to a beast of burden moving tortuously when placed within the yoke and wheels.

विकलाभ्यां च नेत्राभ्यामपश्यनिव भूमिपः। कृच्छ्राद् धैर्येण संस्तभ्य कैकेयीमिदब्रवीत्॥
Then calming himself with a great effort, the king, as if not seeing Kaikeyi, with his haggard eyes, addressed her, saying.

यस्ते मन्त्रकृतः पाणिरग्नौ पापे मया धृतः। संत्यजामि स्वयं चैव तव पुत्रं सह त्वया॥
"I do here, O wicked wretch, renounce that hand of yours which I had held with mantras before the sacrificial fire, and I do also renounce along with you own-begotten* your son Bharata. * This is a new coinage rendered necessary for the exigencies of translation. If 'first-born' is justifiable, 'own-begotten,' is also such.

प्रयाता रजनी देवि सूर्यस्योदयनं प्रति। अभिषेकाय हि जनस्त्वरयिष्यति मां ध्रुवम्॥
O exalted one, the night has departed; and as soon as the Sun rises, the superiors will surely urge me for installing Rāma with the provisions that have been procured for the purpose.

रामाभिषेकसम्भारैस्तदर्थमुपकल्पितैः। रामः कारयितव्यो मे मृतस्य सलिलक्रियाम्॥ सपुत्रया त्वया नैव कर्तव्या सलिलक्रिया।
But if, O you of auspicious ways, hinder the installation of Răma, Rāma will perform my funeral obsequies, when I am dead, and not you accompanied by your son shall perform the same.

व्याहन्तास्यशुभाचरे यदि रामाभिषेचनम्॥ न शक्तोऽद्यास्म्यहं द्रष्टुं दृष्ट्वा पूर्वं तथामुखम्। हतहर्षं तथानन्दं पुनर्जनमवाङ्मुखम्॥
That countenance of Rāma which I have once seen expanded in delight, I shall never be able to behold bereft of joy and cheerfulness, and down, with melancholy clouding it

तां तथा ब्रुवतस्तस्य भूमिपस्य महात्मनः। प्रभाता शर्वरी पुण्या चन्द्रनक्षत्रमालिनी॥
As the high-souled ruler of earth was speaking thus to her, the night engarlanded with the moon and stars.was succeeded by the morning.

ततः पापसमाचारा कैकेयी पार्थिवं पुनः। उवाच परुषं वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञा रोषमूर्छिता॥
Then Kaikeyi of vile ways versed in speech, rendered senseless by wrath, again addressed the monarch in harsh language, saying.

किमिदं भाषसे राजन् वाक्यं गररुजोपमम्। आनाययितुमक्लिष्टं पुत्रं राममिहार्हसि॥ स्थाप्य राज्ये मम सुतं कृत्वा रामं वनेचरम्। निःसपत्नां च मां कृत्वा कृतकृत्यो भविष्यसि।।२२।
What words, O king, do you say, comparable to poison or painful indisposition's. It behove you to summon hither your son, the energetic Rāma. Having established my son in the kingdom, and rendered Rāma a ranger of the woods and made myself rid of rivals, I shall attain my end.

स तुन्न इव तीक्ष्णेन प्रतोदेन हयोत्तमः। राजा प्रचोदितोऽभीक्ष्णं कैकेय्या वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Thus urged by Kaikeyī, the king like to an excellent steed stung by a sharp goad, again spoke to her.

धर्मबन्धेन बद्धोऽस्मि नष्टा च मम चेतना। ज्येष्ठं पुत्रं प्रियं रामं द्रष्टुमिच्छामि धार्मिकम्॥
I have been bound fast by the ties of virtue, therefore have I lost my senses. I now only wish to behold my beloved eldest son, the righteous Rama.

ततः प्रभातां रजनीमुदिते च दिवाकरे। पुण्ये नक्षत्रयोगे च मुहूर्ते च समागते॥ वसिष्ठो गुणसम्पन्नः शिष्यैः परिवृतस्तथा। उपगृह्याशु सम्भारान् प्रविवेश पुरोत्तमम्॥
Then when the night had gone by and day broke and the Sun arose, and when the sacred astral hour had arrived, Vasistha endowed with many virtues, surrounded by his disciples and furnished with the provisions, entered that foremost of cities.

सिक्तसम्मार्जितपथां पताकोत्तमभूषिताम्। संहष्टमनुजोपेतां समृद्धविपणापणाम् ॥ महोत्सवसमायुक्तां राघवार्थे समुत्सुकाम्। चन्दनागुरुधूपैश्च सर्वतः परिमिताम्॥
Whose streets had been swept and watered and which had been decorated with streamers, and which was filled with people rejoicing, and whose stalls overflowed with articles, and which resounded with the noise of festivity, and which was populous with folks eager for the installation of Rāghava, and which was every where scented with sandal and dhüpa and aguru.

तां पुरीं समतिक्रम्य पुरंदरपुरोपमाम्। ददर्शान्तः पुरं श्रीमान् नानाध्वजगणायुतम्॥ पौरजानपदाकीर्णं ब्राह्मणैरुपशोभितम्। यष्टिमद्भिः सुसम्पूर्ण सदश्वैः परमार्चितैः॥ तदन्तः पुरमासाद्य व्यतिचक्राम तं जनम्। वसिष्ठः परमप्रीतः परमर्षिभिरावृतः॥ स त्वपश्यद् विनिष्क्रान्तं सुमन्त्रं नाम सारथिम्। द्वारे मनुजसिंहस्य सचिवं प्रियदर्शनम्॥
Having entered the city, like to the metropolis of Purandara himself, he saw the graceful inner apartment decked with innumerable standards, and which was thronged with citizens and the inhabitants of the provinces, and graced with Brāhmaṇas cognizant of sacrifices, and crowded with highly worshipful assistants at sacrifice, entered the inner apartment and passed by that press. Vasiştha exceedingly delighted, surrounded by great saints, saw at the gate the charioteer of that great one, who at the same time was his counsellor of gracious looks.

तामुवाच महातेजाः सूतपुत्रं विशारदम्। वसिष्ठः क्षिप्रमाचक्ष्व नृपतेर्मामिहागतम्॥
Therefore the highly energetic Vasiştha said to the kilful scr. of the charioteer, Do you speedily acquaint the mighty monarch that I have come.

इमे गङ्गोदकघटाः सागरेभ्यश्च काञ्चनाः। औदुम्बरं भद्रपीठमभिषेकार्थमाहृतम्॥ सर्वबीजानि गन्धाश्च रत्नानि विविधानि च। क्षौद्रं दधि घृतं लाजा दर्भाः सुमनसः पयः॥ अष्टौ च कन्या रुचिरा मत्तश्च वरवारणः। चतुरश्वो रथः श्रीमान् निस्त्रिंशो धनुरुत्तमम्॥ वाहनं नरसंयुक्तं छत्रं च शशिसंनिभम्। श्वेते च वालव्यजने भृङ्गारं च हिरण्मयम्॥ हेमदामपिनद्धश्च ककुद्मान् पाण्डुरो वृषः। केसरी च चतुर्दष्ट्रो हरिश्रेठो महाबलः॥ सिंहासनं व्याघ्रतनुः समिधश्च हुताशनः। सर्वे वादित्रसङ्घाश्च वेश्याश्चालंकृताः स्त्रियः॥ आचार्या ब्राह्मणा गाव: पुण्याश्च मृगपक्षिणः। पौरजानपदश्रेष्ठा नैगमाश्च गणैः सह॥ एते चान्ये च बहवः प्रीयमाणाः प्रियंवदाः। अभिषेकाय रामस्य सह तिष्ठन्ति पार्थिवैः॥
Here are golden vessels filled with water from the Gangā and the ocean; and for the installation, an excellent udumbara seat, and all kinds of seeds, and scents and various gems, and honey, and curds and clarified butter and fried paddy, and milk, and sacrificial grass, flowers, and milk, and eight good-looking maids, and an excellent mad elephant, a car yoked with four horses, and a sword, and an elegant bow, and a carriage containing men, and an umbrella like to the moon, and two white cámaras, and a golden vase, and a pale-coloured bull tethered with a golden chains and bearing a hump adorned with ornaments, and a mighty lion, the best of his race, furnished with four teeth, and a throne, and a tiger-skin, and sacrificial fuel, and fire, and all kinds of musical instruments, and courtezans, decked out with ornaments, and preceptors and Brāhmaṇas, and cows, and various kinds of pure animals and birds, have been brought. The foremost citizens and inhabitants provinces and the merchants with their retinue, all these and others, with hearts filled with joy, and mouth speaking pleasant words, stay with the sovereigns to witness the installation of Rāma.

त्वरयस्व महाराजं यथा समुदितेऽहनि। पुष्य नक्षत्रयोगे च रामो राज्यमवाप्नुयात्॥
Do you urge expedition upon the mighty monarch, so that this day under the influence of the Puşya star Rāma may obtain the kingdom,

इति तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा सूतपुत्रो महाबलः। स्तुवन् नृपतिशार्दूलं प्रविवेश निवेशनम् ॥
Hearing these words of his, the charioteer's son possessed of mighty strength, eulogising that powerful monarch, entered his quarters.

तं तु पूर्वोदितं वृद्धं द्वारस्था राजसम्मताः। न शेकुरभिसंरोद्धं राज्ञः प्रियचिकीर्षवः॥
And advanced in years, he had before this been granted free access everywhere, so that the warders, loved of the king and seeking his good, could not prevent his entrance.

स समीपस्थितो राज्ञस्तामवस्थामजज्ञिवान्। वाग्भिः परमतुष्टाभिरभिष्टोतुं प्रचक्रमे॥
Not knowing the plight that had befallen the king, Sumantra presenting himself before him, endeavoured to gladden the latter with pleasing speech.

ततः सूतो यथापूर्वं पार्थिवस्य निवेशने। सुमन्त्रः प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा तुष्टाव जगतीपतिम्॥
And having entered the apartment of the king, the charioteer Sumantra with clasped hands, pleasing the monarch as he proceeded, said.

यथा नन्दति तेजस्वी सागरो भास्करोदये। प्रीतः प्रीतेन मनसा तथा नन्दय नस्ततः॥
Do you please us delightedly and with a glad heart, even as the strong ocean pleases people at the rising of the sun.

इन्द्रमस्यां तु वेलायामभितुष्टाव मातलिः। सोऽजयद् दानवान् सर्वांस्तथा त्वां बोधयाम्यहम्॥
The charioteer Mätali used to hymn Indra at this season, and (encouraged by that eulogy) he conquered the Dänavas. Even so do I hymn you.

वेदाः सहाङ्गा विद्याश्च यथा ह्यात्मभुवं प्रभुम्। ब्रह्माणं बोधयन्त्यद्य तथा त्वां बोधयाम्यहम्॥
And even as the Vedas with the Angas and other lore indoctrinate the self-create lord Brahmā, so do I enlighten you.

आदित्यः सह चन्द्रेण यथा भूतधरां शुभाम्। बोधयत्यद्य पृथिवीं तथा त्वां बोधयाम्यहम्॥
As the sun in company with the moon enlightens the fair earth containing creatures, so do I to-day enlighten you.

उत्तिष्ठ सुमहाराज कृतकौतुकमङ्गलः। विराजमानो वपुषा मेरोरिव दिवाकरः॥
Arise, O foremost of monarchs, clad in excellent attire and decked with ornaments, like to the sun issuing from the (mount) Meru.

उदतिष्ठत रामस्य समग्रमभिषेचनम्। पौरजानपदाश्चापि नैगमश्च कृताञ्जलिः॥
All the articles necessary for the installation of Rāma are ready. And the citizens and the inhabitants of the provinces and the merchants stay with clasped hands.

अयं वसिष्ठो भगवान् ब्राह्मणैः सह तिष्ठति। क्षिप्रमाज्ञाप्यतां राजन् राघवस्याभिषेचनम्॥
And the worshipful Vasiştha stays with the Brāhmaṇas. Do you, O king, immediately order the installation of Rāma.

यथा ह्यपालाः पशवो यथा सेना ह्यनायका। यथा चन्द्रं विना रात्रिर्यथा गावो विना वृषम्॥ एवं हि भविता राष्ट्रं यत्र राजा न दृश्यते। एवं तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा सान्त्वपूर्वमिवार्थवत् ॥ अभ्यकीर्यत शोकेन भूय एव महीपतिः।
Like to cattle's without their keeper, like to and army without its commander, like to a night without the moon, like to kines without their bull, is a kingdom without a king. Hearing these words of Sumantra, bland and appropriate, the lord of earth was afresh overwhelmed with grief.

ततस्तु राजा तं सूतं सन्नहर्षः सुतं प्रति॥ शोकरक्तेक्षणः श्रीमानुद्वीक्ष्योवाच धार्मिकः। वाक्यैस्तु खलु मर्माणि मम भूयो निकृन्तसि॥
Then the graceful and virtuous king, waxing disconsolate, on account of his son, and with his eyes reddened with the effect of grief, seeing the charioteer, said, “This eulogy of your pains me the more."

सुमन्त्रः करुणं श्रुत्वा दृष्ट्वा दीनं च पार्थिवम्। प्रगृहीताञ्जलिः किंचित् तस्माद् देशादपाक्रमत्॥
Hearing those sorrowful words and finding the lord of earth aggrieved thus, Sumantra with clasped hands went off a little.

यदा वक्तुं स्वयं दैन्यान्न शशाक महीपतिः। तदा सुमन्त्रं मन्त्रज्ञा कैकेयी प्रत्युवाच ह॥
Seeing the king utterly incapable of speaking any thing personally owing to his heavy sorrow, Kaikeyī, the best counsellor in matters like these, addressed Sumantra with the following words.

सुमन्त्र राजा रजनी रामहर्षसमुत्सुकुः। प्रजागरपरिश्रान्तो निद्रावशमुपागतः॥
Sumantra, being elated with joy on account of Răma's installation, the king has kept up the whole night, and being tired therefore, is overpowered with sleep.

तद् गच्छ त्वरितं सूत राजपुत्रं यशस्विनम्। राममानय भद्रं ते नात्र कार्या विचारणा ॥
Go you therefore speedily, O charioteer, and bring Rāma here, the praiseworthy son of king. This will do you good, do not hesitate in this.

अश्रुत्वा राजवचनं कथं गच्छामि भामिनि। तच्छ्रुत्वा मन्त्रिणो वाक्यं राजा मन्त्रिणमब्रवीत्॥
“How can I go," replied Sumantra, Without the permission of the king?” Hearing these words of the counsellor, the king spoke to him.

सुमन्त्र रामं द्रक्ष्यामि शीघ्रमानय सुन्दरम्। स मन्यमानः कल्याणं हृदयेन ननन्द च॥ निर्जगाम च स प्रीत्या त्वरितो राजशासनात्। सुमन्त्रश्चिन्तयामास त्वरितं चोदितस्तया॥
Sumantra, Bring the beautiful Răma here, I want to see him. Thinking that some good would accrue to Rāma, he was pleased at heart and away he went speedily delighted at the royal mandate. Being asked again by Kaikeyi to hurry on at the time of departure Sumantra thought within himself.

व्यक्तं रामाभिषेकार्थे इहायस्यति धर्मराट्। इति सूतो मतिं कृत्वा हर्षेण महता पुनः॥ निर्जगाम महाते। राघवस्य दिध्क्षया। सागरहदसंकाशात्सुमन्त्रोऽन्तःपुराच्छुभात्॥
"Evident it is that the Queen has become impatient to see Rāma's installation and hence is the hurry, and the king will now take rest.' Thinking this the energetic charioteer with great delight, intent on seeing Rāma, issued out of the city like a lake near the ocean.

ततः पुरस्तात् सहसा विनिःसृतो महीपतेभरगतान् विलोकयन्। नुपस्थितान् द्वारमुपेत्य विष्ठितान्॥
Having come out of the presence of the king suddenly, he saw the warders, various citizens and great personages sitting at the gate.