Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 13

अतदर्ह महाराजं शयानमतथोचितम्। ययातिमिव पुण्यान्ते देवलोकात् परिच्युतम्॥ अनर्थरूपासिद्धार्था ह्यभीता भयदर्शिनी। पुनराकारयामास तमेव वरमङ्गना॥
Then as the mighty king was lying down in this unbeseeming and improper guise, like Yayāti dropped from the celestial, that lady, personating the ruin of the race, not fearing public odium, who had discerned danger from Rāma to Bharata, not having attained her wish, again addressed the monarch, concerning the boon he had promised to her.

त्वं कत्थसे महाराज सत्यवादी दृढव्रतः। मम चेदं वरं कस्माद् विधारयितुमिच्छसि॥
You describe yourself, O mighty monarch, as speaking the truth and firm in vow. Why then do you hesitate to confer this boon on me?

एवमुक्तस्तु कैकेय्या राजा दशरथस्तदा। प्रत्युवाच ततः क्रुद्धो मुहूर्तं विह्वलनिव॥
Thus addressed by Kaikeyi king Dasaratha, remaining stupefied for a while thus answered her in wrath.

मृते मयि गते रामे वनं मनुजपुङ्गवे। हन्तानार्ये ममामित्रे सकामा सुखिनी भव॥
O ignoble one! O enemy of mine! On my being dead and that chief of men, Rāma, repairing to the woods, do you, yours wish attained, become happy.

स्वर्गेऽपि खलु रामस्य कुशलं दैवतैरहम्। प्रत्यादेशादभिहितं धारयिष्ये कथं बत॥
When in heaven, questioning me as to Rāma's welfare, the celestials, learning of his banishment to the woods, will tax me on this score, how shall I also bear that reproach of theirs?

कैकेय्याः प्रियकामेन रामः प्रव्राजितो वनम्। यदि सत्यं ब्रवीम्येतत् तदसत्यं भविष्यति॥
If I shall truthfully say I have sent Rāma to the woods for compassing Kaikeyi's pleasure, that will count for a falsehood.

अपुत्रेण मया पुत्रः श्रमेण महता महान्। रामो लब्धो महातेजाः स कथं त्यज्यते मया॥
Sonless first, I have obtained the exceedingly energetic and mighty Rāma by great pain, how can I then renounce him?

शूरश्च कृतविद्यश्च जितक्रोधः क्षमापरः। कथं कमलपत्राक्षो मया रामो विवास्यते।।।।
How shall I banish Rāma having eyes resembling lotus' petals, who is heroic, and accomplished and of subdued anger, and forgiving.

कथमिन्दीवरश्यामं दीर्घबाहुं महाबलम्। अभिराममहं रामं स्थापयिष्यामि दण्डकान्॥
How shall I dismiss to Dandaka the charming Rāma of dark blue hue like that of a blue lotus, possessed of mighty arms, and having great strength?

सुखानामुचितस्यैव दुःखैरनुचितस्य च। दुःखं नामानुपश्येयं कथं रामस्य धीमतः॥
How shall I behold the intelligent Rāma in evil plight, who has never known suffering, and has always enjoyed felicity?

यदि दुःखमकृत्वा तु मम संक्रमणं भवेत्। अदुःखार्हस्य रामस्य ततः सुखमवाप्नुयाम्॥
If without inflicting injury upon Rāma, I meet with death, I shall then attain happiness.

नृशंसे पापसंकल्पे रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्। किं विप्रियेण कैकेयि प्रियं योजयसे मम॥
O cruel Kaikeyi, O you of evil purpose, why do you do this wrong to my beloved Rāma having truth for prowess? If I banish Rāma, an unparalleled obloquy will surely darken (my fair fame).

अकीर्तिरतुला लोके ध्रुवं परिभविष्यति। तथा विलपतस्तस्य परिभ्रमितचेतसः॥ अस्तमभ्यागमत् सूर्यो रजनी चाभ्यवर्तत।
As king Dasaratha was bewailing thus with a heart wrought up with grief, the sun set and night came on.

सा त्रियामा तदार्तस्य चन्द्रमण्डलमण्डिता॥ राज्ञो विलपमानस्य न व्यभापत शर्वरी।
But although crested with the lunar disc, the night failed to bring comfort to the king, distressed, and indulging in grief.

सदैवोष्णं विनिःश्वस्य वृद्धो दशरथो नृपः॥ विललापाविद् दुःखं गगनासक्तलोचनः।
Then the old king Dasaratha, with his eyes fixed at the sky, sighing hot, lamented in this strain.

ततो राजा न प्रभातं त्वयेच्छामि निशे नक्षत्रभूषिते॥ क्रियतां मे दया भद्रे मयायं रचितोऽञ्जलिः।
O night studded with stars, I beseech you, let not the morning appear. Do you, O gentle one, do me this kindness. I do thus clasp my hands (by way of supplication.)

अथवा गम्यतां शीघ्रं नाहमिच्छामि निघृणाम्॥ नृशंसां केकयों द्रष्टुं यत्कृते व्यसनं मम ।
Or do you speedily repair for I do not wish to see the hated and relentless Kaikeyi, who has brought this calamity upon me.

एवमुक्त्वा कैकेयीं संयताञ्जलिः॥ प्रसादयामास पुनः कैकेयी राजधर्मवित्।
Having spoken thus, the kind conversant with the duties of Sovereigns again endeavoured to propitiate Kaikeyī, saying.

साधुवृत्तस्य दीनस्य त्वद्गतस्य गतायुषः॥ प्रसादः क्रियतां भद्रे देवि राज्ञो विशेषतः।
O noble dame, do you show favour to me, who am of honest ways, who am distressed, who have made myself yours, who have finished his life, and who, in especial, am your king.

शून्ये न खलु सुश्रोणि मयेदं समुदाहृतम्॥ कुरु साधुप्रसादं मे बाले सहृदया ह्यसि।
That I have spoken you thus was because, O you of shapely hips, I had been deprived of my senses (through grief). O girl, do you show your favour to me, be generous, be propitious.

प्रसीद देवी रामो मे त्वद्दत्तं राज्यमव्ययम्॥ लभतामसितापाने यशः परमवाप्स्यसि।
Let my Rāma obtain the kingdom in fact conferred by you. Thereupon, O you having the outer corner of your eyes of dark blue hue, you will attain high fame (among men.)

मम रामस्य लोकस्य गुरुणां भरतस्य च। प्रियमेतद् गुरुश्रोणि कुरु चारुमुखेक्षणे॥
O you of well-developed hips, do you do this act of benefit to me and Ráma and the people and the superiors, and Bharata.

विशुद्धभावस्य हि दुष्टभावा दीनस्य ताम्राश्रुकलस्य राज्ञः। श्रुत्वा विचित्रं करुणं विलापं भर्तुर्नुशंसा न चकार वाक्यम्॥
Having heard the exceedingly piteous words of her husband, the king of pure sentiment, who was distressed, with his eye rendered coppery and flowing with tears, that wicked minded and merciless woman spoke not.

ततः स राजा पुनरेव मूर्च्छितः प्रियामतुष्टां प्रतिकूलभाषिणीम्। समीक्ष्य पुत्रस्य विवासनं प्रति क्षितौ विसंज्ञो निपपात दुःखितः॥
Thereat seeing that his favourite dissatisfied wife persisted in urging the banishment of his son, the king struck with grief, again fell down to the earth, senseless.

इतीव राज्ञो व्यथितस्य सा निशा जगाम घोरं श्वसतो मनस्विनः। विबोध्यमानः प्रतिबोधनं तदा निवारयामास स राजसत्तमः॥
As the wise king afflicted with sorrow was sighing hot and hard, the night passed away Then as the eulogists attempted to sung his praises for awakening him, he prohibited them to do so.